I will Bless the Lord, O' my soul and all that is within me; Bless His Holy Name, Jesus; what a wonderful Savior You are! My God, in Whom I delight myself lifting up praise and glory and honor to the King of kings and Lord of lords!
My God, Who forgives all my sins; Who heals all my sickness and disease; Who walks and talks with me in the early morning hours as I acknowledge Him to guide my day. My Friend, my Comforter, my Peace in the midst of storms; my Provider, my Protector in whom I trust!

What a Mighty God I serve, Powerful and Loving; Faithful in all things pertaining to life and godliness! My God, tried and true to be all I need in time of trouble! I praise You, Lord, with my whole heart, with all that I am and all I ever hope to be. I worship and trust You, dear Lord, God and Creator of this Universe! My joy rests in you, Lord, My Peace rests in You. My Salvation rests safely in You Lord Jesus, and forever I lift Your Holy Name on High, Jesus!
Dear friends, I pray your day be filled with thoughts of Praise rising up from deep within your Spirit today as you taste and see that God is good, that His Mercy is everlasting, and His Faithfulness reigns forevermore. Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day knowing God loves you and so do I~~~
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