Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Stepping Out

   Many of our young teenagers are preparing for graduation and even tho' they are excited; many are feeling a sense of hesitancy about what's out there and what the future holds; while many parents are also feeling that hesitancy of turning lose and allowing them to find their way in a world filled with lots of possibilities, but also many dangers. While the fear of the unknown may cause us to be apprehensive and hesitant; the potential within us allows us to reach out to the unknown and turn the impossible into limitless possibilities.
    As a parent, turning lose of our little ones can be bittersweet. On the one hand, We are so proud to see how they've grown and to watch them reach this time in their life; and yet knowing they are growing up and moving into their own can bring many tears of joy and sorrow, as well. I remember teaching my little ones many things as they went from one stage of growth to another, and one that stands out in my mind is teaching them to turn lose of my hand - and then my finger - and to walk on their own; unsupported by my protective hands. Even tho I was showing them how and knowing I was right there with them; coaching them and encouraging them along the way; their fear and insecurity would be evident as they would stand, holding on to just one of my fingers rocking on their feet, but not going anywhere. Then came the time they would slowly gain enough confidence to venture out for a step or two but suddenly realize I was no longer holding on to them so they would hesitate and fall; and yes, I was right there to pick them back up and love on them and encourage them until they were ready to try it again. Time and time again we would go through this same technique until finally that day arrived when they turned lose and took that couple steps - but then they continued walking on to their destination and Victory was Won!  and I cried! Not because they were walking on their own, but because I knew they could walk now without me holding their hand. They had built up enough courage to venture out on their own; knowing I was there if needed, but finally realizing, they could have what was theirs all along-- the ability to step out on their own and reach their full potential! 
   I pray that as each graduate steps out into their future with all its limitless possibilities; that they will acknowledge the Lord in all their decisions as encouraged in Proverbs 3:5,6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."  I pray they will be mindful that God has a specific plan for each of their lives as noted in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future." and I pray that with each new venture they feel Holy Spirit within them strengthening them as noted in Philippians 4:13,"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me," bringing them reassurance that they are not alone and that He is within them and enabling them to accomplish their potential in life. 
   To every parent of a graduate, I pray you find the strength within to not just let go of your child's hand;  but that you place their hands into God's divine protective hand that will allow them to be ALL they were predestined to be; as you also adhere to the scriptures noted above while trusting God to watch over and protect your child as they grow into adulthood and into the person He created them to be. I pray that God will bring you peace and comfort during this breaking away period that can be quite devastating at times, but much needed, for God to take control of their young life. Just as God entrusted that little newborn into your care to parent and raise them up to this stage of their life; you now must trust God to lead and guide them and watch over them while you encourage them as they step out into this new stage of life. "And finally, my brethren, Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." Ephesians 6:10
  Be blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~


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