No matter what you go through, you can experience unshakable peace, and declare, “I will not be shaken!” as David did in Psalm 16:8. God knows what you have been through and He knows exactly what you are going through now; and He promises peace to the believer through Jesus Christ.
Peace can be difficult to obtain in a natural realm; since part of our unsettled nature is that we try to cling to the things of earth; to the “American way” of living; to the here and now, and we will fight for what we think is ours, often to the death. It's difficult to grasp the reality that every thing on this earth was created by, and for, Almighty God and His purpose. Even our families are not our own, but God's; they were only given to us for a timely season that only God has predestined. As the circle of life goes on and on and families become attached, death of a loved one brings unbearable grief; because we can't grasp the fact that they didn't really die but were just called back home with God.
All things of this earth are only temporal and will someday pass away. Only what's done for Christ will last. We are encouraged time and time again throughout God's Word to put our trust in spiritual things, not temporal things that fade away. When we put our trust in temporal things, we give anxiety, fear, jealously, discontentment, greed, and insecurity open access to our lives(1 Tim 6:17-19). Instead of trying to hold on to what you think you possess, be encouraged today to let go. Let go of what doesn’t matter. Even learn to let go of those things which seem to be worth your worry. Jesus tells us in Mt 6:31-34 NIV, “So do not worry, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Learning to seek God first, above and before any earthly thing, large or small; is the key to success in every area of our life. Being submissive to His will, to His ways, and to His plan for our lives is what God asks of us. He already knows what we have need of even before we ask; and He watches over us to supply those needs, as we put our trust in Him. As we learn to trust in Him in all our ways, we will gain an unshakable peace that passes all understanding. A peace that no matter what comes our way, we too can proclaim, "I will not be shaken!"
I pray that the peace of God be with you all, and in you all, as you put your trust in Him, Amen! Be blessed dear friends, God loves you, dear friend, and so do I~~~