And Yes, IT IS CHRISTMAS all over the world and most everyone has already begun celebrations and continues to enjoy this season celebrating with loved ones and friends dear to their hearts! But what about the Reason for the Season? Are we celebrating Christ Jesus, Savior of the world! The Christ Child, Born of the Virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit; God in fleshly form, come to dwell among His own creations! The prophecy of Christ Jesus is foretold in Isaiah 9:6 "For unto a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace!"
Do we realize God's most prized possession was given to us in the form of man? This miraculous Blessed Gift was not placed under a tree but was designated to reside in the hearts of mankind. His Gift was designated to be nailed to a tree as redemption for you and me to be free from all sins! Designated to free us from all our pasts hurts, hang-ups, and habits! Designated to liberate us from our past so we could and live an abundant life of happiness in Christ Jesus!
IT'S CHRISTMAS, and as we gather around our homes today, enjoying one another and the gifts each brings, let's not forget to thank our Lord for His Gift of Love to us all; and let's be thankful unto Him and bless His dear name, Jesus! Let's celebrate the Hope whereby we were called to redemption through this Christ Child we celebrate today! Let's celebrate the Joy and Peace He brings to us all! And in all that we do, by word or deed, may Christ be glorified in the Love we share one to another!
IT'S CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY! Let's celebrate the blessings of the Season in Christ Jesus our Lord and enjoy a very Merry Christmas with all! Let's enjoy this wonderfully blessed season because God loves you and so do I~~~
Monday, December 25, 2017
Saturday, December 23, 2017
You Shout it out to the first person who calls you on the phone today!
Just another cherished memory from years ago when early in the morning every Christmas Eve my Momma and Grandpa Raines would race to the phone and hurriedly holler into the phone "Christmas Eve Gift" and oh, how they would chuckle and laugh over the phone and fill the house with such a joyful laughter that thrilled us so! You could hear them laughing and going on at each other all thru the house. Such a fun time with awesome memories to this day!
You Shout it out to the first person who calls you on the phone today!
Just another cherished memory from years ago when early in the morning every Christmas Eve my Momma and Grandpa Raines would race to the phone and hurriedly holler into the phone "Christmas Eve Gift" and oh, how they would chuckle and laugh over the phone and fill the house with such a joyful laughter that thrilled us so! You could hear them laughing and going on at each other all thru the house. Such a fun time with awesome memories to this day!
No matter how old we were or what we were doing, when that phone rang early on Christmas Eve morning, no one answered that phone except Momma....and then years later when Grandpa ascended into Heaven, Momma and Grandma Raines continued the tradition in memory of Grandpa. Such warm and loving memories I hold dear every Christmas Eve and yet it is so bittersweet! Nothing is ever the same once your loved ones have completed their journey on earth and are celebrating with our Lord Jesus face to face with rejoicing beyond compare!
It doesn't matter what memories or traditions you may have passed down year after year, as long as that memory sparks a smile that warms the heart. So don't you want to build a memory with those you are blessed with to love and to enjoy while they are here? I want my loved ones to be able to remember special moments filled with laughter, lots of love, and good times when they think of me after I'm gone! God went to such length to show us His great Love in an effort to fill our life with His unconditional love, of laughter, of joy beyond measure, of peace, of giving, of sharing and caring so shouldn't we do the same?
On this Christmas Eve, I'd like to encourage you to build a memory with your loved ones as you gather to celebrate Christ Jesus and enjoy the time you have been given this year! Time is a precious gift that cannot be regained once it's gone. None of us are promised the next moment, so let's truly enjoy the time we have with those dear to our hearts; then you can recall precious memories once they are no longer present to warm your heart, Memories are a good thing that no one can steal and a way to honor those who filled your life with such joy!
Let's make this blessed season the best time of the year because of Christ Jesus who dwells within us! After all Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
Let's Embrace life and Enjoy each moment and build memories along the way! May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and may you always, always, always remember that God loves you and so do I~~~MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Let's Embrace life and Enjoy each moment and build memories along the way! May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and may you always, always, always remember that God loves you and so do I~~~MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Opening up the Greatest Gift
Christmas excitement is all through the air; people are scampering everywhere; bidding of well wishes to one and all; no matter how young, no matter how old, or how small. The spirit of Christmas makes this season the most wonderful time of the year! I really enjoyed being in the midst of today's crowd as songs were sang and I was able to share in Christmas tidings with joyful sounds all around. The beauty of Christmas is so majestic with trees and streets all aglow and festive decorations surrounding us more and more. Such a sweet sense of peace fills the earth with good will toward men. What a joyful and blessed goal is noted, to have Peace on earth with good will toward ALL men!
The birth of Christ Jesus was to bring peace into a troubled world and shine forth God's glorious light into a darkened world filled with turmoil, pain and distress! The blessed Hope of freedom is through Christ the Lord! John 10:10 tells us that Jesus came that we might have life and have it More Abundantly. Luke 4:19 states He came to heal the broken hearted, preach deliverance to the captives, give sight to the blind, and deliver All that are bruised and hurt. A new day was dawning with the birth of God's Son, Jesus!. What greater Hope can there be than Divine Deliverance through the Greatest Gift of all time: the Free Gift of Salvation through our Savior Jesus, the Son of God!
Just knowing that God gave Himself to us in the birth of His Son, to ease our suffering and pain and to free us from all sin and bondage brings a warmth to my very soul! Can you not feel His Love deep within; His Light shining in the darkness penetrating the very core of your being? Have you not opened up your Christmas Gift and checked it out yet; Really checked it out? Have you seen Who this gift is and what He can do in your life? For your world? Bringing joy and peace beyond measure; Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of all mankind delivers Hope that lasts forevermore!
He came into the world and walked along side so many and yet they never truly realized Who He was. Even today He continues to walk along side us, waiting for us to realize Who He is and the gift He brings for each of us. We can only receive this gift when we acknowledge Him and the works He has already accomplished in full, to set us free that guides us into an abundant life in Him! What a Wonderful Blessed Christmas Gift He Is; What a Gift He is to Behold!
I pray that this Christmas we can begin to realize that it's not in the sharing of bought presents, nor the wrapping that encloses those gifts; it's not in the Christmas cards we send, nor the biggest and best Christmas Light Display we can present. But It's all about Jesus coming down from Heaven and His gift extended to us of Eternal Salvation through Him that makes Christmas the best time of the year! As we continue enjoying the Spirit of Christmas, let's continue its spirit through the year by sharing love, sharing hope, sharing joy and peace to those around us, as we reach out in Love as the Spirit leads.
Let's have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year celebrating Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, to one and all! After all Jesus is the reason; the only reason for the season! Enjoy this beautiful season of Love knowing that God loves you and so do I~
The birth of Christ Jesus was to bring peace into a troubled world and shine forth God's glorious light into a darkened world filled with turmoil, pain and distress! The blessed Hope of freedom is through Christ the Lord! John 10:10 tells us that Jesus came that we might have life and have it More Abundantly. Luke 4:19 states He came to heal the broken hearted, preach deliverance to the captives, give sight to the blind, and deliver All that are bruised and hurt. A new day was dawning with the birth of God's Son, Jesus!. What greater Hope can there be than Divine Deliverance through the Greatest Gift of all time: the Free Gift of Salvation through our Savior Jesus, the Son of God!
Just knowing that God gave Himself to us in the birth of His Son, to ease our suffering and pain and to free us from all sin and bondage brings a warmth to my very soul! Can you not feel His Love deep within; His Light shining in the darkness penetrating the very core of your being? Have you not opened up your Christmas Gift and checked it out yet; Really checked it out? Have you seen Who this gift is and what He can do in your life? For your world? Bringing joy and peace beyond measure; Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior of all mankind delivers Hope that lasts forevermore!
He came into the world and walked along side so many and yet they never truly realized Who He was. Even today He continues to walk along side us, waiting for us to realize Who He is and the gift He brings for each of us. We can only receive this gift when we acknowledge Him and the works He has already accomplished in full, to set us free that guides us into an abundant life in Him! What a Wonderful Blessed Christmas Gift He Is; What a Gift He is to Behold!
I pray that this Christmas we can begin to realize that it's not in the sharing of bought presents, nor the wrapping that encloses those gifts; it's not in the Christmas cards we send, nor the biggest and best Christmas Light Display we can present. But It's all about Jesus coming down from Heaven and His gift extended to us of Eternal Salvation through Him that makes Christmas the best time of the year! As we continue enjoying the Spirit of Christmas, let's continue its spirit through the year by sharing love, sharing hope, sharing joy and peace to those around us, as we reach out in Love as the Spirit leads.
Let's have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year celebrating Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, to one and all! After all Jesus is the reason; the only reason for the season! Enjoy this beautiful season of Love knowing that God loves you and so do I~
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
"Tis The Season"
'Tis the season to be jolly, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la! Well by now we've decked our halls with boughs of holly, trimmed our trees, and added festive decorations throughout our home; and even managed to obtain a gift or two for those special someones in our life. Our hearts are full of warmth, of love, and peace that passes all understanding and our hearts are becoming more expectant as we look forward to spending time with friends and family we hold so dear! Time is quickly passing and soon it will be Christmas Day!
With all the excitement this Holy Season brings our way, I wonder why there remains those who never catch the excitement of the season? I was walking around my community and noticed some homes not decorated; not even a bow on the door or a decorated tree to be seen, and I began to wonder why? I wondered what had caused them to lose their joy? Had they had lost someone dear to their heart? Had they suffered painful memories from their past; or do they just not like decorating for the season; altho' they had commented on how beautiful and festive mine was? I wondered why they couldn't sense the joy instead of despair, and I wondered how long they had swirled around in their whirlpool of despair without anyone noticing their need for hope in Christ Jesus?
Christmas is a season of Love, of sharing hope and peace on earth because of our dear Savior's birth! Christ came that all may see the glory of His unconditional Love and be delivered from everything that binds and keep us from enjoying an abundant life; a life of hope and joy in Him! God realized our need to be free from unexpected events in life that knock us off our feet and send us spiraling down into deep holes of despair, so He sent Jesus into this world to deliver Hope and Healing to those lost in sin and despair. That's what Christmas is all about! His unconditional Love shared where there is a need; bringing hope and joy to one and all!
So could it be that these around us who are less festive could use a 'friend' to share Hope with them and remind them they are not alone? Shouldn't we share the Hope of His Great Love displayed in Christ Jesus during this Blessed Season of Love? Shouldn't we be sharing this precious gift of Love all year long? As we busy our self giving gifts to those we love, how about joining me in giving the greatest gift of all in Christ Jesus by sharing His gifts of Hope, Joy, and Peace during this Blessed Season every day to one and all! Then we can proudly proclaim as they go out of sight-"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed season, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
With all the excitement this Holy Season brings our way, I wonder why there remains those who never catch the excitement of the season? I was walking around my community and noticed some homes not decorated; not even a bow on the door or a decorated tree to be seen, and I began to wonder why? I wondered what had caused them to lose their joy? Had they had lost someone dear to their heart? Had they suffered painful memories from their past; or do they just not like decorating for the season; altho' they had commented on how beautiful and festive mine was? I wondered why they couldn't sense the joy instead of despair, and I wondered how long they had swirled around in their whirlpool of despair without anyone noticing their need for hope in Christ Jesus?
Christmas is a season of Love, of sharing hope and peace on earth because of our dear Savior's birth! Christ came that all may see the glory of His unconditional Love and be delivered from everything that binds and keep us from enjoying an abundant life; a life of hope and joy in Him! God realized our need to be free from unexpected events in life that knock us off our feet and send us spiraling down into deep holes of despair, so He sent Jesus into this world to deliver Hope and Healing to those lost in sin and despair. That's what Christmas is all about! His unconditional Love shared where there is a need; bringing hope and joy to one and all!
So could it be that these around us who are less festive could use a 'friend' to share Hope with them and remind them they are not alone? Shouldn't we share the Hope of His Great Love displayed in Christ Jesus during this Blessed Season of Love? Shouldn't we be sharing this precious gift of Love all year long? As we busy our self giving gifts to those we love, how about joining me in giving the greatest gift of all in Christ Jesus by sharing His gifts of Hope, Joy, and Peace during this Blessed Season every day to one and all! Then we can proudly proclaim as they go out of sight-"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed season, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
"The splendor of the King, clothed in majesty; Let all the earth rejoice, All the earth rejoice; He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide, And trembles at His voice, Trembles at His voice; How great is our God, sing with me; How great is our God, and all will see How great, how great is our God. Age to age He stands And time is in His hands; Beginning and the end, Beginning and the end; The Godhead Three in One; Father Spirit Son; The Lion and the Lamb, The Lion and the Lamb;
How great is our God, sing with me; How great is our God, and all will see How great, how great is our God; Name above all names, worthy of all praise; My heart will sing How great is our God!"
I hear over and over people singing and praying for God to "Show us Your Glory" and yet, Do we not know that He has already shown us His Glory?...And continues to show forth His Glory over and over and over again! Have we not realized that Everything around us displays His Glory? Everything we can see or feel or touch, no matter how great, no matter how small, displays His Glory!
From the very beginning of time His Glory is displayed over and over throughout our great earth He created by the very breath He spoke forth! In the people we see and love; in the springing forth of another day, another season, another breath we take, another movement we make. In the miracle of another birth, another chance to run, to jump, to speak, to hear, to see, to touch, to feel, to talk, to laugh, to cry, to hug, to Love!
God created all things In His Glory, For His Glory. He created each one of us with specific talents and traits and personalities to highlight the world He created; to bring Honor and Glory to His Holy Name! Each one of us hold His Glory deep within our very being, within our very Soul, within our heart of hearts. Each one of us is filled with His Glory from the first breath we take from birth, and that Glory is waiting patiently inside for us to accept and submit to His calling in our life so His Glory can shine forth and others can see His great works within us. Each one of us hold the destiny to shine forth The Glory of God's begotten Son, Jesus, full of Grace and Truth!
Today I pray you allow His Glory to shine forth! Allow His Glory the freedom to reach out to those you encounter along your way, so they can see His good works in you and glorify our Father in Heaven! Let's stop crying out,"Show us Your Glory" and start Being His Glory! Let's shower Him with Glory, Honor, and Praise today as we enjoy this beautiful day He has so gloriously given!
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God Loves You and So Do I~~~
Monday, December 11, 2017
There Is Hope When God Is There
I wake in the midst of the darkness, but God is there! We are given bad news from doctors, but God is there! I see circumstances unfold that are less than desirable, but God is there! We are given trials and testings, but God is there! In the midst of all the darkness; In the midst of all that man's reports would say; In the midst of all the circumstances; In the midst of all the confusion, trials, and testing; God brings forth HOPE!
Hope springs forth eternal and through it all, GOD is MORE than enough to turn around those things that seem to human eyes, impossible! Our God is the God who shows up and shows out in such miraculous ways before human eyes that all have to say," It was nothing less than a miracle at the mighty hand of our God."
From the beginning, God's Word sprang forth in the darkness and brought forth Light that changed our world forevermore. His Word brought forth New Life with New Hope so no longer do we look through dark colored glasses worrying about the what ifs! His Word brings forth assurance that whatsoever we have need of, He is ready and able to bring to pass!
It's when we place our trust in Him, that we can look beyond what our human eyes can see, what our human minds can comprehend, and begin to see His glory come shining forth in such miraculous ways that are mind boggling; everything in God's perfect time and in His perfect way; then Jesus shines forth in the darkness and brings Light into whatever need there may be.
HE continually reminds us throughout His Word in John 14 that He is always with us; that He will never leave us or forsake us, but will remain within us forever and ever more. All that He said He will do, because the only thing He cannot do is to Lie(Numbers 23:19). His Word is Truth and whatsoever is written in His Word is yours and mine to have and to hold as a Promise that can never be broken! And if HE did it for that one noted in His Word, He will do it for you because He is no respecter of persons(Romans 2:11, Acts 10:34)!
Our God is an Awesome God who loves us beyond measure! He is not a god that can't be touched by our infirmities(Hebrews 4:15); but Who stands ready and willing to meet our every need as we put our trust in Him. All we have to do is call upon Him to feel Him stirring within us as we whisper His name, Jesus! Feel His closeness as you acknowledge His presence; Feel Him urging you to come a little closer and allow Him to comfort you and bring you peace! Feel His Peace! Feel His Hope! Jesus is the Truth, the Way, and The Light, and He is the One and Only Way to the Father(John 14:6) and Life Eternal!
So today, I pray you rest in His Hope and enjoy a wonderfully blessed day; because God loves you and so do I~~~
Hope springs forth eternal and through it all, GOD is MORE than enough to turn around those things that seem to human eyes, impossible! Our God is the God who shows up and shows out in such miraculous ways before human eyes that all have to say," It was nothing less than a miracle at the mighty hand of our God."
From the beginning, God's Word sprang forth in the darkness and brought forth Light that changed our world forevermore. His Word brought forth New Life with New Hope so no longer do we look through dark colored glasses worrying about the what ifs! His Word brings forth assurance that whatsoever we have need of, He is ready and able to bring to pass!
It's when we place our trust in Him, that we can look beyond what our human eyes can see, what our human minds can comprehend, and begin to see His glory come shining forth in such miraculous ways that are mind boggling; everything in God's perfect time and in His perfect way; then Jesus shines forth in the darkness and brings Light into whatever need there may be.
HE continually reminds us throughout His Word in John 14 that He is always with us; that He will never leave us or forsake us, but will remain within us forever and ever more. All that He said He will do, because the only thing He cannot do is to Lie(Numbers 23:19). His Word is Truth and whatsoever is written in His Word is yours and mine to have and to hold as a Promise that can never be broken! And if HE did it for that one noted in His Word, He will do it for you because He is no respecter of persons(Romans 2:11, Acts 10:34)!
Our God is an Awesome God who loves us beyond measure! He is not a god that can't be touched by our infirmities(Hebrews 4:15); but Who stands ready and willing to meet our every need as we put our trust in Him. All we have to do is call upon Him to feel Him stirring within us as we whisper His name, Jesus! Feel His closeness as you acknowledge His presence; Feel Him urging you to come a little closer and allow Him to comfort you and bring you peace! Feel His Peace! Feel His Hope! Jesus is the Truth, the Way, and The Light, and He is the One and Only Way to the Father(John 14:6) and Life Eternal!
So today, I pray you rest in His Hope and enjoy a wonderfully blessed day; because God loves you and so do I~~~
Saturday, December 9, 2017
The Gift of Love
Enjoying an overwhelming victory over sickness and death through the promise from our Heavenly Father that He never leaves nor forsakes us but watches over us to protect and provide all that we need as we trust in Him.
Learning that although sickness or traumatic injuries may try to overtake us, they cannot conquer us; because in Christ Jesus we are made MORE than Conquerors! We are children of the Most High God and in Him there is no lack!
So forever I will sing praise unto the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and give thanks for my family and Christian heritage on which we are founded. Each one of us from start to finish are destined for good things in Him who created and predestined us for His glory sake; and unto Him we gratefully give all glory, honor and praise!
As the Christmas season is upon us, let's be more mindful of showing our love one to another, instead of running ragged shopping around and trying to buy things we cannot afford for those we love. Love isn't remembered by the gifts we give, but by the love we've shown through the years. With some trying to leave Christ out of Christmas, we must never forget that the greatest gift ever given to mankind was LOVE; and that Christmas is only Christmas because of Him!
John 3:16 declares that our Heavenly Father SO LOVED the world(you and me) that He gave His only begotten son, JESUS, into a world of sinners(you and me) so that all who would believe on Him and His works, and receive Him into their hearts as their Lord and Savior, would be saved. That's when we can stand before God wholly redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, Christ Jesus!
There has never been a greater gift of love than this; God giving His only begotten Son and Jesus' willingness to lay down His life for you and me. Love cannot be bought with a price, but true Love is when you share it one to another! So as you give your gifts this Christmas, don't forget to give the Gift Of Love to one another and Have a very Merry Christmas from my house to yours! God loves you and so do I~~~
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
The Key to Wonderful Day
I love the passage found in Proverbs 3: 5,6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." The older I get the more I have come to fully trust that God's timing is always perfect, so today let's trust Him to guide us along our way so we will be at the right place and the right time, to do whatever is needed to help someone, and as needed, to keep us out of harm's way. Our Heavenly Father delights in protecting His children
❤️ and we know He delights in giving us the very best of everything that is for our good. After all, He gave us His only begotten son, JESUS, as our ransom, to cover all our sin debts in full, just by trusting and resting in His works! So now, as we rest
🙏 in His guidance through our day, we can relax and enjoy a blessed day!
So have that blessed day today, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~

So have that blessed day today, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~

Monday, December 4, 2017
God's Amazing Love
I am so amazed by God's love!God loves us with a love we are unable to understand. He is forever faithful to watch over us and prepare the way before us. There is no measure to fit the dimensions of His love, no descriptions to describe His love, and positively no requirements we must meet to deserve His love. He loves all His creations, you and me, with an Unconditional Love that is totally free and without reserve!
Before we were born, God designed a perfect plan for each of us. No one else has your plan; only you can fulfill the plan He designed just for you. You are unique in who you are, in how you look, in how you think, in how you talk, in how you walk; and You are the child He adores just the way you are!
The creator of this universe is your Father and You are His Child: created in His image and for His purpose by His very own hands. No one else can be you, just as you can not be someone else, no matter how much you try to change!
When God began creation, every thing was created in its own design, its own shape, and its own color to be just what He meant it to be; and when He had completed each creation, He declared, "It is good!"
You are a very detailed part of His creation; unique in your own way; materializing from the same artist who created the heavens and the earth, sunrise and sunset, the rainbows and all that exists!
When you begin to feel unworthy and think yourself less than others, begin to speak His Words over your life and allow His love to engulf you as you snuggle up tightly in His loving arms and allow His Love to encourage you; His child He loves beyond measure.
He awaits continually 24/7 with arms open wide to comfort, to love on us, and to fill us with His peace. He never slumbers nor sleeps, but is forever faithful to watch over us in good times and bad.
So whatever you may be battling in your mind today, rest assured and be secured in God's unconditional love and allow Him to carry you through it all.
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Before we were born, God designed a perfect plan for each of us. No one else has your plan; only you can fulfill the plan He designed just for you. You are unique in who you are, in how you look, in how you think, in how you talk, in how you walk; and You are the child He adores just the way you are!
The creator of this universe is your Father and You are His Child: created in His image and for His purpose by His very own hands. No one else can be you, just as you can not be someone else, no matter how much you try to change!
When God began creation, every thing was created in its own design, its own shape, and its own color to be just what He meant it to be; and when He had completed each creation, He declared, "It is good!"
You are a very detailed part of His creation; unique in your own way; materializing from the same artist who created the heavens and the earth, sunrise and sunset, the rainbows and all that exists!
When you begin to feel unworthy and think yourself less than others, begin to speak His Words over your life and allow His love to engulf you as you snuggle up tightly in His loving arms and allow His Love to encourage you; His child He loves beyond measure.
He awaits continually 24/7 with arms open wide to comfort, to love on us, and to fill us with His peace. He never slumbers nor sleeps, but is forever faithful to watch over us in good times and bad.
So whatever you may be battling in your mind today, rest assured and be secured in God's unconditional love and allow Him to carry you through it all.
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Loving That Sweet Anointing
Thinking on the goodness of our God and this holiday of Thanksgiving and I find myself abundantly blessed by His presence in my life. He brings a warm feeling of being loved Unconditionally and leaves me with His sweet anointing saturating within. I love to find a hiding place where I can just sit back and enjoy the awesomeness of His sweet anointing. Doesn't matter if I'm gathered together in worship or in my alone time with Him. God always bring peace of mind as Holy Spirit saturates my inner being with that sweet Anointing only He delivers.
God continues to do new things in the lives of all those who choose to seek His face; who listen attentively to His voice; and who without reservation, choose to submit to His calling upon their life. Lives forever changed; looking not to the left nor to the right to see what others think; but who through freedom in the power of God choose to lay aside all weights that once hindered, throwing off all chains that once bound, and choosing to step into their new life recreated in Christ Jesus. Lives now filled with undeniable Power from on high, hearts now filled with His love, and minds now recreated by God unto good works. Lives Forever changed, Forever delivered, Forever grateful, Forever determined to be all they can be for the glory of God and His kingdom sake!
His sweet Anointing brings about utmost praise as we realize where we once were in life is not where we are today; and it's all by the Grace of God. It is not about you or me, but it's ALL about JESUS! It's the Amazing Grace of God through Christ Jesus and His Unconditional Love that saves us and brings us into this newness in Him. It's about realizing the power of God given to each of us as we are reborn in Him. It's about realizing the third person of the Trinity, Holy Spirit, now lives within us(John 14:17), enabling us to do what we could not do on our own, but through HIM we can do ALL things (Philippians 4:13). It's about coming to know the person of Holy Spirit and His desire to build us into that full stature of man God predestined us to be before we were even born(Ephesians 4:13).
To know the love of Christ Jesus and the power Holy Spirit instills within brings about the conquering and encouraging force each of us need to be victorious over struggles of life day by day, moment by moment. We should not let the worries of life defeat us when God is on our side and we have Holy Spirit living within. We just have to Know who we are and Whose we are as we call upon that mighty name of Jesus, that empowers us to conquer all things. Jesus knew we needed Holy Spirit to live within us, not to lie dormant, but to lead and to guide us in all our ways. So let's allow His sweet anointing to flow within us and become our strength, our provider, our comforter, our peace; All we ever need-He is!
Know who you are in Christ Jesus and claim your victory today so you can relax in the Sweet Anointing of His Fullness within. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~
God continues to do new things in the lives of all those who choose to seek His face; who listen attentively to His voice; and who without reservation, choose to submit to His calling upon their life. Lives forever changed; looking not to the left nor to the right to see what others think; but who through freedom in the power of God choose to lay aside all weights that once hindered, throwing off all chains that once bound, and choosing to step into their new life recreated in Christ Jesus. Lives now filled with undeniable Power from on high, hearts now filled with His love, and minds now recreated by God unto good works. Lives Forever changed, Forever delivered, Forever grateful, Forever determined to be all they can be for the glory of God and His kingdom sake!
His sweet Anointing brings about utmost praise as we realize where we once were in life is not where we are today; and it's all by the Grace of God. It is not about you or me, but it's ALL about JESUS! It's the Amazing Grace of God through Christ Jesus and His Unconditional Love that saves us and brings us into this newness in Him. It's about realizing the power of God given to each of us as we are reborn in Him. It's about realizing the third person of the Trinity, Holy Spirit, now lives within us(John 14:17), enabling us to do what we could not do on our own, but through HIM we can do ALL things (Philippians 4:13). It's about coming to know the person of Holy Spirit and His desire to build us into that full stature of man God predestined us to be before we were even born(Ephesians 4:13).
To know the love of Christ Jesus and the power Holy Spirit instills within brings about the conquering and encouraging force each of us need to be victorious over struggles of life day by day, moment by moment. We should not let the worries of life defeat us when God is on our side and we have Holy Spirit living within. We just have to Know who we are and Whose we are as we call upon that mighty name of Jesus, that empowers us to conquer all things. Jesus knew we needed Holy Spirit to live within us, not to lie dormant, but to lead and to guide us in all our ways. So let's allow His sweet anointing to flow within us and become our strength, our provider, our comforter, our peace; All we ever need-He is!
Know who you are in Christ Jesus and claim your victory today so you can relax in the Sweet Anointing of His Fullness within. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Having The Spirit of Thanksgiving
As the Spirit of Thanksgiving fills the air, my heart turns to the One Who has made me thankful in all things, my Lord Jesus! Such thanksgiving makes my heart cry out, "Thank you for the cross, Lord; Thank you for the price You paid; Bearing all my sin and shame, In love You came And gave amazing grace; Thank you for this love, Lord; Thank you for the nail pierced hands; Washed me in Your cleansing flow, Now all I know is Your forgiveness and embrace. Worthy is the Lamb Seated on the throne; We crown You now with many crowns, You reign victorious; High and lifted up, Jesus Son of God; Darling of Heaven crucified,
Worthy is the Lamb; Worthy is the Lamb!"
Worthy is the Lamb; Worthy is the Lamb!"
As we approach this special holiday of Thanksgiving and making plans to be around those who are dear to our hearts; may we also strive to achieve a Spirit of Thanksgiving having our eyes open to spiritual enlightenment; our hearts filled with God's great Love; and our mind in tune to the Lamb of God who has taken away the sins of this world to all who believe and receive this great gift with thanksgiving. May we know in Whom we believe and live in His grace as we share Him with those we encounter.
May we feel His arms embrace us as we offer up praise as noted in Psalm 100,
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord; all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord, He is God. It is He that has made us and not we ourselves. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and praise His name; for the Lord is good! His mercy is everlasting and His truth endures to all generations."
May we truly be His people with thankful hearts receiving the new mercies He bestows each new morning. May His Love be reflected in our words and deeds and may He receive glory for all the Spirit is doing within our life. May we look around us and begin to realize all the many blessings that have come our way and be thankful unto Him and bless His name, for the Lord is good all the time, and all the time God is good! Amen and Amen!
Have a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~
May we feel His arms embrace us as we offer up praise as noted in Psalm 100,
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord; all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord, He is God. It is He that has made us and not we ourselves. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him and praise His name; for the Lord is good! His mercy is everlasting and His truth endures to all generations."
May we truly be His people with thankful hearts receiving the new mercies He bestows each new morning. May His Love be reflected in our words and deeds and may He receive glory for all the Spirit is doing within our life. May we look around us and begin to realize all the many blessings that have come our way and be thankful unto Him and bless His name, for the Lord is good all the time, and all the time God is good! Amen and Amen!
Have a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~
How's your thinking today? Ya know rotten thinking brings about stinkin' consequences! Paul tells us in Philippians 4:8-9 "Finally,brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
Learning to guard our minds with all diligence and to replace rotten negative thoughts with those that are positive, leads to positive circumstances. As you go about your day, take time to fill your mind with God's Word so you start your day feeling refreshed and equipped to accomplish whatever comes your way. Just as a warm shower refreshes and revives us, allowing time to enter into God's presence and allowing His Spirit to flow through us, refreshes and revives our minds, bringing positive thoughts along our way!
It's wonderful to know and to feel that we are loved! God has lovingly blessed us all with different gifts and talents; not to store them up for ourselves, but to share with others; gifts of love and caring, gifts of health and prosperity, and the gift of sharing with those in need.
Knowing you are loved is life's greatest treasure! It was God's divine love that brought Jesus down from Heaven above to shed his life for you and me; and it was His divine love that allows each of us to be delivered and set free by His finished work on Calvary! "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."(Romans 8:38,39)
God's love is forever, His love is unconditional, and nothing you or I can ever do, or not do, can separate us from His love. His love is not based upon what we are, what we might become, or what we may be able to do in the future; He loves us for who we are right now! God is Love in the purest and greatest form, and as His children, we are joint heirs with Jesus unto everlasting life.
I pray as you go about your day that you will be mindful of God's greatest gift of Love to mankind; His beloved son Jesus; and that you come to know Him not only as your Lord and Savior, but as your dearest friend who loves you beyond measure. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends; God loves you and so do I~~
Learning to guard our minds with all diligence and to replace rotten negative thoughts with those that are positive, leads to positive circumstances. As you go about your day, take time to fill your mind with God's Word so you start your day feeling refreshed and equipped to accomplish whatever comes your way. Just as a warm shower refreshes and revives us, allowing time to enter into God's presence and allowing His Spirit to flow through us, refreshes and revives our minds, bringing positive thoughts along our way!
It's wonderful to know and to feel that we are loved! God has lovingly blessed us all with different gifts and talents; not to store them up for ourselves, but to share with others; gifts of love and caring, gifts of health and prosperity, and the gift of sharing with those in need.
Knowing you are loved is life's greatest treasure! It was God's divine love that brought Jesus down from Heaven above to shed his life for you and me; and it was His divine love that allows each of us to be delivered and set free by His finished work on Calvary! "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."(Romans 8:38,39)
God's love is forever, His love is unconditional, and nothing you or I can ever do, or not do, can separate us from His love. His love is not based upon what we are, what we might become, or what we may be able to do in the future; He loves us for who we are right now! God is Love in the purest and greatest form, and as His children, we are joint heirs with Jesus unto everlasting life.
I pray as you go about your day that you will be mindful of God's greatest gift of Love to mankind; His beloved son Jesus; and that you come to know Him not only as your Lord and Savior, but as your dearest friend who loves you beyond measure. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends; God loves you and so do I~~
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Learning to Relax In His Presence
Today I find myself desiring to just get away, to lie back and relax in the presence of the Almighty; wanting some alone time, just me and Him. But why would I feel the need to get away? Why would I feel the need to go somewhere for this alone time when I know He watches over me wherever I am? Could it be this world is going faster than I can keep up with? Or could it be that I'm allowing life's cares to boggle my mind? Life is definitely a mind game!
When I stop and think about it, the one thing I am positively sure of; is that it doesn't matter where I am or what state of mind I'm in; I know that God is with me and I'm never alone. So today I will lay aside my cares and determine within my mind to just lie back and relax in God's presence! I will be thankful for all He has given that fills my days with life in this massive array of shapes, sizes, cares, and sounds. I will rest in knowing He has me in the palm of His hands; and I will enjoy the peace that only He can bring that everything will work out in His time, in His plan, and in His perfect way! I will rest in His sheltering arms and feel the security that comes from knowing I am His and He is mine!
Wouldn't you like to join me and pause a few minutes to rest during this day God has given? As we rest, I'm sure we will find 'something' to be grateful for; and as we realize that 'something to be grateful for', we will most assuredly find more than one something; we will find a magnitude of somethings to be grateful for! Then as we begin to realize those somethings, our heart will begin to fill with thanksgiving as we offer up praise with a grateful heart. Then our day will become a lot brighter and our load become a lot lighter and suddenly, we have ushered in the presence of the Lord with our thanksgiving!
So let's pause for just a few moments and relax in His presence today and be wonderfully blessed. God loves you and so do I~~~
When I stop and think about it, the one thing I am positively sure of; is that it doesn't matter where I am or what state of mind I'm in; I know that God is with me and I'm never alone. So today I will lay aside my cares and determine within my mind to just lie back and relax in God's presence! I will be thankful for all He has given that fills my days with life in this massive array of shapes, sizes, cares, and sounds. I will rest in knowing He has me in the palm of His hands; and I will enjoy the peace that only He can bring that everything will work out in His time, in His plan, and in His perfect way! I will rest in His sheltering arms and feel the security that comes from knowing I am His and He is mine!
Wouldn't you like to join me and pause a few minutes to rest during this day God has given? As we rest, I'm sure we will find 'something' to be grateful for; and as we realize that 'something to be grateful for', we will most assuredly find more than one something; we will find a magnitude of somethings to be grateful for! Then as we begin to realize those somethings, our heart will begin to fill with thanksgiving as we offer up praise with a grateful heart. Then our day will become a lot brighter and our load become a lot lighter and suddenly, we have ushered in the presence of the Lord with our thanksgiving!
So let's pause for just a few moments and relax in His presence today and be wonderfully blessed. God loves you and so do I~~~
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Overcoming Our Fears
Thinking back on discussions with my precious granddaughter and her determination to be the very best she can be during performances and competitions with her cheerleading team, brings me to mind how much we, as adults, refuse to allow ourselves to experience uncharted adventures, simply by being too fearful or apprehensive of the unknown. Kenadi and her team perform such amazing feats as they lift, toss, tumble and flip around in ways that seem impossible and yet are so amazing to watch as they accomplish them beautifully. She is growing into such a beautiful young lady, inside and out, and overcoming fears at such a young age that just makes my heart swell with pride.
We, as adults, often feel that same apprehension regarding the unknown and unless our thought process is reconditioned with determination and some friendly encouragement, we may never attempt to venture out into the unknown and ultimately become the person we were destined to become. Yes, we may fail at times, but failure is not a sign of weakness, but never attempting to try is. Through trial and errors, we become stronger, better, and flexible instruments through Christ who strengthens us. He takes our messes and tests and turns them into messages and testimonies of His divine work within us. He takes the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
Becoming aware that we don't know everything makes us teachable as we turn to the author and finisher of our faith to find the answers and support needed. He is our encourager, our instructor, and our protector, and He will guide us through every unknown adventure we attempt as long as we listen and follow His instructions along our pathway. "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in him."Psalms 37:23. As we follow God's lead, we become more than conquerors because Jesus conquered the world. And because He lives, we don't have to be afraid to try new things; to go where we've never gone before; to attempts feats we've never thought possible; or to venture out on that unknown course of life we feel Holy Spirit calling us to. With God on our side, we can not be defeated unless we allow fear to conquer us.
There comes a time in life when we become determined enough to be all we can be in this life He has given. That determination gives us the courage to throw our shoulders back, hold our head up high, sharpen our focus, and charge forward with Him leading us along the pathway ahead. We overcome our fears by simply putting one foot in front of the other and being determined to accomplish what He has called us to do. We can overcome our fears by refusing to quit. We have nothing to fear but fear itself and in God, fear is cast away!
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~
We, as adults, often feel that same apprehension regarding the unknown and unless our thought process is reconditioned with determination and some friendly encouragement, we may never attempt to venture out into the unknown and ultimately become the person we were destined to become. Yes, we may fail at times, but failure is not a sign of weakness, but never attempting to try is. Through trial and errors, we become stronger, better, and flexible instruments through Christ who strengthens us. He takes our messes and tests and turns them into messages and testimonies of His divine work within us. He takes the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
Becoming aware that we don't know everything makes us teachable as we turn to the author and finisher of our faith to find the answers and support needed. He is our encourager, our instructor, and our protector, and He will guide us through every unknown adventure we attempt as long as we listen and follow His instructions along our pathway. "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in him."Psalms 37:23. As we follow God's lead, we become more than conquerors because Jesus conquered the world. And because He lives, we don't have to be afraid to try new things; to go where we've never gone before; to attempts feats we've never thought possible; or to venture out on that unknown course of life we feel Holy Spirit calling us to. With God on our side, we can not be defeated unless we allow fear to conquer us.
There comes a time in life when we become determined enough to be all we can be in this life He has given. That determination gives us the courage to throw our shoulders back, hold our head up high, sharpen our focus, and charge forward with Him leading us along the pathway ahead. We overcome our fears by simply putting one foot in front of the other and being determined to accomplish what He has called us to do. We can overcome our fears by refusing to quit. We have nothing to fear but fear itself and in God, fear is cast away!
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Here I Am! Send Me!
I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8. As we celebrate Veterans Day weekend, I think of the multiple thousands who have so valiantly said these words, and how multiple thousands never reaped the harvest of their labor on those battlefields but yet you and I are free today because of their willing spirit to go and fight the war for our freedom today.
Soldiers on the battlefields often slept sitting upright back to back with another trusted soldier so they would not be caught off guard and overtaken through the night. Their ears became sharpened to hear footsteps and movements coming their way from the enemy forces and they knew it was a fight to the finish if freedom was to be won.
I remember as children how we would anxiously raise our hands and shout out, "Pick me, Pick me" as sides were chosen for certain activities in school and how our volunteer spirit was so abundant and free as we cheered others on as well. That volunteer spirit is needed much the same today as Holy Spirit seeks willing individuals to battle the good fight of faith against the evils of this world that are so prevalent and seeking to destroy all we hold dear.
Where is your volunteer spirit today? Do you have the willingness to defend the cause of Jesus Christ and lead others to freedom in Him? Are you ready to fight spiritual warfare for those you hold dear? To pledge your allegiance to what you believe and value as morally and spiritually right? Do you have your armor on as Paul advises in Ephesians 6:10-20? Do you have the Word ingested deep within so nothing can steal it away?
The war continues and souls are dying on the battlefields. I thank God for those veterans who have fought in the past and those who willingly continue to fight today so you and I can be free from oppressions that come our way! The battle continues today; not only in the field, but also in the battlefield of our mind. Will you be a willing individual who will raise their hand and say, "Here I am! Send me!" Just something to think about!
Have a wonderfully blessed weekend dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~
Soldiers on the battlefields often slept sitting upright back to back with another trusted soldier so they would not be caught off guard and overtaken through the night. Their ears became sharpened to hear footsteps and movements coming their way from the enemy forces and they knew it was a fight to the finish if freedom was to be won.
I remember as children how we would anxiously raise our hands and shout out, "Pick me, Pick me" as sides were chosen for certain activities in school and how our volunteer spirit was so abundant and free as we cheered others on as well. That volunteer spirit is needed much the same today as Holy Spirit seeks willing individuals to battle the good fight of faith against the evils of this world that are so prevalent and seeking to destroy all we hold dear.
Where is your volunteer spirit today? Do you have the willingness to defend the cause of Jesus Christ and lead others to freedom in Him? Are you ready to fight spiritual warfare for those you hold dear? To pledge your allegiance to what you believe and value as morally and spiritually right? Do you have your armor on as Paul advises in Ephesians 6:10-20? Do you have the Word ingested deep within so nothing can steal it away?
The war continues and souls are dying on the battlefields. I thank God for those veterans who have fought in the past and those who willingly continue to fight today so you and I can be free from oppressions that come our way! The battle continues today; not only in the field, but also in the battlefield of our mind. Will you be a willing individual who will raise their hand and say, "Here I am! Send me!" Just something to think about!
Have a wonderfully blessed weekend dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~
Thursday, November 9, 2017
What Power Lies Deep Within
Paul's writings in Ephesians reminds us that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives within you and me; and that has me doing a lot of soul searching and being thankful that it's never too late to realize the power necessary to reach one's full potential in life. Makes me wonder how much more greatly empowered believers would be today if those who are strong in the faith would pray God's blessings upon other saints as Paul did in Ephesians 1:16-21 NIV), "I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength, which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come."
Can you not feel the power in Paul's prayer for his fellow believers? Power prayed down from on High to empower their spiritual walk with the Lord! Resurrecting Power that can recreate, Refresh, and Renew from within! Now that's Power; Life-Changing Power!!! And that's the same power that Lives within you and me since the day we were reborn into the kingdom of God through Christ Jesus! Power that inspires wisdom and revelation to know Jesus better! Power that sheds spiritual enlightenment of who we are in Him, and what He can do through us! Power that enables us to actually do above and beyond all we could ever think or imagine because He Lives Within Us! The Same Power that raised Jesus from the dead abides within you and Me; the Power of our precious Holy Spirit!
So be reminded of His Presence in all you do and say today and allow Him to shine forth from deep within while remembering to bless others along your way! Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~
Can you not feel the power in Paul's prayer for his fellow believers? Power prayed down from on High to empower their spiritual walk with the Lord! Resurrecting Power that can recreate, Refresh, and Renew from within! Now that's Power; Life-Changing Power!!! And that's the same power that Lives within you and me since the day we were reborn into the kingdom of God through Christ Jesus! Power that inspires wisdom and revelation to know Jesus better! Power that sheds spiritual enlightenment of who we are in Him, and what He can do through us! Power that enables us to actually do above and beyond all we could ever think or imagine because He Lives Within Us! The Same Power that raised Jesus from the dead abides within you and Me; the Power of our precious Holy Spirit!
So be reminded of His Presence in all you do and say today and allow Him to shine forth from deep within while remembering to bless others along your way! Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Life Can Be Very Puzzling
Good morning, dear friends! Ever worked a puzzle, or two or three? Or maybe you're a puzzle lover who've worked countless puzzles throughout the years? Have you every flown and while looking out the windows began to admire God's creations? How the clouds look like large marshmallows, large cruise liners in the oceans below look like tiny tiny toys, and the ground looks like a giant puzzle changing forms depending on your height above. Amazing to see how everything links together perfectly according to the depths and heights we encounter along our flight.
While flying for my first time on a mission trip to Bulgaria several years ago, I became amazed at God's creations in everything I saw out the windows and was in awe of the grounds below looking like giant puzzle pieces as the spirit within me seemed to catch a glimpse of God's Word in Ephesians 2:21 and 4:11-16; of how everything fits together perfectly in His divine plan according to the depth and height of our walk with Him!
Our life is much like a giant puzzle and we, God's creations, and the circumstances we impose into our life become those puzzle pieces. Amazing how we seem to make every effort to fit a piece that does not belong, just because it looks the part and we think it should be there. But try as we will, it just will not fit, nor will it allow other pieces to fit into our picture which has a way of really throwing us off course until we finally realize it is not in the master's plan and perfect design for our journey. This puzzle is much like our life and the picture on the cover is God's perfect plan for our life; but if we don't learn to let go and remove those pieces that don't fit, we will never reach that finished end, but continue roaming aimlessly in our puzzling world.
Trusting God to lead and guide us allows us to let go of pieces that don't work out, so He can properly fit together those pieces needed to complete our life.That's why I am so thankful He sees His completed picture, perfectly fitted together; and that He never loses sight of who we will eventually become if we just stay focused and don't lose sight of our cover picture! As I look back over my life, I see where different puzzle pieces(people and circumstances) needed to be removed or switched around, both good and bad, to get me to the person I am today; and I know that as you go about your life under God's direction, that you will see pieces fitting together or having to be removed or switched around,to complete another one of God's great masterpieces- YOU!!!.
Just as God Never gives up on us-don't you give up on yourself either. It takes time to finish a puzzle so He sent us Holy Spirit to direct us! Ask Him to guide you, because He is the greatest puzzle solver ever Who never loses sight of His end result. He has a perfect plan for each of us and we will make it, dear friend, because Jesus has us all in the palms of His hands where we fit perfectly together. Trust Him, He never fails!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~
While flying for my first time on a mission trip to Bulgaria several years ago, I became amazed at God's creations in everything I saw out the windows and was in awe of the grounds below looking like giant puzzle pieces as the spirit within me seemed to catch a glimpse of God's Word in Ephesians 2:21 and 4:11-16; of how everything fits together perfectly in His divine plan according to the depth and height of our walk with Him!
Our life is much like a giant puzzle and we, God's creations, and the circumstances we impose into our life become those puzzle pieces. Amazing how we seem to make every effort to fit a piece that does not belong, just because it looks the part and we think it should be there. But try as we will, it just will not fit, nor will it allow other pieces to fit into our picture which has a way of really throwing us off course until we finally realize it is not in the master's plan and perfect design for our journey. This puzzle is much like our life and the picture on the cover is God's perfect plan for our life; but if we don't learn to let go and remove those pieces that don't fit, we will never reach that finished end, but continue roaming aimlessly in our puzzling world.
Trusting God to lead and guide us allows us to let go of pieces that don't work out, so He can properly fit together those pieces needed to complete our life.That's why I am so thankful He sees His completed picture, perfectly fitted together; and that He never loses sight of who we will eventually become if we just stay focused and don't lose sight of our cover picture! As I look back over my life, I see where different puzzle pieces(people and circumstances) needed to be removed or switched around, both good and bad, to get me to the person I am today; and I know that as you go about your life under God's direction, that you will see pieces fitting together or having to be removed or switched around,to complete another one of God's great masterpieces- YOU!!!.
Just as God Never gives up on us-don't you give up on yourself either. It takes time to finish a puzzle so He sent us Holy Spirit to direct us! Ask Him to guide you, because He is the greatest puzzle solver ever Who never loses sight of His end result. He has a perfect plan for each of us and we will make it, dear friend, because Jesus has us all in the palms of His hands where we fit perfectly together. Trust Him, He never fails!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~
Monday, November 6, 2017
How We Influence Others Really Matters
As we begin another week, I can only wonder what it will hold. So many consequences come from different influences made on people's lives that I wonder what influence my life has on others. Will my influence today be good or bad? Will others see me as inspiring or demeaning, loving or condemning? Will I make them feel encouraged by my actions and words, or will I leave them feeling discouraged? Will the life I live toward others today offer them hope; or will it leave them feeling hopeless? How can I assure a positive influence on others in all my ways?
Serious questions for serious minds. Check out your own feelings! Try it out and think of one person you encounter frequently; can be at home, a neighbor, or at work; how do they make you feel? Do this person bring a smile, a sense of happiness, a sense of hope? Usually the first person that comes to mind is a caring person; someone who influences you in a positive way; someone you are very fond of; someone who makes it easy to enjoy life around.
Now on the other hand, think of one person who is less positive; someone that makes you roll your eyes when you catch sight of them; someone you may even try and dodge having to talk with; someone who is negative in their words and deeds. Without realizing it, they have already influenced you in one way or the other. What you do with those influences will tend to make a difference, not only in your future, but in theirs as well. The influence we hold on others can build them up or tear them down.
Each person has been dealt a past and many have not been good experiences. The influence one's peers or authoritative figure had over them caused great harm and formed how they perceive life and circumstances around them. Many have never had anyone truly love them just the way they are! Many have never been shown the Love of God in deed, and only browbeaten harshly with the Word of God from those who have forgotten where Jesus brought them from and His teachings regarding the lost and hurting.
Jesus taught us to Love, not hate(Mt. 22:39, Eph. 4:15); He taught us not to judge(Mt. 7:1-3), and He taught us not to condemn(Lk. 6:37). He taught us to forgive as He has forgiven and to love others as He loved us and gave His life a ransom for us! While we were still sinners He sacrificed His life and forgave our every sin! So maybe we need to take another look at where He has brought us from. Look at all He has forgiven us and remember that to those much is given, much is required!
So where is Christ Jesus' influence in our lives? Where do we begin allowing His influence the control needed today and every day hereafter? We begin by living the golden rule Jesus spoke of in Matthew 7:12, and doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. We love beyond measure! We forgive beyond measure! We judge not that we be not judged! And we condemn not that we be not condemned! We remember God's greatest gift of Love in Christ Jesus and we live our life to Influence others of the Hope that is in us through our Lord and Savior! We remember always that is not because of who we are, but because of Who He is in us! And with this, We Influence Others in His Love!
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed week dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Serious questions for serious minds. Check out your own feelings! Try it out and think of one person you encounter frequently; can be at home, a neighbor, or at work; how do they make you feel? Do this person bring a smile, a sense of happiness, a sense of hope? Usually the first person that comes to mind is a caring person; someone who influences you in a positive way; someone you are very fond of; someone who makes it easy to enjoy life around.
Now on the other hand, think of one person who is less positive; someone that makes you roll your eyes when you catch sight of them; someone you may even try and dodge having to talk with; someone who is negative in their words and deeds. Without realizing it, they have already influenced you in one way or the other. What you do with those influences will tend to make a difference, not only in your future, but in theirs as well. The influence we hold on others can build them up or tear them down.
Each person has been dealt a past and many have not been good experiences. The influence one's peers or authoritative figure had over them caused great harm and formed how they perceive life and circumstances around them. Many have never had anyone truly love them just the way they are! Many have never been shown the Love of God in deed, and only browbeaten harshly with the Word of God from those who have forgotten where Jesus brought them from and His teachings regarding the lost and hurting.
Jesus taught us to Love, not hate(Mt. 22:39, Eph. 4:15); He taught us not to judge(Mt. 7:1-3), and He taught us not to condemn(Lk. 6:37). He taught us to forgive as He has forgiven and to love others as He loved us and gave His life a ransom for us! While we were still sinners He sacrificed His life and forgave our every sin! So maybe we need to take another look at where He has brought us from. Look at all He has forgiven us and remember that to those much is given, much is required!
So where is Christ Jesus' influence in our lives? Where do we begin allowing His influence the control needed today and every day hereafter? We begin by living the golden rule Jesus spoke of in Matthew 7:12, and doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. We love beyond measure! We forgive beyond measure! We judge not that we be not judged! And we condemn not that we be not condemned! We remember God's greatest gift of Love in Christ Jesus and we live our life to Influence others of the Hope that is in us through our Lord and Savior! We remember always that is not because of who we are, but because of Who He is in us! And with this, We Influence Others in His Love!
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed week dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Because Of Who He Is
"Because of Who You are I give You glory, because of Who You are I give You praise, Because of Who You are I will lift my voice and sing, Lord I worship You because of Who You are; Jehovah Jireh, my Provider; Jehovah Nissi, Lord You reign in Victory; Jehovah Shalom, my Prince of Peace; And I worship You because of Who You Are!"
This precious medley of Praise and Worship to the King of Kings, The Great I Am, Holy Creator, All we need He Is; stirs within my spirit ringing forth praise to Almighty God as I begin this new day He has given. Can't help but take time to acknowledge Who He is and what I am in Him. Cannot even imagine beginning my day without Him in it and I know of certainty that I would not want to live a day without Him in it!
"This is the Air I breathe, This is the Air I breathe, Your Holy Presence living in me; This is my Daily Bread, This is my Daily Bread, Your very Word Spoken to me! And I'm desperate for You; And I'm lost without You!" And Truly He is the Air I breathe, He is my Daily Bread! Where would I be without His presence living within? Where would you be?
He is the Wind beneath my wings... He is the Strength in my weakness... He is the Restorer of my soul... He Empowers me... He Guides me... He Comforts me... He Leads me in the path of righteousness for His name sake. There is no where I will go and nothing I will encounter that He is not already aware of. He is my Protector... He is my Deliverer... He is my Everything. All that I need, He is! His Love Envelops me, Holy Spirit Completes me; His breath breathes Life into my weary soul and brings Peace as nothing can ever compare.
Such is the Love of God reaching down to human kind; desiring to lift us up in His arms and carry us into a higher form of worship than we could ever imagine. He desires to bless us in ways far above any thing we can imagine as our minds are stayed on Him. It's not who we are but Whose we are that makes us more than conquerors in Him!
So as you begin this day, I pray you will take just a moment and acknowledge Him and 'Who He Is' to fill your mind and as you do, I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~
This precious medley of Praise and Worship to the King of Kings, The Great I Am, Holy Creator, All we need He Is; stirs within my spirit ringing forth praise to Almighty God as I begin this new day He has given. Can't help but take time to acknowledge Who He is and what I am in Him. Cannot even imagine beginning my day without Him in it and I know of certainty that I would not want to live a day without Him in it!
"This is the Air I breathe, This is the Air I breathe, Your Holy Presence living in me; This is my Daily Bread, This is my Daily Bread, Your very Word Spoken to me! And I'm desperate for You; And I'm lost without You!" And Truly He is the Air I breathe, He is my Daily Bread! Where would I be without His presence living within? Where would you be?
He is the Wind beneath my wings... He is the Strength in my weakness... He is the Restorer of my soul... He Empowers me... He Guides me... He Comforts me... He Leads me in the path of righteousness for His name sake. There is no where I will go and nothing I will encounter that He is not already aware of. He is my Protector... He is my Deliverer... He is my Everything. All that I need, He is! His Love Envelops me, Holy Spirit Completes me; His breath breathes Life into my weary soul and brings Peace as nothing can ever compare.
Such is the Love of God reaching down to human kind; desiring to lift us up in His arms and carry us into a higher form of worship than we could ever imagine. He desires to bless us in ways far above any thing we can imagine as our minds are stayed on Him. It's not who we are but Whose we are that makes us more than conquerors in Him!
So as you begin this day, I pray you will take just a moment and acknowledge Him and 'Who He Is' to fill your mind and as you do, I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~
Friday, November 3, 2017
Learning To See Differently
As I wake up each morning, I love to say "Good morning, Lord, so glad you're here" and just relax while taking time to feel His presence surround me; wrapping me in His loving arms, as I awaken to a fresh new day filled with fresh new mercies from above. What a blessing it is to feel His presence and to know He goes before me throughout my day.
Other than my immediate wake up routine, my morning is much like many of yours as I reach for my coffee- ya just gotta have that first cup of coffee, and yes I do enjoy that cup of coffee each morning and weather permitting I love to enjoy it sitting on my patio listening to the birds chirping, watching squirrels scampering about and listen to the early morning sounds around me.
Just as I have conditioned myself to take those first few minutes of the morning to talk with my Father, I love to sit and sip my coffee and just talk with Him about all His wondrous creations around me while allowing His love to engulf me, preparing me for my day. I never know what my day may quickly hold so I need to be prepared as my Father's child, to give that much needed attention to that lonely soul who can greatly benefit from just a loving smile or a gentle hug.
As I continue to live and learn in our Father's world, I am determined to see beyond what I see naturally and look at the spiritual aspects of life. I want to see His creations through His eyes so I can see them as good; How about you? I believe that if we try hard enough we can make each day not just good, but make it the very best it can be for His kingdom sake. After all, We can do ALL things through Christ that strengthens us!!! Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~
Other than my immediate wake up routine, my morning is much like many of yours as I reach for my coffee- ya just gotta have that first cup of coffee, and yes I do enjoy that cup of coffee each morning and weather permitting I love to enjoy it sitting on my patio listening to the birds chirping, watching squirrels scampering about and listen to the early morning sounds around me.
Just as I have conditioned myself to take those first few minutes of the morning to talk with my Father, I love to sit and sip my coffee and just talk with Him about all His wondrous creations around me while allowing His love to engulf me, preparing me for my day. I never know what my day may quickly hold so I need to be prepared as my Father's child, to give that much needed attention to that lonely soul who can greatly benefit from just a loving smile or a gentle hug.
As I continue to live and learn in our Father's world, I am determined to see beyond what I see naturally and look at the spiritual aspects of life. I want to see His creations through His eyes so I can see them as good; How about you? I believe that if we try hard enough we can make each day not just good, but make it the very best it can be for His kingdom sake. After all, We can do ALL things through Christ that strengthens us!!! Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Learning The Love Of God
Ephesians 2:4-9 "But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast."
What an amazing gift of love is this that the Son of God would sacrifice His own life for us sinners? What manner of love would cause a king to allow himself to be publicly persecuted, beaten merciless and horribly crucified, so all mankind could go free? What manner of love goes beyond measure, goes beyond human conception, and goes beyond the world's standard of love to save lost souls from hell? What manner of love would love the vilest criminal or worst sinner; cleanse his soul and forgive his sins, casting his sins into the sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered again?
What manner of Love is This? It is the incarnate love of God manifested in Christ Jesus; Love beyond measure! Love that reaches to the highest mountain and flows to the lowest sea. Love that reaches to the deepest pits of hell to rescue a lost and wayward child. It is the Love of God for His children that reaches farther than our mind's eye can ever comprehend and there is absolutely nothing that can ever separate us from His love. It floods the very depths of our soul and leaves us with an amazing song in our heart!
"Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful, wonderful, wonderful; Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful, wonderful it is to me!" And over and over the melody of His love sustains me, warms me, assures me that no matter how trying situations may be, no matter what may come my way, He is forever with me and "Nothing shall ever separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39). Such reassurance of His great love fills my heart to overflowing! What manner of Love This is!
Dear friend, I pray that you will feel His love abiding deep within you and that no matter your situation, you come to know that He is with you to help and strengthen you through each and every struggle of your life. I pray that you feel His arms wrapped around you with assurance that you are never alone and so dearly loved, just the way you are! Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~~
What an amazing gift of love is this that the Son of God would sacrifice His own life for us sinners? What manner of love would cause a king to allow himself to be publicly persecuted, beaten merciless and horribly crucified, so all mankind could go free? What manner of love goes beyond measure, goes beyond human conception, and goes beyond the world's standard of love to save lost souls from hell? What manner of love would love the vilest criminal or worst sinner; cleanse his soul and forgive his sins, casting his sins into the sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered again?
What manner of Love is This? It is the incarnate love of God manifested in Christ Jesus; Love beyond measure! Love that reaches to the highest mountain and flows to the lowest sea. Love that reaches to the deepest pits of hell to rescue a lost and wayward child. It is the Love of God for His children that reaches farther than our mind's eye can ever comprehend and there is absolutely nothing that can ever separate us from His love. It floods the very depths of our soul and leaves us with an amazing song in our heart!
"Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful, wonderful, wonderful; Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful, wonderful it is to me!" And over and over the melody of His love sustains me, warms me, assures me that no matter how trying situations may be, no matter what may come my way, He is forever with me and "Nothing shall ever separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:39). Such reassurance of His great love fills my heart to overflowing! What manner of Love This is!
Dear friend, I pray that you will feel His love abiding deep within you and that no matter your situation, you come to know that He is with you to help and strengthen you through each and every struggle of your life. I pray that you feel His arms wrapped around you with assurance that you are never alone and so dearly loved, just the way you are! Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~~
Monday, October 30, 2017
His name is "HOLY SPIRIT" third person of the Trinity Godhead
His name is "HOLY SPIRIT" third person of the Trinity! Helper, Comforter, Teacher, and Friend!
Knowing the time was nearing for all things to come to pass and He would ascend back to His Father, Jesus began preparing his followers about the Holy Spirit Whom They would send back to abide within them in John 14:26,"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name; He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you;" while reassuring them in John 15:16-17 "And I will pray the Father and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever; the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him for He dwells with you and will be in you" and in John 16:7,"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you."
Repeatedly Jesus tried to prepare His followers that He was about to ascend back to the Father but would not leave them comfortless; so He was sending Holy Spirit to lead and guide them in all truths. Jesus knew Holy Spirit could be inside them bringing all things to mind empowering them to become more than over comers in all things pertaining to Godliness. He knew they would need someone to walk with, someone to lead, and someone to guide them in all truth; and Jesus knew Holy Spirit would be all that and so much more; because He was going to the Father where He would be interceding on our behalf.
We all need the reassurance that God is with us where ever we go and is in what ever we are doing. Jesus knew that when we are weak, He is our strength; when we are sad, He is our comforter; when we are troubled, He is our peace! He supplies everything we need to maintain abundant lives with Holy Spirit living within us becoming our closest and dearest friend in this life. While Holy Spirit is commonly known as the third party of the Godhead; God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit; there is never One without the other! None is the greater nor the lesser of the trinity Godhead, and will never work against the other but will testify and glorify as ONE, Almighty God!
We are all spirits in human bodies and It is Holy Spirit that draws us to Jesus. As we repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, He takes up residence deep within and becomes the power needed as we walk along the pathway of righteousness. Jesus knew it was vitally important to have Holy Spirit in our lives as our Comforter, our Adviser, our Guide, and our Helper while becoming our dearest Friend, so He ascended back into Heaven and sent Holy Spirit to live within each believer. He did not leave us alone but actually sent a part of Him back to each of His believers; a most precious gift in Holy Spirit to walk and talk with us forevermore.
So often in life we receive gifts; but if we leave them unopened we never know what was given. So let's open up this precious gift from Above of Holy Spirit and come to know Him and all He has to offer us in this world. There is no greater joy, no greater peace, no greater power than feeling Holy Spirit stir within us, reminding us that He is forever with us and we are never alone. Isn't it amazing how God created this world and all therein and has even made every provision necessary for each of us to walk through this life empowered with His strength and wisdom, if only we come to acknowledge Him in all His glory.
Today can be the start of a brand new walk in Him if you acknowledge Him in all your ways. This is the day the Lord has made, so let's rejoice and be glad in it! Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend; God loves you and so do I~~~
Knowing the time was nearing for all things to come to pass and He would ascend back to His Father, Jesus began preparing his followers about the Holy Spirit Whom They would send back to abide within them in John 14:26,"But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name; He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you;" while reassuring them in John 15:16-17 "And I will pray the Father and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever; the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him for He dwells with you and will be in you" and in John 16:7,"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you."
Repeatedly Jesus tried to prepare His followers that He was about to ascend back to the Father but would not leave them comfortless; so He was sending Holy Spirit to lead and guide them in all truths. Jesus knew Holy Spirit could be inside them bringing all things to mind empowering them to become more than over comers in all things pertaining to Godliness. He knew they would need someone to walk with, someone to lead, and someone to guide them in all truth; and Jesus knew Holy Spirit would be all that and so much more; because He was going to the Father where He would be interceding on our behalf.
We all need the reassurance that God is with us where ever we go and is in what ever we are doing. Jesus knew that when we are weak, He is our strength; when we are sad, He is our comforter; when we are troubled, He is our peace! He supplies everything we need to maintain abundant lives with Holy Spirit living within us becoming our closest and dearest friend in this life. While Holy Spirit is commonly known as the third party of the Godhead; God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit; there is never One without the other! None is the greater nor the lesser of the trinity Godhead, and will never work against the other but will testify and glorify as ONE, Almighty God!
We are all spirits in human bodies and It is Holy Spirit that draws us to Jesus. As we repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, He takes up residence deep within and becomes the power needed as we walk along the pathway of righteousness. Jesus knew it was vitally important to have Holy Spirit in our lives as our Comforter, our Adviser, our Guide, and our Helper while becoming our dearest Friend, so He ascended back into Heaven and sent Holy Spirit to live within each believer. He did not leave us alone but actually sent a part of Him back to each of His believers; a most precious gift in Holy Spirit to walk and talk with us forevermore.
So often in life we receive gifts; but if we leave them unopened we never know what was given. So let's open up this precious gift from Above of Holy Spirit and come to know Him and all He has to offer us in this world. There is no greater joy, no greater peace, no greater power than feeling Holy Spirit stir within us, reminding us that He is forever with us and we are never alone. Isn't it amazing how God created this world and all therein and has even made every provision necessary for each of us to walk through this life empowered with His strength and wisdom, if only we come to acknowledge Him in all His glory.
Today can be the start of a brand new walk in Him if you acknowledge Him in all your ways. This is the day the Lord has made, so let's rejoice and be glad in it! Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend; God loves you and so do I~~~
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Learning to Hold To His Unchanging Hand
Thank You, Lord, for Your unfailing love. I praise You that Your mercies are new every morning and no matter what may come my way, I am assured You will never leave or forsake me, but will give me strength, comfort, and peace as we walk together through it all!
When the storms of life overwhelm us, the only thing we need to do is position our self in God's unchanging hands and He will keep us safe as the storm passes over. Even during the fiercest storms of our life the comfort of God will always remain faithful and strong; because there is nothing too difficult for our God!
The words of the psalmist, filled with confidence and hope writes, “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed” (Psalm 107:29). Just as David knew, we can trust God to bring us peace within and reduce the worst storm to a mere whisper. The faithful provision and sustaining comfort of God at work in our life only requires our willingness to trust in Him and His ways. All we ever need, He Is!
He is ever present to meet our every need and It is His desire to Father us as only He does best.The storms of life will come upon us all, but we have God's assurance that when those times come; as the storms roll in and the tides rise so high we feel we're going under; if we will just HOLD ON to God's unchanging hand He will bring us out victoriously!
God declared in Isaiah 41:10, So do not fear for I am with you; do not be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." And If God said it, He will do it! And Who is sitting victoriously at God's right hand but the Son of God; Our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus!
So as you go through life and times get hard, remember to just grab hold to God's unchanging hand and put Him in remembrance of His promise of deliverance. His Word will never return to Him void, but will accomplish all that It says He will do! We just have to get the Word within us so during those times, we can rest in His ability to deliver us through this life, while making us more than over comers in Christ Jesus!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend, God loves you and so do I~~
When the storms of life overwhelm us, the only thing we need to do is position our self in God's unchanging hands and He will keep us safe as the storm passes over. Even during the fiercest storms of our life the comfort of God will always remain faithful and strong; because there is nothing too difficult for our God!
The words of the psalmist, filled with confidence and hope writes, “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed” (Psalm 107:29). Just as David knew, we can trust God to bring us peace within and reduce the worst storm to a mere whisper. The faithful provision and sustaining comfort of God at work in our life only requires our willingness to trust in Him and His ways. All we ever need, He Is!
He is ever present to meet our every need and It is His desire to Father us as only He does best.The storms of life will come upon us all, but we have God's assurance that when those times come; as the storms roll in and the tides rise so high we feel we're going under; if we will just HOLD ON to God's unchanging hand He will bring us out victoriously!
God declared in Isaiah 41:10, So do not fear for I am with you; do not be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." And If God said it, He will do it! And Who is sitting victoriously at God's right hand but the Son of God; Our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus!
So as you go through life and times get hard, remember to just grab hold to God's unchanging hand and put Him in remembrance of His promise of deliverance. His Word will never return to Him void, but will accomplish all that It says He will do! We just have to get the Word within us so during those times, we can rest in His ability to deliver us through this life, while making us more than over comers in Christ Jesus!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend, God loves you and so do I~~
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Learning The Power Of The Tongue
While reading this morning, I am reminded how Words hold the power to heal and to build up, or to kill and to destroy as they are spoken forth. Get into a crowd and just listen to the chatter all around! People's words are being tossed forth without them even thinking about what they are saying to those around. Some of their words will cause laughter, some will cause alarm, some will spread gossip, some will cause tears, and some will bring hope while some leave others devastated. No matter what word is spoken, ALL WORDS will have an effect on those who hear them.
From the beginning of time, Words spoken caused the world to come into existence as recorded in Genesis 1; GOD SPOKE..... and the world became; one by one creation was formed by the Word spoken..... and even today, Words continue to be the most powerful thing known to mankind. Once spoken, words go forth and begin to mold those who hear them. Some Words will build up, some will encourage and some will inspire; but sadly; some will tear down, some will discourage, and some will even rob one's self worth. The Power of the Tongue can be as much a deadly weapon as materially manufactured weapons are in our society today.
Words are so powerful that they can bring life or they can kill. Proverbs 18:21 tells us "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it, will eat its fruit"...and yet we continue to throw words out of our mouth without taking thought to where they will fall and how they will shape those who hear them. I Peter 3:10 declares,"For Whoever would love life and keep good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech" and then James warns in James 3:8-10, " But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so."
And truer words have not been spoken. We see from the beginning of time, that Words hold the power to build up or to tear down, to bless or to curse; so how do we tame this unruly tongue and speak forth good? How do we "Let our conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so we may know how to answer everyone (Colossians 4:6) "and not let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen"(Ephesians 4:29)? How do we assure the words coming forth from our mouth is to encourage, to inspire, and to build up one another in love and kindness as we go through our day?
Now becoming aware that bridling the tongue is difficult to say the least; even David prayed,"Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips."(Psalm 141:3). As leaders and witnesses of God's divine Love we want to speak encouraging words to those in need, and leave them wanting the same Lord that is within us; and since the mouth speaks forth the abundance of the heart, we must fill our hearts with His Word to overflowing. We cannot claim to love the Lord and be His followers if we continue to speak badly against others. Now that we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and are called to be encouraging witnesses of our most Holy Faith; we must seek to guard our conversation in such a way that our words spoken bring encouragement and hope to those around us in all we do. We must determine within ourselves to build up our brother or sister in the Lord and never seek to tear them down. We must adorn our flesh with God's armor very early in the morning so we are not caught off guard and words fly out haphazardly wounding others along our way.
As children of the Most High God and followers of Christ Jesus, we can be His Love reflected as we fill our mind and heart to overflowing with His Holy Word so encouragement and inspiration will bring hope to those we encounter along our way. We can be His Light in a darkened world building up our brother and sister as we follow Holy Spirit leading us in all we do and say. We can be His Word openly displayed through actions and speech that bring glory to the Holy Name of Jesus while bringing forth a smile to Almighty God as we guard our mouth with all diligence; for out of it spring forth the issues of life.(Proverbs 4:23).
I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend, because God loves you and so do I~~~
From the beginning of time, Words spoken caused the world to come into existence as recorded in Genesis 1; GOD SPOKE..... and the world became; one by one creation was formed by the Word spoken..... and even today, Words continue to be the most powerful thing known to mankind. Once spoken, words go forth and begin to mold those who hear them. Some Words will build up, some will encourage and some will inspire; but sadly; some will tear down, some will discourage, and some will even rob one's self worth. The Power of the Tongue can be as much a deadly weapon as materially manufactured weapons are in our society today.
Words are so powerful that they can bring life or they can kill. Proverbs 18:21 tells us "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it, will eat its fruit"...and yet we continue to throw words out of our mouth without taking thought to where they will fall and how they will shape those who hear them. I Peter 3:10 declares,"For Whoever would love life and keep good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech" and then James warns in James 3:8-10, " But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so."
And truer words have not been spoken. We see from the beginning of time, that Words hold the power to build up or to tear down, to bless or to curse; so how do we tame this unruly tongue and speak forth good? How do we "Let our conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so we may know how to answer everyone (Colossians 4:6) "and not let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen"(Ephesians 4:29)? How do we assure the words coming forth from our mouth is to encourage, to inspire, and to build up one another in love and kindness as we go through our day?
Now becoming aware that bridling the tongue is difficult to say the least; even David prayed,"Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips."(Psalm 141:3). As leaders and witnesses of God's divine Love we want to speak encouraging words to those in need, and leave them wanting the same Lord that is within us; and since the mouth speaks forth the abundance of the heart, we must fill our hearts with His Word to overflowing. We cannot claim to love the Lord and be His followers if we continue to speak badly against others. Now that we have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb and are called to be encouraging witnesses of our most Holy Faith; we must seek to guard our conversation in such a way that our words spoken bring encouragement and hope to those around us in all we do. We must determine within ourselves to build up our brother or sister in the Lord and never seek to tear them down. We must adorn our flesh with God's armor very early in the morning so we are not caught off guard and words fly out haphazardly wounding others along our way.
As children of the Most High God and followers of Christ Jesus, we can be His Love reflected as we fill our mind and heart to overflowing with His Holy Word so encouragement and inspiration will bring hope to those we encounter along our way. We can be His Light in a darkened world building up our brother and sister as we follow Holy Spirit leading us in all we do and say. We can be His Word openly displayed through actions and speech that bring glory to the Holy Name of Jesus while bringing forth a smile to Almighty God as we guard our mouth with all diligence; for out of it spring forth the issues of life.(Proverbs 4:23).
I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend, because God loves you and so do I~~~
Friday, October 27, 2017
Learning to Acknowledge Him Early
I love waking up to a new day in Christ Jesus and feel praises rise from the depths of my soul, singing unto the Lord of Lord and King of Kings, "Lord, You are good and Your mercy endureth forever; Lord, You are good and Your mercy endureth forever; People from every nation and tongue, from generation to generation, we worship You, we worship You for Who You are!" and over and over the praises ring forth. Love that song within my heart, contentment in my soul, and just feeling the love of Jesus deep within! What incredible joy washes through me, preparing me for the day ahead. Such precious Love; the Love of Jesus; and it's mine!
I love how Ephesians 2: 4-10 NKJV reminds us," But God Who is rich in mercy; because of His great Love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive together with Christ(by grace you have been saved) and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not of works lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
What an abundance of Love and Amazing Grace He desires to shower over us, His children, with spiritual blessings beyond measure. He delights in us, His creation and His children, and He longs to hear us calling out to Him, Abba, Father. What Father wouldn't want to hear His child acknowledge Him as Daddy and take time to love on Him before the day unfolds. We have such an amazing Father that nothing can separate us from His love as Romans 8:38-39 declares, "And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord."
I love how Ephesians 2: 4-10 NKJV reminds us," But God Who is rich in mercy; because of His great Love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses made us alive together with Christ(by grace you have been saved) and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; not of works lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
What an abundance of Love and Amazing Grace He desires to shower over us, His children, with spiritual blessings beyond measure. He delights in us, His creation and His children, and He longs to hear us calling out to Him, Abba, Father. What Father wouldn't want to hear His child acknowledge Him as Daddy and take time to love on Him before the day unfolds. We have such an amazing Father that nothing can separate us from His love as Romans 8:38-39 declares, "And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord."
So as you continue your day, why not make time to acknowledge Him early and let Him know just how much He means to you? Have you told Him lately that you truly love Him? Have you thanked Him for watching over you in all your ways? Everyone likes to hear that someone really cares. As you relay this to Him, I pray you feel His Love showering bountiful blessings upon you; filling your heart to overflowing. And in all these things, I pray you bring glory to the wonderful matchless name of Jesus!
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed weekend, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed weekend, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~
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