Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Proverbs 3:5,6

This old proverb is a treasured passage I have come to adhere to on a daily basis: Proverbs 3:5,6 "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."  From early childhood, I've known the Bible to be true, always believed on the Trinity God (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) and tried to abide by the Word of God in my everyday life; but in this last decade of my life, I realize that while reading the Word and even quoting the Word, I had never really ingested the Word into my life; so I began a quest to capture the Word and make it REAL in every aspect of my life. Even tho we say 'we believe on the Word', and we say 'we abide by the commandments in the Word'; I wonder how many of us really do 'adhere to the Word, ingest the Word, and digest the Word'; allowing It to come alive within us. 
I was blessed to be born into a Christian, Bible teaching, faith believing, loving family with Christian parents who taught by example, in love and humbleness; so all my life I have witnessed the Love of God and seen many miracles and wonders occur in my family, my surroundings, and my own life; and have sought out the Word with prayer, in times of need or search for answers. But in this last decade, I have found there is a huge difference in reading the Word, knowing the Word, and allowing the Word to really be alive within you. And with that being said, I pray I haven't lost some of you; but I promise there is a difference in knowing and believing the Word; and fully submitting your life and following Holy Spirit's lead within your life; even though you don't understand the path He is taking you on. But when you do-- WOW! what a difference it will make within!  "And you will know the truth and the truth will make you free"(John 8:32). Freedom to be ALL He predestined you to be!
What a fabulous treasure hunt I am currently on following His lead! What an impact He is having on me personally! While searching for answers, and desiring to be whole in mind, soul and body; I laid aside my 'routine life'; and dedicated time to really search for Him and seek His Face with my whole heart; as the Word declares in Jer. 29:13 and Deut. 4:29. and I found He was there all the time; waiting for me to allow Him to change the directions of my life as well as my way of thinking. He gave each of us the ability to choose, and with that ability, I chose to submit to His perfect will in my life, not my will-but His Perfect Will; and He is meeting my needs, far above anything I could have ever imagined possible; healing my body, repairing my brokenness, turning sorrow into joy, filling my heart with such happiness, and reviving my very soul from deep within. I am a new creation, free from the past and excited about my future. Day by day, I exalt Him and give Him praise for the continued work He is doing within my heart, soul and body; and I pray that you too, will find the joy and peace that only He can instill within. May your days be blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~