He's Alive!!! It's Resurrection Sunday everybody! A day of Celebration! So come on! Let's celebrate our risen Lord Jesus! Death could not hold Him! The tomb could not contain Him! Everything required for our Eternal salvation had been accomplished by and through Him, so the Spirit of God quickened Jesus' crucified body and out of the tomb He came! Alive and Well! Praise His Holy Name, Jesus! He's Alive! He's Alive! and He reigns forevermore!

And today because He lives, you and I can face tomorrow! Because He lives, all fear is gone! And because we know He holds our future, our life is worth living just because He lives! Praise the Lord forever more! NO more darkness, NO more sin, NO more bondage; Free from sin and able to live an abundant life in Christ Jesus forever more! Praise the Holy Name of Jesus!

A new day has arisen! A new day bringing Hope and Freedom from ALL our sins! A New Hope founded in Christ Jesus, Lord of lords and King of kings! A brand New Hope is ours as we no longer have to be sick and afflicted, burdened down and oppressed, no more grief, no more pain; but deliverance is ours through His Holy Name, Jesus! No more do we carry our old sinful nature, but because His ultimate sacrifice sets us free, we are new creatures created in Christ Jesus! And Because He conquered all things, we are made more than conquerors in Christ Jesus who lives within our hearts! Forever and ever all who choose to believe and receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior can rest in Him and His works alone. By No other name can man be saved but the name of Jesus! What a price He paid, so willingly paid for you and me!
I pray that on this Resurrection Sunday you make Jesus Lord over your life so you can live with Him forevermore! Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends; Jesus Is Alive! and He loves you and so do I~~~

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