Friday, July 15, 2016


Have you had your hug today? And have you given a hug today? Ever thought about what a simple hug can do for someone, and what a hug does for you? No need for words to be spoken, just that simple hug! Doesn't matter if it's a quick hug or a brotherly/sisterly hug, somehow, that hug means more than a mountain of words. Why? What's makes a hug so special? What makes a hug so powerful that it can change the direction for someone's life in that split second it's given? And why do some people try to shy away from a hug? 
I can only speak for myself, but a hug is truly heartwarming; and I'm a huggie person; both giving and receiving. When I'm sad, it reassures me that in time, it will all be okay; but for that brief gentle moment, I know someone cares and that can mean more than words can ever say. In times of sorrow and despair, a hug brings new meaning to life itself. But there have been times in my past, that I refused to get close enough for those hugs because I knew that if I gave in to those hugs or would be hugged too tight, I would become broken; and at that moment, I needed to appear strong and continue my facade of happiness and smile through my pain and tears. So through many years of grief and despair, I never allowed myself to get close enough to anyone, or to be hugged long enough for those 'much needed strong walls' to be penetrated as only genuine love could do; but I am so thankful that God's love and precious hugs penetrated those walls that have since been torn down! Thank You, Lord! 
Too often in life, we encounter so many hardships and grief. We suffer insurmountable losses and despair until we begin to form walls around us or begin to hide behind masks, so no one else knows the true face and grief that lies behind it. We refuse to get close to others for fear those walls will begin to break down and the truth we bear can be seen; making us vulnerable and appear weaker than we appear to others. We worry too much about what others think instead of being who we truly are; and so the facade of hiding begins and hugs are avoided, as we continue to wear masks year after year; allowing walls to become higher and stronger; hiding the truth that lies deep within our innermost being as we continue that facade of being 'happy' and appearing that all is well..... But God..... 
Hugs penetrate the hardest of exteriors, tear off the best of masks, break down years of mountainous walls built up, and allow others to feel they are loved and truly cared about. Hugs show acceptance without words spoken; that it's okay to be 'YOU' and there's no need for pretense; that there's no need to mask up, no need to hide behind a veil; that it's okay to be Who You Are and to Feel What You Feel. 
As God's children we are to be His hands extended; and through our hugs we can offer others the hope needed to find a Savior, Redeemer, Healer, Deliverer, Protector, and One Who Loves Just The Way We Are! One who loves the 'Real You'! Casting ALL our cares upon Him, He will unmask, unveil, peal through the toughest of shells, and break down those walls that have tormented and smothered out the "Real YOU" and bring freedom beyond measure; because He Loves "You" with a Love like None Other! His desire is to bring Total and Complete Deliverance to all who are oppressed and heavy laden; to all who have lost their way; and to all who are weary from grief and despair. 
His arms are reaching out to Hug and Embrace all who will believe upon Him as their Lord and Savior; and allow Him to do any changes that may be needed to live an abundant life, everlasting and free from all the past. Today is the day of Salvation and the Spirit is seeking those who will listen and heed His calling for total freedom in Jesus; mind, soul and body! His arms are outstretched, waiting to welcome you and give you the grandest Hug you will ever receive. As His followers, We can be His hands extended by giving that simple hug to someone else today, that can be the start of a New Life in Christ Jesus. Will you be His hands extended? Will you give that hug today? Everyone Needs a Hug! 
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~

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