In the midst of the storms in our life, He is there! In the midst of war and strife, He is there! In the midst of every thing that affects us and our families, He is there! In the midst of sickness and disease, He is there! God is right there beside, fighting for us, working within us, to deliver us from any thing that attempts to hinder us from being that victorious individual He created us to be. Nothing is too big that our God cannot handle! Nothing is too difficult that He cannot conquer! When you've done all you know to do in any given situation, you just have to "Stand Still" and let God move as noted in this song by the Isaacs:
"The Father has a plan though it's hard to see it now; You feel you're walking all alone but He is there no doubt; When the storm around you rages, and you're tossed to and fro; When you're faced with life's decisions, not sure which way to go; Stand still and let God move, Standing still is hard to do; When you feel you have reached the end, He'll make a way for you; Stand still and let God move. When the enemy surrounds you, and the walls are closing in; When the tide is swiftly rising, and you wonder where He's been; Friend, there never was a moment that His arms weren't reaching out; You can rest assured and be secure, God is moving right now; Stand still and let God move; Standing still is hard to do: When you feel you have reached the end He'll make a way for you; Stand still, and let God move; Stand still, and let God move. The answer will come, but only in His time; Stand still and let God move, Stand still and let God move!"
Dear friend, I pray that whatever you may face today, that you know beyond a doubt you are not alone. God is right there beside you, working within you to guide and to strengthen you, making you victorious over ALL things in your life. Rest assured that before anything happens today, God already knows about it and has already conquered it on your behalf. You just have to trust Him and His wisdom in these matters. With man, it may seem impossible; but with God, ALL things are possible to those who believe and allow Him to deliver, to protect, and to guide them along life's journey.
Have a blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~,
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Saturday, June 24, 2017
More Than Amazing, More Than Marvelous, More than Miraculous!
Woke up with the love of God so surreal this morning and while searching for words to describe His divine love for me, the words to this song came to mind so I want to share them with you:
"He promised us that He would be a Counselor; a Mighty God and the Prince of Peace; He promised us that He would be a Father and would love us with a love that would not cease; Well I tried Him and I found His promises are true; He's everything He said that He would be; the finest words I know could not begin to tell, just what Jesus really means to me, for He's more wonderful than my mind can conceive; He's more wonderful than my heart can believe; He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams; He's everything that my soul every longed for, everything He's promised and so much more; More than amazing; More than marvelous; More than miraculous could ever be; He's more than wonderful, that's what Jesus is to me!"
"I stand amazed when I think the King of glory, would come to dwell within the heart of man; I marvel just to know He Really Loves Me; when I think of Who He is, and who I am!" .... But the song must stop here!.. because in God's Great Mercy and Salvation Plan, Jesus did come to dwell with man. He came and gave His life to cover mankind's sins with His Redeeming Blood and to create in us His Righteousness. And because of His Great Love; who I am today is not who I was from birth. By believing on Jesus and the works He accomplished on my behalf, I am now 'Child of the Most High God in Christ Jesus'! I am Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus! Praise His Holy Name! And forevermore I am His and He is mine, forever and ever, throughout eternity!
As you think on this and the reality of Who He is and what He has done for all mankind; I pray you too will feel His LOVE! Above and Beyond ALL you can ever imagine, He Loves You Unconditionally! Forever and ever; You are Loved! There is nothing you can do to make Him love you more or to love you any less. You are His child and He loves you just the way you are, unconditionally! So why not Give Him a try today? Go ahead! Let Him love on you a little and when you do, you will begin to feel a peace engulf you like nothing you have every felt before! You will find He is more than amazing; More than marvelous; More than miraculous could ever be! You will find that He's more than wonderful; that's what Jesus Is!
Be blessed today and begin to enjoy a wonderfully blessed life! God loves you and so do I~~~
"He promised us that He would be a Counselor; a Mighty God and the Prince of Peace; He promised us that He would be a Father and would love us with a love that would not cease; Well I tried Him and I found His promises are true; He's everything He said that He would be; the finest words I know could not begin to tell, just what Jesus really means to me, for He's more wonderful than my mind can conceive; He's more wonderful than my heart can believe; He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams; He's everything that my soul every longed for, everything He's promised and so much more; More than amazing; More than marvelous; More than miraculous could ever be; He's more than wonderful, that's what Jesus is to me!"
"I stand amazed when I think the King of glory, would come to dwell within the heart of man; I marvel just to know He Really Loves Me; when I think of Who He is, and who I am!" .... But the song must stop here!.. because in God's Great Mercy and Salvation Plan, Jesus did come to dwell with man. He came and gave His life to cover mankind's sins with His Redeeming Blood and to create in us His Righteousness. And because of His Great Love; who I am today is not who I was from birth. By believing on Jesus and the works He accomplished on my behalf, I am now 'Child of the Most High God in Christ Jesus'! I am Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus! Praise His Holy Name! And forevermore I am His and He is mine, forever and ever, throughout eternity!
As you think on this and the reality of Who He is and what He has done for all mankind; I pray you too will feel His LOVE! Above and Beyond ALL you can ever imagine, He Loves You Unconditionally! Forever and ever; You are Loved! There is nothing you can do to make Him love you more or to love you any less. You are His child and He loves you just the way you are, unconditionally! So why not Give Him a try today? Go ahead! Let Him love on you a little and when you do, you will begin to feel a peace engulf you like nothing you have every felt before! You will find He is more than amazing; More than marvelous; More than miraculous could ever be! You will find that He's more than wonderful; that's what Jesus Is!
Be blessed today and begin to enjoy a wonderfully blessed life! God loves you and so do I~~~
Friday, June 23, 2017
Being Our Brothers' Keeper
Good morning, precious friends. I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day under the shadow of Almighty God as you acknowledge Him in all your ways throughout this day. May you have ears to hear, eyes to see, hands to give, feet to go, bowels of compassion, and a heart FILLED with His Love so you can be all you can be for His divine purpose in your life today.
Today was given, not to be wasted, but to reach out and make a difference in someone's life; whether it's that someone searching for a special word, a special touch, or a special need. You can be God's hand extended to that special someone looking for hope to make it through just one more day. You can be His vessel who holds the answer to exactly what they need at this time in their life whether you know it or not. Your words spoken, your reaching out to touch, your giving that caring hug, or your meeting a need in their life; whether it be spiritual, emotional, or physical by just taking time to care could mean the difference between life or death in their life today.
We really are our brothers' and sisters' keepers whether we care to acknowledge it or not. The greatest command given to mankind was to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind, and to love our neighbor as our self. Finding the true meaning and fulfillment in life comes with our willingness to be God's hand extended to those in need today.
May you be inspired to be His hand reaching out to others and be a blessing, as you are blessed today. God loves you and so do I~~~
Today was given, not to be wasted, but to reach out and make a difference in someone's life; whether it's that someone searching for a special word, a special touch, or a special need. You can be God's hand extended to that special someone looking for hope to make it through just one more day. You can be His vessel who holds the answer to exactly what they need at this time in their life whether you know it or not. Your words spoken, your reaching out to touch, your giving that caring hug, or your meeting a need in their life; whether it be spiritual, emotional, or physical by just taking time to care could mean the difference between life or death in their life today.
We really are our brothers' and sisters' keepers whether we care to acknowledge it or not. The greatest command given to mankind was to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind, and to love our neighbor as our self. Finding the true meaning and fulfillment in life comes with our willingness to be God's hand extended to those in need today.
May you be inspired to be His hand reaching out to others and be a blessing, as you are blessed today. God loves you and so do I~~~
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
If You Really Know Me, You Will Know My Father As Well
While sitting on my patio early this morning, loving my devotion and listening to the beautiful sounds of nature all around, I was drawn to a phrase in John 14 where Jesus was talking with the disciples who were questioning about finding the way to where He was going and wanting to know the Father, when Jesus answered in v.6,7 “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. IF you really know me, you will know my Father as well," and this phrase leaves me with today's inspirational message.
Do we Really know Jesus and understand that He is one with the Father? Do we really believe there are three persons in one: Father, Son, Holy Spirit? Do we really believe that each of Them; All three of Them are God; Who works together to fulfill the perfect plan in our life? Do we really believe They will never work against the other, but Always work Together in Perfect Unity to fulfill the Father's will and bring glory to the kingdom of God? The key is in the first part of v.7 ,"IF YOU REALLY KNOW ME" and these five Words are LIFE indeed.
Jesus' disciples had walked, talked, eaten, slept, witnessed many miracles along side Jesus and heard Him teach; yet they could not understand where He was going or knowing the Father. Jesus seemed a bit surprised by their questions and not knowing, since they had been with Him through His ministry, but He explained that when they look at Him, they see His Father; that everything they saw in Him and the works they had witnessed through Him, was of the Father in Him; one and both the same; then He went on a bit further through John's writings in chapters 14-17, to explain Holy Spirit in the same manner as explaining the Father; because He saw how difficult it was for His followers to understand the Trinity Godhead at that present time.
In this Present time, many have read and heard the Word and believed and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and actually feel the very presence of Holy Spirit alive and well within, but there are still some who Really don't understand and continue to question the truth regarding the Trinity Godhead; all Three in One as Almighty God. That's where our part of teaching the truth in love as His followers comes into play today. We can help guide them to His WORD and pray for Holy Spirit to open their understanding to His teaching so they can also come to Really know Him Who works within us, Who empowers us to be more than conquerors in this present world. It comes from knowing in Whom we serve and Whose we are, that reassures us GOD IS GOD: FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT; The Trinity Godhead, all three in one.
If you are having doubts and want to learn more from scripture regarding God and His fullness therein, I urge you to read Jesus' teachings in John 14, 15, 16, 17 as He explains how important They are in our lives today. Don't be in a rush so you can allow time for Holy Spirit to guide you through His life changing Word and I guarantee you will be glad you did. Holy Spirit is an Amazing Teacher and is always available to lead us in All our ways, if only we ask. So, I pray you will come to know Him in All His glory; the glory as of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; all Three in One! What a Mighty God we serve!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you, and so do I~~~
Do we Really know Jesus and understand that He is one with the Father? Do we really believe there are three persons in one: Father, Son, Holy Spirit? Do we really believe that each of Them; All three of Them are God; Who works together to fulfill the perfect plan in our life? Do we really believe They will never work against the other, but Always work Together in Perfect Unity to fulfill the Father's will and bring glory to the kingdom of God? The key is in the first part of v.7 ,"IF YOU REALLY KNOW ME" and these five Words are LIFE indeed.
Jesus' disciples had walked, talked, eaten, slept, witnessed many miracles along side Jesus and heard Him teach; yet they could not understand where He was going or knowing the Father. Jesus seemed a bit surprised by their questions and not knowing, since they had been with Him through His ministry, but He explained that when they look at Him, they see His Father; that everything they saw in Him and the works they had witnessed through Him, was of the Father in Him; one and both the same; then He went on a bit further through John's writings in chapters 14-17, to explain Holy Spirit in the same manner as explaining the Father; because He saw how difficult it was for His followers to understand the Trinity Godhead at that present time.
In this Present time, many have read and heard the Word and believed and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and actually feel the very presence of Holy Spirit alive and well within, but there are still some who Really don't understand and continue to question the truth regarding the Trinity Godhead; all Three in One as Almighty God. That's where our part of teaching the truth in love as His followers comes into play today. We can help guide them to His WORD and pray for Holy Spirit to open their understanding to His teaching so they can also come to Really know Him Who works within us, Who empowers us to be more than conquerors in this present world. It comes from knowing in Whom we serve and Whose we are, that reassures us GOD IS GOD: FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT; The Trinity Godhead, all three in one.
If you are having doubts and want to learn more from scripture regarding God and His fullness therein, I urge you to read Jesus' teachings in John 14, 15, 16, 17 as He explains how important They are in our lives today. Don't be in a rush so you can allow time for Holy Spirit to guide you through His life changing Word and I guarantee you will be glad you did. Holy Spirit is an Amazing Teacher and is always available to lead us in All our ways, if only we ask. So, I pray you will come to know Him in All His glory; the glory as of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; all Three in One! What a Mighty God we serve!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you, and so do I~~~
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Our Hope Rests In Christ Jesus, and Him Alone
"Soft as the voice of an angel, breathing a lesson unheard; Hope with a gently persuasion, whispers her comforting word, "wait til the darkness is over, wait til the tempest is gone; Hope for the sunshine tomorrow, after the shower is gone;
Whispering Hope, Oh how welcome thy voice, making my heart in its sorrow rejoice."
Without Hope, where would we be? Without Hope, life would certainly beat us down with all its trials, sorrows and debilitating worries. But Hope is found in God's Word of reassurance as in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future." and Psalm 32:3, "But You, Lord, are a shield around me; my glory, the One who lifts my head high." and Isaiah 41:10, "Fear not for I am with you; Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you; Yes, I will help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
Without Hope, the blind man sitting by the wayside, crying out for Jesus to heal him as He passed by; would have never regained his sight; but the persistant hope within him allowed Jesus to heal his sight(Luke 18:35-43). Hope brings forth Deliverance in Jesus' name! Hope that all is not lost! Hope that just one touch of the Master's hand can set us Free! Hope that all sickness and disease, all bondage and shame, are all irradicated and we are set free, in Jesus' name! Hope brings forth Salvation with Life Eternal through His Holy Name!
In Romans 5:1-5, Hope is acquired as we persevere through trials and tribulations; "Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in Hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, HOPE! Now hope does not disappoint, because the Love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
In Christ alone, my Hope is found; He is my Light, my Strength, my Song; my Cornerstone, my Firm Foundation; on Christ the solid Rock I stand. What heights of Love, what depths of Peace; through Christ, my Lord, all strivings cease. He is my Comforter when sorrows come; Here in the Love of Christ I humbly bow. And yet He comes with Hands outstretched, to cradle me close to His breast; and in this Hope, this precious Hope; I know I'm His, and He is mine! In the Hope of Christ Jesus and His redeeming power, I receive Holy Spirit to dwell within; to lead and to guide, to comfort and remind; that it's all in Him, and Him alone; so I rest assured, as Deliverance comes!
It's Not by our might, nor by our power, nor by anything we have ever done or could ever do; but Deliverance comes through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! The power of Hope now rests in Him!
So rejoice in the Hope of Christ Jesus and have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~
Whispering Hope, Oh how welcome thy voice, making my heart in its sorrow rejoice."
Without Hope, where would we be? Without Hope, life would certainly beat us down with all its trials, sorrows and debilitating worries. But Hope is found in God's Word of reassurance as in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future." and Psalm 32:3, "But You, Lord, are a shield around me; my glory, the One who lifts my head high." and Isaiah 41:10, "Fear not for I am with you; Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you; Yes, I will help you; I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
Without Hope, the blind man sitting by the wayside, crying out for Jesus to heal him as He passed by; would have never regained his sight; but the persistant hope within him allowed Jesus to heal his sight(Luke 18:35-43). Hope brings forth Deliverance in Jesus' name! Hope that all is not lost! Hope that just one touch of the Master's hand can set us Free! Hope that all sickness and disease, all bondage and shame, are all irradicated and we are set free, in Jesus' name! Hope brings forth Salvation with Life Eternal through His Holy Name!
In Romans 5:1-5, Hope is acquired as we persevere through trials and tribulations; "Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ; through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in Hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, HOPE! Now hope does not disappoint, because the Love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
In Christ alone, my Hope is found; He is my Light, my Strength, my Song; my Cornerstone, my Firm Foundation; on Christ the solid Rock I stand. What heights of Love, what depths of Peace; through Christ, my Lord, all strivings cease. He is my Comforter when sorrows come; Here in the Love of Christ I humbly bow. And yet He comes with Hands outstretched, to cradle me close to His breast; and in this Hope, this precious Hope; I know I'm His, and He is mine! In the Hope of Christ Jesus and His redeeming power, I receive Holy Spirit to dwell within; to lead and to guide, to comfort and remind; that it's all in Him, and Him alone; so I rest assured, as Deliverance comes!
It's Not by our might, nor by our power, nor by anything we have ever done or could ever do; but Deliverance comes through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! The power of Hope now rests in Him!
So rejoice in the Hope of Christ Jesus and have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Building Precious Memories
Hard to believe that 19 years ago June 17, 1998, at 11:15 in the morning, God called my precious Larry home. He was my childhood sweetheart which made my life really bittersweet without him in it, but with God's grace and years of adjustments, I am grateful to to see his charming personality and quirky humor in the lives of our family and to know his legacy lives on in our daughters, our grandsons and granddaughter, our extended families, and all those who knew and loved him so dearly.
It's not about the wealth you obtain while passing through this earth that people remember; but the way you treat others that leaves that lasting impression long after you're gone, allowing those warm precious memories to help in times of despair.
Larry was born to be an over achiever in most anything he set his mind to. He was awesome in sports and excelled in them all. As he grew older, he loved to coach and even umpire the games. He liked hunting but absolutely loved fishing; He loved life and he loved people. He had this quirky jovial personality that made him determined to win people's friendship, no matter what. One of his favorites goals in life came while meeting someone who seemed backward or timid and wasn't joining in the fun, so he'd begin to aggravate them in such a way that finally, he would break through their tough exterior and bring forth a smile; and then a laugh, and maybe even a chuckle or two; and then he'd relax knowing his mission was accomplished and he had a new friend for life!
Everyone that knew Larry learned to love this unique man who was absolutely charming; and even today, people still remember his jokes and fun-loving personality. Although he's gone from sight, he still remains alive and dearly loved in the hearts of all who knew him and It warms my heart to see him in our daughters and grandchildren as well. Today I still miss him but after years of healing, I now move forward in the life God predestined me to walk without Larry by my side.
In the past couple years, I've come to develop a very dear and personal relationship with the Lord and the more I seek Him, the more real He becomes. Holy Spirit is my dearest companion and has filled the void within my life, while bringing comfort and peace within. I know that no matter what comes my way, God has me covered in the palm of His hands and He will never leave me; and that forever and always, I am His and He is mine throughout all eternity!
So, today I walk hand in hand with Him every step of the way, through every moment of every day, and seek to fulfill the calling God has placed within my heart. He is the very air I breathe, the wind beneath my wings, the song that I sing, and the lover of my soul. With Him leading my way and providing all I need to accomplish the tasks before me; I know I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. I get excited watching His plans unfold before my very eyes, one plan at a time, one step at a time!
I pray that each of you will make time to enjoy and acknowledge your loved ones while they still walk alongside you. Life is filled with uncertainties and there is not one second promised to any of us; so enjoy Life to the fullest! Live well, Laugh often, and Love much! Be all you can for His glory sake, and Be blessed, God loves you and so do I~
It's not about the wealth you obtain while passing through this earth that people remember; but the way you treat others that leaves that lasting impression long after you're gone, allowing those warm precious memories to help in times of despair.
Larry was born to be an over achiever in most anything he set his mind to. He was awesome in sports and excelled in them all. As he grew older, he loved to coach and even umpire the games. He liked hunting but absolutely loved fishing; He loved life and he loved people. He had this quirky jovial personality that made him determined to win people's friendship, no matter what. One of his favorites goals in life came while meeting someone who seemed backward or timid and wasn't joining in the fun, so he'd begin to aggravate them in such a way that finally, he would break through their tough exterior and bring forth a smile; and then a laugh, and maybe even a chuckle or two; and then he'd relax knowing his mission was accomplished and he had a new friend for life!
Everyone that knew Larry learned to love this unique man who was absolutely charming; and even today, people still remember his jokes and fun-loving personality. Although he's gone from sight, he still remains alive and dearly loved in the hearts of all who knew him and It warms my heart to see him in our daughters and grandchildren as well. Today I still miss him but after years of healing, I now move forward in the life God predestined me to walk without Larry by my side.
In the past couple years, I've come to develop a very dear and personal relationship with the Lord and the more I seek Him, the more real He becomes. Holy Spirit is my dearest companion and has filled the void within my life, while bringing comfort and peace within. I know that no matter what comes my way, God has me covered in the palm of His hands and He will never leave me; and that forever and always, I am His and He is mine throughout all eternity!
So, today I walk hand in hand with Him every step of the way, through every moment of every day, and seek to fulfill the calling God has placed within my heart. He is the very air I breathe, the wind beneath my wings, the song that I sing, and the lover of my soul. With Him leading my way and providing all I need to accomplish the tasks before me; I know I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. I get excited watching His plans unfold before my very eyes, one plan at a time, one step at a time!
I pray that each of you will make time to enjoy and acknowledge your loved ones while they still walk alongside you. Life is filled with uncertainties and there is not one second promised to any of us; so enjoy Life to the fullest! Live well, Laugh often, and Love much! Be all you can for His glory sake, and Be blessed, God loves you and so do I~
Friday, June 16, 2017
Keeping Our Ears Tuned To His Voice
Colossians 3:12-17 tells us "Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another; if any of you has a grievance against someone Forgive, as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace; And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
Be mindful that Holy Spirit is within us to lead and guide us, So be sure and listen to His still small voice in all your ways so you can be led by His guiding Hand. Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding; in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path." God knows what we will encounter today and He watches over us to protect and guide us in all our ways, but He can only guide those who will listen to His voice.
So as we clothe ourselves today with His compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, peace and divine Love; let's be mindful to sharpen our listening skills and keep our ears tuned to hear His voice! Have a wonderfully safe and blessed weekend, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Be mindful that Holy Spirit is within us to lead and guide us, So be sure and listen to His still small voice in all your ways so you can be led by His guiding Hand. Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding; in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path." God knows what we will encounter today and He watches over us to protect and guide us in all our ways, but He can only guide those who will listen to His voice.
So as we clothe ourselves today with His compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, peace and divine Love; let's be mindful to sharpen our listening skills and keep our ears tuned to hear His voice! Have a wonderfully safe and blessed weekend, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Choosing to Let Go
Today we have been blessed with a new day filled with fresh mercies from our Father above, so let's make it the very best it can be for His glory! We cannot redo yesterday and we have clue what tomorrow holds, but today is ours to enjoy right now! Paul said in Philippians 3:13,14 "But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
So dear friends, It's time to stop allowing things of the past to steal our joy for the moment at hand and hinder us from moving forward. Even tho we learn from our past, we can often lose out on a wonderful predestined future by holding on to the past. Jesus came not only to free us from all sin, but also to deliver us from oppression, to heal us from painful memories of our past, and to bring us into a brand new future predestined just for us; filled with love, joy, peace, and prosperity In Him (Jeremiah 29:11).
We have been given the choice to enjoy a life of freedom through Christ Jesus or to remain filled with sadness and despair by holding on to the past. By God's Grace, I have chosen to let go of my past and look forward to this moment in time; realizing that once this moment is past, it will never come again. I choose to LIVE every day as if it were my last; to SING as if no one were listening; and to DANCE as if no one were watching. I choose to enjoy the beauty of this life and all God has created and be happy in it. I choose to spread love and kindness and share the hope and love He has given with those I meet along life's way. I choose to lift up and to encourage, instead of being judgmental and critical, along my journey of life. I choose to be all His Word says I can be and to do all It says I can do through Jesus my Lord!
Life is all about choices and I choose to be all He says I can be for His glory sake! How about you? Would you like to join me and choose to enjoy your life to its fullest, as well. Let's sing and love and even dance in the rain. Not looking at the visible circumstances, but enjoying the gift of life He has given! Let's choose to let go and let God!!!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend; God loves you and so do I~~
So dear friends, It's time to stop allowing things of the past to steal our joy for the moment at hand and hinder us from moving forward. Even tho we learn from our past, we can often lose out on a wonderful predestined future by holding on to the past. Jesus came not only to free us from all sin, but also to deliver us from oppression, to heal us from painful memories of our past, and to bring us into a brand new future predestined just for us; filled with love, joy, peace, and prosperity In Him (Jeremiah 29:11).
We have been given the choice to enjoy a life of freedom through Christ Jesus or to remain filled with sadness and despair by holding on to the past. By God's Grace, I have chosen to let go of my past and look forward to this moment in time; realizing that once this moment is past, it will never come again. I choose to LIVE every day as if it were my last; to SING as if no one were listening; and to DANCE as if no one were watching. I choose to enjoy the beauty of this life and all God has created and be happy in it. I choose to spread love and kindness and share the hope and love He has given with those I meet along life's way. I choose to lift up and to encourage, instead of being judgmental and critical, along my journey of life. I choose to be all His Word says I can be and to do all It says I can do through Jesus my Lord!
Life is all about choices and I choose to be all He says I can be for His glory sake! How about you? Would you like to join me and choose to enjoy your life to its fullest, as well. Let's sing and love and even dance in the rain. Not looking at the visible circumstances, but enjoying the gift of life He has given! Let's choose to let go and let God!!!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend; God loves you and so do I~~
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Guarding Our Mind With All Diligence
How's your thinking today? Are you thinking on good things or is your mind filled with doubts and despair? The mind is a delicate thing and so easily manipulated while facing uncertainties in life. That's why it's necessary to guard our minds on a continuous basis. Most of us have friends who have been diagnosed with dementia or alzheimers, mental breakdowns and anxiety, and who experience periods of doubt and confusion as the mind has given way to stressors along their way. More and more we hear of suicides and devilish acts against innocent victims, of terrorism on the rise as satan runs to and fro over the earth seeking who he may destroy, and continually filling minds with all sorts of distress and evil works.
God is fully aware of the sneaky attacks of satan and the many evil devices he uses to tear down and break our spirit, while continually bringing on attacks of evil and anxiety and causing undue stress and mental disturbances. Knowing the devilish acts upon the earth, God sent His WORD to give hope in times like these. Holy Spirit equips us for the fight as we armor up and stand guard, giving us power to be more than conquerors in ALL things through Christ Jesus! Knowing Whose we are and what we are in Christ Jesus gives us authority over satan. In Christ we can do all things"(Phil 4:13); we are more than conquerors in Him that loves us"(Rom 8:37); "no weapon formed against us shall prosper" (Isaiah 54:17). For "God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2Timothy 1:7); so "no evil shall befall us nor any harm come near our dwelling"(Psa 91:10). In Christ we are FREE from Every bondage, Free from Every Dis-Ease, Free from Every Sin, Free to be ALL God meant us to be in Christ Jesus!!!
We just have to know what we have and whose we are so we can use the Word to fight off the enemy's attacks! We have to get the source of our Power deep within! The more we get the Word into the very depths of our soul; the more power we have to conquer anything satan attempts to bring against our mind, so we won't be caught off guard. As we wake from sleep, we must armor up early because satan comes early against us by those things we are most vulnerable to: our loved ones, our livelihood, our health, and even the moral standards we were raised on. Anything he can find that grips our heart, to catch us off guard, he will use in an attempt to break our minds down. So by putting on the whole armor of God as soon as our eyes open to a new day, prepares us to battle the evil forces he brings against us. When those voices of doubt come into your mind; just remember Whose you Are! You have been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ and He has given you authority over Every evil thing and Nothing can cross the blood line of Jesus Christ unless you allow it!
Armed with the Word of God and covered by His precious blood, It's time to rise up and take back what the devil has stolen from us. It's time we stop him dead center in his tracks! It's time we begin proclaiming who we are in Christ Jesus and that we refuse to be defeated! It's time we proclaim aloud that We are Children of the Most High God; blessed and highly favored! We are the head, and not the tail! We are Victors, not victims! We are More than Conquerors in Christ Jesus who loves us! Holy Spirit empowers us with boldness to speak God's Word over any situation and refuse evil to harm us or our family in Jesus' name! Just as Jesus defeated him in the wilderness by speaking the WORD back to his lying and deceitful tongue; so should we! As Christ Is, So Are We! God's Word will defeat him in every circumstance and every situation in life as we guard our minds with all diligence! So let's armor up; get the Word deeply implanted within us; and with God on our side we cannot be defeated!
Have a wonderfully blessed and victorious day. God loves you and so do I~~~
God is fully aware of the sneaky attacks of satan and the many evil devices he uses to tear down and break our spirit, while continually bringing on attacks of evil and anxiety and causing undue stress and mental disturbances. Knowing the devilish acts upon the earth, God sent His WORD to give hope in times like these. Holy Spirit equips us for the fight as we armor up and stand guard, giving us power to be more than conquerors in ALL things through Christ Jesus! Knowing Whose we are and what we are in Christ Jesus gives us authority over satan. In Christ we can do all things"(Phil 4:13); we are more than conquerors in Him that loves us"(Rom 8:37); "no weapon formed against us shall prosper" (Isaiah 54:17). For "God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2Timothy 1:7); so "no evil shall befall us nor any harm come near our dwelling"(Psa 91:10). In Christ we are FREE from Every bondage, Free from Every Dis-Ease, Free from Every Sin, Free to be ALL God meant us to be in Christ Jesus!!!
We just have to know what we have and whose we are so we can use the Word to fight off the enemy's attacks! We have to get the source of our Power deep within! The more we get the Word into the very depths of our soul; the more power we have to conquer anything satan attempts to bring against our mind, so we won't be caught off guard. As we wake from sleep, we must armor up early because satan comes early against us by those things we are most vulnerable to: our loved ones, our livelihood, our health, and even the moral standards we were raised on. Anything he can find that grips our heart, to catch us off guard, he will use in an attempt to break our minds down. So by putting on the whole armor of God as soon as our eyes open to a new day, prepares us to battle the evil forces he brings against us. When those voices of doubt come into your mind; just remember Whose you Are! You have been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ and He has given you authority over Every evil thing and Nothing can cross the blood line of Jesus Christ unless you allow it!
Armed with the Word of God and covered by His precious blood, It's time to rise up and take back what the devil has stolen from us. It's time we stop him dead center in his tracks! It's time we begin proclaiming who we are in Christ Jesus and that we refuse to be defeated! It's time we proclaim aloud that We are Children of the Most High God; blessed and highly favored! We are the head, and not the tail! We are Victors, not victims! We are More than Conquerors in Christ Jesus who loves us! Holy Spirit empowers us with boldness to speak God's Word over any situation and refuse evil to harm us or our family in Jesus' name! Just as Jesus defeated him in the wilderness by speaking the WORD back to his lying and deceitful tongue; so should we! As Christ Is, So Are We! God's Word will defeat him in every circumstance and every situation in life as we guard our minds with all diligence! So let's armor up; get the Word deeply implanted within us; and with God on our side we cannot be defeated!
Have a wonderfully blessed and victorious day. God loves you and so do I~~~
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Are You Taking Time To Really Listen
To most of us vacations are our time to relax and unwind from those busy schedules and events that bring so many stressors into our lives; but have you ever stopped to wonder why we allow our busy lives to do that to us? Why we can't be content and enjoy life as it is, no matter what seaon it is or what comes our way? Sounds good, doesn't it? Actually, sounds like a dream world at times, right?
This old world is full of people with so many personalities and since everyone has their own opinion thinking theirs is right; those differences can quickly turn our perfect world into a living hell; Can I get a witness on that? I find it amazing how motivated people become in trying to prove their opinion to others who don't see eye to eye with them. I've witnessed people who otherwise would be too exhausted to get up and move about and be so weak in speech; BUT who become so insistent in proving themselves right, that suddenly energy arises from deep within and a new person springs forth; and too often, it's not a new person we care to engage further in conversation, if ya know what I mean.
Life is truly an interchanging experience from start to finish as we learn to walk and talk early on but as years are multiplied unto us, the times we cherish most are when we learn to sit down and be quiet. We have to stop and truly listen to understand what is being shared, and if we're not still long enough and quiet long enough, then we never really listen and hear great lessons of life. Life could be filled with so much love and joy if we would just stop trying to prove our point, and listen while others share their views, then after truly listening we can still agree to disagree. Learning to live peacefully, when possible (Romans 12:18) leads to a life of contentment in whatever state you are in, as Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11.
Keep in mind that we are to be a reflection of Jesus as we declare ourselves to be Christians; and being mindful of others' opinions as well as their feelings, demonstrates what truly lies deep within each of us. Learning to Stop what we're doing, Sit down, Be quiet, and truly Listen shows our undivided attention; and It's in that quiet stillness that we are able to hear them, as well as listen to Holy Spirit's direction, and then we know how to guide them in God's Love. Learning to speak the truth in love is more than a phrase to be thrown out when we want to justify our opinion and it is divine interventions of peaceful living from God within that allow us to lead others to Him.Think about it!
Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. God loves you and so do I~~~
This old world is full of people with so many personalities and since everyone has their own opinion thinking theirs is right; those differences can quickly turn our perfect world into a living hell; Can I get a witness on that? I find it amazing how motivated people become in trying to prove their opinion to others who don't see eye to eye with them. I've witnessed people who otherwise would be too exhausted to get up and move about and be so weak in speech; BUT who become so insistent in proving themselves right, that suddenly energy arises from deep within and a new person springs forth; and too often, it's not a new person we care to engage further in conversation, if ya know what I mean.
Life is truly an interchanging experience from start to finish as we learn to walk and talk early on but as years are multiplied unto us, the times we cherish most are when we learn to sit down and be quiet. We have to stop and truly listen to understand what is being shared, and if we're not still long enough and quiet long enough, then we never really listen and hear great lessons of life. Life could be filled with so much love and joy if we would just stop trying to prove our point, and listen while others share their views, then after truly listening we can still agree to disagree. Learning to live peacefully, when possible (Romans 12:18) leads to a life of contentment in whatever state you are in, as Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11.
Keep in mind that we are to be a reflection of Jesus as we declare ourselves to be Christians; and being mindful of others' opinions as well as their feelings, demonstrates what truly lies deep within each of us. Learning to Stop what we're doing, Sit down, Be quiet, and truly Listen shows our undivided attention; and It's in that quiet stillness that we are able to hear them, as well as listen to Holy Spirit's direction, and then we know how to guide them in God's Love. Learning to speak the truth in love is more than a phrase to be thrown out when we want to justify our opinion and it is divine interventions of peaceful living from God within that allow us to lead others to Him.Think about it!
Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend. God loves you and so do I~~~
Monday, June 12, 2017
Are You Building A Relationship
Ever wonder about relationships and why they succeed or fail? Ever wonder why people say they are 'seeking a relationship' when really they just want to see what the other has to offer? And when things don't go the way they expect, they just pick up and leave the 'relationship'? Relationships take time and are developed by trial and error in all areas of life: between husband and wife, parents and children, sibling to sibling, member to member, and on and on; but what is a relationship really based on? What does it take to form a true relationship?
Relationship is defined as 'the state in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected; the state of being connected by blood or marriage; the state of where two or more people or organizations regard and behave toward each; and the emotional or sexual association between two people." But whatever the purpose; a relationship takes two to engage in a relationship. So why are so many relationships failing? Could it be that only one is willing to provide what is needed to make a relationship last, and if so, could it be that it was never a relationship to begin with?
Doesn't matter if it's a personal or business relationship; building any relationship upon a solid foundation begins with Christ Jesus at the center for a life-long success in any given relationship. God created you and me for a relationship in which we could walk and talk anytime of the day or night; communicating back and forth. Can you imagine having a relationship with God so intimate that you could enjoy conversations with God, one on one with no interference; just you and God!
Well that's what God longs for; that's what He is seeking. We go to God in prayer for different answers to our needs, but in all our asking do we ever stop to ask Him what we can do for Him; what He seeks from us? Do we ever stop and realize how much He desires for us, His child, to just come and spend some time with Him, not wanting anything in return. After all He does for us day by day, shouldn't we want to spend some time with Him in return?
All through our life we have sought answers, sought help in times of need, sought understanding, sought guidance, sought wisdom from God; and when our answers didn't come or were delayed, we wondered why He didn't answer. But did we ever take time to form a real relationship with Him? Did we set aside uninterrupted time after submitting our requests to listen as in a true relationship?
Well, If you desire a true relationship with God, then I encourage you to begin setting aside time to develop one with God; your Father, your Savior, your Comforter and Guide. If you will begin taking time to build a relationship with Him; I guarantee it will be the greatest relationship of your entire life; filled with joy unspeakable and peace beyond measure!
May you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~
Relationship is defined as 'the state in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected; the state of being connected by blood or marriage; the state of where two or more people or organizations regard and behave toward each; and the emotional or sexual association between two people." But whatever the purpose; a relationship takes two to engage in a relationship. So why are so many relationships failing? Could it be that only one is willing to provide what is needed to make a relationship last, and if so, could it be that it was never a relationship to begin with?
Doesn't matter if it's a personal or business relationship; building any relationship upon a solid foundation begins with Christ Jesus at the center for a life-long success in any given relationship. God created you and me for a relationship in which we could walk and talk anytime of the day or night; communicating back and forth. Can you imagine having a relationship with God so intimate that you could enjoy conversations with God, one on one with no interference; just you and God!
Well that's what God longs for; that's what He is seeking. We go to God in prayer for different answers to our needs, but in all our asking do we ever stop to ask Him what we can do for Him; what He seeks from us? Do we ever stop and realize how much He desires for us, His child, to just come and spend some time with Him, not wanting anything in return. After all He does for us day by day, shouldn't we want to spend some time with Him in return?
All through our life we have sought answers, sought help in times of need, sought understanding, sought guidance, sought wisdom from God; and when our answers didn't come or were delayed, we wondered why He didn't answer. But did we ever take time to form a real relationship with Him? Did we set aside uninterrupted time after submitting our requests to listen as in a true relationship?
Well, If you desire a true relationship with God, then I encourage you to begin setting aside time to develop one with God; your Father, your Savior, your Comforter and Guide. If you will begin taking time to build a relationship with Him; I guarantee it will be the greatest relationship of your entire life; filled with joy unspeakable and peace beyond measure!
May you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Through Him All Things Were Made
I love walking and talking with the Lord in early morning before all the hustle and bustle of life begins. Allowing God to become the main focus of my life and giving Him control over my every thing, no matter how great or small, has brought such a relaxing peace of mind too amazing for words! Peace of mind knowing that no matter what comes my way, good or bad, God's got me covered in the palm of His hands. Life is good and God is greater! God's ways are so much greater than we can ever imagine, so I've come to believe our purpose in life is greater than our own personal fulfillment.
Each of us were born into families with a specific plan designated for our life by our Holy Creator, God. John 1:3 tells us, "Through Him all things were made; and without Him nothing was made that has been made." We were born by His design and for His purpose. Jeremiah 29:11," For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future." So just from these two passages of scripture, we can see that God created you and me for good, not for bad, and the more we come to know Him and allow Him to guide us; the more clearly we can see His divine plan and will for our life.
Ephesians 1:11-14 tells us, "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will; that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory. In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory."
From the moment we were conceived God had His hand upon us, watching over us as we began to grow and mature, with the desire that we would come to know that we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."(Ephesians 2:10). His desire for our lives is that we come to know Him and His power thereof, and to know that nothing is impossible when God is in it! We are His people and He is our God and as we set our minds on things above through Him; All things are possible to those who believe.
Have a wonderfully blessed day knowing that God loves you and so do I~~~.
Each of us were born into families with a specific plan designated for our life by our Holy Creator, God. John 1:3 tells us, "Through Him all things were made; and without Him nothing was made that has been made." We were born by His design and for His purpose. Jeremiah 29:11," For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future." So just from these two passages of scripture, we can see that God created you and me for good, not for bad, and the more we come to know Him and allow Him to guide us; the more clearly we can see His divine plan and will for our life.
Ephesians 1:11-14 tells us, "In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will; that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory. In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory."
From the moment we were conceived God had His hand upon us, watching over us as we began to grow and mature, with the desire that we would come to know that we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."(Ephesians 2:10). His desire for our lives is that we come to know Him and His power thereof, and to know that nothing is impossible when God is in it! We are His people and He is our God and as we set our minds on things above through Him; All things are possible to those who believe.
Have a wonderfully blessed day knowing that God loves you and so do I~~~.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Do Not Fear For I Am With Thee
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, But sometimes I wonder what He can do for me; No great success to show, No glory of my own; yet in my weakness He is there to let me know; His strength is perfect when our strength is gone; He'll carry us when we can't carry on; Raised in His power the weak becomes strong; His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect. We can only know the power that He holds; When we truly see how deep our weakness goes. His strength it must begin, When ours comes to an end; He hears our humble cry and proves again. His strength is perfect when our strength is gone; He'll carry us when we can't carry on; Raised in His power the weak become strong, His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect."
It is through Christ and Him alone that we find strength to do ALL those difficult things that arise within our life(Philippians 4:13). Circumstances will change, they will come and go; but the one sure constant in life is the fact that God Never Changes. He's the same today as He was yesterday, and as He was in the days of old, and will be the same tomorrow(Heb 13:8). He changes not and is no respecter of persons(Acts 10:34). What He did for someone yesterday and in days of old, He will do the same for you and me today.
God loves you so much that He gave His most cherished and beloved Son for you to be free; not only from sin but from all those things in life that try to oppress you, that try to bind you, and that try to make you think you can't do whatever is needed to live a happy successful life in Him. God wants you to know that in your own power, in your own strength, it is impossible; BUT GOD! God has already made provision for you through His Son Jesus for your TOTAL DELIVERANCE! Freedom from ALL things that bind you and keep you down.
So stop listening to the negative thoughts in your head and replace them with HIS WORD: HIS WORD IS LIFE AND HEALTH TO YOUR BODY(Proverbs 4:20); to you entire body: mind, soul, spirit, and body! So before you continue this day, take time to talk to God about whatever is bothering you and then allow Him to guide you and become strengthened by His might to deliver and set you free from your bondage today. When you've done all you know to do, Stand! Stand on HIS WORD, not man's word; because His Word will Never fail you, and then begin to Relax in His strength! Invite Him to Walk beside you as you journey through this day; to watch over and strengthen you with His power as He states in Isaiah 41:10, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with righteous right hand."
The Word of God is Life and when spoken forth, it never returns to Him void; so if negative thoughts reappear, quickly defeat them with the Word of God; just as Jesus answered the temptation of satan in the wilderness with the Word. We are made more than conquerors through Him Who loves us more than life itself and with God on our side, we cannot be defeated! We need not fear, because He is with us. It's not by our might, nor by our power; but by His Spirit we are made more than over-comers in all things. He is All we need to make it today and every day hereafter.
I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day. God loves you and so do I~~~
It is through Christ and Him alone that we find strength to do ALL those difficult things that arise within our life(Philippians 4:13). Circumstances will change, they will come and go; but the one sure constant in life is the fact that God Never Changes. He's the same today as He was yesterday, and as He was in the days of old, and will be the same tomorrow(Heb 13:8). He changes not and is no respecter of persons(Acts 10:34). What He did for someone yesterday and in days of old, He will do the same for you and me today.
God loves you so much that He gave His most cherished and beloved Son for you to be free; not only from sin but from all those things in life that try to oppress you, that try to bind you, and that try to make you think you can't do whatever is needed to live a happy successful life in Him. God wants you to know that in your own power, in your own strength, it is impossible; BUT GOD! God has already made provision for you through His Son Jesus for your TOTAL DELIVERANCE! Freedom from ALL things that bind you and keep you down.
So stop listening to the negative thoughts in your head and replace them with HIS WORD: HIS WORD IS LIFE AND HEALTH TO YOUR BODY(Proverbs 4:20); to you entire body: mind, soul, spirit, and body! So before you continue this day, take time to talk to God about whatever is bothering you and then allow Him to guide you and become strengthened by His might to deliver and set you free from your bondage today. When you've done all you know to do, Stand! Stand on HIS WORD, not man's word; because His Word will Never fail you, and then begin to Relax in His strength! Invite Him to Walk beside you as you journey through this day; to watch over and strengthen you with His power as He states in Isaiah 41:10, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with righteous right hand."
The Word of God is Life and when spoken forth, it never returns to Him void; so if negative thoughts reappear, quickly defeat them with the Word of God; just as Jesus answered the temptation of satan in the wilderness with the Word. We are made more than conquerors through Him Who loves us more than life itself and with God on our side, we cannot be defeated! We need not fear, because He is with us. It's not by our might, nor by our power; but by His Spirit we are made more than over-comers in all things. He is All we need to make it today and every day hereafter.
I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day. God loves you and so do I~~~
Friday, June 9, 2017
Good morning, Children of the Most High God; and a blessed day to all of you as well! God is so good and greatly to be praised! He came from Heaven above to shower us with His Great Love and Amazing Grace- Oh What a Savior! God watches over us with His All Seeing Eye which never slumbers nor sleeps! His Hand is quick to catch us when we fall, reaches down to our lowest valleys and up to our highest high; Lord, we lift Your Name on High!
It's good to awaken from slumber and feel the presence of Almighty God around you, working within you, bringing a sweet peace and calm assurance that you're never alone. No matter the time of day or night, the slightest whisper of His name, the slightest thought within our mind, brings His closeness even nearer: JESUS! The Name above all names, King above all kings, Lord above all lords; JESUS! What a beautiful name that saves the vilest sinner, heals the greatest disease, delivers from binding chains and sets the captive FREE! All in the name of JESUS!
As you go through your day, begin to think on His name! Begin to whisper His name on purpose and feel the soft breeze of His goodness begin to flood through your soul, bringing a newness into your life; and I guarantee His presence will make your day a whole lot better! JESUS, such a Beautiful Name! Such a Wonderful Savior and Lord! JESUS!
It's good to awaken from slumber and feel the presence of Almighty God around you, working within you, bringing a sweet peace and calm assurance that you're never alone. No matter the time of day or night, the slightest whisper of His name, the slightest thought within our mind, brings His closeness even nearer: JESUS! The Name above all names, King above all kings, Lord above all lords; JESUS! What a beautiful name that saves the vilest sinner, heals the greatest disease, delivers from binding chains and sets the captive FREE! All in the name of JESUS!
As you go through your day, begin to think on His name! Begin to whisper His name on purpose and feel the soft breeze of His goodness begin to flood through your soul, bringing a newness into your life; and I guarantee His presence will make your day a whole lot better! JESUS, such a Beautiful Name! Such a Wonderful Savior and Lord! JESUS!
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Out Of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light
"And there was evening and there was morning- the first day!"(Gen. 1:5)
And in the span of that first day, God brought a little light into the darkness!
I say little because of Who He Is, and to Him, the Sun is a little light God created and placed strategically in the right place to shine light into the darkness at just the right time each morning! The same goes within the life of each one of us. What a difference His little Light makes when it shines forth into someone's life today!
From the beginning of time, light was created to dispel darkness(partial or total absence of light; wickedness or evil). Before God began creating the world, He knew the darkness had to go, yet for man to work from sun-up to sundown, some darkness would need to remain for man to be able to rest after his daily work was completed! God created Light first thing so He never intended mankind to live in darkness, since darkness prevents one from seeing their way clearly. Even the smallest lit match in a dark filled room shines enough light for one to find their way out of the darkness and into greater light!
Jesus came into our darkened, sin-filled world and shed His Light around us so we would not walk in darkness, but see more clearly in Him! In Him was Light; and in Him was no darkness at all. "He came unto His own and His own received Him not, but as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God; even to them that believe on His name"(John 1:11-12)
So why are so many people still walking around in darkness today? Could it be that in their darkness, there is no light shining for them to see? Could it be that those who have the Light are not allowing their Light to shine, so those in darkness can see their way more clearly and come to know the Great Source of Light Himself, Jesus Christ? Could it be that it's time we, as children of Almighty God, start shining His Light in the highways and by-ways, in the hillsides and country-sides, in the valleys and the low-lands, in places where it's really needed so we can win the lost at any cost, as Jesus taught? Could it be time to shine our Light 'til Jesus comes?
Jesus taught in Matt 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." So I say, "Yes, it is time to shine forth our Light in the midst of darkness, every where and any where we may go!" Prior to His ascension back into Heaven, Jesus told His followers to go into all the world and teach all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost! (Matt. 28:19).
There is such a great need today for mankind to hear the Good News of Salvation available through our Lord Jesus Christ; and what a sense of accomplishment humbles us as we realize our little Light can lead lost souls out of the darkness into the marvelous Light of Jesus Christ! And to God we give all glory, honor, and praise! I encourage you to think about that!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
And in the span of that first day, God brought a little light into the darkness!
I say little because of Who He Is, and to Him, the Sun is a little light God created and placed strategically in the right place to shine light into the darkness at just the right time each morning! The same goes within the life of each one of us. What a difference His little Light makes when it shines forth into someone's life today!
From the beginning of time, light was created to dispel darkness(partial or total absence of light; wickedness or evil). Before God began creating the world, He knew the darkness had to go, yet for man to work from sun-up to sundown, some darkness would need to remain for man to be able to rest after his daily work was completed! God created Light first thing so He never intended mankind to live in darkness, since darkness prevents one from seeing their way clearly. Even the smallest lit match in a dark filled room shines enough light for one to find their way out of the darkness and into greater light!
Jesus came into our darkened, sin-filled world and shed His Light around us so we would not walk in darkness, but see more clearly in Him! In Him was Light; and in Him was no darkness at all. "He came unto His own and His own received Him not, but as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God; even to them that believe on His name"(John 1:11-12)
So why are so many people still walking around in darkness today? Could it be that in their darkness, there is no light shining for them to see? Could it be that those who have the Light are not allowing their Light to shine, so those in darkness can see their way more clearly and come to know the Great Source of Light Himself, Jesus Christ? Could it be that it's time we, as children of Almighty God, start shining His Light in the highways and by-ways, in the hillsides and country-sides, in the valleys and the low-lands, in places where it's really needed so we can win the lost at any cost, as Jesus taught? Could it be time to shine our Light 'til Jesus comes?
Jesus taught in Matt 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." So I say, "Yes, it is time to shine forth our Light in the midst of darkness, every where and any where we may go!" Prior to His ascension back into Heaven, Jesus told His followers to go into all the world and teach all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost! (Matt. 28:19).
There is such a great need today for mankind to hear the Good News of Salvation available through our Lord Jesus Christ; and what a sense of accomplishment humbles us as we realize our little Light can lead lost souls out of the darkness into the marvelous Light of Jesus Christ! And to God we give all glory, honor, and praise! I encourage you to think about that!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Variety Is The Spice Of Life God Loves
Since I've received my healing and can finally walk again without assistance, I love to take leisure walks in my own pace and my own time, reflecting on God's goodness and the day ahead! It refreshes me and gives me clarity of mind to the goal set before me; while I enjoy the sights and sounds along the way. I find Wisdom can be learned from past mistakes and I've learned that it's not about how quickly things are accomplished, but it's how we run the race. Running the race with perseverance and endurance, but also enjoying the race along the way brings a greater reward as we cross that finish line.
Life is too short to worry about the little things like trying to measure up to man's standards. Peer pressure can only be imposed on those who allow it; and learning that lesson early on in life can prevent a multitude of hurt, set backs, and loss of self esteem. No two people were created exactly alike in every thing so variety was meant to be the spice of life. Variety savors everything from fashion styles to the foods we eat, and is noticeable in everything we come in contact with; allowing us to see how unique things of life can be in our very own perspective. Variety is meant to be a good thing, a very good thing! We were not created to be exactly alike.
God created every thing with its own uniqueness; in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors from the flowers to the trees, to the birds of the air or the fish of the sea, to the greatest mammal or the smallest creature, to the majestic mountaintops or the lowlands of the earth; to the man and woman we are, "and God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good"(Gen 1:31) If variety pleases God, then who are we(his creation) to say otherwise?
So let's stop trying to be like someone else and trying to measure up to man's standards. Let's be the person God created us to be; just the way we are; all different by His choice. He has clearly shown that He loves variety, so let's be happy with who we are and begin to enjoy this life God has given. Let's run the race set before us while enjoying life in all its fullness along our way. Let's be that unique individual God created; that one of a kind 'Child of the Most High God' He loves beyond measure; and as you run your race in your own pace, begin to feel His loving smile upon you in whatever you do. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~
Life is too short to worry about the little things like trying to measure up to man's standards. Peer pressure can only be imposed on those who allow it; and learning that lesson early on in life can prevent a multitude of hurt, set backs, and loss of self esteem. No two people were created exactly alike in every thing so variety was meant to be the spice of life. Variety savors everything from fashion styles to the foods we eat, and is noticeable in everything we come in contact with; allowing us to see how unique things of life can be in our very own perspective. Variety is meant to be a good thing, a very good thing! We were not created to be exactly alike.
God created every thing with its own uniqueness; in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors from the flowers to the trees, to the birds of the air or the fish of the sea, to the greatest mammal or the smallest creature, to the majestic mountaintops or the lowlands of the earth; to the man and woman we are, "and God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good"(Gen 1:31) If variety pleases God, then who are we(his creation) to say otherwise?
So let's stop trying to be like someone else and trying to measure up to man's standards. Let's be the person God created us to be; just the way we are; all different by His choice. He has clearly shown that He loves variety, so let's be happy with who we are and begin to enjoy this life God has given. Let's run the race set before us while enjoying life in all its fullness along our way. Let's be that unique individual God created; that one of a kind 'Child of the Most High God' He loves beyond measure; and as you run your race in your own pace, begin to feel His loving smile upon you in whatever you do. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Have You Unwrapped Your Gifts Today
Today I'm caught up in wonder of why anyone would be sent a gift, postage paid and free of charge, and neglect to open it and see what it contains. If for no other reason than pure curiosity, I would have to open it up, and take a good look at it to see what's inside. Just knowing that someone cared enough to send me a gift, telling me beforehand to look and wait for it; would make me want to know more about it when it arrived. But having been told by the Sender Himself, would make me anxious for its arrival, and yet so many have chosen to ignore Its specialty and are suffering for lack of opening it up and receiving this gift unto themselves.
Jesus told His followers that when He went away He was going to send them a gift,"Holy Spirit", totally postage free with no strings attached; except to take and receive it by His grace. And they were told this gift was very necessary for their well being: that it would comfort them, teach them, guide them, and empower them! WOW, What a Gift! And it continues to be sent today to every believer everywhere; not just a select few; if only we will take it unto our self!
So why do we neglect to acknowledge so great a gift when Jesus taught how much we really needed It? John 16:7 and then in John 14:26 tells them, "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you". Jesus knew we would face situations in life where we would need divine intervention and divine wisdom so He sent us the unseen gift of Holy Spirit to live within each of us and direct us as we journey through life. Holy Spirit is our teacher, our guide, our comforter, our protector, our companion, and our empowering strength along life's pathway, if only we receive Him into our lives. There is no problem too big for Him and nothing ever lost that cannot be found; if only we take time to talk with Him and then listen to His guidance.
I know in my own life, I find He cares about the smallest of our cares. There have been many times that I misplaced things I really needed; and after searching and searching I would give up and sit down, totally frustrated to the point of tears, and then as I cried out, "Lord, help me find this," and in that still quiet moment; I would feel impressed to look in a certain spot or my eyes would fall upon a certain area and there it was. Made me wonder why I hadn't asked for His help to start with to prevent a lot of unnecessary stress. But like so many, I was too busy running about trying to make things happen in my own time, doing things my way; instead of being aware of This Amazing Gift within me.
This unseen gift, Holy Spirit, literally becomes alive within us. He knows the mind of God and will always do the Father's will, so He never leads us down the wrong path or gives wrong instructions. God wants only the BEST for each of us and in our darkest hours He is always right there working within us, to comfort and bring us peace and guidance as only He does best. He knows every burden we carry and every fear we face. He knows our strengths and He knows our weaknesses; and He gives what is needed so we can be our Best for the good of all concerned.
God designed everything we would ever need if we will just use the Gifts He provides, and Holy Spirit gives the ability to accomplish all things necessary for an abundant life filled with joy and peace as we acknowledge Him in our life. It's His will that we be joyful and prosperous; not stressful and in need. But just as all man-made things come with an instruction manual, God's creation of man comes with an instruction manual called the Bible! As we read and adhere to its instructions, It describes who we are, what we were made for, and how to get the best use possible; but just as with any product, we cannot hold the Creator responsible if we fail to adhere to The Owner's instructions!
God so loved His creations that He gave us a part of Him in His Son Jesus; And Jesus so loved all of us that He gave us a part of Him and His Father in Holy Spirit; And Holy Spirit loves us so much that as we read the instruction manual God gave, He will bring to light what is needed to gain the Best results out of life! God Loves us all with a Love Beyond Measure and wants Only the Best for our lives; but the choice is ours! We can choose to believe and receive God's precious gift of His Son Jesus as our Redeemer, and we can choose to receive their gift of Holy Spirit as our Companion and Guide; or we can choose to not believe and continue to live a life filled with sin, doubt, and confusion. The choice is ours and God will not force any of us to believe and receive His gifts.
So my question to you today is this, "Are you going to open your gifts today?" I pray you choose wisely and come to know the joy enclosed in these precious gifts. I pray you choose Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and choose Holy Spirit as your Lifetime Companion. I know if you choose to receive Them, you will be filled with peace beyond measure as you learn their value day by day, and being filled with Godly wisdom, you enjoy a life filled with so much Love and Joy that others see Jesus in you. I pray that you be wonderfully blessed, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~~
Jesus told His followers that when He went away He was going to send them a gift,"Holy Spirit", totally postage free with no strings attached; except to take and receive it by His grace. And they were told this gift was very necessary for their well being: that it would comfort them, teach them, guide them, and empower them! WOW, What a Gift! And it continues to be sent today to every believer everywhere; not just a select few; if only we will take it unto our self!
So why do we neglect to acknowledge so great a gift when Jesus taught how much we really needed It? John 16:7 and then in John 14:26 tells them, "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you". Jesus knew we would face situations in life where we would need divine intervention and divine wisdom so He sent us the unseen gift of Holy Spirit to live within each of us and direct us as we journey through life. Holy Spirit is our teacher, our guide, our comforter, our protector, our companion, and our empowering strength along life's pathway, if only we receive Him into our lives. There is no problem too big for Him and nothing ever lost that cannot be found; if only we take time to talk with Him and then listen to His guidance.
I know in my own life, I find He cares about the smallest of our cares. There have been many times that I misplaced things I really needed; and after searching and searching I would give up and sit down, totally frustrated to the point of tears, and then as I cried out, "Lord, help me find this," and in that still quiet moment; I would feel impressed to look in a certain spot or my eyes would fall upon a certain area and there it was. Made me wonder why I hadn't asked for His help to start with to prevent a lot of unnecessary stress. But like so many, I was too busy running about trying to make things happen in my own time, doing things my way; instead of being aware of This Amazing Gift within me.
This unseen gift, Holy Spirit, literally becomes alive within us. He knows the mind of God and will always do the Father's will, so He never leads us down the wrong path or gives wrong instructions. God wants only the BEST for each of us and in our darkest hours He is always right there working within us, to comfort and bring us peace and guidance as only He does best. He knows every burden we carry and every fear we face. He knows our strengths and He knows our weaknesses; and He gives what is needed so we can be our Best for the good of all concerned.
God designed everything we would ever need if we will just use the Gifts He provides, and Holy Spirit gives the ability to accomplish all things necessary for an abundant life filled with joy and peace as we acknowledge Him in our life. It's His will that we be joyful and prosperous; not stressful and in need. But just as all man-made things come with an instruction manual, God's creation of man comes with an instruction manual called the Bible! As we read and adhere to its instructions, It describes who we are, what we were made for, and how to get the best use possible; but just as with any product, we cannot hold the Creator responsible if we fail to adhere to The Owner's instructions!
God so loved His creations that He gave us a part of Him in His Son Jesus; And Jesus so loved all of us that He gave us a part of Him and His Father in Holy Spirit; And Holy Spirit loves us so much that as we read the instruction manual God gave, He will bring to light what is needed to gain the Best results out of life! God Loves us all with a Love Beyond Measure and wants Only the Best for our lives; but the choice is ours! We can choose to believe and receive God's precious gift of His Son Jesus as our Redeemer, and we can choose to receive their gift of Holy Spirit as our Companion and Guide; or we can choose to not believe and continue to live a life filled with sin, doubt, and confusion. The choice is ours and God will not force any of us to believe and receive His gifts.
So my question to you today is this, "Are you going to open your gifts today?" I pray you choose wisely and come to know the joy enclosed in these precious gifts. I pray you choose Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and choose Holy Spirit as your Lifetime Companion. I know if you choose to receive Them, you will be filled with peace beyond measure as you learn their value day by day, and being filled with Godly wisdom, you enjoy a life filled with so much Love and Joy that others see Jesus in you. I pray that you be wonderfully blessed, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~~
Monday, June 5, 2017
As Praise Goes Up Blessings Come Down
The showers have been off and on throughout the weekend replenishing and refreshing the earth and more showers are on their way. Will there be thunder? Will there be rain; or just showers? Will those showers bring on storms? Whatever our lot, it's sure to say, God has it all in His hands! Decisions, concerns, wonders- life is filled them all and so much more. But somehow, knowing God is in it all, and working within us through it all, makes everything so amazingly wonderful.
Yesterday we celebrated Pentecost Sunday and the windows of Heaven opened and rained down showers of blessings upon our tabernacle as Holy Spirit filled the temple and lives were forever changed, healed, delivered and filled with the Spirit all over the tabernacle of praise. The more we praised God and the more we were of one mind and one accord, the more we saw Him move as souls were set free from chains that had once bound them! It's amazing how praise ushers in the presence of God upon our lives. Can you imagine how awesome our lives would be if only we would praise Him more in one mind and one accord?
We learn from experience that Life is how we perceive it; and how we choose to accept changes in our life, both good and bad, grows us into who we become and who we are today. The Word of God declares in Jeremiah 29:11 that God already has our future planned and desires not just a good life, but actually an abundant life, for each one of us. Whatever may come our way, we have His blessed assurance that He has it all covered in the palm of His hands and will carry us through the midst of life's storms.
So whether you are blessed with showers today, an abundance of rainfall, or even a thunderous storm or two, keep your mind stayed upon Him and allow God to work whatever is needed within your life to accomplish the plans He has designed for you to be blessed! Praise is the key that unlocks the door to Heaven's blessings through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. So let's sing forth the goodness of our Lord and watch the windows of Heaven open as blessings come pouring down as the rain!
I pray you will keep your mind upon Him so you can find the peace that passes all understanding, May you sing forth His praises in the rain and even dare to dance in the rain amidst life's storm. You were created to sing forth His praises and to feel so free that you dance before the King of all Kings as children of the Most High God! So let the blessings fall as the rain; let the Heavens rejoice with our praises! God Is Great And Worthy To Be Praised, so let's sing forth His praises; and watch as the praise goes up, the blessings come down!
I pray that life treats you kindly and if you encounter roadblocks along your way, may you always remember God is greater than anything that may come against you. So enjoy the amazing wonders this day has to offer and "SMILE, GOD LOVES YOU" and so do I~~~
Saturday, June 3, 2017
A New Life Paid In Full By His Works
"My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand." The lyrics to this old hymn came to mind as I was reading in I Peter 1:3-4 (NIV) "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you."
WOW, such a resounding message; Did you get it?..." an inheritance that can NEVER PERISH, SPOIL OR FADE"; and "kept in Heaven for you;" kept in safekeeping, How Awesome is that! Hope that is built on Jesus Christ and His righteousness(right standing with God through Jesus). "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; It is the gift of God: Not by works, lest any man should boast."(Eph 2:8,9). Jesus conquered all the requirements of God necessary to assure our sin debt Paid In Full, nothing lacking!
We hear people comment at funerals of knowing their loved one made it in because of "how good they were", "how loving they were", and "the good things they did"; and that's all wonderful and good but the truth is that it's not by how loving, or their works, or how good they were; but whether they had believed upon Jesus Christ and made Him Lord and Savior over their life that counts! ALL our sin debt is washed away when we accept Jesus and His works over our life that allows our sins to be remembered no more, as God declares in Isa.43:25, "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more."
So I ask you this, dear friend, Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Is your sin debt paid in full by the blood of Jesus? If not, I pray you will not let another minute pass you by without accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. We can never measure up to what would ever be worthy; nor could we ever do enough good deeds to be deemed worthy enough; that's why Jesus came and gave His life as a ransom for "anyone" who would dare to believe upon Him and His works to cleanse them from all unrighteousness. It's Only through Jesus and His works that we can be redeemed. Only through His blood that our sins can be washed away; and Only in Jesus we can stand redeemed before God's Holy Throne; old things passed away, behold all things are new(2 Cor,5:17)
If you're not sure of your salvation because of your works; remember that it's not by our works but by His, and He's already taken care of everything needed to make you acceptable before God. So take this moment to ask Jesus into your heart. He loves you just the way you are right now; and He loves like none other; His Love is Totally Unconditional. So call to Him and He will answer you(Jer 33:3) and you can begin enjoying a new found freedom, free from your past; entirely dependent upon Jesus and His divine love for you. He's waiting with open arms for you to respond to His invitation and you will never be the same again; I guarantee!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
WOW, such a resounding message; Did you get it?..." an inheritance that can NEVER PERISH, SPOIL OR FADE"; and "kept in Heaven for you;" kept in safekeeping, How Awesome is that! Hope that is built on Jesus Christ and His righteousness(right standing with God through Jesus). "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; It is the gift of God: Not by works, lest any man should boast."(Eph 2:8,9). Jesus conquered all the requirements of God necessary to assure our sin debt Paid In Full, nothing lacking!
We hear people comment at funerals of knowing their loved one made it in because of "how good they were", "how loving they were", and "the good things they did"; and that's all wonderful and good but the truth is that it's not by how loving, or their works, or how good they were; but whether they had believed upon Jesus Christ and made Him Lord and Savior over their life that counts! ALL our sin debt is washed away when we accept Jesus and His works over our life that allows our sins to be remembered no more, as God declares in Isa.43:25, "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more."
So I ask you this, dear friend, Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Is your sin debt paid in full by the blood of Jesus? If not, I pray you will not let another minute pass you by without accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. We can never measure up to what would ever be worthy; nor could we ever do enough good deeds to be deemed worthy enough; that's why Jesus came and gave His life as a ransom for "anyone" who would dare to believe upon Him and His works to cleanse them from all unrighteousness. It's Only through Jesus and His works that we can be redeemed. Only through His blood that our sins can be washed away; and Only in Jesus we can stand redeemed before God's Holy Throne; old things passed away, behold all things are new(2 Cor,5:17)
If you're not sure of your salvation because of your works; remember that it's not by our works but by His, and He's already taken care of everything needed to make you acceptable before God. So take this moment to ask Jesus into your heart. He loves you just the way you are right now; and He loves like none other; His Love is Totally Unconditional. So call to Him and He will answer you(Jer 33:3) and you can begin enjoying a new found freedom, free from your past; entirely dependent upon Jesus and His divine love for you. He's waiting with open arms for you to respond to His invitation and you will never be the same again; I guarantee!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Friday, June 2, 2017
Just Keep on Holding On
Many of you may be facing uncertain changes in your life. Don’t be discouraged or lose hope by what seem like dead ends or closed doors.. Every moment in our life carries infinite possibilities, just waiting to be discovered. All things are possible with God! Nothing is too big that He cannot handle! God wants us to have life 'more abundantly', not just getting by day to day and we can achieve that abundance if we don't give up.
Speak the Word over that circumstance and trust God to break thru any obstacle in your way; to open doors that would otherwise be closed, or to close doors that are hindering us from His best, so we stay on the path He designed for us; "to prosper us and give us hope and a future"(Jeremiah 29:11).
Dear friend, don't lose hope! If God did something for just one person in the past, He will do it for you, because His Word declares He is no respecter of persons(Acts 10:34). Remind Him of His Word and trust Him to bring it to pass. Be bold enough to declare His Word over that circumstance because His Word will never return to Him void but shall accomplish all it says it will do (Isaiah 55:11).
Keep on keeping on, be persistent! Speak the Word, Speak it Loud and Clear, and watch as It comes to pass. Stand strong and See the Power of God bring It forth! All in God's time and in His perfect way! Nothing is Impossible to Him that Believes in God, Who is Forever Faithful.
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Thursday, June 1, 2017
As I began this beautiful day, I was reflecting on God's Goodness to His people!. We are blessed with so many blessings day by day and yet, we hardly recognize or take time to enjoy them. As summer time fast approaches, many are off on their vacations or at least making plans for them; but I wonder how many will actually take time to relax and enjoy the beauty of life around them while they are vacationing. How many will actually take time to Stop, and smell the roses!
This old cliche has been around for a long time and although many are familiar with it, I wonder how many actually follow it's advise. As I grow older day by day, not to mention the years, I am beginning to understand the validity of that wise old saying. Life has so much Beauty to offer and time goes by so quickly that many of us never come to recognize the blessings God has given until they are taken away and then it's too late!
God has given so many beautiful things to grace our lives if we would just slow down and take them all in. Oh, if we would just take a nature walk, a leisurely walk in our own pace and allow time to breathe in the fresh aromas that come forth from the wild honeysuckles in bloom, to smell the sweet fragrances of the flowers now in bloom; to look upon the beauty of the trees blooming forth and the fields coming alive with wild flowers in the distance!
Many of us will retreat to the ocean side to bask in the sun; but will we take time to enjoy the sounds and beauty of the waves as they come washing in with the tide? Will we take time to walk along the shoreline as the waters wash in and cover our feet and our toes squish down into the sand? Will we relax and enjoy the blessings of those around us God has given to brighten our lives? Will we learn to just lie back and feel His warmth beaming down upon us as we relax in His presence?
Life is short and once a minute is used up, It's gone and will never come again! Each day is ours to enjoy one moment at a time; because no one is promised the next moment. So why are we allowing life to rule us, instead of us controlling how we spend those precious moments with our loved ones? Why do we stress over little things that really don't matter one way or the other and pass away quickly, instead of learning how to relax in the moment and see what lesson we can learn to help thwart off stress in the future? Life is how we make it; good or bad; it comes with choices we make; so why not choose to make life the very best it can be by taking time to Stop in all our busyness and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us?
Beauty is truly found when we choose to live life to the fullest! An abundant life comes from realizing God's plans for our life is so much greater than we could ever make it; so why not submit to His control in every area of our life; from the tiniest notion to the greatest move; because He wants only the Best for us. As we surrender our will to His and allow Him to guide our footsteps, we acquire a peace of mind like nothing this world has to offer. Suddenly life becomes beautiful all around, in all we see and all we do, the beauty of God's creation comes shining through; and the fields seem to come alive with singing, the birds seem more gracefully decorated, the oceans and mountains more wonderfully made, and the joy of the Lord springs forth in all we see!
Whatever you have planned for today, take a moment to relax and reflect, so you can feel the presence of God around you, working within you! I pray that as your day continues, that you won't be in such a hurry that you fail to see the beauty He has placed in your life; And I pray that you will make time to Stop, and smell the roses!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God truly loves you and so do I~~~
This old cliche has been around for a long time and although many are familiar with it, I wonder how many actually follow it's advise. As I grow older day by day, not to mention the years, I am beginning to understand the validity of that wise old saying. Life has so much Beauty to offer and time goes by so quickly that many of us never come to recognize the blessings God has given until they are taken away and then it's too late!
God has given so many beautiful things to grace our lives if we would just slow down and take them all in. Oh, if we would just take a nature walk, a leisurely walk in our own pace and allow time to breathe in the fresh aromas that come forth from the wild honeysuckles in bloom, to smell the sweet fragrances of the flowers now in bloom; to look upon the beauty of the trees blooming forth and the fields coming alive with wild flowers in the distance!
Many of us will retreat to the ocean side to bask in the sun; but will we take time to enjoy the sounds and beauty of the waves as they come washing in with the tide? Will we take time to walk along the shoreline as the waters wash in and cover our feet and our toes squish down into the sand? Will we relax and enjoy the blessings of those around us God has given to brighten our lives? Will we learn to just lie back and feel His warmth beaming down upon us as we relax in His presence?
Life is short and once a minute is used up, It's gone and will never come again! Each day is ours to enjoy one moment at a time; because no one is promised the next moment. So why are we allowing life to rule us, instead of us controlling how we spend those precious moments with our loved ones? Why do we stress over little things that really don't matter one way or the other and pass away quickly, instead of learning how to relax in the moment and see what lesson we can learn to help thwart off stress in the future? Life is how we make it; good or bad; it comes with choices we make; so why not choose to make life the very best it can be by taking time to Stop in all our busyness and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us?
Beauty is truly found when we choose to live life to the fullest! An abundant life comes from realizing God's plans for our life is so much greater than we could ever make it; so why not submit to His control in every area of our life; from the tiniest notion to the greatest move; because He wants only the Best for us. As we surrender our will to His and allow Him to guide our footsteps, we acquire a peace of mind like nothing this world has to offer. Suddenly life becomes beautiful all around, in all we see and all we do, the beauty of God's creation comes shining through; and the fields seem to come alive with singing, the birds seem more gracefully decorated, the oceans and mountains more wonderfully made, and the joy of the Lord springs forth in all we see!
Whatever you have planned for today, take a moment to relax and reflect, so you can feel the presence of God around you, working within you! I pray that as your day continues, that you won't be in such a hurry that you fail to see the beauty He has placed in your life; And I pray that you will make time to Stop, and smell the roses!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God truly loves you and so do I~~~
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