Friday, April 30, 2021

Chosen, Hand Picked

 Chosen: Hand-Picked! What a special feeling to be Chosen; knowing that it was not by accident, nor by circumstance but that you were specially chosen and hand picked to be that special someone for a certain purpose in someone's life.

I think back over times in school when I would be chosen to participate on teams or when we would compete for different roles in plays. What a sense of pride would swell up inside just knowing I was chosen, even before the challenge had begun. There was just something special, something extraordinary about being chosen that gave a warm sense of pride.
As children of God, we should also feel a warm sense of pride knowing we were Chosen by God before the creation of the world to be His children; to be His sons and daughters by adoption through Christ Jesus; into the family of God. He made us unique and chose us for a specific reason; instilling traits and qualities deep within that would enable us to accomplish His plans for our lives. As we mature in spiritual knowledge and wisdom, the spark of Holy Spirit ignites those traits and we begin to feel a certain 'fire shut up in our bones' that comes alive and begins to draw us into the calling through Christ Jesus; predestined for His glory; through the power of Holy Spirit!
God is doing new things within us; and His glorious power is being revealed and realized, more now than ever before. As His chosen children, we are learning to hear His voice and in following His Voice, we are showing forth His love one to another; in truth and sincerity; bringing unity to all things in Heaven and on earth; while bringing glory and honor to the Holy Name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. His Holy Power, Holy Spirit, stirs up that anointing placed within us and creates a yearning that draws us closer and closer to Him; and as His glorious regenerating power ignites within us, we show forth His Light as Children of the most High God through Christ Jesus; Chosen and handpicked by God's own hand.
So when you begin to feel discouraged or stressed, just lift up your head and look toward the heavens and feel the outpouring of the Love of God upon your face; and then Smile, knowing that you are chosen by the Most High God; Who loves you beyond measure; and no matter what may come your way, you will always be His Chosen Child, created in Christ Jesus, unto Good Works. You are blessed and highly favored, dear friend, by God's own hand; hand-picked and Chosen! God loves you and so do I~~

Finished Projects

 Finishing a project is never easy but my how pride rises up within you as you step back and look at the finished results. All the struggles and time required to get it just right have now come to a stop as you breathe a sigh of relief, knowing the end result is exactly as you desired. Now you smile with a sense of 'bragging rights', as you set out to show off your finished product and begin telling everyone about this great accomplishment. You may even feel such pride that you shout aloud, "It's finished!" feeling such a sense of satisfaction from deep within!

I wonder how Jesus felt knowing He had just completed His very Special project decided between the Godhead before He came into the world. A very special project that would take All His time and All His effort; All His energy and even His very own sweat and life-blood to get it accomplished! But He knew this project was so needed He endured the struggles and pain required for others to enjoy the fruits of His labor, as He cried aloud, "It Is Finished!"
"It is Finished" Jesus final words from the cross that have brought about such a change in the hearts and lives of so many! Having completed everything required for mankind to be redeemed, once and for all time sake, Jesus had finished this part of the Godhead's project for Salvation's Plan. Oh but it wasn't completely finished by His death on the cross because it was eternally necessary for His resurrection and ascension back to the Father so Holy Spirit could dwell within each follower as a helpmeet in all our ways.
This Special Project of Salvation's Plan with Eternal Life for all mankind has been completed and our sin-debt paid in Full by the works of Christ Jesus. Mankind has only to believe, repent of their sins, and receive Jesus as their Lord and Saviour to receive this free gift to all, Jesus finished all that was required for us to be accepted into His glorious kingdom of God so let's share this "Good News" with those we encounter and bring Joy to Heaven over that one soul (Luke 15:7) who is brought to repentance; and if one brings such joy what about two - or three - or countless others?!
Enjoy a day of joyous celebration, dear friends, and let's make the heavens ring. God loves you and so do I~~~

Beholding His Glory

 "The sky shall unfold, preparing His entrance! The stars shall applaud Him with thunders of Praise! The Sweet Light In His Eyes shall enhance those awaiting! And we shall behold Him, then Face to Face! We Shall Behold Him, We Shall Behold Him, Face To Face in All of His Glory! We Shall Behold Him, We Shall Behold Him, Face to Face, Our Savior and Lord!" The angel will sound the shout of His coming: And the sleeping shall rise from their slumbering place; and those remain shall be changed in a moment and We Shall Behold Him; then Face To Face! We Shall Behold Him, We Shall Behold Him, Face To Face in All of His Glory! We Shall Behold Him, We Shall Behold Him, Face to Face, Our Savior and Lord!"

Dear friend, One day soon those clouds are going to unfold- and that trumpet will sound- as Jesus splits the eastern sky to gather together with Him those who are His; and in the twinkling of an eye we will be gone; and so shall we ever be with The Lord! Glory to God in the Highest! Thank You Jesus! It just makes me wanna shout, how about you? Praise His Holy Name, Jesus! What an Amazing Savior! What a Blessed Redeemer! What a Mighty God We Serve!

Freedom Empowered

 Just meditating on God's Amazing Grace and how blessed to feel it bring so many life changing experiences by the blood of the Lamb. No longer bound by sin and despair; no longer bound by gloom and agony; no longer bound by sickness and disease; but Free to walk in the Liberty of His Amazing Grace; having been Redeemed by the precious Blood of our Lord Jesus!

What Freedom He empowers! What Boldness He instills; enabling us to stand up and declare, I'M FREE! and to feel Him smiling upon us because we are His and He is ours, forever and ever throughout eternity! What Love, what boundless Love! As He reaches down to you and me. We run to Him and He wraps us securely in His arms, encouraging us to cast all our cares upon Him and allow Him to handle them as only He does best! What Love He bestows!
As you go through your day, don't carry your worry and fears alone, but bring them to Jesus, and allow Him to guide you and to provide what is needed for today; and then tomorrow do the same! This world holds too many obstacles that can be so devastating when we worry in advance; so He encourages us to only care about today because tomorrow will have worries of its own (Matthew 6:34).
By taking things like this pandemic virus and all the mandates associated with it one day at a time, one phase at a time, while listening to God's guidance as noted in Proverbs 3:5-6, He will surely guide our steps and lead us safely thru it all. We just have to be still and listen to His voice directing and advising us of the right steps to take along our pathway of life.
Our God is Forever Faithful and wants only the Best in all our ways!
So let's allow time early in the morning to be still in His presence and know that He is our God who goes before us, preparing our way so we can enjoy each day given, secure in the Peace that He is with us leading our way. God loves you, dear friend, and so do I~~~

Awestruct Wonder

 Today I awoke in awesome amazement of the Lord God Almighty and the powerful works I have witnessed in my lifetime; Miracles and wonders too mighty for man to grasp understanding of; like our eternal salvation and wholeness made perfect deep within my soul, and healings within our body by the mention of His name, Jesus! and I am just in awestruct wonder.

This song came to mind as I read in Isaiah 25:1, "O Lord, You are my God. I will exalt You, I will praise Your name, For You have done wonderful things, Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth." "Alleluia, Alleluia, For the Lord God Almighty reigns; Alleluia, Alleluia, For the Lord God Almighty reigns;
Alleluia, Holy, Holy, Are You Lord God Almighty; Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb; You are Holy, Holy; Are you Lord God Almighty; Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb, Amen."
You are Holy Lord and I love how David declares in Psalm 8:3-4, "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?" Great are You Lord and greatly to be praised! Worthy is the Lamb Who takes away the sins of the world; to all who will call upon the precious redeeming name of Jesus! Such Amazement, Such Wonder, Such Amazing Love...

Let it saturate your soul and lift your spirit today. Listen to songs of praise and allow them to lift you up and encourage you filling your heart with His deep abiding Unconditional Love today as you meditate on the Holy Lamb of God Who is Worthy, Who is Holy, So Holy, and Who loves you beyond measure. May God bless and keep you with His Unseen Hand throughout this day because He loves you and so do I~~~

Who HE is and Whose We Are

 "Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I will say, Rejoice! Let Your gentleness be known to ALL men. The Lord IS at hand! Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus!

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is any thing praise worthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned, and received, and heard, and saw in me; these do and the God of peace will be with you" (Philippians 4:4-9).
Paul encourages us to celebrate Jesus all day, every day, continually; not just when tragedy comes our way and not just during special occasions; but to celebrate the Lord Jesus continually. Throughout the Word we see those who wholeheartedly followed the Lord making a joyful noise during times of war, much like the song we sing, "God is working for us, God is on our side, He has overcome, Yes He has overcome; We will not be shaken, we will not be moved; Jesus you are here; carrying our burdens, covering our shame, He has overcome, yes He has overcome; we will not be shaken, we will not be moved, Jesus you are here! I will live, I will not die, the Resurrection Power of Christ, Alive in me and I am Free in Jesus' name!"
Our victory over all evil comes in knowing 'Who He is and Whose we are' in Christ Jesus and it's this knowing that stirs up our innermost Spirit causing us to rejoice from the depths of our soul with songs of praise that we will not be shaken; we will not be moved because He is with us; and Jesus is Glorified! I pray your fears be overshadowed with knowing God is more than enough to bring you through any thing that may come against you because Jesus has already conquered it all; so enjoy a wonderfully blessed life He has planned just for you. God loves you, dear friend, and so do I~~~

Little Ones Follow By Example

 Ever stop to consider how important teachers are to our children? Do we realize how much they learn, not just from books, but also from life around them? Their little bright eyes are so eager to watch with ears perked up, ready and eager to learn more than we could ever imagine! It's time we pay attention to what our children are being taught and how their learning is greatly influenced by what they are seeing and hearing around them! It's time we assure they have a firm foundation!

I was blessed to have great influences in my childhood! I was blessed to have a Momma and Daddy who taught me not only from God's Word but how to live it through their example, I was also blessed to have wonderful Sunday School teachers like Minnie Lee Holland and Della Vaughn, along with my precious 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Fryar, all precious saints now with the Lord; who taught with such inspiration and encouragement while sowing God's love into my life throughout childhood and into my adult life. The seeds they had all planted into my life soon matured and began to spring forth; leaving lasting impressions I still draw from as an adult. I remember each of these teachers with such love and respect, and I can feel them cheering me on from Heaven's portals.
As parents, we must be mindful that our children are watching and learning from us every day as they grow. We may think our little ones are not listening in church as they wiggle and squirm about throughout service; but let something happen and out of nowhere they pop up with something their teacher or pastor spoke on and we can't believe our ears! When did they hear this? When did they see what they just described? These little ones are learning much more from life through our example so with each step we take, each word we speak, each action we show; we must be mindful of these little eyes and big ears watching and listening to everything we say, good or bad, and they will surely copy our actions day by day. So just how firm is that foundation your child is being taught upon?
Building that firm foundation on Jesus Christ very early in the morning will secure our walk in God's footsteps, speak His Words in kindness, and shower our children with Love, thereby fulfilling the purpose God has predestined for our life. The seeds of life sown at an early age will continue to grow and mature throughout life and with proper nourishment will spring forth and produce a firm foundation that can withstand the toughest of times. Proverbs 22:6 teaches "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
Life can be hard at times, and how we react to it depends greatly upon what we were taught and have seen over the years from those who greatly influence our lives. Teaching our little ones to trust in the Lord through example, will either carry them on to victory, or will cause them to crumble under the stress. Their outcome is determined from the strength of their foundation..., is it strong or will it crumble? A strong foundation based on Jesus Christ will spring forth during hard times and carry them through; so it's necessary for us to help build their lives upon that sure foundation of Jesus Christ and His righteousness.
Jesus teaches in Matthew 7:24-25 "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man which built his house upon a rock; and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded upon the rock." Jesus compares our life to that house as He encourages us to build our lives upon the rock, the sure foundation of Jesus Christ! So when storms of life come upon us and the wind swirls violently around us, we will stand firm in Him... unshakable... unmovable... knowing that He who has begun the good work in us will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6).
As you begin this new day God has given, I pray you remain mindful of those little eyes watching how you handle situations that may arise in any given situation! And I pray you will realize the power you hold to influence and instruct these little ones by your example; And I pray that as you build upon that firm foundation, that your anchor holds the solid rock which is Jesus; and if it doesn't, I pray you secure your anchor in Jesus today, without delay! Be Blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Grateful Heart

 I will Bless the Lord, O' my soul and all that is within me; Bless His Holy Name, Jesus; what a wonderful Savior You are! My God, in Whom I delight myself lifting up praise and glory and honor to the King of kings and Lord of lords!

My God, Who forgives all my sins; Who heals all my sickness and disease; Who walks and talks with me in the early morning hours as I acknowledge Him to guide my day. My Friend, my Comforter, my Peace in the midst of storms; my Provider, my Protector in whom I trust!
🎶Lord I lift Your name on high; Lord I love to sing Your praises; I'm so glad You're in my life; I'm so glad You came to save us; You came from Heaven to earth, to show the way; From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay; From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky; Lord I lift Your name on high!🎶
What a Mighty God I serve, Powerful and Loving; Faithful in all things pertaining to life and godliness! My God, tried and true to be all I need in time of trouble! I praise You, Lord, with my whole heart, with all that I am and all I ever hope to be. I worship and trust You, dear Lord, God and Creator of this Universe! My joy rests in you, Lord, My Peace rests in You. My Salvation rests safely in You Lord Jesus, and forever I lift Your Holy Name on High, Jesus!
Dear friends, I pray your day be filled with thoughts of Praise rising up from deep within your Spirit today as you taste and see that God is good, that His Mercy is everlasting, and His Faithfulness reigns forevermore. Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day knowing God loves you and so do I~~~


 What a Beautiful day the Lord has given! My heart is filled with expectations of great things on the horizon with a refreshing of mind, soul and body and I give God all the praise. He is such a good good Father who loves us beyond measure!

Just as this season brings about new beginnings in the fields; the flowers and trees blooming now; the chirping of each beautifully decorated bird, each little rabbit or squirrel scampering about; even so God's divine spirit is stirring within each of us seeking to revive, refresh, and create new beginnings for His kingdom sake.
Our pastor ends a lot of his messages with an assurance of Hope in Christ Jesus because "the Best is yet to come!" And Glory to God, it is God's will to give us His Best; not just an okay life, but His very Best; an abundant life with each new day better than the day before as we seek His will in all our ways! Proverbs 3:5-6.
So Let's be all we can be for the kingdom of God and love our neighbors as our self (Mark 12:31). Let's be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another; even as God for Christ' sake has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32). Let's adorn our life with His Love while bringing joy and good deeds to others so at the close of each day, we can sense that warm filling of His love deep inside with peaceful assurance that "It is well with my soul."
Enjoy this beautiful day God has given, dear friends, and be blessed. God loves you and so do I~

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Through It All

 Good morning dear friends, and a blessed morning it is. God tells us in Jeremiah 17:7, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose Hope is the Lord. As we have just celebrated Holy Week and our Hope resting in the works of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, we now can come boldly before the throne of God for forgiveness of sins, healing in our bodies, and deliverance from all things that try to bind us and keep us from enjoying this abundant life Jesus provided to each believer in Him.

As our nation is attacked as a whole with pestilence and political issues, many of us can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and tend to worry about our future; but no matter what we go through, whether physical challenges as pestilence and disease, emotional with death and loss of incomes, or those horrible mountains we just can't seem to remove, we must keep our mind set on Who we serve and Whose we are! When we became a born again Christian, we became Children of the Most High God and just as with any good parent, there is Nothing too hard for our Father in protecting and providing for His own.
No matter what crisis befalls us, God has a way of taking the bad and causing it to turn around for our good because of His great plan for our life; so as we see unexpected changes coming our way, we must learn to trust that God is only redirecting us to that plan He has for each of us as noted in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you" says the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Even tho' things may look devastating in our eyes, God is able to do Exceeding Abundantly ABOVE all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us as noted in Ephesians 3:20; and as Paul declared in Philippians 4:19, "my God shall supply ALL your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." and as God declares in Jeremiah 32:27, "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind! Is anything too hard for me?"
So on the authority of the written Word of God, when things look dim, don't lose hope but look up, and hold to God's Unchanging Hand; and no matter what comes your way "Never, Never, Never Give Up!" Stand Fast on God's Promises and His Faithfulness while declaring His Word over your every need and He will supply your needs in His perfect way and in His perfect time. Nothing is impossible for Him! Nothing is too hard for Him! Not cancers; not pandemic viruses; not financial deficits; Nothing! He holds this entire Universe He created in His hands and even now, tho' we can't see it; He's working on our behalf with a plan for our good that will bring Him glory!
As we celebrated Holy Week and rejoiced greatly in the willingness of our Lord Jesus to endure persecutions, torture of stripes ripping thru His body for our healing; and we continue to rejoice greatly in Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, surrendering His life as ransom from sin for all mankind on that old rugged cross. We rejoice greatly in His Resurrection from the dead; knowing the same power that raised Him from the dead quickens our mortal bodies and creates our new man in Christ Jesus, ensuring eternal life with Him forever more; and this same Power that raised Jesus from the dead and brought Him forth from the tomb can quicken and heal our wicked world if we repent and turn from sin and magnify the Holy Name of Jesus, to Whom belongs ALL Glory, Honor, and Praise!
So today let's begin renewing our minds in Christ Jesus and in all our ways lift up the name of Jesus and declare Jesus as Lord of lords and King of kings. Let's walk by Faith, not by sight; not by believing in man's word but declaring God's Word as Truth and trust His Faithfulness in all things. Let's rejoice in this day He has given and be glad in it! Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend, God loves you and so do I~~~

Monday, April 5, 2021

Hope Restored

........ and so the historical story of God's Salvation Plan for mankind continues... it's now 3 days since Jesus' died and his body placed in the sealed tomb and His followers felt all Hope was gone. All was quiet on that third day following His death; Mary Magdalene and the other women went sorrowfully to the tomb before dawn to anoint his body but found the stone rolled away; so she ran and told Simon Peter and John who came and found the tomb EMPTY! Only the linen cloths were lying there, but the handkerchief that had been used to cover His face was folded neatly nearby. The Tomb Was Empty! Jesus Had Risen As He Said!

A New Day Had Risen! A New Day bringing Hope and Eternal Salvation for all who would dare to believe! A New Hope founded upon Christ Jesus by God's Divine Salvation Plan! No more would we need to bear burdens, oppression, grief, or pain; no longer would we need to hang our heads from guilt or shame; but because of this New Hope in Christ Jesus, we can go before the throne, repent of our sins in Jesus' name, and be redeemed and forgiven for all time sake! All Because of the works of this one Beloved son of God, Christ Jesus! And Because He Lives, we will dwell with Him forevermore!
We have this blessed Hope in Christ Jesus that because we came before Him in faith believing and repented of our sins and asked Him into our hearts to be our Lord and Saviour, He abides within to lead and direct our steps until our work on earth is completed and we will simply fall asleep and awake in God's Heaven with our blessed Lord Jesus! What a day of celebration is ours to behold! So let's celebrate Jesus today and every day hereafter! The Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings, Christ Jesus our Lord! Praise His dear name! Jesus!!!
Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday, BECAUSE HE LIVES! Jesus loves you and so do I~~~

He's Not Finished Yet

 Hope everyone woke up celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus and realizing all He has done for us. I was just thinking about the tomb and how His followers found it empty except for his grave clothes lying where they had fallen but that handkerchief folded nearby.

..... Jesus was no longer contained in that sealed tomb, the stone was rolled away and the tomb was now empty! The grave clothes that had covered his body were laying where they had fallen, but yet, they saw the handkerchief used to cover His face was neatly folded and was laid near where He'd been laid!
So what was the significance in noting that the linen cloth used to cover His head had been found folded and lying by itself (John 20:7) "and the handkerchief that had been around His head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded together in a place by itself." With all the disarray of the other grave cloths, why was this cloth folded together?
Jewish tradition holds that 'the folded napkin' was a message between the master and his servant! When the servant had furnished his master's table to specifications ordered, the servant would then wait out of sight until he saw his master crumple or fold his napkin. Now if the master was finished eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, mouth and beard with the napkin, then wad it up and toss it onto the table; a message to the servant to come ahead and clear the table since the master was done. BUT, if the master got up from the table and folded his napkin neatly and set it to the side of his plate, the servant dared not touch the table, because 'the folded napkin; meant "I'm Coming Back!" So even at Jesus' Resurrection, the sign of 'the folded napkin' had been given so they knew their master was not finished, but HE WAS COMING BACK!!!
Jesus was indeed coming back as He appeared to Mary Magdalene outside the tomb, and to his disciples on several occasions; and as noted in John 20, He declared that because they had seen Him, touched the holes in His hands and side, they had believed; but "Blessed are they who have not seen and yet have believed."(v.29). He continued to do many things with the disciples over the forty days following His Resurrection teaching them about the kingdom of God throughout John 21 and into the book of Acts 1 where we see Him preparing His followers for His ascension. He continues to teach them and to reassure them that He was not leaving them ALONE but was sending them another Comforter, Holy Spirit; but also remembering the sign of 'the folded handkerchief' with Jesus declaring He was coming back!
And so The Best continues even more and more!.... As you think on these things, enjoy the blessings He has given thus far, because the Best is yet to come, dear friends! Happy Resurrection Sunday! God loves you and so do I~~~

Jesus Ascends

 Jesus was preparing His followers for His ascension back into Heaven even before His crucifixion, death, and resurrection. He told them in John 14:1-3,"Let not your hearts be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in Me. In my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not true I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you; and if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."

He reassures them in John 15:15-19, "If you love Me, keep My commandments; and I will pray the Father and He will give you another Comforter that He may abide with you forever--even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because they neither see Him or know Him; but you know Him for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live you will live also. At that day you will know that I am in my Father; and you in me and I in you."

We see Him continuing to reassure them that His departure was for the good of all His followers, and that He was not leaving them comfortless, but He was sending them another Teacher and Comforter as noted in John 16:12,13, “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth." and in v.33,“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

He sees the anxiety of His followers so He prays for them and for us in John 17 a beautiful prayer I like to call "Jesus' Prayer" because He is praying to the Father on our behalf and then just as our Lord is ready to ascend back to the Father, He declares one more bit of assurance noted in Acts 1:8, "But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."

And as they watched Him disappear into a cloud, the angels reassured them that the same Jesus they watched ascend would return in like manner! So they went into Jerusalem, into the upper room, and locked the door behind them and began to pray in one accord; waiting for the promise of Holy Spirit that would empower them for service as the Lord had instructed!

Salvation's Plan continues because the best is on it's way as Jesus promised to send back the Comforter who would never leave nor forsake His followers but would guide and teach them in the way they should go. So they waited in prayer and in one accord as the Best was on the way! Such a loving Saviour, Such a loving Lord, the Author and Finisher of the Word, Our Jesus!
Without a doubt, God loves you and so do I~~~

Resurrection Sunday

 He's Alive!!! It's Resurrection Sunday everybody! A day of Celebration! So come on! Let's celebrate our risen Lord Jesus! Death could not hold Him! The tomb could not contain Him! Everything required for our Eternal salvation had been accomplished by and through Him, so the Spirit of God quickened Jesus' crucified body and out of the tomb He came! Alive and Well! Praise His Holy Name, Jesus! He's Alive! He's Alive! and He reigns forevermore!

And today because He lives, you and I can face tomorrow! Because He lives, all fear is gone! And because we know He holds our future, our life is worth living just because He lives! Praise the Lord forever more! NO more darkness, NO more sin, NO more bondage; Free from sin and able to live an abundant life in Christ Jesus forever more! Praise the Holy Name of Jesus!🙌
A new day has arisen! A new day bringing Hope and Freedom from ALL our sins! A New Hope founded in Christ Jesus, Lord of lords and King of kings! A brand New Hope is ours as we no longer have to be sick and afflicted, burdened down and oppressed, no more grief, no more pain; but deliverance is ours through His Holy Name, Jesus! No more do we carry our old sinful nature, but because His ultimate sacrifice sets us free, we are new creatures created in Christ Jesus! And Because He conquered all things, we are made more than conquerors in Christ Jesus who lives within our hearts! Forever and ever all who choose to believe and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior can rest in Him and His works alone. By No other name can man be saved but the name of Jesus! What a price He paid, so willingly paid for you and me!
I pray that on this Resurrection Sunday you make Jesus Lord over your life so you can live with Him forevermore! Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends; Jesus Is Alive! and He loves you and so do I~~~💞🙌

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Making of Palm Sunday

 Sunday marks Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem on the donkey's colt; we see the revelation of the prophecy found in Zechariah 9:9 which declared; "Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion, Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See your king come to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey." and we see how those who believed Jesus to be their Messiah laid clothing down before His pathway while others waved palm leaves shouting, "Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord."

Everything Jesus did was to 'Fulfill All Righteousness' and knowing the time was drawing near for His Ultimate Sacrifice and needing to accomplish All that was destined for Him to do on earth, it was necessary for Him to be riding on a donkey, humbly representing Peace for this journey. Little did the people know the depth of His Kingdom nor the extent He was willing to suffer to accomplish ALL that was required for their Deliverance. Truly The Word of God had become man; a Man full of Grace and Truth; a man filled with such Unconditional Love to Fulfill All Righteousness so you and I could be Delivered, Redeemed, and Set Free Forevermore by the works He would Fulfill!
Arriving at Jerusalem, we see where Jesus goes up to the temple as was His custom to teach those who were in awe at His teaching; but finds people buying and selling and turning the temple into a marketplace. This angers Him but without sinning, He begins clearing them out of the temple and overturning tables of money changers and shouting at them not to make His Father's House a den of thieves.
Well this certainly did not set well with the scribes and chief priest, much less the sellers; who were all angered and fearful of Jesus!
As we look deeper into the days prior to His arrest and crucifixion, we see how satan runs rampant deceiving and manipulating minds of Jesus' own disciples. But until then, we will remember the works Jesus accomplished for you and me and all those who believe and receive Him as their Lord and Savior. Because of Jesus, we can enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, because He loves us unconditionally and so do I~~~

No Greater Love

 We had communion tonight in honor of our Lord Jesus and my mind is on Jesus and all He endured for you and me before His ultimate sacrifice on the cross. I find it so incredible that Jesus knew He was to become the sacrificial lamb; that precious lamb without spot or wrinkle, pure and unblemished necessary to redeem the sins of all mankind, and still He chose to come!

Knowing God's plan of salvation and the abuse and torture He would have to suffer, He still chose to come. He was aware that His own creations would reject Him, persecute Him, and say all manner of evil against Him..... and yet He still chose to come. Knowing He would be tortured beyond measure; every stripe for our healing laid across His back ripping His flesh apart.... still He chose to come.
The very Son of God stepped down from His Holy Throne, laying aside His royalty and humbling himself to the point of being mocked with a crown of thorns piercing His head....still He came. Knowing He would be crucified on the cross and suffer the most horrible humiliating death for sins He never committed.....He still chose to come! Knowing all things He had to endure for our righteousness in Him.....He chose to come.
Isaiah 53:3-5 tells us, "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He hath borne our grief, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed." Jesus chose to become the blood sacrifice needed for you and me to be pardoned from all our sins through Him, once and forevermore!
I cannot begin to fathom His love for me to endure it all and yet Jesus knew that without His ultimate sacrifice, I would be doomed forever.....and so He came.....and He fulfilled all that was needed for my redemption as well as all mankind. And because He came, His precious blood now atones for all the sins of everyone who will repent and accept Him as their Lord and Saviour.
"He left the splendor of Heaven, knowing His destiny; was the lonely hill of Golgotha, There to lay down His life for me. If that isn't love, the ocean is dry; There's no stars in the sky, and the sparrow can't fly; If that isn't love, then Heaven's a myth; There's no feeling like this, if that isn't love. Even in death He remembered the thief hanging by His side; He spoke with love with compassion, Then He took him to paradise. If that isn't love, the ocean is dry; There's no stars in the sky, and the sparrow can't fly; If that isn't love, then Heaven's a myth; There's no feeling like this, if that isn't love."
The words of this precious song warms my heart, as it tells of the Amazing Love of our precious Lord Jesus, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; and because He chose to come, we are made victorious over sin and darkness, sickness and disease, Because He came, we are made more than conquerors through Him who abides within us! Because of Jesus fulfilling all requirements necessary, we can face tomorrow with a new found Hope and blessed assurance of eternal salvation in Him!
Because He chose to come, we are made One in Him through His Amazing Grace, Dear friend, God loves you and so do I~~

Arrested and Crucified

 "They bound the hands of Jesus in the garden where He prayed; they led Him through the streets in shame; they spat upon the Saviour, so pure and free from sin; they said 'Crucify Him, He's to blame." To the howling mob He yielded, He did not for mercy cry; the cross of shame He took alone; And when He cried, "It's Finished," He gave himself to die; Salvation's wondrous plan was done! He could have called ten thousand angels to destroy the world and set Him free. He could have called ten thousand angels but He died alone for you and me!"

IT IS FINISHED!" Jesus cried from the cross; and having completed everything required for man's salvation plan, He committed His Spirit into the Father's hands, hung His head and died. As His spirit ascended, darkness fell upon the earth; the ground shook violently causing a great earthquake and fear fell upon those nearby.
His body was taken down and placed in a tomb which was then sealed by Roman Soldiers to assure no escape or theft of His body. Grief and devastation struck His followers and sadness was upon His mother Mary and all His followers while a great celebration was going on in Heaven! Jesus had just fulfilled Salvation's Plan and the separation between sinful man and God was forever eradicated by the blood of this Precious Sacrificial Lamb!
When Jesus died, the grounds shook so violently that the veil in the Holy of Holies was torn in half, from top down to the bottom; an act that could have only come from heaven above, since the top of the veil was too high for man to reach (noted to be almost 60 feet in height). No longer would sin separate man from God; and no longer would man be required to offer up blood offerings yearly by a High Priest of the temples for his sins.
Hebrews 9:24-26 explains, "For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence. 25 Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. 26 Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself."
Jesus was now the High Priest for all mankind, once and for all time sake. His ultimate sacrifice broke down the barrier between man and God. Man can now come boldly before the throne of Grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16} knowing that "If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."[1 John 1:9].
Jesus became the bridge between God and all mankind, to all who will believe and receive Him as their Lord and Savior. No longer is man separated from God by the great gulf of sin. His supreme sacrifice made it possible for you and me to enjoy a personal relationship, a one on one relationship with our Heavenly Father, through His Son, Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
His death on the cross was not the end.... oh no, but only the beginning for all who believe and receive the works Jesus fulfilled for their salvation. What joy to know that when this earthly life is over, we're not dead, but alive in Jesus forevermore. As we close our eyes on earth we open our eyes seeing our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus who reigns forevermore! What Glory awaits us on Heaven's bright shore when we see our Lord face to face;
So Holy Week continues with Good Friday on the rise and then that 3rd Glorious day....... "But until then my heart will go on singing, until then with joy I'll carry on; until the day my eyes behold that city; until the day God calls me home!" God loves you dear friend, and so do I~~

Celebrating Holy Week

 As we are celebrating Holy Week and rejoice greatly in the willingness of our Lord Jesus to endure all the persecutions, the torture of those stripes ripping thru His body for our healing from all sickness and disease; and we rejoice greatly in Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, surrendering His life as ransom from all sin for all mankind on that old rugged cross; and we rejoice greatly in His Resurrection from the dead; knowing that the same power that raised Him quickens our mortal bodies and creates our new man in Christ Jesus ensuring eternal life with Him forevermore. And this same Power that raised Jesus from the dead and brought Him forth from the tomb can quicken and heal our wicked world from this pandemic virus if we repent and turn from our sins and magnify the Holy Name of Jesus; because to Jesus and Him only belongs ALL Glory, Honor, and Praise! 

So let's begin renewing our minds in Christ Jesus and in all our ways let's lift up the name of Jesus over all sickness and disease, over financial loss and loss of loved ones, and by faith let's boldly declare Him Lord of lords and King of kings; and walk by Faith not by sight; not by believing in man's word but declaring God's Word and His Faithfulness in all things; and let's rejoice in this day He has given and be glad in it! Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend, God loves you and so do I~~~