Saturday, September 29, 2018

Garbage In, Garbage Out

Garbage in, garbage out; good in, good out. At some point, what we see and hear moves from just being in our head to being in our hearts. Anger, brawling, slander, malice, envy, hatred, cursing, betrayal, manipulation, deception; all come from the confines of our heart. What we bring into our body through what we see and hear invades our minds and eventually our hearts, and what is in our hearts will eventually come out our mouths and dictate our actions. Jesus tells us in Luke 6:45, "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart; for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of."
David declares in Psalm 101:2-4, "I will walk in my house with a blameless heart. I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me; men of perverse heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do with evil." He makes it clear that leading a blameless life takes careful consideration in all we do. In Psalm 141:3 He prays, Set a guard over my mouth, Lord, Keep watch over the gates of my lips." Guilty pleasures fill our heart with garbage but Godly pleasures sweep the heart clean.
Solomon instructed us in Proverbs 4:23, "Above all else, to guard our hearts with all diligence for out of it flow all the issues of life." and Paul teaches in Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever admirable- if anything is excellent or praise worthy, to think about such things."  These men had learned that it is from the abundance of the heart and mind that the mouth speaks to either bless or to curse mankind. Once Words are spoken they are either life or they are death,
Just as a warm shower refreshes and revives us, allowing time to enter into God's presence and allowing His Spirit to flow over and through us refreshes and revives our mind. Filling our mind and heart with good things equips us to speak forth good things since out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks! As you begin to rest from your days activity, I pray you will meditate on these things and allow your words spoken to bring life and blessings to all you encounter. Enjoy a wonderfully blessed life, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Friday, September 28, 2018

A Divine Relationship

"Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3). God urges us to call upon Him so He can show us things beyond our wildest imagination. Things that are necessary for our growth and development of character. Things that boggle our minds and cause us to be distressed. He is the God of all creation who holds all the wisdom ever needed. He eagerly holds all our answers and is ready to deliver them to us as we call upon Him. But He wants to talk With us, not just listen to us! He created us(male and female) so He could walk and talk with us in the cool of the day, as noted in Gen 3. Wouldn't it be wonderful to walk and talk with Him today; to be called a "friend of God?" Friends who can share anything and everything with! that's what God wants from you and me today, a Friendship, a Divine Relationship, Father to Child - Child to Father!
We all have come to learn the value of Prayer as we make our petitions known to God; but learning to wait and listen to Him is an ongoing development. Undisturbed, dedicated time, just you and Him, in no hurry; now that's building a divine relationship. So when you consider your relationship with God, is it just prayer, or is it as friends? Is He someone you can tell anything and everything to, share your secrets with, and no He hears and will answer? And if you are true friends, shouldn't you wait to hear what He has to say as well? Do you go in prayer as a servant to your King, or have you built a relationship with Him that allows you to go to Him as your Best Friend, as Abba Father?
Even though Jesus is our Lord and Savior, Our King, He told His followers in John 15:15 NIV, "I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn't confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me." Jesus wants His followers to know Him as their Friend. He has confided in us His deepest secrets and even now, Holy Spirit continues to make all things known to us as we call upon Him. He is the dearest Friend we will ever have or ever need. He is accessible 24/7, never out of range, and never too busy to hear us when we call. He is Always with us, even as we call out to Him; and that's His promise to us with a Lifetime Guarantee, written in blood! So hadn't you rather have a friendly conversation, a divine relationship with a Friend, rather than a simple prayer?\
Bear in mind His answers don't always come quickly, and more often than not, they will take some time to deliver; but when He answers, it's never late, it's never wrong, and it's always perfect and at the right time. He declares in Isaiah 55:8,9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," saith the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." God has great plans for our future and wants only the Best for His Child as He declares in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." It's when we don't listen to Holy Spirit trying to guide us, and we get so impatient waiting, trying to handle things on our own; that we cause negative things to occur in our lives.
The negative results were not caused by God, but from our lack of patience in Him to answer the way we thought He should! If we really want to fulfill His plan for our lives, we must learn to have faith that in His time and in His way, He will answer our requests in the way that is Best for everyone involved. Even when we make messes out of our lives from being so impatient, He still takes those messes and turns them around for our good. It's when we finally stop interfering and allow God to work things out for our good, that our messes become a message and our tests become a testimony, I believe that's what Paul learned and was teaching in Romans 8:28,"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose."
I pray you enjoy a divine relationship with your Heavenly Father, knowing our Lord Jesus is at His right hand making intercessions for you as needed, so you can rest in His loving mercy and unending peace as you wait upon Him to meet your every need. God loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Choosing Wisely To Not Be Deceived

Philippians 1:6, NKJV "He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
God is looking for men and women who will allow their lives to be 'interrupted' and changed for His kingdom sake. Men and women who can see beyond all that is visible and count it all joy to follow after God blind-sighted; not able to see what's ahead and yet trusting God will lead them in all their ways.... 
Men and women who will surrender their will to His guidance as they walk in love and harmony with mankind during these latter days. We must be about our Father's business as time draws closer to our Lord's return or many will be caught unprepared in a life intertwined with worldly desires and a sinful nature. 
The War is on as satan roams the earth deceiving mankind much as he did Eve in the garden as he asked her "Did God really say.......";  and he even attempted to deceive Jesus in the wilderness with God's own Word, which Jesus spoke right back to him with a power possessed when you know the Truth and the Truth sets you Free! The Spirit seeks those will follow God with ALL their heart, ALL their soul, and ALL their mind; who will trust Him to complete the work needed to make them over comers in Christ Jesus. We must know the Word of God and get it deep down inside us, so when deception comes our way we can speak the Word with power and might, "Thus says the Lord God Almighty"  and know that it is so!
Laws have been passed and upheld that go against the Word of God and yet mankind tries to reason that since God is a god of mercy and love, He will understand; But I tell you, "No!" Whatsoever God has declared sin, will remain sin throughout eternity, because as God declared in Malachi 3:6, "God is a god that changes not! What He says He will do, He will do! And what He began, He will complete until the day Jesus returns for His own!  
So as the Spirit continues to roam the earth looking for men and women who will allow Him to use them as witnesses for the Kingdom of God, are you willing to stand up and be counted for God and His Righteousness? Or will you allow your household to be deceived and be counted among the lost? I pray you choose wisely because as for me and my house, "We  choose to serve the Lord God Almighty, and His Word and His Ways we will honor!" God loves you, dear friend, and so do I~~~

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Covered In His Hand

"A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, A wonderful Savior to me; He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, Where rivers of pleasure I see. He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand."
"A wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord, He taketh my burden away, He holdeth me up and I shall not be moved, He giveth me strength as my day. He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand."
"With numberless blessings each moment He crowns, And filled with His fullness divine, I sing in my rapture, oh, Glory to God! For such a Redeemer as mine. He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand."
"When clothed with His brightness transported I rise, To meet Him in clouds of the sky, His perfect salvation, His wonderful love, I’ll shout with the millions on high. He hideth my soul in the cleft of the rock, That shadows a dry, thirsty land; He hideth my life in the depths of His love, And covers me there with His hand, And covers me there with His hand!" 

Dear friends, we serve a mighty God who is forever faithful. Who keeps us covered in the palms of His nail-scarred hands forever and ever more. Whatever you may be going through, know that you don't have to go through it alone! You have a blood-bought covering that is secure and measureless and is free to all who choose to believe and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. He will never leave you nor forsake you but will always be right there with you; working within you all that is needed to get you through. He's just waiting for you to welcome Him in. God loves you more than you can possibly know, and I pray you will come to know Him and His power thereof so you can enjoy the peace that passes all understanding as you rest in His Love. God loves you and so do I~~~~

Re-focus Your Vision

A new day has arisen as the wonders of God's love dares to unfold! What will we allow Him to do in our life today? He desires to grant each of us fresh mercies each morning and shower us with blessings too wonderful for words; if only we can look beyond our present surroundings and refocus our attention off our self and onto Him, to His will, and His way in our life. So, where is your focus today.... How far is your vision? What can you see unfolding in your life today? Do you dare to see the awesomeness of our God, or are you contained in tunnel vision?
Our God is a God of More than Enough! He is Greater than Great; and has a plan for each of us far greater than anything we can ever imagine! But we must look beyond what we commonly see with our natural eyes and dare to look through eyes of faith. It's those eyes of faith that dare to bring God's Word to pass as noted in Jeremiah 29:11 to prosper us and give us hope. Miracles continue to occur in our lives today because we have proved Him to be Forever Faithful to fulfill His Word! It's by those eyes of faith that we bask in His miraculous touch while daring to believe and re-focus our faith to receive. Dare to look beyond what you see naturally and see His plans unfolding as you allow your faith to rise.
Refuse to be defeated, living below your worth. You are a child of the Most High God and there is Nothing He won't do to help you be ALL you can be for His kingdom sake. Dare to rise up and shake off those chains of doubt and despair; pull up those boot strings and tighten those laces; God has good plans for your life as you keep your eyes focused on Him; on His Word with His Love flowing deep within.. 

Enjoy the freedom of God's Amazing Grace, and allow Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth while leading you along your way. This is the day the Lord has made; so let's rejoice and be glad in it!  Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~

Friday, September 21, 2018

Releasing Control

Everyone has those times when life seems to literally knock you off your feet; and in the past couple months I have endured so many losses, struggled through so many trials, and had to just stop my norm and take time to regroup. I have found that it's during these times that I'm eternally grateful to have God with me, working within me, bringing comfort and peace so I can just curl up in His arms and allow Him to catch my tears and love me back to life in Him.
Such a Faithful Loving Father, He is always right there anticipating my fall and ready to catch me as He tenderly scoops me up close to His chest and brings comfort and peace so I can make it through. It's in these quiet times; lying close to His chest; wrapped snuggly in His loving arms; that I'm able to release all my cares into His keeping; as the tears continue to fall our conversation gets in no hurry while He reassuringly sets my mind to ease.
Seems this year I've been on life's roller coaster and before I could catch my breath from one episode, another one would occur. Didn't matter if it was uphill or downhill the speed my life was going was much faster than I could handle and that's when I knew Jesus had to take the wheel. My driving was too inadequate for times like these and all my doing got me no where; but with my allowing Him to take full control, I knew I could make it because He never fails!
Having been a caregiver all my life had brought on a control issue that made it difficult for me to ask for help or allow others to help during times I really needed them; simply because I didn't want to appear weak, so I'd suck it up and try to punt until I could make it better. But sooner or later, life had a way of making me deal with reality and it hasn't always been pleasant. I found that sometimes you just have to see life the way it really is; you have to accept people the way they really are; and you have to stop trying to make everything or everyone be the way you think they should be. Now to a control freak like me, this was not easy to say the least.
Having been the oldest daughter in a very large family, I'd always had an issue of trying to make sure everyone was okay and making sure what was needed was done right, and just trying to take care of our little ones. But as I've grown older and everyone has gone their own way, I find myself feeling alone; and a desire to have someone who would love to take care of me for a change. I no longer feel the need to be in charge, to be in control of every thing, and how I would love to have some one want to make life better, without my telling them how or when to do it; but that I could just let the chips fall where they may. In this stage of my life, I just want to enjoy the life God has given me, just the way it is; the good, the bad, and the ugly! And I've come to understand why Jesus had to go away so the Comforter could come and dwell within each of us. He makes my life better, without me having to say a word, and now I let the chips fall where they may, because I know He is now in control and has my Best interest at heart.
I'm coming to understand why Jesus taught His followers in Matthew 6:25-33 to stop worrying so much about the issues of this life. By example He told them to look at the birds of the air who never sow, nor reap, nor store up provisions for later days; and the lilies of the field, how they never toil nor spin and yet there was none adorned as fair as them. He encouraged them to just take care of what truly matters today; Seeking first the Kingdom and His righteousness and then God would supply everything else needed by His watchful care. We only have one life and it will soon be passed; and losing loved ones makes it all too surreal that only what's done for Christ will last!
So that's what I'm doing and why I'm sharing with you that when life tries to knock you down, don't expect to fall if you have committed your life to Jesus Christ. Rest assured that He will be right there at that split second to catch you in His loving arms and restore you until you can continue standing again on His promises. And you won't be standing alone; because He is always present! He is God our Healer, our Deliverer, our Refuge, our Comfort, our Peace; All we will ever need HE IS! You and I can Rest in Him, because He has us covered in the Palm of His Hands!
Enjoy the Majesty of It All and Be Blessed, dear friends. God Loves You and So Do I~~~

Coming to Grips With Who Is In Control

Everyone has those times when life seems to literally knock you off your feet; and in the past couple months I have endured so many losses, struggled through so many trials, and had to just stop my norm and take time to regroup. I have found that it's during these times that I'm eternally grateful to have God with me, working within me, bringing comfort and peace so I can just curl up in His arms and allow Him to catch my tears and love me back to life in Him.
Such a Faithful Loving Father, He is always right there anticipating my fall and ready to catch me as He tenderly scoops me up close to His chest and brings comfort and peace so I can make it through. It's in these quiet times; lying close to His chest; wrapped snuggly in His loving arms; that I'm able to release all my cares into His keeping; as the tears continue to fall our conversation gets in no hurry while He reassuringly sets my mind to ease.
Seems this year I've been on life's roller coaster and before I could catch my breath from one episode, another one would occur. Didn't matter if it was uphill or downhill the speed my life was going was much faster than I could handle and that's when I knew Jesus had to take the wheel. My driving was too inadequate for times like these and all my doing got me no where; but with my allowing Him to take full control, I knew I could make it because He never fails!
Having been a caregiver all my life had brought on a control issue that made it difficult for me to ask for help or allow others to help during times I really needed them; simply because I didn't want to appear weak, so I'd suck it up and try to punt until I could make it better. But sooner or later, life had a way of making me deal with reality and it hasn't always been pleasant. I found that sometimes you just have to see life the way it really is; you have to accept people the way they really are; and you have to stop trying to make everything or everyone be the way you think they should be.Now to a control freak like me, this was not easy to say the least.
Having been the oldest daughter in a very large family, I'd always had an issue of trying to make sure everyone was okay and making sure what was needed was done right, and just trying to take care of our little ones.  But as I've grown older and everyone has gone their own way, I find myself feeling alone; and a desire to have someone who would love to take care of me for a change, I no longer feel the need to be in charge, to be in control of every thing, and how I would love to have some one want to make life better, without my telling them how or when to do it; but that I could just let the chips fall where they may. In this stage of my life, I just want to enjoy the life God has given me, just the way it is; the good, the bad, and the ugly! And I've come to understand why Jesus had to go away so the Comforter could come and dwell within each of us, He makes my life better, without me having to say a word, and now I let the chips fall were they may, because I know He is now in control and has my Best interest at heart.
I'm coming to understand why Jesus taught His followers in Matthew 6:25-33 to stop worrying so much about the issues of this life. By example He told them to look at the birds of the air who never sow, nor reap, nor store up provisions for later days; and the lilies of the field, how they never toil nor spin and yet there was none adorned as fair as them. He encouraged them to just take care of what truly matters today; Seeking first the Kingdom and His righteousness and then God would supply everything else needed by His watchful care. We only have one life and it will soon be passed; and losing loved ones makes it all too surreal that only what's done for Christ will last!
So that's what I'm doing and why I'm sharing with you that when life tries to knock you down, don't expect to fall if you have committed your life to Jesus Christ. Rest assured that He will be right there at that split second to catch you in His loving arms and restore you until you can continue standing again on His promises. And you won't be standing alone; because He is always present! He is God our Healer, our Deliverer, our Refuge, our Comfort, our Peace; All we will ever need HE IS! You and I can Rest in Him, because He has us covered in the Palm of His Hands!
Enjoy the Majesty of It All and Be Blessed, dear friends. God Loves You and So Do I~~~

All Because Of God's Amazing Grace

IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF GOD'S AMAZING GRACE!!! All we will ever need and all we ever hope to be is all wrapped up in God's Amazing Grace! There will never be a need He does not see, a prayer He does not hear; a tear that falls without His attention, or a whispered cry for help He does not meet. God is forever faithful and forever near to those who trust in Him and call upon that Holy Name, Jesus! 
Jesus opened the door to Heavenly blessings being freely dispersed from the Father's hands so you and I could enter into a realm of Peace far above anything we could ever imagine and far above all the precious elements this world will ever have to offer. His ways are surely not like ours; His timing is surely not according to ours; but His Word is Forever True and what He says He will do, shall be done in the time that is perfectly aligned to His perfect design for our life.
He wants ONLY the Best for you and I and although we may feel He isn't listening at times because He's not answering us; sometimes those precious 'unanswered prayers' as we say, are not unanswered at all, but they are answered in a different way than we asked; simply because God sees the entire picture, not just what's in front of us; and He knows what is the very best for our good. Oftentimes unanswered prayers are His arms wrapped securely around us preventing us from entering utter chaos and a battle too great for us to bear at that moment.
So today, listen to His still small voice deep within your heart of hearts and allow Him to guide your way for a perfect day, the day He created just for you, from your Heavenly Father, with the greatest of love for His little child. He loves you unconditionally and beyond measure and desires to guide and protect you along your way, every step of your way, if you allow Him to. So trust Him and follow His voice closely.
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends; God loves you and so do I~~~

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Being Armed and Ready

Life is ever changing throughout our day, so we must be alert with the Whole Armor of God as Paul warns the followers in Ephesians 6:10-18(NLT). "A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on All of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Therefore put on Every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere."
It is more important in these latter days that we Stay Alert and Pray diligently; in season and out of season. Having put on the FULL ARMOR of GOD, we can guard our family members who may be too weak to stand on their own by praying a hedge of protection around them. We can meet each challenge successfully while declaring His Word over every situation knowing that His Word never fails; and when the sun arises, being armed and ready; we can stand mentally, physically, and Spiritually ready to meet the demands of the day with God on our side.
I pray each of you enjoy a wonderful, victorious, and blessed day; because God loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Our God Is Greater

This morning I feel so overwhelmed and filled with God's loving grace and strength from on high that I just want to shout from the hilltops, "How Great is my God!" My God who is Forever Faithful and True, Loving and Caring; brings these lyrics to mind: "Our God is Greater, Our God is Stronger, God You are higher than other; Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God, Our God; Water You turned into wine, Opened the eyes of the blind; there's no one like You, None like You; Into the darkness You shine, Out of the ashes we rise, There's No one like You, None like You; Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God You are higher than any other, Our God is Healer, Awesome in Power, Our God, Our God; And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us; And if our God is with us, then what can stand against us"..... and over and over it goes, renewing and refreshing the mind.
These lyrics keep rising from the depths of my soul, reminding me of God's declaration in Isaiah 54:17 that "No weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in judgment He shall condemn; this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and your righteousness is from Me, says the Lord!" What dedication He has toward us! How Faithful He is toward us as He walks hand in hand along side us; empowering us to be more than overcomers through every trial; that's our God! Everyone faces uncertainties in life but the one surety of it all is that He never leaves us, nor forsakes us, but is with us forever and ever, through it all!
Today is a new day filled with many challenging opportunities that we can use for God's glory or we can allow them to defeat us by not holding on to God's promises. As for me and my household, we have chosen to serve the Lord with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind; so we will declare Proverbs 3:5,6 over our day and "trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not unto our own understanding; in all our ways we will acknowledge Him and HE WILL direct our paths!" As long as we keep our eyes set on Him, stay focused on His plan for our life, and listen attentively to His voice as He directs our path; we will not be defeated in Jesus' name(Romans 8:31), because our God Is Greater, Our God is Stronger, and God is God of All Creation and it's in Him we rest!
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, trusting in the One who loves you above all else!  


"I need Thee every hour, Most Gracious Lord; No tender voice like Thine can Peace afford; I need Thee, Lord, I need Thee; Every hour I need Thee; Oh, bless me now, My Savior, I come to Thee!" There's within my heart a melody; Jesus whispers sweet and low; Fear not, I am with thee; Peace, be still, in all of life's ebb and flow. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Sweetest name I know; fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go." Words to these precious old hyms continue to warm hearts of all who allow Spirit to rise up within, reminding us that He is always with us, working within us to restore, to revive, and to renew us with His Peace that passes all understanding.
Today many of us will face struggles as we set out on our day; but the Peace of God will sustain us. Peace like a river working within us to conquer those fiery darts satan will attempt to throw our way; But God! God in all His Glory has already prepared us for this day and every day hereafter, as He walks beside us, working within us, leading us on, empowering us to overcome them all, one step at a time. As we allow His Spirit to refresh our inner man early in the morning, we can rest assured that as we've acknowledged Him, He is sure to be with us through it all. We will come out victorious over every battle with Him leading our way!
"When Peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, It is well with my soul."
No matter what comes our way; our mind will rest in the Peace of God; and we will enjoy a wonderfully blessed, victorious day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Monday, September 17, 2018

Beginning Your Day

Dear friends, As you began your day, I hope you took time to invite Holy Spirit to walk with you and guide you along the way? Are your ears open to hear Him today? Ya know, He is always with us, dwelling within us, trying to talk with us, caring and protecting us even though we may not acknowledge His voice or His presence? We often become so busy scampering along with our daily chores and rushing off to fulfill our work duties that we forget to take a moment each morning to just be still and know that He is God; to feel His love, to hear His voice and to acknowledge that without Him life would be hopeless; but with Him leading the way we can conquer the most difficult of days.
I treasure friends in my life but even my dearest friends cannot compare with the love of my precious Holy Spirit. Before I stumble, He's already there to pick me up; before I fail mankind's test, He is right there encouraging me; before I shed those tears when my heart feels broken, He is right there to wipe them away and comfort me; and when I begin to feel alone and think no one can possibly understand what I'm going through, He is right there to hold me and assure me He will never leave or forsake me. Forever and ever He is there for me, without fail, through it all. There is nothing I have ever done, or will ever do, to cause Him to love me any less, or love me any more than He does right now. Ya see, He loves me and He also loves you with an everlasting love that is totally unconditional.
So I pray that as you continue your day, you will take time to allow His love to engulf you and bring you His peace and guidance throughout this day and every day hereafter. He is positively the dearest friend you will ever have. Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~~

Monday, September 10, 2018

Re-shaping Our Focus

I was awakened this morning feeling such peace and loving warmth deep within my soul. There's just something about getting a jump start to your day by welcoming Holy Spirit to discuss the Word with you. What amazing joy to feel His presence as His loving arms wraps around me and whispers, "I love you" with the knowing that I am His and He is mine forevermore. What inner peace is felt as we communicate early in the mornings. 
John 1:1-5 tells us that, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God! The same was in the beginning with God! All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made! In Him was life; and the life was the light of men; and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not." 
I find it amazing that Jesus, the very Creator of all Heaven and Earth, walked among His own creation and no one could recognize Him for Who He Truly Was; and yet it's often the same with us today. We become so involved in our cares of life and daily routines that we only see the natural and miss seeing Him walking alongside us. Why do we fail to acknowledge Him as He works within us bringing all things together for our good? Why?... because it's a conditioning thing; just like getting into shape! 
The entire world seems to be buzzing about getting our bodies into shape. It's the new health kick right now and many are changing their schedules to fit exercise programs and nutritional aspects of 'getting healthy' into their daily routines. But what about the need for spiritual enlightenment? On what degree of importance and urgency do we place the spiritual aspect of our life? It's not the outer self God looks at but the inner man; so why are we not as diligent at changing our schedules to fit time alone with Him as we are at changing our routines for the outer man? 
Today can be the day needed to reshape our focus and allow God time to reprogram us throughout our mind, soul, and body. We can start by scheduling time alone with the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ! I challenge you to try this: set your alarm 20-30 minutes earlier than normal, grab a cup of coffee or your morning drink, pull out an empty chair and deliberately invite God to join you as you open your Bible and begin your morning devotion; then relax while you enjoy your coffee and time of fellowship together; readjusting your time as needed to really listen while He talks with you, one to one.
You will never regret time spent alone with God and giving Him that first part of your day because It will always make the rest of your day go so much better! Changing old habits to form good habits always seems odd at first; but given a chance, it will be a really good thing. Don't be in such a hurry; remember that God's timing is not like ours, but is always perfect. Just as the changes on the outside take time to be seen, so will the changes you are making on the inside. A heart dedicated to God will make life-long improvements that everyone will begin to notice when done in sincerity from the heart. You will find that spending time alone with God early in the morning is never wasted time, but the best improvement you will ever make in your entire life; mind, soul and body!
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Thinking of That Glorious Day

"Years of time have come and gone since I first heard it told, how Jesus would come again someday, If back then it seemed so real, then I just can't help but feel, How much closer His coming is today. The Signs of the Time are everywhere, and there's a brand new feeling in the air, Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky, lift up your head Redemption draweth nigh."
"High upon a mountain, from where He ascended, an angel of The Lord declared that it would be. He said, Don't you stand here grieving for the one that you see leaving, In like manner He's coming back for you and me. I believe the time is nearing, we'll soon see His appearing; well this could be the hour and this could be the day, when the saints from every nation will lose their gravitation and in the middle of the air be called away; And I believe He's coming back like He said; I believe that a trumpet's gonna sound so loud, one day it'll wake the dead; In the twinkling of an eye, He'll split the eastern sky; and I believe He's coming back like He said."
"The sky shall unfold, preparing His entrance! The stars shall applaud Him with thunders of praise! The sweet Light In His eyes shall enhance those awaiting; and we shall behold Him, then face to face! The angel shall sound the shout of His coming: the sleeping shall rise from their slumbering place; and those who remain shall be changed in a moment; and we shall behold Him then face to face. We shall behold Him, Yes we shall behold Him face To face in all of His Glory! We shall behold Him, We shall behold Him face to face, Our Savior and Lord! Yes We shall behold Him, Our Savior and Lord!"
I believe it's safe to say that Sooner than we expect those clouds are going to unfold; that trumpet is going to sound; and in the twinkling of an eye, Jesus will split the eastern sky to gather those who are His; and we will gone from this life into that glorious life with Him forevermore! Glory to God in the Highest!
"There is coming a day when no heartaches shall come, no more clouds in the sky no more tears to dim the eye, all is peace forevermore on that happy golden shore; what a day, glorious day that will be.There'll be no sorrow there, no more burdens to bear, no more sickness, no pain, no more parting over there; and forever I will be, with the One Who died for me, what a day, glorious day that will be! What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see, And I look upon His Face, The One who saved me by His Grace; When He takes me by the hand and leads me through that Promised Land; What a Day, Glorious Day That Will Be!"
Won't that be a wonderful time in Heaven? A glorious time of homecomings and reunions, of seeing our Lord Jesus face to face! I pray you're ready to meet Him. If not; there's no better time than the present; since no man knows the hour or the day of His return; and we're not promised the next moment of life here on earth. God loves you unconditionally; and His love is so much more than man could ever describe. I pray you will accept His free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, so you will be prepared to meet Him when the time comes; and you can lay your head down in rest knowing it is well with your soul. God loves you and so do I~~~

Thursday, September 6, 2018

In The Eye Of The Storm

"When the solid ground is falling out from underneath my feet; Between the black skies and my red eyes, I can barely see; When I realize I've been sold out by my friends and my family; I can feel the rain reminding me. In the eye of the storm, You remain in control; In the middle of the war, You guard my soul; You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn; Your love surrounds me In the eye of the storm. When my hopes and dreams are far from me and I'm running out of faith; I see the future I pictured slowly fade away; and when the tears of pain and heartache are pouring down my face, I find my peace in Jesus' name.
In the eye of the storm You remain in control; in the middle of the war You guard my soul; You alone are the anchor, When my sails are torn; Your love surrounds me In the eye of the storm. When the tests come in and the doctor says I've only got a few months left; It's like a bitter pill I'm swallowing, I can barely take a breath; And when addiction steals my baby girl, and there's nothing I can do; My only hope is to trust in You; I trust You, Lord. In the eye of the storm, You remain in control; In the middle of the war, You guard my soul, You alone are the anchor when my sails are torn; Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm."
No matter what is going on around us; no matter how bad conditions seem to be; no matter how devastated we may feel; we can rest assured that God remains in control. His Love continually surrounds us, showering Peace in the midst of every storm of life. He gives Hope in times of distress, loving us unconditionally regardless of creed, color, or worldly status. What a wonderful Lord is our Christ JESUS! Struggles of life will continue to take place as long as this world exists, but the Creator of All Heaven and Earth has already told us to fear not when tribulations come, because HE (JESUS) has already overcome them all(John 16:33).
And because He overcame, He has given us the power to become more than conquerors through His Holy Name, Jesus! No longer do we have to be bound by sin and oppression but we are redeemed from all our sins, from all fear and oppression as we trust in Him. Trusting that His Love surrounds us, His Peace envelopes us, His Comfort consoles us, and His arms embrace us in the eye of every storm we encounter throughout our life; what a wondrous name, the name of JESUS!
I pray you that you find Peace in the eye of your storm, resting assured that He loves you beyond measure, and so do I~~~

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Living Water

"There is a river, that flows from deep within; There is a fountain, that frees the soul from sin; Come to these waters, there is a vast supply; There is a river, that never shall run dry." This Heavenly flow from God above is free to all who will receive, if only you believe on Jesus and allow Him to wash away all your sins, all your hurts, all your guilt and bring you freedom from every chain, every oppression, and everything that would otherwise try to keep you bound. You can find the Freedom you desire just by calling on Jesus!
The precious life-altering blood of Jesus flows freely from the throne of God and brings such freedom and deliverance that it makes ya wanna shout, makes ya wanna dance, makes ya wanna tell the world about this Jesus who takes bad things brought upon us and turns them around for our good!
No matter how bad you think you are; no matter what terrible sins you have committed; no matter how far down in the gutter you feel you are; JESUS is ALL you need. The name above all names; Jesus waits eagerly for you to accept Him and allow Him to make whatever changes may be needed in your life. We cannot make these changes on our own; but He can and He will as we learn to place our trust in Him and surrender to His will in our lives. He is ALL we will ever need.
He completes that unfilled desire deep down in our soul. He fills the void when everyone else is gone. He takes the old man and recreates us into a new creation filled with His love, His joy, His peace; and He delivers a freedom, like no one else or anything else can ever do. That's JESUS! And He's as close as the whisper of His name.
He longs to be your Savior, your Redeemer, your God. He longs to walk with you through this life in good times and bad. He longs to abide deep within you and fill you with comfort and peace as only He does best. He longs to guide you through whatever you may face today, tomorrow and forevermore, if only you call upon His precious name; that wonderful name of JESUS!
Today is the day of Salvation; the day that can change you for all eternity; so why not go ahead and drink from that Living Water that never runs dry? Why not try Jesus? He never fails. I pray you call upon His wondrous name and have a wonderfully blessed life, because God loves you and so do I~~

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


 Amazing how suddenly our lives can be changed for a season. Life is so precious and yet so uncertain that when those seasons contain troubled waters, only the peace of God can carry us through. 
"When Peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say; It is well, It is well with my soul. Tho Satan should buffet, tho trials should come, let this blest assurance control: That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, and hath shed His own blood for my soul. My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought; my sin, not in part but the whole; is nailed to the cross and I bear it NO More; Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O my soul. And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trumpet shall sound, and The Lord shall descend, Even so, It is well with my soul."
What peace, what glorious peace, is ours in Christ Jesus, our Lord! Knowing that whatever may come our way; storms or high waters, turbulence or distress, God's got this; and peace replaces the unsettled mind as these Heavenly waters flow through our soul and we bear them no more! This divine stream of Jesus' blood flows continually from the throne of God bringing such freedom and deliverance that it makes ya wanna shout, makes ya wanna dance, makes ya wanna tell the world about Jesus; Jesus,who takes the bad brought upon us and turns it around for our good! O What a Savior!
No matter how bad you think things are; no matter the greatness of sin you have committed; no matter how far down in the gutter you feel you are; JESUS is ALL you need- He is your Hope! Jesus waits eagerly for you to invite Him in so He can make His abode and create His new life in you that nothing can ever compare! No need to make changes on your own; He will make whatever changes may be needed; we need only to rest in Him. He is our Hope in life's struggles and He is ALL we will ever need!
He completes those unfilled desires deep down in our soul. He fills the emptiness, the void when everyone else is gone. He takes our old man and creates us into a brand new creation of His own design: filled with His love, His joy, His peace; and a freedom like no one else can do. That's our blessed JESUS, and He's as close as the whisper of His name! He longs to be your God; to walk beside you through this life in both good times and bad; to fill your void with comfort and peace as only He does best; and to guide you through all you encounter day by day!
God has given us a new day filled with fresh mercies and golden opportunities to be all we can be for His kingdom sake. I pray you allow His living waters to flow through you and bring peace as you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day. God loves you and so do I~