From early childhood I was taught this solemn pledge with right hand over heart, while facing the American flag: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands: One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for ALL." It seems over the past decades this pledge and our flag has been demoralized by those in authority over us who have attempted to rob rights from a majority while demanding rights for some others who were determined to see a change.
Now changes can be good, but changes can also be bad and to demoralize what our country was founded on is BAD!!! in every sense of the word.
To deny one's right to speak of our Living God Jehovah or to pray to our God, while others are shouting profanities and chanting to their god without dispute, is totally unfair to the American people as a whole, for which our great nation was founded. So who allowed this to happen and what caused our rights to be violated?
It came from lack of prayer for those in authority over us and from us, as born Americans, not standing up for what is good and fair and right for Americans everywhere. It came from allowing rules to be made that were opposing to the standards of the United States of America and to our once blessed Nation Under God! It came from sitting idly by as rules were made and allowed to stand because we Americans literally stood by and watched our nation deny the one true living God it was founded upon!
Now we have a president elect who believes in the power of prayer and chooses to return America back to our living God upon Whom this great nation was founded and since this believer won the election, many of those in opposition to the founding standards of America are shouting once again profanities, indiscretions and obscenities, while spreading reminders of his past and causing division in our country. Not one of us are perfect and we all have a past with things we are not proud to make known, but I know for a fact that God can take our past and turn it around for His good; and I know for a fact that this nation can be strong once again, if governed by God Almighty and the diligence of Americans praying for our leaders instead of stoning them.
Where is our respect for one another, and where is the respect for those in authority over us? I remind every American who has been bickering, condemning and criticizing those who ran for this office and are now in authority over you to take a good look at your own past and remember Jesus' statement regarding the prostitute in John 8:7 "He that is without sin, let him throw the first stone." Where would you be today had it not been for prayer and for God moving in your life? 2 Chronicles 7:14 declares,"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
America can be strong once again if we return to the God upon which this great nation was founded but changes must begin in all of us. We must stop this bickering and begin praying for others' weaknesses and allow God's will to be done in decisions being made. We must be quick to pray for those in authority over us instead of being quick to condemn. We must show the same forgiveness God showed us when He forgave us our sins and allowed us to be pardoned from our past. I urge you to pray for our newly elected President Trump and Vice President Pence that God will direct their paths and give them Godly wisdom as they attempt to turn America back on the path of righteousness and I urge you to pray for their protection from all harm.
Let's be a true nation under God that is founded on Christ Jesus and guard our tongues from speaking evil of those in authority over us and begin prayerfully speaking life and good into America. Let's be respectful Americans as we prayerfully defend our country against spiritual principalities and powers contrary to the Word of God. Let's make our Heavenly Father smile on America once again as we prayerfully return to the God upon which we stand, and let's stand bold with hand over heart, and proudly pledge to the American flag once again, that we are One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all~~~