"Not my will, but thine be done," prayed Jesus. May the same prayer be mine, everyday. When this robe of flesh that I wear makes me falter; guide my feet, hold my hand, all the way! What great submission our precious Lord offered up as He prayed in the garden, knowing the soldiers were on their way to take him to be persecuted, tortured, and then to offer himself as the ultimate sacrifice on the cross for all mankind. He surrendered HIS will to the will of the Father, to make the way for you and me to be set free from all sin and oppression and bring us Hope through Christ Jesus.
The very God who created Heaven and Earth and all herein; Who created you and me and all humankind; became a mere human Himself to become that vessel of honor necessary to free mankind from all our sins, once and for all. He willingly took upon Himself all our sin and shame, all our sickness and disease, all our depression and oppression; and having accomplished all that was needed to abolish it all; He declared from the cross, "IT IS FINISHED!"..... and He did it all for You and Me!!!
So, when you feel trapped by sin and strife or begin to feel hopeless and depressed, call out to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; and invite Him to come into your heart and free you from all bondage and set you free. He's as close as the very mention of His name. You can whisper His name and He hears you, you can even think His name and He hears you, and He will meet you wherever you are, in whatever sinful or lowly state you are in, just as you are! Too often we feel we need to change or clean up things in our life before coming to Jesus, but truth is that in our self, we can never make us good enough to come to Him; that's why Jesus came to us!
The only thing we have to do is to Believe upon Him and the works He accomplished for us, and to say those three simple words that changes our life forever; "Jesus, forgive me!".... and if we really mean it, He will come into our heart and deliver us from all our sins! Any cleaning up that may need to be done, He will do from within; in His time and in His way for our good!
In Jesus there is Hope! In Jesus there is freedom! In Jesus there is healing! In Jesus there is total deliverance! In Jesus there is everything we will ever need to become more than over-comers in this life!
In Jesus there is Hope! In Jesus there is freedom! In Jesus there is healing! In Jesus there is total deliverance! In Jesus there is everything we will ever need to become more than over-comers in this life!
He is the Great I AM! The Everlasting Father! The Prince of Peace! God Almighty! He is The Name above all names, JESUS!!! In Him, we live and breathe and have our being! In Him, we have hope and peace! In Him, we have life everlasting and free! This Love of God is so unconditional and totally free to all who will believe and receive Him just the way we are.
I pray that as you go about your day, you will also submit to His will and trust Him to work out anything that needs to be changed or fixed in your life. If it was necessary for Jesus to submit, how much more is it needed for us to submit to our Father's will in all our ways? I pray,"Not my will but thine be done, dear Lord!" Have a wonderfully blessed day in Him, dear friends; God loves you and so do I~~~

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