The Key to Wonderful Day
I love the passage found in Proverbs 3: 5,6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." The older I get the more I have come to fully trust that God's timing is always perfect, so today let's trust Him to guide us along our way so we will be at the right place and the right time, to do whatever is needed to help someone, and as needed, to keep us out of harm's way. Our Heavenly Father delights in protecting His children
❤️ and we know He delights in giving us the very best of everything that is for our good. After all, He gave us His only begotten son, JESUS, as our ransom, to cover all our sin debts in full, just by trusting and resting in His works! So now, as we rest
🙏 in His guidance through our day, we can relax and enjoy a blessed day!
So have that blessed day today, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~
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