Saturday, April 25, 2020

One Phase At A Time

Psalm 122:1 declares,"I was glad when they said unto me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord!" while the Message version notes,"When they said, “Let’s go to the house of God" my heart leaped for joy."
Having endured social distance restrictions since Friday the 13th of March and hearing we begin Phase 1 next week (7 weeks later), I know our zeal is causing our hearts to leap for joy, but I pray we are mindful that although the zeal of gathering together in the Lord's house is upon us and brings joy to our hearts, the Zeal of the Lord should be forever within us in a manner that cannot be taken away even though we are socially apart while being cautious to prevent spread of this viral pandemic.
I along with many others are extremely anxious to be back with our families and church families; to hug on and gather close by to friends and loved ones, to love on those who have endured loss of loved ones in a time when we weren't able to physically express our sympathy; or when patients lingered and died while in critical care with no loved one there to comfort or be with them in times of demise. How sad our situations have been and are hopefully coming to a close; but we must use caution as phases begin to unfold, because it only takes two people letting their guard down to rekindle this viral flame of sickness and disease.
I am by nature "a hugger" and well known for my Momma hugs, so the news of restrictions being lifted in phases is bittersweet as hope showers me that a better tomorrow is in the works; but having witnessed so many not following the precaution guidelines in the first place, this leaves me wondering if it will only kindle a lack of judgment in social gatherings as specified by official guidelines from one phase to another.
So as the guidelines are imposed from one phase to another, we must be mindful that as Children of God we are to do what is best for those around us and treat each other as Jesus taught in Matthew 7:12 and do unto others as we would want them to do unto us. Let's be more thoughtful of others in word and deed, and that includes assuring those in need maintain their health in wholesome atmospheres, whether at home or in social gatherings.
When all is said and done from this pandemic, will we be more mindful of the need to reflect on our past as a means of soul searching; and if we were breathing our final breath could we stand before God knowing we had done our very best with all He had given us or asked us to do? That's what we should be asking our self because it's the only thing that will matter at life's end. I pray we have taken His Word seriously and as 2 Chronicles 7:14 declares, we have come before His throne and sought Him with an humble, repentant heart so He will heal our land. This virus is playing itself out and now we can face our future with a new found sense of hope and freedom in our Lord Jesus as He is lifted up in praise!
Moving forward, let's be mindful to abide by the guidelines set forth as we strive for the good of our nation, and may we also be mindful that each one of us has only One Life and while no one knows the length of our days here on earth, let's live our life pleasing to God by sharing His Loving Mercy that will bring lost souls to His Kingdom in all we say and do! God be with each one of you, dear friends, and may His peace and Love go before us as we journey here on earth. God Loves You and so do I~~~

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