Thursday, February 27, 2020

Stand Still and See

While meditating on some results today with family and things not going exactly as we had hoped, I was reminded of God's Words in Exodus 14:13-14, Psalm 46:10 and Jeremiah 29:11, where consistently God reminds His people to Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord, because He knows the plans He has for us, "plans for good and not for evil. Plans to give us hope and a future" and this precious song my daughter sings came to mind:
"The Father has a plan, though it's hard to see it now; You feel you're walking all alone but He is there no doubt; when the storm around you rages, and you're tossed to and fro; when you're faced with life's decisions, not sure which way to go; Stand still, and let God move; standing still is hard to do; when you feel you have reached the end, He'll make a way for you, stand still and let God move, stand still and let God move.
When the enemy surrounds you and the walls are closing in, when the tide is swiftly rising, and you wonder where He's been; Friend, there never was a moment that His arms weren't reaching out, you can rest assured and be secure, God is moving right now; Stand still and let God move, Standing still is hard to do, When you feel you have reached the end, He'll make a way for you; Stand still and let God move; just stand still and let God move! The answer will come, but only in His time, Stand still and let God move; Stand Still and let God move."
Time and time again, I have proven God to be Forever Faithful! No matter the need or circumstance, as I surrender my will to His, I can always see Him move and have come to know that whatever the need, I know of a surety He has my best interest in mind because He has me engraved in the palm of His hands!
Dear friend, When you go through deep waters, and the waves come crashing in, know that God is forever faithful and He is with you. Just trust Him wholeheartedly as you stand still on His promises and let Him move, and you too will come out victoriously. I pray these words encourage you to not give up, just keep holding on and speaking His Word over your circumstance and He will come through; All in His time, in His way, and in His perfect will so you can enjoy that abundant life He has planned for you. God loves you and so do I~~~

The Greatest Is Love

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.  And now abide faith, hope, Love, these three; but the greatest of these is Love!"{1 Corinthians 13:11-13}.
Paul reiterates Jesus' teaching to His followers "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this, all will know that you are My disciples; if you have Love for one another."{John 13:34-35}. 
You see it doesn't matter what we say or what we do, unless it is seasoned with Love, none of it matters because God is Love! And in Him there is no darkness; no evil works, no evil thoughts, no high-mindedness, no selfish ways, and no unforgiveness! As we walk in God's Love and Amazing Grace, we become kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ' sake has forgiven us!{Ephesians 4:32}
Because He forgave us, we must forgive also! Because He Loves unconditionally, we must reach out in Love as well. We are no more children, tossed to and fro, so we must put away all those childish attitudes and behaviors and walk in His Love! We must put on the mind of Christ and trust Him with all our heart and lean not unto our own understanding; but in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our path!{Proverbs 3:5-6}. 
I pray as you go through your day, you will feel His Love overshadow you, His peace envelope you, and feel the joy of His presence within you! Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God Loves You and so do I~~~

Saturday, February 22, 2020

From His mouth to my ears: Enjoying the Season

From His mouth to my ears: Enjoying the Season: Jesus encouraged His followers to live in the now and not to worry about yesterday that is already past, nor tomorrow that may never come, ...

Enjoying the Season

Jesus encouraged His followers to live in the now and not to worry about yesterday that is already past, nor tomorrow that may never come, but to live in this very moment because no matter what is going on, God already knows about it and will bring peace in the midst of our storm as we rest in Him. Life is a journey we all must travel, filled with seasons forever changing, and learning to live in the now brings us His undeniable peace.
In Christ Jesus and Him alone, we can experience unshakable peace through every season and declare as David did in Psalm 16:8,“I keep my eyes always on the Lord; with Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken!” God knows all there is to know about us and what we are going through right now and delivers peace to the believer in Christ Jesus. But that Peace can be difficult to obtain in our natural realm, mainly because our human nature clings to every thing given to bless our lives so when the season comes that we must part, we fight to hold on to what we think is rightfully ours. Our natural thinking makes it difficult to grasp hold of the reality that every thing on this earth was created by and for Almighty God and His purposes, and has its due season. In our natural mindset we cannot understand that our families, our cherished loved ones, and all we have acquired on this earth are not ours, but temporary loans from God to be enjoyed for a season.
Solomon taught in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, "To every thing there is a season; a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck what is planted; a time to kill and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build up; a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to gain and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to throw away; a time to tear and a time to sew; a time to keep silence and a time to speak; a time to love and a time to hate; a time to war and a time of peace."
So as the circle of life goes on, we will behold seasons come and go; and while some may be easily adaptable, others will more effort to get beyond. As we naturally become attached to our families and friends, the loss of a loved one brings about unbearable grief that often robs us of our joy and peace. God promises to be there to carry us through those rough seasons and breathe sweet peace into our soul as we realize they were only loaned to us for a season and were called back home with Father God until that due season comes where we meet again never more to part.
We are encouraged time and time again throughout God's Word not to put our trust in temporal things that pass away, but to lay up our treasures in spiritual things that never fade away. I recall a picture hanging in our childhood home that stated, "Only one life, 'twill soon be past; only what's done for Christ will last" and this should be our mindset. Having our mind set on things above as Paul teaches in Colossians 3:12-17, we are no longer consumed by cares of this world but in Christ Jesus our mind becomes saturated with the peace of God empowering us to spread Hope in the here and Now.
As we acknowledge the Lord daily and trust Him to guide us in all our ways as Solomon encourages in Proverbs 3:5-6; we find the key to enjoying the Now in this season. God has a plan for each of our lives as noted in Jeremiah 29:11, but our hesitancy to submit to His will causes delays in what should be a due season, profitable for our well being; and since He wants only the Best for His children, learning to hear His voice, submitting to His will, and trusting Him despite our natural thinking, is a must to enjoy the Now in today's season of life.
I pray the peace of God be with you all, and in you all, as you put your trust in Him today,  Enjoy a wonderfully blessed season in your life because God loves you and so do I~~~

Thursday, February 20, 2020

From His mouth to my ears: A New Day Brings New Opportunities

From His mouth to my ears: A New Day Brings New Opportunities: God has granted us another day filled with fresh mercies and golden opportunities to touch lives with an act of kindness, a word of comfort ...

A New Day Brings New Opportunities

God has granted us another day filled with fresh mercies and golden opportunities to touch lives with an act of kindness, a word of comfort, or a gentle hug to share Jesus with the same unconditional Love as He loves us. We can change this world one life at a time, if we are willing to lay aside our self will and allow God to touch others through us. Each obstacle we face, each person we encounter, allows us a golden opportunity to change the world into a better place by the love we share one to another. Fear of rejection can often hinder us from attempting to reach out, but God tells us in Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
What encouraging Words from our Heavenly Father declaring His faithfulness to be with us through every situation; to strengthen and help us, to lead and to guide us through it all. He tells us that He holds us up by His victorious right hand; and that's where Jesus sits today making intercessions for each of us. He is our protector, our provider, supplier of all our needs, and lover of our soul. He is the solid rock on which we stand! "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean of Jesus' name. On Christ the solid rock I stand; all other ground is sinking ground; all other ground is sinking ground."
Today is a new day given to each of us and we can share Jesus with all those around us. Love is the key that opens hearts and we can be that key today. Let's determine within our self to make someone's life a little happier today; to help them feel a little more hopeful than yesterday; just by loving and caring for them in some special way that shows them we love them, and more importantly, that God loves them, just the way they are! Let's help to restore their hope and lead the lost and hurting to Jesus today. Let's be that good Samaritan to someone in need of that kind word, or that loving touch, or that gentle hug; and let's share Jesus in all we do and say! Let's make the world a little better, One life at a time!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, as you bless others. God loves you and so do I~

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

From His mouth to my ears: Do You See What He Sees

From His mouth to my ears: Do You See What He Sees: Ever wonder what this world would be like if we could all see ourselves as God sees us? He sees us as"His children," His child: ...

Do You See What He Sees

Ever wonder what this world would be like if we could all see ourselves as God sees us? He sees us as"His children," His child: Happy, Redeemed, Free, and Whole; enjoying all the fullness of the life He predestined just for each of us! As children of God, there is nothing our Daddy God (Abba Father) will not do to assure we have ALL we need to enjoy an abundant life. 
The Word declares that we were chosen in God before the creation of the world to be His children; to be His sons and daughters by adoption through Christ Jesus; into the very Family of God as Paul notes in 
Ephesians 1:4-5. He made us unique for a specific reason; instilling certain traits and qualities deep within that enable us to accomplish His perfect plan for our lives. As we grow and mature in spiritual knowledge and wisdom, the Holy Spirit ignites those traits causing a certain fire shut up in our bones to come alive!  
God continues to do new things within each of us and His glorious power is being revealed much more now than ever before. With His Power we possess a new boldness, allowing us to rise up and profess who we are through our Father's eyes! To see ourselves as Children of the Most High God! Victorious over all things the enemy dares to throw our way because we are armed with God's Strength and in the Power of His Might!  
As His child, God sees us strong and whole! He sees us blessed and prosperous! He sees us confident and courageous; Fully capable to do all things through Him! He sees us Free from all bondage; Spiritually Whole and Complete in Him! So why are we not enjoying the beautiful life He designed for us? Probably because we don't really know who we are in Christ Jesus; that God is our Father and we are His beloved child.
However, when we take time to Search the scriptures and develop that father/child relationship, we will come to realize just whose we are in Christ Jesus and even dare to see our self through His eyes! Oh to see His unconditional Love He holds just for us, His child; and to feel His warm embracing Smile upon our face. As His child, He delights in sending His Spirit to dwell within us so we are never alone. Oh the Love He has for each one of us. If we could only dare to see what He sees in each of us, His children, what a powerful army we would be in His service!   
I pray you will strive to know Him and the power thereof; and begin to see yourself as He Sees You; so you can enjoy a wonderfully blessed life, because God Loves You and so do I~

Saturday, February 15, 2020

How Wonderful To Be Chosen

Chosen: What a precious thing to be chosen; not by accident or by circumstance, but to be specially hand picked and chosen to be that 'special someone' in life. We just demonstrated our love to our 'chosen someone' who fills that special place deep within our hearts and it made me think of how awesome it is to know we are a 'chosen someone' to our Heavenly Father.
Chosen in Him before the creation of the world to be His children; sons and daughters by adoption into the family of God through the redemption of Jesus' blood covering all our sins(Ephesians 1:4-6); making us holy and accepted in the Beloved. Through Christ Jesus, we are made joint-heirs (Romans 8:17) and having our eyes enlightened and minds renewed with wisdom and understanding, He makes known to us the mysteries of His will (Eph 1:9) according to His good pleasure, for times like these.
God is certainly doing a new thing in our world and as times reach their fulfillment, the glory of God is being revealed and realized more now than ever before. As His chosen children, our differences must be set aside as we purpose to show love one to another in truth and sincerity, bringing unity to all things in Heaven and on earth; and therefore bringing glory and honor to the holy name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
So whenever you begin to feel discouraged and stressed,unloved and alone, just lift up your head and look toward the heavens and allow the reality of God Who has chosen you to be His child and allow His love fill your heart and soul. You have been Chosen by the most High God Who loves you beyond measure; Who loves you unconditionally; loves you enough to give you His very best; and Who works diligently to make all things work together for your good. You are not an accident! You are His Child and He loves you beyond measure!
In all things, both great and small, you can trust God! Take time to get to know Him and allow His Love to saturate your soul. He loves you like none other! You are His Chosen, God's special possession (1 Peter 2:9) called out of darkness into His marvelous Light to enjoy a wonderfully blessed life created by Him in Christ Jesus! Be blessed dear friend, God loves you and so do I~~~