I was awakened this morning feeling such peace and loving warmth deep within my soul. There's just something about getting a jump start to your day by welcoming Holy Spirit to discuss the Word with you. What amazing joy to feel His presence as His loving arms wraps around me and whispers, "I love you" with the knowing that I am His and He is mine forevermore. What inner peace is felt as we communicate early in the mornings.
John 1:1-5 tells us that, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God! The same was in the beginning with God! All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made! In Him was life; and the life was the light of men; and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not."
I find it amazing that Jesus, the very Creator of all Heaven and Earth, walked among His own creation and no one could recognize Him for Who He Truly Was; and yet it's often the same with us today. We become so involved in our cares of life and daily routines that we only see the natural and miss seeing Him walking alongside us. Why do we fail to acknowledge Him as He works within us bringing all things together for our good? Why?... because it's a conditioning thing; just like getting into shape!
The entire world seems to be buzzing about getting our bodies into shape. It's the new health kick right now and many are changing their schedules to fit exercise programs and nutritional aspects of 'getting healthy' into their daily routines. But what about the need for spiritual enlightenment? On what degree of importance and urgency do we place the spiritual aspect of our life? It's not the outer self God looks at but the inner man; so why are we not as diligent at changing our schedules to fit time alone with Him as we are at changing our routines for the outer man?
Today can be the day needed to reshape our focus and allow God time to reprogram us throughout our mind, soul, and body. We can start by scheduling time alone with the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ! I challenge you to try this: set your alarm 20-30 minutes earlier than normal, grab a cup of coffee or your morning drink, pull out an empty chair and deliberately invite God to join you as you open your Bible and begin your morning devotion; then relax while you enjoy your coffee and time of fellowship together; readjusting your time as needed to really listen while He talks with you, one to one.
You will never regret time spent alone with God and giving Him that first part of your day because It will always make the rest of your day go so much better! Changing old habits to form good habits always seems odd at first; but given a chance, it will be a really good thing. Don't be in such a hurry; remember that God's timing is not like ours, but is always perfect. Just as the changes on the outside take time to be seen, so will the changes you are making on the inside. A heart dedicated to God will make life-long improvements that everyone will begin to notice when done in sincerity from the heart. You will find that spending time alone with God early in the morning is never wasted time, but the best improvement you will ever make in your entire life; mind, soul and body!
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~
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