Wednesday, September 19, 2018


"I need Thee every hour, Most Gracious Lord; No tender voice like Thine can Peace afford; I need Thee, Lord, I need Thee; Every hour I need Thee; Oh, bless me now, My Savior, I come to Thee!" There's within my heart a melody; Jesus whispers sweet and low; Fear not, I am with thee; Peace, be still, in all of life's ebb and flow. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Sweetest name I know; fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go." Words to these precious old hyms continue to warm hearts of all who allow Spirit to rise up within, reminding us that He is always with us, working within us to restore, to revive, and to renew us with His Peace that passes all understanding.
Today many of us will face struggles as we set out on our day; but the Peace of God will sustain us. Peace like a river working within us to conquer those fiery darts satan will attempt to throw our way; But God! God in all His Glory has already prepared us for this day and every day hereafter, as He walks beside us, working within us, leading us on, empowering us to overcome them all, one step at a time. As we allow His Spirit to refresh our inner man early in the morning, we can rest assured that as we've acknowledged Him, He is sure to be with us through it all. We will come out victorious over every battle with Him leading our way!
"When Peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, It is well with my soul."
No matter what comes our way; our mind will rest in the Peace of God; and we will enjoy a wonderfully blessed, victorious day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

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