'Tis the season to be jolly, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la! By now we've decked our halls with boughs of holly, trimmed our trees, and added those festive decorations throughout our home; and managed to obtain a gift or two for those special someones in our life. Our hearts are full of warmth, of love, and of Christmas excitement as we look forward to spending time with friends and family! Time seems to be quickly passing and soon it will be Christmas Day!
With all the excitement this Season brings, I wonder why there remains those who never seem to catch the excitement? I love to go looking at the lights and I notice some homes not decorated at all; not even a wreath on the door, and I wonder why? I wonder what caused them to lose their joy; Have they lost someone dear to their heart? Have they suffered painful memories from the past, and if so, how long have they swirled around in their whirlpool of despair without anyone noticing their need for hope in Christ Jesus, the very reason for the season!
Christmas is a season of Love, of sharing hope and peace on earth because of our dear Savior's birth! Christ came that all may see the glory of His unconditional Love and be delivered from those ties that bind us and keep us from enjoying an abundant life of hope and joy in Him! God realized our need to be free from unexpected events in life that knock us off our feet and send us spiraling down into deep holes of despair, so He sent Jesus into this world to deliver Hope and Healing for them. That's what Christmas is all about! His unconditional Love shared with those in need; bringing hope and joy to one and all!
So this Christmas, let's look around for those who are less festive and be a friend who shares Hope with them; letting them know they are not alone. Let's share the Hope of His Great Love during this blessed Season of Love and all year long. Let' share in giving the greatest gift of all in Christ Jesus by sharing His gifts of Hope, Joy, and Peace every day to one and all! Then as a phrase from an old childhood story goes, we can proclaim as they go out of sight, "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!"
Enjoy this wonderfully blessed season, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
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