Tuesday, May 31, 2016

State of Awe

This morning finds me in a state of awe. I am so very thankful for the life God has given; for the freedom I find in Christ Jesus; for the wonderful love of family and friends; for the freedom of movement within my body; for the immeasurable joy of having peace within; for this time in my life and for every experience within my lifespan that has brought me this far, both good and bad; because it has shaped me and molded me into who I am today. I am more grateful than words can describe for His undying love, His amazing grace, and His divine deliverance! And I am so very grateful that I have come to know HOLY SPIRIT; my dearest friend, my comforter, my instructor, my counselor, my guide, my companion, my peace, and so much more. He completes me!!! and I am forever grateful.
I just cannot imagine anyone's life without the awesome love of God, and knowing Father in Heaven Who watches over us; or those who haven't accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior; or those who haven't acknowledged Holy Spirit within their life. I just can't imagine why anyone would refuse to accept Jesus and all He has provided for an abundance of joy and peace and total deliverance from a life of sin and oppression. Accepting Him into your life is a sure thing- it's a win-win situation! There are no negatives with accepting Him as Lord and with God on your side( Father God, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit; all three in one) there is no way you can ever be defeated unless you choose to not follow their direction.
God is our strength and our refuge, a very present help in time of trouble(Psalm 46:1). Where can you hide that He is not there?(Jeremiah 23:24). What can you think about, speak, or do that He doesn't know about?(Psalm 139:1-5). His ways are so far above ours(Isaiah 55:8) and He desires to give us only His best in every way; so why would anyone choose not to have Him in their life? Who can they turn to when they need someone to really listen and not be condemning of them? God sent Jesus into the world; not to condemn the world; but that through Him everyone who would believe might be saved(John 3:16,17).
God has heard it all, knows it all, and loves each of us above it all. In spite of who and what we are, He loves us unconditionally. So if you don't know Him and the power of His might; I urge you to take the most important decision of your life and come to know Him today and receive His blessings. He's as close as the very mention of His name. He loves you just as you are and so do I~~~ Be blessed!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2016


What a weekend it has been so far! Memorial Day Weekends are always so full of congested freeways that tend to cause the true side of people to be clearly seen as drivers contend with those crazies who love to weave in and out of traffic; or you get behind slow drivers in the fast lane who ignore the need to be in the other lanes; and temperatures begin to rise; not only outside the car, but inside as well.  Road Trips can be detrimental not only to one's health but also to their peace of mind as most people are in such a hurry to get to their destination and running into these situations cause a lot of personalities to shine forth when drivers are tested on every side; in front and behind.  Reckless drivers are leading causes to tie ups and can end up slowing traffic almost to a stop or busy interstates virtually become parking lots from someone's lack of patience or lack of concentration while driving.
We can allow our self to be overcome with the stress of driving in unfavorable conditions or we can choose to allow road trips to become an adventure. I remember growing up in my large family and our road trips with all 9 of us in our little 1951 Chevy Daddy called his "Grey Ghost". He named her that after she would seem to die and it looked impossible for her to run again but he would continue to work on her and finally he would get her to running again and she would be good for many more years to come. That old car was certainly his dependable car and she was still running well and he was driving it in '67 when I graduated high school. But back to the road trips that left lots of awesome memories because Momma and Daddy knew how to make them awesome. We would sing songs, play games, and even take time to pull off to the side of the road when Daddy would spot something he thought was amazing and we would all pile out and enjoy the beauty of nature(God's creations) along the way.
I remember one road trip in the early 60's going to Florida and Daddy got behind this car going really slow and some of us began to verbally wish out load that they'd go on because we were hot and tired and back then very few people had air conditioning in the cars; so you rode with the windows down and the wind would blow and keep you cool; but that car in front of us was going so slow there wasn't anything but hot air blowing our way. Daddy noticed we were all getting a little uncomfortable so he pulled over and we all got out and stretched our legs and he could always find something to make us laugh about and release tension and after a bit we loaded back up and were on our way to our Pensacola destination. Daddy always had a way of making good out of bad situations.
We can all learn from past experiences and life is truly too short not to enjoy every moment we have. So, as you go traveling the roads this summer, take time to enjoy your road trip. If you run into some drivers or situations that try your patience, just pull off and take a look around at all God has created and find something to enjoy with those you have beside you; because some day you may have to drive that same road all alone; and once time is gone, it can never be regained. Enjoy the holiday weekend; be safe, and learn to enjoy your road trips, as well!
Be Blessed, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Choice is Yours

So, You awoke to a new day; drew in a breath and opened your eyes to a fresh day filled with fresh mercies God has given; and right off, without even realizing, you began to choose how you will look at this new day. Because ultimately, the choice is yours! So you choose to get out of bed-or-maybe you just choose to lie there a little bit longer; the choice is entirely yours. Knowing you have somewhere to be at a certain time, the choice is still yours if you keep that appointment or not. It looks like it may rain today so do I go prepared, or do I just chance it?; the choice is yours. Passing others along your way, someone cuts you off and someone is driving crazy-hopefully it's not you, lol- so do you react with positive thoughts or negative thoughts? the choice is yours; it's up to you. You reach your destination and encounter someone having a 'bad day', so you speak positive words or negative words; the choice is yours....... or is it? 
Choices come in every thing we do throughout our day; from the smallest choice of what to eat, to the greatest life-altering decision needing to be made; from the time we awake to the time we rest in sleep; and the choice to react with a positive response or negative response is totally up to each of us; It is truly our choice! But I just wonder if we could see how our choices would affect, not just our life but the lives of all those involved after our choice was made; how many of us would choose more wisely. I have learned that our choices not only affect our life, but they affect lives of those we're not even aware are watching us. Having lost precious loved ones along my life, it has warmed my heart to hear others share warm memories of how that loved one had affected their life and how they regretted not ever telling them; but they had watched their reactions to stressful situations; had listened to their responses as others had demeaned or chosen to be cruel to others while my loved one had been kind and caring instead, and how their choice had touched their lives in such a way that it caused them to want to pattern their own life with that same love they knew my loved one had that was of God.
I believe the effect our choice of character has on others lives is why Holy Spirit anointed Paul to encourage us in Galatians 5:22,23 to allow the fruits of the Spirit to shine forth in our lives and to choose to show God's Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control to those we encounter along life's way in all we do and all we say.  Our choices do make a difference in our life as well as in the lives of those we encounter along the way. So as you go through today, I ask you to join me and let's choose to be mindful one of another and choose to do good and be positive role models that can lead others to Jesus Christ. Let's choose to Love because He Chose to Love us and always remember that He Chose to give His life for us that we could have an abundant life free from all sin and shame through Him and His choice to give His all. Let's Choose to be examples of His Great Love in word and deed, and bless others as He has blessed us. Be blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Waiting Game

Ever wonder why there are times we seek God for answers and can't seem to hear from Him?  Or when you feel God is silent and you wonder if your prayers are even getting thru?  Ever pray for God to move and He seems so far away, like He has distanced Himself from you and you wonder why?  
I Wonder........ could it be that He didn't move at all? And if He didn't move and this is only between 
you and Him, who actually moved away?  And is He really being silent? Could it be that He has heard every word, heard every prayer, knows exactly what we're thinking, and He's not responding........and you wonder why?  And so you continue to wait for your answer........ Could it be that He's already given His answer, BUT, since it didn't figure into your idea of an answer and because it didn't render the results you were expecting, could it be that you just refused to hear and tuned that answer out; so now you continue to seek the answer you feel is adequate to meet the need at hand? Could it be? 
I speak from past experiences about how we know from His Word that He hears and meets our needs; that His ways are far above our ways, and that His thinking is not at all like ours(Isaiah 55:8-9), For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, "says the Lord."For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts"  
and yet we refuse to accept His divine answers and continue to seek 'His Will?' and become distressed because we haven't received our answer yet? Could it be that it is not really 'His Will' we are seeking, but only what we are requesting, to be answered?
Yes, we are human so we think like humans; and yes, most of us have been around this old world long enough to have experienced a lot so we expect answers in the way we think will benefit our situation; so we go to God and tell Him all about our problem and expect Him to move on behalf of that problem; but do we really want Him to answer in His way, or in our way? That's the key to this whole scenario; truly allowing God to answer in HIS WAY, in HIS TIME, and in HIS WILL.......as only He does best! Learning to accept His divine answer with our human minds and not with spiritual understanding and having to wait upon the Lord can be painful, can be grievous, can be frustrating; until we truly learn that God's ways are not like our ways, and His time is not like ours, and His will is certainly not like ours; so we wait- and wait- and wait upon the Lord. And as we truly wait upon the Lord, desiring His divine intervention, we learn that God restores our hope and renews our strength as Isaiah 40:31 declares, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint."
Throughout life, I too, have learned to wait upon the Lord as I would pray for God to grant me the serenity to accept the things I could not change; courage to change the things I could; but also to grant me the wisdom to know the difference. And my answers weren't always pleasant; as I learned to accept answers that were heart breaking, but in my Father's Eyes and in His Perfect Will, I knew it was Best for all concerned. But through it all, I've come to depend upon the Lord. I've learned to trust Him with every area of my life and with every thing and every one that affects the life He has given me. And I've learned not to give up but to press on. To press on toward the higher calling in Jesus Christ; knowing that my due season to victory is on its way; and could be right around the corner. And so I press on with expectancy and trust in God Who has always loved me unconditionally. Who has given His all that I could have life and have it more abundantly. I press on knowing victory is mine and because He lives; I too shall live in Him forevermore. I press on knowing that I am His and He is mine. 
So dear friend, Be encouraged! Don't give up! Your due season could be right around the corner. Stay faithful and don't get discouraged. Now is not the time to slack off. Realize that even though it seems like nothing is happening, God is preparing your answer with His BEST answers, and soon the waiting game will be over and victory will be yours. So, keep pressing forward, knowing that your due season is on its way; In His way, In His will, and in His time! Have a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Unseen Gifts

I can't help but wonder why we choose to go through life struggling to find answers to our problems, instead of realizing we actually hold the answer to every problem within us. God sent to each of us an unseen gift that can answer every problem and relieve all our stress, but as with every gift, we must choose to receive and unwrap this gift and look at all It has to offer. This precious gift God gave us of Holy Spirit is inside each of us, attempting to guide us along our way; but in this fast paced world, we seem to overlook Him and forget He is within us as we hurry about trying to make things happen in our own thinking; which eventually causes frustration as things don't go the way we thought they would. We get too busy to have a simple conversation with God telling Him our problem and then listen to His voice, Holy Spirit, as He instructs us in what to do that would end in success. Why do we neglect to acknowledge so great a gift when Jesus knew how very much we would need Holy Spirit as He told us in John 14:26 "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you". He knew we would face situations in life where we would need divine intervention and divine wisdom so He sent us the unseen gift of Holy Spirit to live within each of us and direct us as we journey through life.
Holy Spirit is our guide, our comfort, our protector, our instructor, and our companion along life's pathway; but we must acknowledge Him and choose to listen to His direction if He is to help us through the circumstances that arise in our life. There is no problem too big for Him and nothing ever lost that cannot be found; if we take time to talk with Him and listen to His guidance. I know in my own life, there have been many times that I have misplaced keys or something I really needed; and after searching and searching I would just give up, sit down and being totally frustrated to the point of tears I would just blurt out, "Lord ya gotta help me find this; You gotta show me where it is" and in my time of stillness and being exhaustively quiet, sure enough, my eyes would fall upon a certain area or I would sense a need to check in a certain spot and boom, there it was; and I would wonder why I hadn't asked for His help to start with and prevented a lot of unnecessary stress. But like so many of us, I was too busy running about trying to make things happen in my own time and in the way I thought it should be, choosing to do every thing on my own; instead of being aware of this wonderful amazing gift within and seek His wisdom in the matter at hand.  
This unseen gift, Holy Spirit, literally becomes a part of us as He abides within us. He knows the mind of God and will always do the Father's will, so He will never lead us down the wrong path or give us he wrong instructions. He wants only the BEST for each of us and in our darkest hours He is always right there with us, working within us, to comfort and bring us peace as only He does best. He knows every burden we carry and every fear we face; He knows our strengths and our weaknesses; and He gives what is needed for that time period to be all we can be for the good of all concerned. God designed everything we would ever need for an abundant life in Him if we choose to accept the gifts and guidance He provides. He created the plan that once Jesus ascended back into Heaven that Holy Spirit would come and inhabit the bodies of the redeemed so He could abide within each of us forever; to guide and to teach us, to comfort and to strengthen us, and to give us power for service to be His witnesses in all the earth. Holy Spirit gives us the ability to accomplish all things necessary for an abundant life filled with joy and peace as we acknowledge Him in our life.  
It is God's will that we, His creations, be joyful and prosperous; not stressful and in need. But just as all man-made things on earth come with an instruction manual, even so, God's creation of man comes with an instruction manual called the Bible; and when read, It instructs us on who we are, what we were made for, and how to get the best use possible; but if we fail to adhere to these instructions, we will not receive the best possible results. God so loved us that He gave us a part of Him through His Son, Jesus....... and Jesus, so loved all of us that He gave us a part of Him and His Father through Holy Spirit....... and Holy Spirit so loves us that He wants to guide us along our pathway of life! But if we don't read the instruction manual God gave, as many choose; we will fail to know the precious gifts of Jesus and Holy Spirit, Who were given to make our lives complete. Today, the choice is ours!  We can choose to believe and receive God's precious unseen gift of His Son Jesus as our redeemer; and we can choose to believe and receive the precious unseen gift of Holy Spirit as our companion and guide;  or we can choose to not believe and live a life filled with sin, filled with doubt, and filled with confusion. God will not force us to believe, but He allows us to choose the path we take in life.
So, now the choice is yours and I pray you will choose wisely and come to know the joy wrapped up in these precious unseen gifts. I pray that you choose to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior and to choose Holy Spirit as your lifetime companion. I pray that as you choose to receive these unseen gifts, that you are filled with peace beyond measure and Godly wisdom, as He guides you throughout your life; and I pray that you enjoy a life filled with such Love and Joy that others can see Jesus in you. I pray that you be blessed, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~~

Friday, May 20, 2016

Freely Ye Have Received- Freely Give

Thinking on the many ways God has graced my life brings so many wonderful feelings of joy, of peace, of thankfulness; and I am so humbled by His divine Love toward me and so grateful knowing that all I am and all I ever hope to be is all wrapped up in the most precious gift-wrapped present ever delivered to any individual on this earth; my precious gift of my Lord and Savior, Jesus; my Redeemer, my Deliverer, my Savior, my All In All.  Not only was I freed from all my sins; the perks that come with my receiving this gift just keep on coming as I continually receive deliverance from all my past, from all bondage, from all infirmities, from all sickness, from all disease; and I am so thankful as I'm reminded that just as I have freely received this precious gift, I now should freely give of this new life created through Christ Jesus to others in need. I need to pay it forward.
Freely I received, so Freely I will share the Love of God to all I encounter and spread the good news of His divine love and forgiving Salvation plan. We are encouraged in Colossians 3:12-17 NIV "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace, And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.  And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." 
Being mindful of others and being careful as not to offend or wound along the way; and should I become offended or wounded, I will be mindful to quickly forgive, lest anything spring forth that might cause others to stumble or fall along the way. So as you go about your day, I encourage you also to be kind to one another, tenderhearted forgiving one another, even as God for Christ sake has forgiven you(Eph. 4:32) and allow the fruits of His Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) to shine forth in your life as you display His love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; and this can all be accomplished effectively as we allow Holy Spirit to guide us along our way. Enjoy this glorious day God has given us and be blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Thursday, May 19, 2016


    This morning as I enjoyed my coffee while walking around our complex; I was enjoying the smell of the freshness that filled the air after our rain and listening to all the birds chirping and I was suddenly impressed with so much beauty that surrounds my life now; and I could just feel my Father's smile upon me. My heart was overwhelmed at His unending Love and how He cares about even the smallest things that I tend to worry about. I know we shouldn't worry knowing that He has it all covered in His hands, but as a Mother, a devoted sister, and so many dear friends, there are times when so many needs weigh heavily upon my heart that I do tend to take on so much and tend to worry until I feel His Loving Arms surround me and whisper to my heart that everything is going to be okay- He's got this! 
    Jesus tells us in Mt 11:28-30, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest .Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gently and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Knowing the reality that He cares so much about every little detail, I just couldn't help but allow those tears to fall as He quickly caught them up with calm assurance and peace like none other could ever possibly give. What an amazing God He is! What a Precious, Loving Father Who Loves us Beyond Measure and I am just so grateful to know Him and to know His Love and to feel Holy Spirit within guiding and encouraging me along my way!  He does care about EVERY thing in our life, not just the big things, but also those fine little details that affect our daily lives. 
    He tells us in Mt 7:7 "Ask and you shall receive, Seek and you shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you."  I think the key to an abundant life filled with joy and happiness is to cast all our cares upon Him and ask for His guidance; and as we seek His face, seek His will, and follow His direction; all things that pertain to life abundantly in Christ Jesus will be opened unto us. So lesson learned; don't fail to cast all your care upon Him for He cares for you." I Peter 5:7.
    I pray that today you can feel His Love, as well, and if you have a need today I know He has your answer as you cast your cares upon Him. May you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. I am truly grateful for all of you and your precious friendship. God loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Stepping Out

   Many of our young teenagers are preparing for graduation and even tho' they are excited; many are feeling a sense of hesitancy about what's out there and what the future holds; while many parents are also feeling that hesitancy of turning lose and allowing them to find their way in a world filled with lots of possibilities, but also many dangers. While the fear of the unknown may cause us to be apprehensive and hesitant; the potential within us allows us to reach out to the unknown and turn the impossible into limitless possibilities.
    As a parent, turning lose of our little ones can be bittersweet. On the one hand, We are so proud to see how they've grown and to watch them reach this time in their life; and yet knowing they are growing up and moving into their own can bring many tears of joy and sorrow, as well. I remember teaching my little ones many things as they went from one stage of growth to another, and one that stands out in my mind is teaching them to turn lose of my hand - and then my finger - and to walk on their own; unsupported by my protective hands. Even tho I was showing them how and knowing I was right there with them; coaching them and encouraging them along the way; their fear and insecurity would be evident as they would stand, holding on to just one of my fingers rocking on their feet, but not going anywhere. Then came the time they would slowly gain enough confidence to venture out for a step or two but suddenly realize I was no longer holding on to them so they would hesitate and fall; and yes, I was right there to pick them back up and love on them and encourage them until they were ready to try it again. Time and time again we would go through this same technique until finally that day arrived when they turned lose and took that couple steps - but then they continued walking on to their destination and Victory was Won!  and I cried! Not because they were walking on their own, but because I knew they could walk now without me holding their hand. They had built up enough courage to venture out on their own; knowing I was there if needed, but finally realizing, they could have what was theirs all along-- the ability to step out on their own and reach their full potential! 
   I pray that as each graduate steps out into their future with all its limitless possibilities; that they will acknowledge the Lord in all their decisions as encouraged in Proverbs 3:5,6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."  I pray they will be mindful that God has a specific plan for each of their lives as noted in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future." and I pray that with each new venture they feel Holy Spirit within them strengthening them as noted in Philippians 4:13,"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me," bringing them reassurance that they are not alone and that He is within them and enabling them to accomplish their potential in life. 
   To every parent of a graduate, I pray you find the strength within to not just let go of your child's hand;  but that you place their hands into God's divine protective hand that will allow them to be ALL they were predestined to be; as you also adhere to the scriptures noted above while trusting God to watch over and protect your child as they grow into adulthood and into the person He created them to be. I pray that God will bring you peace and comfort during this breaking away period that can be quite devastating at times, but much needed, for God to take control of their young life. Just as God entrusted that little newborn into your care to parent and raise them up to this stage of their life; you now must trust God to lead and guide them and watch over them while you encourage them as they step out into this new stage of life. "And finally, my brethren, Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." Ephesians 6:10
  Be blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Times of Refreshing

As the rain falls from the heavens refreshing the land, I'm reminded of all the tender mercies God refreshes and extends to each of us every morning; and I just can't help but declare, "What a Gracious, Loving, Caring God, Who Loves Us Beyond Measure!" "What a mighty God We Serve Who watches over His creations and provides all that is needed for its good!"
I have some friends who seem to be battling obstacles that have arisen in their life and I just can't help but remind them to take them to the Lord and trust Him to work things out. God does not bring bad things upon us, but in our weakness He can take the bad and work it around for our good; but only if we trust Him and lean on Him during the wait; because God's timing is not like ours, and the answers we are praying for may not always be for the best, and God wants ONLY the best for everyone's life. That reality can seem hard to bear when it goes against what we want in life and what we think is best, so with hesitancy we secretly refuse to trust wholeheartedly upon His will, and for things to be accomplished in His time. What we forget is that God knows our needs, He knows our desires, and He knows our intents; and yes, He even knows the secret things upon our hearts; so learning to trust Him in all we do, in all we say, and in all we seek answers for, requires total trust in the God Who created us and all herein.
I pray that whatever you may be in need for today, whatever may be pressing heavily upon your heart, and whatever may be clouding your mind; that you can come to trust God and rest in His Loving Arms as He works all things out for good. Remember that He is your Heavenly Father Who Loves you beyond measure and knows the desires of your heart, even before you ask; and as you pour out your heart to Him and then allow Him to give you the best in every thing that surrounds your life; you will feel His Love surround you and all your worries will become faith as you relax in Him to work it all out for the good of all involved.
I pray that just as the rain falls from the Heavens refreshing the land, may God's grace freshen your heart, your soul, and your mind and give you peace as only He does best. Be Blessed, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sweet Anointing

Don't ya just Love feeling the Sweet Anointing of Holy Spirit as minds become fine tuned and eager to bring praise and glory to God? We enjoyed His Sweet Anointing as we gathered in worship yesterday. Nothing like the sweet anointing of Holy Spirit as those; who had accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and who had been delivered from their past; were dedicated and many rededicated to His will, His way, and His predestined plan for their life during our 2 baptismal services yesterday morning at Trenton Ministry Center. God is continuing to do new things in the lives of all those who seek His face; who listen attentively to His voice; and who without reservation, choose to submit to His calling upon their life. Lives forever changed; who look not to the left, nor to the right, to see what others think; but who through freedom in the Power of God, choose to lay aside all weights that once hindered; throwing off all chains that once bound; and choose to step into that new life recreated in Christ Jesus. Lives who are now filled with undeniable Power from on high; hearts now filled with His love; and minds now recreated by God unto good works. Lives that are Forever changed; Forever delivered; Forever grateful; Forever determined to be all they can be for the glory of God and His kingdom sake.
Sweet Anointing brings about knowing where we were in life and where we are today, by the grace of God. It's about knowing it's not about us, but all about JESUS! It's about the Amazing Grace of God and His Unconditional Love that saved us and brought us to this newness in Him. It's about realizing the power of God given to each of us as we were reborn in Jesus. It's about coming to know the person of Holy Spirit and His desire to build us into that full stature of man (Eph 4:13) God predestined us to be before we were even created. It's about realizing Holy Spirit is God within us, working within us(Jn 14:17), enabling us to do what we cannot do on our own, but in HIM we can do ALL things (Phil 4:13) through HIM Who strengthens us. It's about knowing who we are and Whose we are that allows us to call upon HIS strength to rise up and shake off all that old man and adorn our NEW LIFE now filled with God's Great Love and tender mercies.
His Sweet Anointing is yours today as you enjoy this new day He has given, filled with new mercies, and His Unconditional Love that is forever and ever unchangeable. Today, as you talk with God, feel His Sweet Anointing and allow Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into ALL Truth. Jesus said it was expedient; extremely important; that He go away so the Holy Spirit could come and be within us to guide us in all our ways(John 16) so allow Him to be your strength, to be your provider, to be your comforter, to be all that you need; and feel His Love saturate your heart and soul and bring you peace of mind like you've never known as you relax in the Sweet Anointing of His fullness within. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Seeing through His Eyes

I just can't help but wonder what this world would be like if we could all see ourselves as God sees us, "His children" Happy and Free; enjoying the fullness of life He has given and predestined us to be. 
Dear friend, God sees you strong and whole; He sees you blessed and prosperous. He sees you courageous and confident. He sees you fully capable to do all things through Him, He sees you free from all limitations or bondage of any kind. He sees you as the Spiritually Whole Being you were created to be. He sees you as Child of the most High God. He sees you Complete in Him. So why not enjoy your day? Enjoy your life God has given and created just for you; knowing God is your Father and you are His beloved child. Take time to Feel His Smile upon you and know He is right beside you; working within you to accomplish all things for your good.
Be blessed, dear friends. God Loves You and so do I~

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Unpredictable Changes

Well, Today is already on its way to being a day with lots of unpredictable changes as this morning was extremely warm with the sun shining brightly; with lots of people enjoying the huge yard sale going on for miles and miles all through the weekend; while even now the clouds begin to roll in and forecasters are calling for scattered thunderstorms throughout our area today. Oh well, the yard sale must go on, or does it? 
But weathering the storms is what life is all about, isn't it? Learning to roll with the tide; to take life one day at a time; while learning to dance in the rain. Regardless of what may come our way; good or bad; there is no better security than knowing God is over all; He is in it all; and He has promised to be with us through it all. So as we continue this day, may we always be mindful that we are not alone. Holy Spirit is with us; longing for us to trust in Him and acknowledge Him; and to know that He will guide us and keep us through every thing we will encounter today. 
What a privilege it is to know God the Father, Jesus; and Holy Spirit-- all three in One; and to feel His love deep within; to know He is watching over us; working within us; creating His own perfect design in our lives; if only we follow as He leads.That's the key to an abundant life in Christ Jesus; following the lead and instruction of Holy Spirit within each of us; learning to acknowledge Him as we proceed through the day in every thing we do.
He never leaves us or forsakes us when times get tough. He is always with us; working within us; to bring us to that perfect state of mind, soul, and body that He predestined for each of us; before we were even born. His perfect will for each of us is an abundant life in Christ Jesus that can only be accomplished when we follow the guiding of Holy Spirit within us. God wants only the best for each of His children and that's why He gave His best, Jesus! So, no matter what may come your way today, trust God as He directs your path. Trust God to do what is needed to accomplish His perfect will for your life....not mine.... not someone else's....but what He designed just for YOU. Jeremiah 29:11" For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future." Learn to trust God in every phase of your life. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5,6. 
As you learn to acknowledge Him; to recognize and accept Him; your life will no longer be unpredictable; but with God leading and guiding you from day to day; an abundant life is surely predictable because God wants only the best for you in every way, through every day. I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day as you learn to recognize Him, accept Him, and trust Him in all you do. Be blessed dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~ 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Today's Stumbling Block...Tomorrow's Stepping Stones

As I was walking around our complex last evening, I felt the wonderful peace of God as cool breezes blew against my face and the smell of honeysuckles filled the air. Peace flooded throughout my soul with a calm assurance knowing He is with me; that no matter where I go, no matter time of day or night; God is with me and I am never alone; I am His and He is mine, forevermore.
The awesomeness of His promises remind me, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty; I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust." Psalm 91:1,2. What calming assurance to know in Whom I believe and trust that with every trial, He is leading me to a higher place of rest in Him.
I find it amazing how the challenges of life we face today help create the person we become tomorrow. I'm reminded of an old saying, "Faith makes yesterday a stepping stone, today a new beginning, and tomorrow a limitless possibility!" And what truth it holds; The building of our tomorrow, begins with what we do and how we handle life changing circumstances today. Our success in overcoming lies in 2 things: In What do we base our faith? and, In Whom do we put our trust?
We all experience times when life throws us some mighty big punches with a lot of curve balls along our way that have literally knocked us off our feet; but having a secured safety net helped to catch us when we fell. Falling into the arms of a Living God when we lost our balance; or when we are unable to stand; was a measure beyond words, to me. When the pressures of life steam on and times get rough; knowing that the Lord is with us and will work the bad things for our good, seems to give us the perseverance and determination we need to be an over comer. Knowing that it is during these rough times that He refines us; grinding off rough edges; buffing out the dullness; until finally we are made perfect in Him; as He makes a diamond out of us! A diamond that shines forth in the midst of darkness; that sparkles in the noon day; whose rays burst forth as the sun(Son) beams down upon it, adding luster and bringing glory to the kingdom of God.
Remembering Whose you are, What you are, and in Whom you trust; allows the joy of the Lord to arise and shine forth in the midst of it all. Having the Word deep within us, allows it to spring forth in times like these; bringing that calm assurance in knowing Who and What we are, through Christ Jesus!
One of the biggest sources of inspiration I know, comes from the person we see in the mirror every day, You! Christ in You, the Hope of Glory. As we take in the Word, Holy Spirit brings divine knowledge to us, allowing us to draw strength from the Word in times of need. So Hold on to the Hope to which you are called; knowing that the trials of today become the launching pad that soars you to new heights tomorrow. Weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning! Praise God, Joy does come in the morning! So just keep holding on; knowing that today's stumbling blocks become tomorrow's stepping stones. Dare to be an over comer! Dare to soar to heights unknown through Christ Jesus!
Dare to Believe, and be Blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Monday, May 9, 2016

Let's Shine

Ever awaken to utter darkness; where all lights are out, both inside and out, and not even the moon is there to bring light to the outdoors and all around you is bitter darkness? You can't see your hand right in front of your eyes as you struggle to find your way in the darkness, and you stumble around in darkness just to find a match or hopefully a lighter; just anything to bring a little light into the darkness. And then you finally find a match; Just a little match, and when it lights up; oh what joy that little light brings! That one little light has brought so much hope into your world of darkness; allowing you to find your way around and suddenly helplessness is gone and new hope arises; Hope, because light has come into the darkness, and now, we see more clearly. 
From the very beginning of time, God saw the need for light to shine forth in the darkness; so He created light, and "God saw the light, that it was good: And God divided the light from the the darkness"(Gen 1:4); but as mankind continued to inhabit the earth and sin abounded and began to darken the world; God again saw the need for light in our darkness so He sent His Son Jesus into the world as the light of men. "In Him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." (John 1: 4,5). What happened that man was so consumed in their own darkness and so accustomed to living their lives in sin, that even the very light of God stood in their midst and His light shone all around them, but they were unable to recognize Him? 
When do we become so engulfed in darkness that we cannot see the true light come into our midst? When do we fail to see the very creator of heaven and earth as the light of our world? When do we allow the darkness to rule our world that we refuse to see the light eagerly attempting to draw us out into the light? We are told in Jn 3:19,"And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." So even tho Jesus came into the world, to give Himself a ransom for the sins of all mankind; many chose to continue in evil rather than accept the light of His glorious, unconditional, sacrificial Love. 
And today, God continues to seek mankind out of darkness. He encourages us who have accepted His light, to shine forth His light from within us, that others may see His light and be freed from their life of sin and darkness. It's God's will that none be lost, that all come to repentance, and as God's children and believers in His glorious light, we must not hide His light so others cannot see, but allow His light to shine forth in the darkness that Jesus be glorified, and hopefully draw others to Him. So, Let's light up this world!  Let's let our little lights shine! Each and every one of us, let's shine!  Let's shine for Jesus!  Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~   

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mothers Day Blessings

Blessings come in all shapes, forms, and sizes; and many come in the form of family and friends. I have been abundantly blessed with both and am so thankful to God for allowing me to share in all your lives. My Mother was a treasured blessing, my dearest friend, my biggest fan, my counselor and teacher who taught me lessons far more valuable than any school could ever teach. She taught me by watching her go through this life sacrificing her own needs over the needs of her family, caring for the sick regardless of her own health; sharing what little she had with others she thought might be less fortunate; and by loving with a heart as big as the heavens; but more than anything else, I am so thankful she and Daddy always found time to teach us about Jesus and to impart the love of God into our lives for which I am eternally grateful. And then there are the blessings of my 3 lovely daughters God graced my life with; who have grown into such loving, caring and giving Mothers, and I am so proud of each of them and their devotion to nurturing their families in the love of God as well. So to each of my daughters, Janet, Tammie, and Mechele, I want to wish you all a 'Happy Mothers Day' and tell you that I love you more than words can ever describe and I am so blessed and proud to be your Mother! And to my sisters, GailSharlene, and Carolyn, thank you for allowing me to mother you and boss you around when you were little, cause I was the oldest and thought I knew more than you guys, but I am so proud you are all my sisters and so proud of the precious women of God you have become and raised your families likewise. I guess I trained you all well, lol....... Now Momma, I'm just kidding; We all know Mother taught us all right from wrong, but we all had a lot of fun learning! And to all my extended family members and you dear friends who are Mothers, I want to wish each of you a wonderfully blessed and Happy Mothers Day. I love and appreciate each one of you more than you will ever know and so thankful to have each of you in my life. God bless you all~~~"Happy Mothers Day"~~~

Friday, May 6, 2016


What a beautiful day God has made just for me........and you! What grace He has bestowed upon us and blessed us in all things! What a loving God we are honored to serve! In all my ways, I will acknowledge Him as He directs my path! I rejoice greatly in the Lord, and again I say "Rejoice".......what a beautiful word, "Rejoice".......to be filled with an abundance of joy over and over as I absolutely delight in Him and all that He is! My heart is filled with His glorious love and I "Rejoice greatly in the Lord, the God of my salvation!"
Doesn't it just make you feel happy all over when you really think on Him with a fresh outlook every morning? Doesn't it just make you smile as you lift your voice to sing praises unto the Lord who created all heaven and earth and all therein! Doesn't it make you feel awesome to feel His love come from deep within and rise up to literally shine throughout your entire being; to know-that you know-that you know you are loved above all things? How great is our God! He is our biggest cheerleader and longs to love on us throughout the day! What a Mighty Loving God we serve; Who showers us with His loving-kindness; Who refreshes our soul as we rest through the night and Who awakens us each morning with new mercies; Who fills our hearts with a love like none other; Who de-stresses us like none other as we take our cares before Him and leave them there. What an honor to know He hears us when we pray and desires to give us all things pertaining to peace and abundant happiness in Him! 
My soul delights in the Lord and in the fullness of my salvation in Christ Jesus; unto Whom belongs All Glory and Praise! Now and Forevermore! Enjoy this beautiful day God has given and allow your mind to see His many blessings upon your life as you go along your way. As you delight in Him, He will shower you with His Love beyond measure, and you too will Rejoice! Be blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Thursday, May 5, 2016

You Raise Me Up

"When I am down, and, oh, my soul, so weary; When troubles come, and my heart burdened be. Then, I am still and wait here in the silence; Until you come and sit awhile with me. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up to walk on stormy seas; I am strong when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up to more than I can be. There is no life, no life without it's hunger; Each restless heart beats so imperfectly; But then you come, and I am filled with wonder; Sometimes I think I glimpse eternity. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up to walk on stormy seas; I am strong when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up to more than I can be."
More than words to a beautiful inspiring song written by Brendan Graham; these words of praise to our Heavenly Father represent someone who has walked through storms of life and become an overcomer. Trusting God in every aspect of life strengthens us to become more than conquerors as He instills within us the ability to walk through storms of life knowing He is by our side; and knowing in Whom we trust and Whose we are. We are made overcomers as we survive the many trials we encounter and the many times we mess up throughout our lives and no one is exempt; everyone has trials, everyone has mess-ups and everyone makes mistakes. But without a test, there is no testimony; and without a mess there is no message. The amazing outcome of it all is that we now have a testimony we can share with others that will build their faith and give them hope that because we came through this; they too can become an overcomer in God. So learning to trust God's ability to lead and guide us through every storm; we become secure in knowing that with each trial, with each storm, with each loss we encounter in life; it only helps to make us stronger. 
As God raises us up, time and time again; we eventually become strong enough to put those things behind us; that would have otherwise taken us under. As He raises us up, we can walk on those stormy seas of our life; knowing He walks beside us.  As we trust in His ability within us, we become more than we could ever dare to be. We become Strong! We become Victorious! We become Overcomers! We become Sons and Daughters of the Most High God! In Christ Jesus, We Become!!!  No matter what your storm of life may be; know that God is with you, and will walk beside you, if only you ask. He longs to raise you up to be more than you could ever dare to be! Trust God- He loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Infallible Truth

"God's love for you goes on and on when other hearts have failed; This love forgave from Calvary's cross where that love was nailed; You must believe He wants the best for you, though your prayers have never showed; So let your heart be strong, and your faith arise, as I give you what I know: I know there's a God in Heaven Who saves, delivers, and heals; For He gave His Son, The Lamb of God; He's the Savior, the Scripture reveals; I set aside all the doubts, set aside all the questions, and hold fast to that which is real; God's Word doesn't sway, that's why I'm still today; I'm standing saved, delivered, and healed. 
Night and day He thinks of you and He hurts to see you cry; He wants for you and hopes for you, You're always on God's mind. So trust His heart and lean of Him, and let the Father lead the way; many things of God I still don't know, but through the years I've learned to say; That I know there's a God in Heaven; and He saves, delivers and heals; For He gave His Son, The Lamb of God, He's the Savior the Scripture reveals; I set aside all our doubts, set aside all our questions, and hold fast to that which is real; God's Word doesn't sway, that's why I'm still today. He was wounded for our transgressions; bruised for iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and by His stripes we are healed all the day long; How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power; Who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for God was with Him; and God is with you now;  That's why I can sing that I know there's a God up in Heaven; God saves, delivers and heals; For He gave His Son, The Lamb of God; He's the Savior, the Scripture reveals; I set aside all our doubts; set aside all our questions; and hold fast to that which is real; God's Word doesn't sway, that's why I'm still today; I'm standing saved, delivered and healed. God's Word doesn't sway, that's why I'm still today; You can be saved, You can be delivered, and You can be healed."
This song by Carmen tells exactly what I believe and have proven through the years; to be the infallible truth of our God in Heaven; who loves His creations more than life itself; and I have proven that belief and trust in His Son, Jesus, is the only thing that will get you through the darkness in this world. While so many attempt to tear down His standards and deny God is Who He Is; it's good to know that you know what you know!  And it's good to know beyond a doubt; that forever and ever God does not change. He remains the same yesterday, today and forever. So we hold fast to that which is real; and lay aside all doubt; and study His Word and adhere It into our hearts; knowing that for any questions that may arise It will deliver. God's Love is unconditional, and He cares about us in every aspect of our life, and desires to give us His best; as our mind is stayed on Him.  May the powerful, unquenchable Love of our Heavenly Father be revealed by Holy Spirit as you allow Jesus to be your Lord and Savior; knowing the Infallible truth that He still Saves, Delivers, and Heals. Be blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mothers Day

Looking forward to seeing my sisters: Gail MoormanSharlene Raines Brogdon, and Carolyn Raines Scott tomorrow in Crossville as we gather together at Carolyn's home and celebrate our Mother who awaits us in Heaven, along with many other family members and precious friends already there with her. She went home with angels the night before Mothers Day in 2012 so since then we've set aside one day during the week of Mothers Day to gather as a unit to celebrate her awesome love; and there's just something about it that brings such a deep warmth as we love on each other, chit chat about ol' times, enjoy each other, and laugh a lot at how we were back when vs. how we are now. Lots of precious memories to share between the four of us and of course we'll have great food and an awesome time! But today my mind has been absorbed in wonderful memories centered around my precious Mother; my dearest friend; my greatest fan; my yard sale partner; my counselor; ,my support and prayer partner while raising my girls; and someone I would love to hear her voice just once more and be able to give her one more hug and a kiss; but knowing where she is and the legacy she has left in all our hearts; although it brings tears, also brings a warm smile knowing she is cheering me own and that I will see her soon when this life is completed. So if your mom is still alive, please don't wait until Sunday to celebrate your Mom, because Death waits for no one! Call her up and don't wait; or better yet, go visit her and give her a great big hug because so many of us will not be able to do that this year! And to all of you whose Mom is in Heaven this year; just remember she is with the One who made her and she is cheering you on from Heaven's portals and you can see her again if you choose wisely. Blessings to you all~~~

Monday, May 2, 2016


Today God has provided a wide assortment of blessings throughout our day. Early morning began with His gift of a new day; filled with fresh mercies; and the ability to breathe, and move, and have our being.  Even tho clouds were present; the warm sunshine peaked through for quite awhile before the rains came; and even thunder roared for a bit; and then it was quite again as the rain stopped falling and sunlight made its way through the clouds; and then darkness fell; and throughout the day there was shelter from the storms; food on our table; clothes on our backs and shoes on our feet; and now as we prepare for a time of rest; we bow before our Holy Lord with heartfelt thanks and gratitude for the many blessings He shed on us during this one day.........and some would dare to say they are not blessed......Really???
Too often, we take God for granted......we take life for granted....... and we take daily blessings for granted. Blessings of protection, blessings of provision, blessings of being loved beyond measure, blessings of family, blessings of friends, blessings of forgiveness; and the list could go on and on and on. My question is, "When do we really stop and count our blessings?"...... When do we give God the love He deserves?..... When do we realize Who He is?...... When do we give Him our complete heart? It will be when we finally realize Whose we are; Children of the Most High God in Christ Jesus!
As you relax in bed tonight and begin to close your eyes to rest; take just a moment to open your mind and count all the ways God has blessed your life throughout this day- just today; and if you're totally honest with yourself, it will surely surprise you at all the blessings God has given, and all the ways He has provided and protected you throughout this day. So give Him thanks, because truly He is worthy of ALL our thanks! And as you begin to thank Him, you will feel another blessing of His loving peace sweep over your body; a peace that passes all understanding as you relax in Him. And now that you've given Him praise and you know 'whose you are' and that tomorrow is all in His hands; you can smile to yourself with this newly found peace, and say without a doubt, "It is well with my soul."   Be Blessed, dear friends, knowing that God has you covered in the palm of His hands. He loves you and so do I~~


Great is Thy Faithfulness, O God my Father; There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, They fail not; As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be. Summer and Winter and Springtime and Harvest, Sun, Moon, and Stars, In their courses above; Join with all nature in manifold witness to Thy great Faithfulness, Mercy and Love. Pardon for sin and a Peace that endureth, Thine Own Dear Presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and Bright Hope for tomorrow; Blessings all mine with ten thousand beside. Great is thy Faithfulness, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Morning by morning, New mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided, Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
As we begin another work week, let us not forget the faithfulness of our Heavenly Father and all He has provided for our well being and peace of mind throughout the day. New mercies have been bestowed upon our lives just for today, and He will shed them again tomorrow and every day thereafter the same. New mercies- freely given, freely receive. We have a Heavenly Father unlike any this world has to offer! We have a Loving Savior, Jesus, who Loves like no other! We have Holy Spirit living within us, Who guides, brings peace, and comforts like none other! What a mighty God we serve who is with us through every aspect of our life; God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit; all three in one, The Trinity; our Creator, Provider, Protector, Supplier of All our needs; All that we need-He is. In our darkest valley, He is always there. All we need to do is reach out, call on Him, and He is sure to answer every time. 
I pray that you will not only call on Him in your times of need, but also that you come to know Him as your very own personal Savior, Friend, and Guide. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend, because God loves you and so do I~~~