Make a joyful noise unto the Lord for He is good, His mercy is everlasting: and His truth reigns forever. Praise the Lord forevermore!
I am overjoyed at the miracles that have taken place in our family's lives this year and the miraculous works He continues to do in our lives. We give thanks for each and every one and for His continuous Healing Power and miraculous interventions in ouir precious Janet's life.
We are so blessed to be able to have her with us today and we get to celebrate with her for a short while at our home and enjoy family time together once again. Family encircled around Christ Jesus is what an abundant life is all about and we are forever grateful and abundantly blessed. Thank You Jesus!!!
May your Thanksgiving Day be more than just about turkey and delicious food; and shopping deals; but rather in enjoying and being thankful for your loved ones close by we can hug and touch and enjoy along with warm precious memories of those awaiting us in Heaven to which that reunion day will be so dear; but until then let's enjoy the life here on earth God has given and be thankful unto Him for His mighty works and continuous faithfulness that never fails.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, God loves you and so do I~~~
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