With all the changes noted around the world and miracles of healing noted within our very own families, I'm drawn to the passage in Isaiah 43:19(NIV) as God is saying, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness!" Truly God is doing a new thing all around us today: in our families, in our churches, in our government, in our daily lives, and within each one of us, His children.
Blinders are coming off so our eyes can see more clearly. Ears are opening so we hear more clearly the Shepherd's voice. Pathways are being redirected as unfruitful doors are being closed so more prosperous doors can be opened. Holy Spirit continues to stir within us, motivating and redirecting us to walk the pathway He has predestined and be all God has planned for our lives.
Can you not see it? Can you not feel it? Can you not hear Him? Can you not feel the dawning of a new day rising? Can you not feel the move of Holy Spirit hovering over the earth calling us all to repentance and to a newness of life in Christ Jesus?
The move of Holy Spirit is so vibrant you can feel it in the atmosphere. You can feel it as we gather together in worship. You can feel it as we lie down to rest in the wee hours of the night; and you can feel it as you awaken every morning: this newness calling us to a higher level of worship in Christ Jesus!
Naturally we are currently going through our winter season; a dry dormant season where nature seems to take a rest and all is barren; but spiritually the feeling of Springtime is filling the atmosphere as Visions He inspired are coming to fruition. Barren twigs in our lives are beginning to bud, hope is springing forth, and the new dawn is fast approaching! Soon and very soon we shall behold Him and all of His glory! We have the Hope in Christ Jesus that awakens our senses to a new day, a new way, a new season!
As His Spirit is stirring, I pray you can hear His voice prompting you to walk that new path He has designed for your life; a new path filled with spiritual enlightenment and a prosperous future. God has created you in His likeness and He desires to give you the very Best of every thing in Christ Jesus!
So Instead of becoming alarmed at life's changes, begin looking up and feel His love shining down upon you! Realize that He is preparing ways in desert places for your good and will grant you wisdom and peace along your way. Hope is springing forth and a new dawn is rising! God desires to give us His very best in all our ways if we only trust in Him!
I pray you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Jesus- What A Powerful Name!
JESUS! There is life altering power in His name! No greater name in all the earth than the name of Jesus!
"Lost are saved, find their way, at the sound of Your great name; All condemned feel no shame, at the sound of Your great name; Every fear has no place, at the sound of Your great name; The enemy has to leave at the sound of Your great name. Jesus, worthy is the lamb that was slain for us, son of God and man, You are high and lifted up that all the world will praise Your great name. All the weak find their strength at the sound of Your great name; Hungry souls receive grace at the sound of Your great name; The fatherless, they find their rest at the sound of Your great name; Sick are healed and the dead are raised at the sound of Your great name. Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, Son of God and man, You are high and lifted up that all the world will praise Your great name. Redeemer, My Healer, Lord Almighty, My Savior, Defender, You are my King; Jesus worthy is the lamb that was slain for us, son of God and man, You are high and lifted up that all the world will praise Your great name.....JESUS."
Truly there is No greater name, No greater sound than Jesus! Worthy of ALL honor and All praise!
May we never forget nor fail to lift up His precious name.....JESUS! Have a wonderfully blessed day dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
"Lost are saved, find their way, at the sound of Your great name; All condemned feel no shame, at the sound of Your great name; Every fear has no place, at the sound of Your great name; The enemy has to leave at the sound of Your great name. Jesus, worthy is the lamb that was slain for us, son of God and man, You are high and lifted up that all the world will praise Your great name. All the weak find their strength at the sound of Your great name; Hungry souls receive grace at the sound of Your great name; The fatherless, they find their rest at the sound of Your great name; Sick are healed and the dead are raised at the sound of Your great name. Jesus, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for us, Son of God and man, You are high and lifted up that all the world will praise Your great name. Redeemer, My Healer, Lord Almighty, My Savior, Defender, You are my King; Jesus worthy is the lamb that was slain for us, son of God and man, You are high and lifted up that all the world will praise Your great name.....JESUS."
Truly there is No greater name, No greater sound than Jesus! Worthy of ALL honor and All praise!
May we never forget nor fail to lift up His precious name.....JESUS! Have a wonderfully blessed day dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Friday, January 26, 2018
What's in Your Bucket List
Ever thought about making a bucket list?.. Things you'd like to accomplish before your time is up on this earth. I began to think about it a while back and I find there are some things I would like to do before I am called home! My first thoughts were spiritually and wanting to be a help to those around me as an old song goes: "If I can help somebody as I pass along; If I can cheer somebody with a word or song; If I can show somebody he is traveling wrong, then my living shall not be in vain." And then there were things I'd like to do physically and some places I'd like to see and enjoy of God's great beauty displayed on earth.
The older I get the more I realize that life is a gift from God and every new day allows us time to determine and accomplish things we desire hidden within His gift. The things I'd like to do and sights I'd like to see are choices that some day I hope to make a reality and a wonderful memory having come true..... but until that day arrives I am content where I am and what I am doing with those gifts and blessings He has placed within my life. Marvelous gifts of precious loving family and friends that are too wonderful for words and the blessing of health being restored gives me new hope for every tomorrow!
Each new day God gives comes with His fresh mercies allowing us to wake up refreshed(old things of yesterday passed away) and ready to start a brand new day filled with new opportunities to do whatever we were unable to accomplish yesterday and have set our mind to do today. We can choose to merely exist through our new day or we can make the most of it in helping others and achieving those things dear to our hearts. Whatever our bucket list holds is totally up to each one of us and how we perceive life and choose to fulfill each new day is totally up to us!
Gifts can become true blessings if we are mindful of His presence within; stirring us up and making us mindful of those things that truly count when all is said and done for only what's done for Christ Jesus will matter, Holy Spirit strengthens and guides us to be our very best, so I wonder, how can I make this gift of day the best it can be? What good deed can I do that will help someone along their way? Who can I give a cheerful smile at today that will warm their heart and encourage them along their way? Who can I find that needs a warm caring hug to comfort them instead of shrugging them off? How can I make a difference in others through my blessed gift of today and share this blessing along my way?
Many deeds within our bucket list can only be successfully fulfilled as we allow God to lead our way. So for me, I am determined to stick close to Him and listen attentively to His guidance, while keeping my eyes and ears open to those around me. I have found there is no greater blessing than to lovingly help others throughout the day. Hopes and dreams and visions untold become a reality when He becomes alive within the depths of our soul. As we begin surrendering our will to His, we take on a mindset of "More of Thee and less of me, until it's All of Thee and none of me!" I am His and He is mine, together forever throughout all eternity! And that sums up my bucket list in full!
A life in abundance became obtainable when Jesus completed everything that was needed to satisfy our sin debts and set us free forevermore as we believe and receive Him into our hearts! With Him in our life comes a Peace beyond measure and unspeakable joy within the soul that satisfies and completes each longing within our heart and soul. This wonderful peace comes with such assurance of knowing who I am and Who He is, and All that I am and ever hope to be is Christ in me, the hope of glory!
Whatever your bucket list may hold and whatever your desires may be, I pray you enjoy this wonderfully blessed day knowing that God loves you and so do I~~~
The older I get the more I realize that life is a gift from God and every new day allows us time to determine and accomplish things we desire hidden within His gift. The things I'd like to do and sights I'd like to see are choices that some day I hope to make a reality and a wonderful memory having come true..... but until that day arrives I am content where I am and what I am doing with those gifts and blessings He has placed within my life. Marvelous gifts of precious loving family and friends that are too wonderful for words and the blessing of health being restored gives me new hope for every tomorrow!
Each new day God gives comes with His fresh mercies allowing us to wake up refreshed(old things of yesterday passed away) and ready to start a brand new day filled with new opportunities to do whatever we were unable to accomplish yesterday and have set our mind to do today. We can choose to merely exist through our new day or we can make the most of it in helping others and achieving those things dear to our hearts. Whatever our bucket list holds is totally up to each one of us and how we perceive life and choose to fulfill each new day is totally up to us!
Gifts can become true blessings if we are mindful of His presence within; stirring us up and making us mindful of those things that truly count when all is said and done for only what's done for Christ Jesus will matter, Holy Spirit strengthens and guides us to be our very best, so I wonder, how can I make this gift of day the best it can be? What good deed can I do that will help someone along their way? Who can I give a cheerful smile at today that will warm their heart and encourage them along their way? Who can I find that needs a warm caring hug to comfort them instead of shrugging them off? How can I make a difference in others through my blessed gift of today and share this blessing along my way?
Many deeds within our bucket list can only be successfully fulfilled as we allow God to lead our way. So for me, I am determined to stick close to Him and listen attentively to His guidance, while keeping my eyes and ears open to those around me. I have found there is no greater blessing than to lovingly help others throughout the day. Hopes and dreams and visions untold become a reality when He becomes alive within the depths of our soul. As we begin surrendering our will to His, we take on a mindset of "More of Thee and less of me, until it's All of Thee and none of me!" I am His and He is mine, together forever throughout all eternity! And that sums up my bucket list in full!
A life in abundance became obtainable when Jesus completed everything that was needed to satisfy our sin debts and set us free forevermore as we believe and receive Him into our hearts! With Him in our life comes a Peace beyond measure and unspeakable joy within the soul that satisfies and completes each longing within our heart and soul. This wonderful peace comes with such assurance of knowing who I am and Who He is, and All that I am and ever hope to be is Christ in me, the hope of glory!
Whatever your bucket list may hold and whatever your desires may be, I pray you enjoy this wonderfully blessed day knowing that God loves you and so do I~~~
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Forming One On One Relationships
I laid in bed this morning a little longer than usual and found myself just communicating with the Lord and discussing things in a very casual way. Not out of need or want, not out of desperation, but just enjoying a close relationship with Him, my soul-mate, Lover of my soul; who never leaves or forsakes me and has me engraved in the palm of His hands. What a joy to feel His presence so early in the morning, taking time to just be with Him before the cares of the day move in. I never want to be in such a hurry that I can't enjoy Him; my strength, my shield, my joy, my peace; my all in all.
I wonder how often prayers are hindered for lack of a relationship with Him. How often do we kneel in prayer, offer up our needs or requests, and then close out our prayer with a simple Amen before allowing Him time to communicate back with us? Do we not understand God longs for a close relationship with us; to walk and talk with us as well as listen to us, as we unload our burdens before Him Who already knows them before we ask? He wants to spend time with us; to comfort us and to reassure us that He is always with us, working within us and all we have to do is trust Him to perform the work necessary to meet those needs for our good.
Remember the time you went to God in prayer and afterwards felt no better than before but in your hurried pace, you got up and left anyway! Could it be you didn't leave time for Him to talk back to you?
I certainly do, but thank God, perseverance drove me to realize that although I was praying to God about my needs, I wasn't taking time to listen to Him. Why do we cheat ourselves and deny ourselves the privilege of forming a close relationship with God? What is life without God in it?
Relationships are built on open communication one to another; not just one person doing all the talking but where two people take time to truly listen to one another. We choose how we address situations in our lives and whether to open doors of communication or close them. So, if an open door with true communication forms closer relationships, what kind of relationship do you want in your life with God? A closed relationship with you doing all the talking in prayer- or an open door where you can go to God in prayer and He meets you there? Why not take time to form that close relationship with your Heavenly Father who desires a close relationship with you, His loving child, that He loves so very much and so unconditionally!
I pray as you think on these things, you choose wisely and enjoy this wonderfully blessed day He created! God loves you and so do I~~
I wonder how often prayers are hindered for lack of a relationship with Him. How often do we kneel in prayer, offer up our needs or requests, and then close out our prayer with a simple Amen before allowing Him time to communicate back with us? Do we not understand God longs for a close relationship with us; to walk and talk with us as well as listen to us, as we unload our burdens before Him Who already knows them before we ask? He wants to spend time with us; to comfort us and to reassure us that He is always with us, working within us and all we have to do is trust Him to perform the work necessary to meet those needs for our good.
Remember the time you went to God in prayer and afterwards felt no better than before but in your hurried pace, you got up and left anyway! Could it be you didn't leave time for Him to talk back to you?
I certainly do, but thank God, perseverance drove me to realize that although I was praying to God about my needs, I wasn't taking time to listen to Him. Why do we cheat ourselves and deny ourselves the privilege of forming a close relationship with God? What is life without God in it?
Relationships are built on open communication one to another; not just one person doing all the talking but where two people take time to truly listen to one another. We choose how we address situations in our lives and whether to open doors of communication or close them. So, if an open door with true communication forms closer relationships, what kind of relationship do you want in your life with God? A closed relationship with you doing all the talking in prayer- or an open door where you can go to God in prayer and He meets you there? Why not take time to form that close relationship with your Heavenly Father who desires a close relationship with you, His loving child, that He loves so very much and so unconditionally!
I pray as you think on these things, you choose wisely and enjoy this wonderfully blessed day He created! God loves you and so do I~~
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Where Does Your Hope Rest?
"For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known."1 Cor. 13:12. So many questions and so few answers flood our mind in this world, yet being fully persuaded that God reigns omnipotent over all things and that through Him all things are become clear, we rest our frustrations and our hope.
Hope fastens to future happiness and waits for it; Hope gives the drive to press on when all else is gone; Hope stirs the heart refusing to let us quit; Hope says Yes when all else says No! Hope ushers in the awareness that soon and very soon we will arrive at our eternal home in Heaven, where Faith and Hope will be needed no more! Hope assures us that soon we shall behold Him face to face; and what a Glorious Day that will be! I can only imagine what that moment will be like when I behold my Savior and Lord Jesus face to face!
"I can only imagine what it will be like, When I walk by your side; I can only imagine what my eyes will see, When your face Is before me; I can only imagine! Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still? Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing Hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine, I can only imagine!
I can only imagine when that day comes, When I find myself standing in the SON, I can only imagine when all I would do, Is forever, forever worship YOU, I can only imagine, I can only imagine!"
And truly we can only imagine; knowing that what we now see through a glass darkly, we shall see then face to face; what we know now we know in part, but then shall we know even as also we are known(I Corinthians 13:12). To stand in the presence before our Blessed Redeemer Who made it all possible! Who came to give Hope to a lost and dying world; Who freely gave Himself to be ridiculed and scorned, to be humiliated, tortured and crucified as my pardon, in my place, so I could be Free and live unto Him! It doesn't get any better, except to know my Hope is Fixed in Him and that Glad Reunion Day when my eyes shall behold Jesus!; along with my family and friends, and never again have to part! What a grand and glorious day that will be!
But until then we must keep our hope fixed on Christ Jesus and the fullness of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and no man comes to the Father except through Him, as noted in John 14:6. Jesus did not leave us on earth alone but sent back the Holy Spirit(John 14:8) to walk and encourage us, while guiding us along our way! We don't have to go looking for Him or calling out to Him; He dwells within the very heart of each believer! We need only to acknowledge Him, and listen as He directs our paths as declared in Proverbs 3:5-6,"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."
So until that completeness is ours; we need only to Trust steadfast in God, to Hope without wavering; and to Love beyond measure as He Loves us! Keeping our Hope fixed on Christ Jesus empowers us to draw strength in Him day by day while He works within us through every battle we encounter, every loss we bear, and every circumstance that comes our way. Our Hope empowers us to become more than conquerors while experiencing Victory as He goes before us! He is our Hope, our Lord of all lords, our King of all kings, and He is God of all creation! He is More than Enough to handle any matter, any time night or day, as our Hope Rests In Him! I pray you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~
Hope fastens to future happiness and waits for it; Hope gives the drive to press on when all else is gone; Hope stirs the heart refusing to let us quit; Hope says Yes when all else says No! Hope ushers in the awareness that soon and very soon we will arrive at our eternal home in Heaven, where Faith and Hope will be needed no more! Hope assures us that soon we shall behold Him face to face; and what a Glorious Day that will be! I can only imagine what that moment will be like when I behold my Savior and Lord Jesus face to face!
"I can only imagine what it will be like, When I walk by your side; I can only imagine what my eyes will see, When your face Is before me; I can only imagine! Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still? Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing Hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine, I can only imagine!
I can only imagine when that day comes, When I find myself standing in the SON, I can only imagine when all I would do, Is forever, forever worship YOU, I can only imagine, I can only imagine!"
And truly we can only imagine; knowing that what we now see through a glass darkly, we shall see then face to face; what we know now we know in part, but then shall we know even as also we are known(I Corinthians 13:12). To stand in the presence before our Blessed Redeemer Who made it all possible! Who came to give Hope to a lost and dying world; Who freely gave Himself to be ridiculed and scorned, to be humiliated, tortured and crucified as my pardon, in my place, so I could be Free and live unto Him! It doesn't get any better, except to know my Hope is Fixed in Him and that Glad Reunion Day when my eyes shall behold Jesus!; along with my family and friends, and never again have to part! What a grand and glorious day that will be!
But until then we must keep our hope fixed on Christ Jesus and the fullness of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and no man comes to the Father except through Him, as noted in John 14:6. Jesus did not leave us on earth alone but sent back the Holy Spirit(John 14:8) to walk and encourage us, while guiding us along our way! We don't have to go looking for Him or calling out to Him; He dwells within the very heart of each believer! We need only to acknowledge Him, and listen as He directs our paths as declared in Proverbs 3:5-6,"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."
So until that completeness is ours; we need only to Trust steadfast in God, to Hope without wavering; and to Love beyond measure as He Loves us! Keeping our Hope fixed on Christ Jesus empowers us to draw strength in Him day by day while He works within us through every battle we encounter, every loss we bear, and every circumstance that comes our way. Our Hope empowers us to become more than conquerors while experiencing Victory as He goes before us! He is our Hope, our Lord of all lords, our King of all kings, and He is God of all creation! He is More than Enough to handle any matter, any time night or day, as our Hope Rests In Him! I pray you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~
Monday, January 22, 2018
Where Is Your Anticipation?
Anticipation!!! and no! I'm not talking about Heinz Ketchup, lol. Throughout our lives, we have all anticipated things, one after another: our first day of school, our first date, our first car, our first home, our first child, and the list goes on and on; but one thing was for sure, our life as we knew it was forever changed. Experiences of life and its anticipations, whether good or bad, bring about many changes within us, and as we continue to grow and mature along the way, hopefully we become better able to handle them in a more mature, caring manner than we did in our childhood.
The same can be said regarding our Christian walk with Christ Jesus. As we learn of Him; as we learn how to really trust in Him, lean on Him, and listen to Him we begin to grow in grace and truth that enables us to meet life's challenges, both good and bad without alarm, knowing that God already has it covered in the palm of His hands. Isaiah 41:10 tells us, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." God is forever faithful to watch over us and protect us from all evil as we place our complete trust in Him. "God is not a man that He should lie, nor a son of man that He should repent. What He has said, He will do and what He has spoken, He will make it good" as noted in Numbers 23:19.
Where is your anticipation as you encounter changes to your normal routine today? What are you basing facts given by man upon? As believers in Christ Jesus we need not be alarmed by what man may say; but only be prepared. Know the Word, get it deep within you; having our minds guarded with the Truth; rooted and ready to speak forth those things that are not as if they are; allowing Holy Spirit to bring It to pass. God never slumbers nor sleeps, He never blinks nor takes time outs; and only He knows the plans He has already predestined for our life day by day. "What is man that we are mindful of him" as he speaks negative things over our life. Jesus came that we have life and have it MORE Abundantly. He conquered sickness and disease by the Blood flowing from those Stripes He allowed upon His back so you and I do not have to be bound with sickness and despair. Whatsoever God has spoken is forever true and as we take unto us the mind of Christ; we speak forth His Words into Life because His Word Cannot and Will Not Lie!
Where is your anticipation as you encounter changes to your normal routine today? What are you basing facts given by man upon? As believers in Christ Jesus we need not be alarmed by what man may say; but only be prepared. Know the Word, get it deep within you; having our minds guarded with the Truth; rooted and ready to speak forth those things that are not as if they are; allowing Holy Spirit to bring It to pass. God never slumbers nor sleeps, He never blinks nor takes time outs; and only He knows the plans He has already predestined for our life day by day. "What is man that we are mindful of him" as he speaks negative things over our life. Jesus came that we have life and have it MORE Abundantly. He conquered sickness and disease by the Blood flowing from those Stripes He allowed upon His back so you and I do not have to be bound with sickness and despair. Whatsoever God has spoken is forever true and as we take unto us the mind of Christ; we speak forth His Words into Life because His Word Cannot and Will Not Lie!
Our peace rests in Christ Jesus and it is Factual Truth that He has already conquered All things that may come our way; enabling us to be more than conquerors through Him in ALL things! So fear not whatever may come your way but trust Wholly in Him, His Works and His Word, and Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day! Rejoice in this day He has created and given to you with fresh mercies for a fresh start. God loves you just the way you are and so do I~~~
Friday, January 19, 2018
Total Surrender: Not My Will But Thine Be Done
"Not my will, but thine be done," prayed Jesus. May the same prayer be mine, everyday. When this robe of flesh that I wear makes me falter; guide my feet, hold my hand, all the way! What great submission our precious Lord offered up as He prayed in the garden, knowing the soldiers were on their way to take him to be persecuted, tortured, and then to offer himself as the ultimate sacrifice on the cross for all mankind. He surrendered HIS will to the will of the Father, to make the way for you and me to be set free from all sin and oppression and bring us Hope through Christ Jesus.
The very God who created Heaven and Earth and all herein; Who created you and me and all humankind; became a mere human Himself to become that vessel of honor necessary to free mankind from all our sins, once and for all. He willingly took upon Himself all our sin and shame, all our sickness and disease, all our depression and oppression; and having accomplished all that was needed to abolish it all; He declared from the cross, "IT IS FINISHED!"..... and He did it all for You and Me!!!
So, when you feel trapped by sin and strife or begin to feel hopeless and depressed, call out to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; and invite Him to come into your heart and free you from all bondage and set you free. He's as close as the very mention of His name. You can whisper His name and He hears you, you can even think His name and He hears you, and He will meet you wherever you are, in whatever sinful or lowly state you are in, just as you are! Too often we feel we need to change or clean up things in our life before coming to Jesus, but truth is that in our self, we can never make us good enough to come to Him; that's why Jesus came to us!
The only thing we have to do is to Believe upon Him and the works He accomplished for us, and to say those three simple words that changes our life forever; "Jesus, forgive me!".... and if we really mean it, He will come into our heart and deliver us from all our sins! Any cleaning up that may need to be done, He will do from within; in His time and in His way for our good!
In Jesus there is Hope! In Jesus there is freedom! In Jesus there is healing! In Jesus there is total deliverance! In Jesus there is everything we will ever need to become more than over-comers in this life!
In Jesus there is Hope! In Jesus there is freedom! In Jesus there is healing! In Jesus there is total deliverance! In Jesus there is everything we will ever need to become more than over-comers in this life!
He is the Great I AM! The Everlasting Father! The Prince of Peace! God Almighty! He is The Name above all names, JESUS!!! In Him, we live and breathe and have our being! In Him, we have hope and peace! In Him, we have life everlasting and free! This Love of God is so unconditional and totally free to all who will believe and receive Him just the way we are.
I pray that as you go about your day, you will also submit to His will and trust Him to work out anything that needs to be changed or fixed in your life. If it was necessary for Jesus to submit, how much more is it needed for us to submit to our Father's will in all our ways? I pray,"Not my will but thine be done, dear Lord!" Have a wonderfully blessed day in Him, dear friends; God loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Nothing Like His Peace
As the snow quickly began to freeze as temps began to fall last evening, the beauty of the snowfall was overshadowed by the dread of people falling and cars hitting black ice and spinning out of control, and I thought about how events in our lives can be quickly changed by circumstances beyond our control. But as I thought it through I was reassured that through it all God is quick to guide us if only we listen to His still small voice whispering safe guidance in all we do and it brought this song to mind:
"Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight, Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm; In celestial strains it unceasingly falls, O’er my soul like an infinite calm. What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace, Buried deep in the heart of my soul, So secure that no power can mine it away, While the years of eternity roll! I am resting tonight in this wonderful peace, Resting sweetly in Jesus’ control; For I’m kept from all danger by night and by day, And His glory is flooding my soul! Peace, peace, wonderful peace, Coming down from the Father above! Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray. In fathomless billows of love!"
How I love this old hymn and knowing my Heavenly Father watches over me every second of every day and is pleased to protect and guide me along my way. It is such a blessing to feel the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Peace that floods over my soul bringing that calm assurance that all is well. Peace of knowing that whatever may come my way, God already has it covered in His nail-scarred hands; already conquered and provided everything necessary for my peace of mind through His loving grace.
The Love of God is truly greater than any tongue or pen can ever tell and goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell. When we become bowed down with cares of this life, all we have to do is call upon God and He is right there; instilling peace and love as He cradles us in His comforting arms. He is our Good Good Father and we are His beloved child. There is no peace like the Peace of God; no love like the Love of God; and with outstretched arms He readily welcomes us to come and rest in Him. May you feel His love and have a peaceful day dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Touching the World One Person At A Time
"Touch through me, Holy Spirit, touch through me, Let my hands reach out to others, touch through me; There's a lonely soul somewhere, needing just one friend to care, Touch through me, Holy Spirit, touch through me."
"Love through me, Holy Spirit, love through me, I will be my brother's keeper, love through me; Hearts are bleeding deep inside, love can dry the weeping eye, Love through me, Holy Spirit, love through me."
"Flow through me, Holy Spirit, flow through me, Like a river in the desert, flow through me; Springing power and healing strength, living water pure and clean, Flow through me, Holy Spirit, flow through me." "My hands will be your hands reaching out to others, My lips will not be slothful, Lord, to speak; I will be that good Samaritan to someone else in need, I will be your house to dwell in, live through me. Flow through me Holy Spirit, Love through me Holy Spirit, Touch through me Holy Spirit, Love through me" What a different world this would be if we all determined within our self to reach out to one person daily with an act of kindness, whether in word or in deed. An act of kindness that would change their life and allow them to know the love of God. Do you realize that at the end of a year we would have touched 365 lives? Yes, 365 lives could have been touched just through you reaching out to one person in need each day.
So today, I challenge you to join me and find that one person in need of a touch of kindness and share Jesus' love with them, and then tomorrow the same and each day that follows. Just think about what an impact this would make in our community and even the world, just by one person reaching out to one person daily. Will you join me and allow God to use you to reach that someone in need of His love today? If you do, I know you will enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. There is nothing more precious to our Heavenly Father than loving others because God loves you and so do I~~~
"Love through me, Holy Spirit, love through me, I will be my brother's keeper, love through me; Hearts are bleeding deep inside, love can dry the weeping eye, Love through me, Holy Spirit, love through me."
"Flow through me, Holy Spirit, flow through me, Like a river in the desert, flow through me; Springing power and healing strength, living water pure and clean, Flow through me, Holy Spirit, flow through me." "My hands will be your hands reaching out to others, My lips will not be slothful, Lord, to speak; I will be that good Samaritan to someone else in need, I will be your house to dwell in, live through me. Flow through me Holy Spirit, Love through me Holy Spirit, Touch through me Holy Spirit, Love through me" What a different world this would be if we all determined within our self to reach out to one person daily with an act of kindness, whether in word or in deed. An act of kindness that would change their life and allow them to know the love of God. Do you realize that at the end of a year we would have touched 365 lives? Yes, 365 lives could have been touched just through you reaching out to one person in need each day.
So today, I challenge you to join me and find that one person in need of a touch of kindness and share Jesus' love with them, and then tomorrow the same and each day that follows. Just think about what an impact this would make in our community and even the world, just by one person reaching out to one person daily. Will you join me and allow God to use you to reach that someone in need of His love today? If you do, I know you will enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. There is nothing more precious to our Heavenly Father than loving others because God loves you and so do I~~~
Saturday, January 13, 2018
The Awesomeness Of Our Lord
"There's nothing worth more that could ever come close; No thing can compare, You're our living hope; Your presence, Lord. I've tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves; Where my heart becomes free and my shame is undone; Your presence, Lord. Holy Spirit, You are welcome here, Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere; Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for, to be overcome by Your presence, Lord...." over and over these lyrics offer praises ushering in Holy Spirit and then "Oh the glory of His presence, we your people give You reverence; so arise from Your rest and be blessed by our praise as we glory in Your embrace, as Your presence now fills this place."
Embracing the hope in Christ Jesus ushers in the presence of God as praises are offered up from a yielded heart reaching toward His throne and bountiful blessings come flowing down as Holy Spirit renews our inner self springing forth that new man recreated in Christ Jesus! There is truly nothing worth more; nothing that can ever come close; nothing that can ever compare to Jesus, our One and Only Living Hope. Once we have tasted and seen of the sweetest of Loves; once we have experienced His Freedom from all shame; there springs forth an amazing offering of praise as we are overcome by His presence and our soul sings out:
"He promised us that He would be a counselor, A mighty God and the Prince of Peace; He promised us that He would be a Father, And He would love us with a love that would not cease; Well I tried Him and I found His promises are true; He's everything He said that He would be; The finest words I know could not begin to tell, Just what Jesus really means to me; For He's more wonderful than my mind can conceive; He's more wonderful than my heart can believe; He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams; He's everything that my soul ever longed for everything, He's everything He promised and so much more; more than amazing, more than marvelous, more than miraculous could ever be, He's more than wonderful, that's what Jesus is to me!"
I pray that the same Power that raised Jesus from the dead becomes alive in you and stirs you up until you can feel His presence deep within with a new found freedom that only He brings. Enjoy His presence and the love engulfing you, realize His power that empowers you, and begin to enjoy His wonderful gift of life because God truly loves you and so do I~~~
Embracing the hope in Christ Jesus ushers in the presence of God as praises are offered up from a yielded heart reaching toward His throne and bountiful blessings come flowing down as Holy Spirit renews our inner self springing forth that new man recreated in Christ Jesus! There is truly nothing worth more; nothing that can ever come close; nothing that can ever compare to Jesus, our One and Only Living Hope. Once we have tasted and seen of the sweetest of Loves; once we have experienced His Freedom from all shame; there springs forth an amazing offering of praise as we are overcome by His presence and our soul sings out:
"He promised us that He would be a counselor, A mighty God and the Prince of Peace; He promised us that He would be a Father, And He would love us with a love that would not cease; Well I tried Him and I found His promises are true; He's everything He said that He would be; The finest words I know could not begin to tell, Just what Jesus really means to me; For He's more wonderful than my mind can conceive; He's more wonderful than my heart can believe; He goes beyond my highest hopes and fondest dreams; He's everything that my soul ever longed for everything, He's everything He promised and so much more; more than amazing, more than marvelous, more than miraculous could ever be, He's more than wonderful, that's what Jesus is to me!"
I pray that the same Power that raised Jesus from the dead becomes alive in you and stirs you up until you can feel His presence deep within with a new found freedom that only He brings. Enjoy His presence and the love engulfing you, realize His power that empowers you, and begin to enjoy His wonderful gift of life because God truly loves you and so do I~~~
Nothing and No One Is Worthless
As many physical changes come upon our bodies, whether by genetics, sickness or trauma, too often a sense of worthlessness can come as well unless we fill the void with positive thinking and a knowing that God loves us all the same, nothing lacking. I read a short story a while back that I'd like to share because I believe it will bless and encourage you:
"A store owner was tacking a sign in his store window, which read PUPPIES FOR SALE, when a little boy appeared. “How much are you selling the puppies for?” he asked. The man told the lad he didn’t expect to let any of them go for less than $50. The boy reached in his pocket, pulled out some change, looked up at the store owner and said, “I have two dollars and thirty-seven cents. Can I look at them?” The store owner smiled and whistled. From the kennel, a dog named Lady came running down the aisle, followed by five tiny balls of fur. One puppy lagged behind. Immediately, the little boy asked about the limping puppy. “What’s wrong with that doggie?” The store owner informed him that the veterinarian told him the dog was missing a hip socket and would always limp like that.” The lad said quickly, “That’s the one I want to buy." The store owner replied, “No, you don’t want to buy that dog; If you really want him, I’ll just give him to you.” The boy came close to the store owner’s face and said angrily, “I don’t want you to just give him to me; that doggie is worth just as much as all the other puppies and I’ll pay the full price. In fact, I’ll give you $2.37 now and 50 cents a month until I have him paid for!” The store owner again replied, “No, no, no. You don’t want that dog. He’s never going to be able to run and jump and play like the other dogs.” In response, the little boy quickly pulled up his pant leg to reveal his badly twisted left leg, supported by two steel braces. “Well, sir,” he said, “I don’t run so well myself and that puppy will need someone who understands and that's me."
While reading this story, I began to see that when God allows us to go through troubles and afflictions, He is preparing us to be an example to others, because you really can't empathize with someone in distress unless you've walked in their shoes. You can try to comfort them with words and be there for them, but unless you've 'been there-done that', you have no idea what they are truly going through and feeling inside. It takes someone who has endured that same physical or mental pain, who has suffered the pain or devastating loss of a loved one, who has lost it all and been homeless, who has been abused and lost all self worth, who has tried to get over additions without success to mention just a few; but until you've gone through the same, you cannot truly understand how to empathize with them and bring them comfort and hope. This little boy knew he could empathize and care for this lame doggie because he too had defects and continued to deal with the same struggles.
God knows what we are going through and He has a way of turning bad things that happen in our lives into good, and with the journey and endurance, they make us able to teach others going through the same. Psalm 34:19 states "Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivereth him out of them all." and in 2nd Corinthians 1:3-5, Paul wrote: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”
God delivers us from different circumstances and conditions, but He doesn't comfort us simply to make us comfortable. He comforts us to make us comfort-able…able to comfort others in the same manner He comforted us. To everything there is a season and Lord knows we've all been through lots of 'seasons' in our life, but God didn't leave us there. He was right there to deliver and set us free so we could comfort others in their time of need. He made us able to comfort others, more than conquerors, to share Hope with them through Christ Jesus.
Dear friend, God may very well send someone your way today who needs that comfort, who needs an ear to listen and understand, or they may need to feel accepted and you and I can be God's hand extended that will make a difference in their life. Where would we be had it not been for God making a way where there seemed to be no way? Let's be comforters and God's love extended to those who come our way and have a blessed day, because God loves you and so do I~~~
"A store owner was tacking a sign in his store window, which read PUPPIES FOR SALE, when a little boy appeared. “How much are you selling the puppies for?” he asked. The man told the lad he didn’t expect to let any of them go for less than $50. The boy reached in his pocket, pulled out some change, looked up at the store owner and said, “I have two dollars and thirty-seven cents. Can I look at them?” The store owner smiled and whistled. From the kennel, a dog named Lady came running down the aisle, followed by five tiny balls of fur. One puppy lagged behind. Immediately, the little boy asked about the limping puppy. “What’s wrong with that doggie?” The store owner informed him that the veterinarian told him the dog was missing a hip socket and would always limp like that.” The lad said quickly, “That’s the one I want to buy." The store owner replied, “No, you don’t want to buy that dog; If you really want him, I’ll just give him to you.” The boy came close to the store owner’s face and said angrily, “I don’t want you to just give him to me; that doggie is worth just as much as all the other puppies and I’ll pay the full price. In fact, I’ll give you $2.37 now and 50 cents a month until I have him paid for!” The store owner again replied, “No, no, no. You don’t want that dog. He’s never going to be able to run and jump and play like the other dogs.” In response, the little boy quickly pulled up his pant leg to reveal his badly twisted left leg, supported by two steel braces. “Well, sir,” he said, “I don’t run so well myself and that puppy will need someone who understands and that's me."
While reading this story, I began to see that when God allows us to go through troubles and afflictions, He is preparing us to be an example to others, because you really can't empathize with someone in distress unless you've walked in their shoes. You can try to comfort them with words and be there for them, but unless you've 'been there-done that', you have no idea what they are truly going through and feeling inside. It takes someone who has endured that same physical or mental pain, who has suffered the pain or devastating loss of a loved one, who has lost it all and been homeless, who has been abused and lost all self worth, who has tried to get over additions without success to mention just a few; but until you've gone through the same, you cannot truly understand how to empathize with them and bring them comfort and hope. This little boy knew he could empathize and care for this lame doggie because he too had defects and continued to deal with the same struggles.
God knows what we are going through and He has a way of turning bad things that happen in our lives into good, and with the journey and endurance, they make us able to teach others going through the same. Psalm 34:19 states "Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivereth him out of them all." and in 2nd Corinthians 1:3-5, Paul wrote: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”
God delivers us from different circumstances and conditions, but He doesn't comfort us simply to make us comfortable. He comforts us to make us comfort-able…able to comfort others in the same manner He comforted us. To everything there is a season and Lord knows we've all been through lots of 'seasons' in our life, but God didn't leave us there. He was right there to deliver and set us free so we could comfort others in their time of need. He made us able to comfort others, more than conquerors, to share Hope with them through Christ Jesus.
Dear friend, God may very well send someone your way today who needs that comfort, who needs an ear to listen and understand, or they may need to feel accepted and you and I can be God's hand extended that will make a difference in their life. Where would we be had it not been for God making a way where there seemed to be no way? Let's be comforters and God's love extended to those who come our way and have a blessed day, because God loves you and so do I~~~
Friday, January 12, 2018
If He Takes Us To It, He Will Lead Us Through It
Wherever God leads us, He will never leave us! Wherever He takes us, He will lead us through! He will never forsake us but will be with us every step of the way. He will be Everything we need Him to be at the appointed time while working within us sweet victory as only He does best.
My soul is reminded of the lyrics to this precious song: "Wherever You lead me, I know You won't leave me; Wherever You call me, You will make a way; Wherever we're going, I will be holding; To the promise You have made, You will make a way. You brought me to the desert so You could be my water; You brought me to the fire so You could be my shield; You brought me to the darkness so You could be my morning light; If You brought me this far, if You brought me this far.... And when I’m in the valley, You will be my comfort; And when I’m at the end of me, I will find You there; When I’m in the battle, You will be my present peace; 'Cause You brought me this far, You brought me this far; Wherever You lead me, I know You won't leave me; Wherever You call me, You will make a way; Wherever we're going, I will be holding to the promise You have made, You will make a way."
And truly He has never forsaken or failed me throughout life. What blessed assurance rests in knowing God is with us through thick or thin, through good or bad, In the darkest of nights or stormiest of days. He is there continually working whatever is needed to grow us into that victorious person in Christ Jesus; overcoming every battle with Him by our side. He's Our Watchman, Our High Tower, Our Strong Shield, Our Deliver; leading and guiding, protecting and providing, He is ALL we need! Rest assured you are never alone in any given situation that you may be battling in life, no matter how rough it may seem. God is right there with you; fighting for you and working within you to turn the bad into good in all things.
In Christ Jesus, you are a Victor and not a victim! You are a Child of the Most High God, designed by God's own hand. You are Strong in Christ Jesus! You are Invincible; No weapon formed against you shall prosper(Isaiah 54:17). Just as Moses, as a messenger from God seeking freedom for his people in slavery, told Pharoah "I AM sent me"; even so, God sends you and me forth in Jesus' name, knowing that All we will ever need, He is! He is the Great I AM, our Healer, our Deliverer, our Shield and Defense, and a Good Good Father; and with God on our side we can not be defeated in Jesus' name! There is nothing He will ever lead us to, that He won't see us through! He gives us power to do ALL things in Jesus' name!
So Be Strong in the Power of His Might and Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
My soul is reminded of the lyrics to this precious song: "Wherever You lead me, I know You won't leave me; Wherever You call me, You will make a way; Wherever we're going, I will be holding; To the promise You have made, You will make a way. You brought me to the desert so You could be my water; You brought me to the fire so You could be my shield; You brought me to the darkness so You could be my morning light; If You brought me this far, if You brought me this far.... And when I’m in the valley, You will be my comfort; And when I’m at the end of me, I will find You there; When I’m in the battle, You will be my present peace; 'Cause You brought me this far, You brought me this far; Wherever You lead me, I know You won't leave me; Wherever You call me, You will make a way; Wherever we're going, I will be holding to the promise You have made, You will make a way."
And truly He has never forsaken or failed me throughout life. What blessed assurance rests in knowing God is with us through thick or thin, through good or bad, In the darkest of nights or stormiest of days. He is there continually working whatever is needed to grow us into that victorious person in Christ Jesus; overcoming every battle with Him by our side. He's Our Watchman, Our High Tower, Our Strong Shield, Our Deliver; leading and guiding, protecting and providing, He is ALL we need! Rest assured you are never alone in any given situation that you may be battling in life, no matter how rough it may seem. God is right there with you; fighting for you and working within you to turn the bad into good in all things.
In Christ Jesus, you are a Victor and not a victim! You are a Child of the Most High God, designed by God's own hand. You are Strong in Christ Jesus! You are Invincible; No weapon formed against you shall prosper(Isaiah 54:17). Just as Moses, as a messenger from God seeking freedom for his people in slavery, told Pharoah "I AM sent me"; even so, God sends you and me forth in Jesus' name, knowing that All we will ever need, He is! He is the Great I AM, our Healer, our Deliverer, our Shield and Defense, and a Good Good Father; and with God on our side we can not be defeated in Jesus' name! There is nothing He will ever lead us to, that He won't see us through! He gives us power to do ALL things in Jesus' name!
So Be Strong in the Power of His Might and Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
It Is Well
When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, "It is well, It is well with my soul. It is well with my soul; It is well, it is well with my soul." Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blessed assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought; My sin not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O' my soul. It is well with my soul; It is well, it is well with my soul"
I cannot begin to explain how wonderful it is to lie down to rest or to awaken in the morning with calm assurance that whatever may comes my way, it is well with my soul! Even as my body rests, my soul quietly rejoices as this song floods through my mind bringing a calm assurance that He is with me! Just to rest in His protective arms and feel Holy Spirit whispering from deep within brings such peace, such comfort, and such Love like nothing this world has to offer! There is no greater peace than the Love of God saturating your entire being!
So today I pray that whatever may come your way, You can feel His calm assurance that allows your soul to sing forth from the depths of your soul, "It is well, It is well with my soul."
Enjoy this wonderfully blessed day knowing that God loves you and so do I~~~
I cannot begin to explain how wonderful it is to lie down to rest or to awaken in the morning with calm assurance that whatever may comes my way, it is well with my soul! Even as my body rests, my soul quietly rejoices as this song floods through my mind bringing a calm assurance that He is with me! Just to rest in His protective arms and feel Holy Spirit whispering from deep within brings such peace, such comfort, and such Love like nothing this world has to offer! There is no greater peace than the Love of God saturating your entire being!
So today I pray that whatever may come your way, You can feel His calm assurance that allows your soul to sing forth from the depths of your soul, "It is well, It is well with my soul."
Enjoy this wonderfully blessed day knowing that God loves you and so do I~~~
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
He Speaks.....And The Storm is Hushed
Thank You, Lord, for Your unfailing love. I praise You for Your fresh mercies that are new to us every morning. No matter what has come our way, I know beyond a doubt that You are right there with us; never leaving nor forsaking us. You whisper Sweet Peace as Your Love embellishes our very being. When the storms of life seemed to overwhelm us, You are there to pick us back up and cradle us in Your comforting arms until our storm has passed. Even during the fiercest storms in our life You remain forever faithful as our Protector and our good good Father!
The words of the psalmist David are filled with confidence and hope as he prophetically wrote, “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed”(Psalm 107:29) and we see it fulfilled as Jesus calms the sea in Matthew 8:23-27. Think about that for a moment; "Jesus stills the storm to a whisper and the waves of the sea were hushed! just by speaking "Peace, Be Still!" Can you fathom that very moment?... Jesus calming the storm.... Such Peace, Such Calm, Such Amazement in the disciples eyes! WOW....That had to be awesome to witness first hand. Jesus Speaks.....And the storm is Hushed!
Many of us have been experiencing life's storms that have tried to pull us under as tidal waves continued to bash upon us mentally and physically, but then we cried out to God......And then we saw His Hand move or His voice hush the storm in a miraculous move of divine interventions! God was right there to deliver us and hold us up with His victorious and righteous right hand(Isaiah 41:10) God, in all His glory, loves us so much that He is there with us through stormy weather speaking peace to our troubled soul.The calmness of His peace overshadows our doubt and fear and instills peace like nothing we could ever imagine possible.... "Peace, Be Still" and all is calm when the Master speaks!
We can trust God to bring His calming peace and reduce the worst storm in our lives to a mere whisper when we call upon His name. Don't hesitate to call upon Him, anytime-anywhere in any given situation, because It is His desire to Father us and to protect us as only He does best. The storms of life will surely attempt to surround us, but we have His assurance that when they rise up around us, He is there to carry us through!
So as storms roll in and its tides begin pulling you under, just reach up and grab hold of His delivering hand, dear friend! HOLD ON to God's unchanging hand; He won't let go! Trust God, Rest in Him, and Watch as He calms each storm and speaks forth His remarkable Peace. As you relax, you'll find such a release in just Resting in His Presence and you will come to know that He has every storm covered in the Palm of His Hands! Allow Him to Speak over your storm today so it can be Hushed and you can enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~
The words of the psalmist David are filled with confidence and hope as he prophetically wrote, “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed”(Psalm 107:29) and we see it fulfilled as Jesus calms the sea in Matthew 8:23-27. Think about that for a moment; "Jesus stills the storm to a whisper and the waves of the sea were hushed! just by speaking "Peace, Be Still!" Can you fathom that very moment?... Jesus calming the storm.... Such Peace, Such Calm, Such Amazement in the disciples eyes! WOW....That had to be awesome to witness first hand. Jesus Speaks.....And the storm is Hushed!
Many of us have been experiencing life's storms that have tried to pull us under as tidal waves continued to bash upon us mentally and physically, but then we cried out to God......And then we saw His Hand move or His voice hush the storm in a miraculous move of divine interventions! God was right there to deliver us and hold us up with His victorious and righteous right hand(Isaiah 41:10) God, in all His glory, loves us so much that He is there with us through stormy weather speaking peace to our troubled soul.The calmness of His peace overshadows our doubt and fear and instills peace like nothing we could ever imagine possible.... "Peace, Be Still" and all is calm when the Master speaks!
We can trust God to bring His calming peace and reduce the worst storm in our lives to a mere whisper when we call upon His name. Don't hesitate to call upon Him, anytime-anywhere in any given situation, because It is His desire to Father us and to protect us as only He does best. The storms of life will surely attempt to surround us, but we have His assurance that when they rise up around us, He is there to carry us through!
So as storms roll in and its tides begin pulling you under, just reach up and grab hold of His delivering hand, dear friend! HOLD ON to God's unchanging hand; He won't let go! Trust God, Rest in Him, and Watch as He calms each storm and speaks forth His remarkable Peace. As you relax, you'll find such a release in just Resting in His Presence and you will come to know that He has every storm covered in the Palm of His Hands! Allow Him to Speak over your storm today so it can be Hushed and you can enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~
Monday, January 8, 2018
While thinking on the old year and how sickness, loss, and obstacles came our way; I give thanks to God for His amazing grace and forever faithfulness to carry me through each and every one and for the knowing that even now He continues to watch over me in this new year. I'm reminded of Paul's writing in Philippians 3:12-14 (NIV) "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
God created us to enjoy each new day from beginning to end and He encourages us in Matthew 6:34 to not worry about yesterday because we can't change what has already been done; and not to worry about the future because we have no clue what lies ahead, but with each moment we are given, He asks us to entrust our future into His care. Proverbs 3:5,6 also teaches us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not unto our own understanding; but In all our ways to acknowledge Him and He will direct our path.
He longs to be part of our every minute; our every day, because in Him every moment brings about a new opportunity to begin afresh!
He encourages us to shake off the old and put on the newness of a fresh day! Why do you think He starts each new day with fresh mercies? So we can begin again! A fresh beginning, a fresh outlook, a fresh opportunity to be the very best we can be, but we must stop dwelling on our past mistakes and keep looking forward with Him leading our way! Our loved ones are called home to Heaven and leave us here; but we are not left without Hope of reuniting when our work is finished!
Everyone suffers loss and everyone makes mistakes within their daily walk! No One is Perfect regardless of who they are! But so often we keep looking at our loss and failures that prevents us from seeing the victories we hold in Christ Jesus! He already knows what we face day by day and has already made provisions needed and forgiven our imperfections by instilling within us the Powerful Holy Spirit Who strengthens and builds us up, one level at a time, to that status of perfection in Him. Through God's amazing grace, we find Freedom from our past and the sense of Boldness to walk forward in His power and in His might!
So as we begin each new day of this new year God has given, let's take on a fresh new outlook. With every breath let's take in the new and blow out the old; letting go of everything that attempts to keep us hesitant about moving forward! Let's be determined to allow His love to flow through us as He leads and guides us along the path He prepares for us day by day. Let's allow Him to adorn our new day filled with His fresh mercies and be all He intends us to be! Let's be happy in just being who we are in Him!
God has good things awaiting each one of us in this new year as we lay aside the past and press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called each one of us with Him leading our way! The best is yet to come, dear friends, because He has already overcome! Enjoy this wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~
God created us to enjoy each new day from beginning to end and He encourages us in Matthew 6:34 to not worry about yesterday because we can't change what has already been done; and not to worry about the future because we have no clue what lies ahead, but with each moment we are given, He asks us to entrust our future into His care. Proverbs 3:5,6 also teaches us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not unto our own understanding; but In all our ways to acknowledge Him and He will direct our path.
He longs to be part of our every minute; our every day, because in Him every moment brings about a new opportunity to begin afresh!
He encourages us to shake off the old and put on the newness of a fresh day! Why do you think He starts each new day with fresh mercies? So we can begin again! A fresh beginning, a fresh outlook, a fresh opportunity to be the very best we can be, but we must stop dwelling on our past mistakes and keep looking forward with Him leading our way! Our loved ones are called home to Heaven and leave us here; but we are not left without Hope of reuniting when our work is finished!
Everyone suffers loss and everyone makes mistakes within their daily walk! No One is Perfect regardless of who they are! But so often we keep looking at our loss and failures that prevents us from seeing the victories we hold in Christ Jesus! He already knows what we face day by day and has already made provisions needed and forgiven our imperfections by instilling within us the Powerful Holy Spirit Who strengthens and builds us up, one level at a time, to that status of perfection in Him. Through God's amazing grace, we find Freedom from our past and the sense of Boldness to walk forward in His power and in His might!
So as we begin each new day of this new year God has given, let's take on a fresh new outlook. With every breath let's take in the new and blow out the old; letting go of everything that attempts to keep us hesitant about moving forward! Let's be determined to allow His love to flow through us as He leads and guides us along the path He prepares for us day by day. Let's allow Him to adorn our new day filled with His fresh mercies and be all He intends us to be! Let's be happy in just being who we are in Him!
God has good things awaiting each one of us in this new year as we lay aside the past and press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called each one of us with Him leading our way! The best is yet to come, dear friends, because He has already overcome! Enjoy this wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~
Friday, January 5, 2018
A Golden Life
This morning I awoke feeling so much better after a long battle with this flu going around and as I logged onto my computer I saw the date and realized it was my anniversary! WOW,50 yrs and then I saw where my daughter had wished me Happy Anniversary and it brought such a reality that God is so much more than we could ever realize! For way too many years after Larry's passing I grieved secretly and couldn't escape my despair and even tho I tried to "get on with life" this despair was binding and prevented me from enjoying the life I had and the many gifts God had given in the form of family and friends!
I was lost in a sea of despair until finally year and year until a couple years ago, I had a "come to Jesus talk" as we call it around our home when the air really needs to be cleared; and it was then that I was finally able to unload all my grief and cares as I cried in my Heavenly Fathers' lap as He listened patiently, tenderly comforting, and eventually delivered me from my past grief and sorrow,
I developed a divine relationship with God as He began to show me A New Way, A New Path and His Predestined Plan for my life, little by little, day by day. He only shared what was needed for that short time period as there was No need to worry about the past, nor the tomorrows, but just to rely on Him to show me the way I needed to walk one day at a time and all things would work together for my good; because He knew the plans He had for me and they were plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future with Holy Spirit working within me every step of the way! Jeremiah 29:11 became my verse as I realized the more I trusted Him, the more He wanted to show me; the more He wanted to provide and give me the desires of my heart!
As a mother, I desired that all my children would come to know Him and this new found divine relationship I was discovering day by day! But I knew this had to be a personal journey for each of us! Seeing the work God was performing within my family, one member at a time, the multitude of miracles He had performed, His Forever Faithfulness and Amazing Grace, began to fill my heart with a Joy beyond measure as I clung to the God of my Salvation in Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior!
So Yes, today is Golden indeed! Golden in the Fact that no matter what life throws at me, God has it covered already in the palm of His hands and I am safely and securely engraved by the stripes ripping open Jesus' back, within the crown of thorns pierced upon His head, with the torture and cruelty He willingly endured so I could be Free from ALL Sins, ALL Depression, ALL Sickness, ALL Dis-Ease, and I know that Forevermore I am His and He is Mine throughout Eternity!
So throughout my life, I will continue to praise Him for His Loving Kindness and Amazing Grace and Abide Under The Shelter Of His Wings;Tucked in tightly, Safe and Secure! And To God Be ALL GLORY, HONOR, AND PRAISE!
I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~
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