Sunday, June 7, 2020

Variety Was Meant To Be

The older I get the more I love to take leisure walks early in the morning, in my own pace and in my own time, reflecting on God's goodness and the day ahead! It seems to refresh me and give me clarity of mind for the goal set before me; while enjoying all the sights and sounds of God's gifts along my walk. I have learned that wisdom comes not only from teachers and instruction books but also from past experiences whether good or bad, and it's not about how quickly things are learned, but how they are accomplished as we run our race in life. 
In 2 Timothy 4:7 Paul taught us of running his race by fighting a good fight, keeping the faith, and finishing his course; and I find that running my race requires me talking with God very early in the morning so He can lead and direct my footsteps throughout my day; so I strive to guard my mind from negative things and maintain a positive sense of perseverance and endurance, while keeping the faith as I enjoy life along my way. No two people can run their race exactly the same so I have learned that I must run my race in the manner that only I can do and not the way others think I should. 
God created every thing in its own unique way as it pleased Him with a variety of looks; so I believe variety must be meant to be just the way it is. Variety affects everything in life from fashion styles to foods we eat, and every thing we see and touch. God did not create us to be exactly alike but created every thing with its own uniqueness in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors from flowers to trees, to birds of the air or fish of the sea, to the greatest mammal or the smallest creature, to the majestic mountaintops to the lowlands of the earth; to the men and women you and I are; God saw everything He had made, and declared that it was very good (Gen 1:31); and if variety pleases God, then who are we to declare otherwise?
Since God loves variety, let's stop trying to measure up to man's standards and let's be the person God created us to be; just the way we are; every one different by God's own choice. Look around at all the different things and people He has designed by His very own hands and see the beautiful variety within this world surrounding us. The race set before each of us was predestined before we were even born so let's run our race in all its fullness and be that unique individual God created us to be; Child of the Most High God. 
Dear friend, He loves us beyond measure so let's run our race in our own pace so we can feel His loving smile upon us in all we do. Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~

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