Saturday, April 9, 2016

Great Expectations!

What a Beautiful day!!! Even though it's a bit chilly outside this morning, my heart is warmed and filled with New mercies, New Hope, and New Expectations of Great Things to come; such a Refreshing of mind, soul and body; and I give God all the praise. God is good, All the time....and All the time, God is good!!!  Just as spring brought about new beginnings in the fields surrounding us; in the flowers and trees all in bloom; with the chirping of each beautifully designed bird; and the scampering around of each little squirrel; we can choose to allow God's divine spirit to revive, refresh, and create a new beginning within each of us through His divine power working within the very depths of our soul. As I have often heard our pastor say when we gather together, "we won't leave here like we came in Jesus' name"; let's not leave this day the same as we found it; let's make a difference! Let's share Jesus in all we say and do because people need to know that God is Love in the highest degree. Let's make sure others see Jesus in us. Let's be mindful of those who are lost and hurting today and share hope in Jesus with them today. Let's care more about our brothers and sisters in this world than we do about ourselves; and leave this place better than we found it; in Jesus' name. It's the little things in life that make our lives complete.....the joy we share with others; the kindness shown to those in need; the way we treat perfect strangers with His great Love; these are some ways that bring us a sense of fulfillment and shape us into being God's very own the love we share one to another (Jn,13:35). So Let's be all we can be for the kingdom of God and love our neighbors as our self(Mk 12:31). Let's be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another; even as God for Christ' sake has forgiven us (Eph 4:32).  Let's adorn our lives with His Love and wear His precious smile and be all we can be today; so at the close of this day, we can sense a warm filling of His love deep inside, and say with peaceful assurance that, "It is well with my soul!"  Enjoy this beautiful day God has given, dear friends, and be blessed. God loves you and so do I~~

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