Thursday, May 19, 2016


    This morning as I enjoyed my coffee while walking around our complex; I was enjoying the smell of the freshness that filled the air after our rain and listening to all the birds chirping and I was suddenly impressed with so much beauty that surrounds my life now; and I could just feel my Father's smile upon me. My heart was overwhelmed at His unending Love and how He cares about even the smallest things that I tend to worry about. I know we shouldn't worry knowing that He has it all covered in His hands, but as a Mother, a devoted sister, and so many dear friends, there are times when so many needs weigh heavily upon my heart that I do tend to take on so much and tend to worry until I feel His Loving Arms surround me and whisper to my heart that everything is going to be okay- He's got this! 
    Jesus tells us in Mt 11:28-30, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest .Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gently and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Knowing the reality that He cares so much about every little detail, I just couldn't help but allow those tears to fall as He quickly caught them up with calm assurance and peace like none other could ever possibly give. What an amazing God He is! What a Precious, Loving Father Who Loves us Beyond Measure and I am just so grateful to know Him and to know His Love and to feel Holy Spirit within guiding and encouraging me along my way!  He does care about EVERY thing in our life, not just the big things, but also those fine little details that affect our daily lives. 
    He tells us in Mt 7:7 "Ask and you shall receive, Seek and you shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you."  I think the key to an abundant life filled with joy and happiness is to cast all our cares upon Him and ask for His guidance; and as we seek His face, seek His will, and follow His direction; all things that pertain to life abundantly in Christ Jesus will be opened unto us. So lesson learned; don't fail to cast all your care upon Him for He cares for you." I Peter 5:7.
    I pray that today you can feel His Love, as well, and if you have a need today I know He has your answer as you cast your cares upon Him. May you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. I am truly grateful for all of you and your precious friendship. God loves you and so do I~~~

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