Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Salvation's Plan Unfolding

Having made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem upon a donkey's back as palm leaves were laid and waved before Him, and having cleared the temple of those disrespecting His Father's house, Jesus continued to teach in the temple to those present at great lengths of His Father's Love; and just as today, many refused to believe and heed His warnings, and they feared and hated Him so much they began to devise plans to get rid of this Jesus that was turning hearts toward God. This gave Satan open doors to stir within minds and even within Jesus' own disciple, Judas, who stole away to bargain with those in authority how he could deliver Jesus to them; and so they plotted to betray his own Lord for thirty pieces of silver. 
As the disciples gathered with Jesus for dinner and Jesus had communion with them, He knowing what was to come, began trying to prepare them of what was about to happen; of His betrayal and what He must suffer for our good; but they could not conceive the notion of this and proclaimed they would defend Him at all cost; they felt within their hearts they would be with Him through it all. Little did they know that as the shepherd (Jesus) was taken, the sheep of His flock (His followers) would scatter in fear. At the close of communion, knowing time was at time, as Judas dipped into the bowl with Jesus, Jesus told him to go do what he had to do quickly; so Judas departed to betray our Lord. 
Then Jesus and His followers departed into the countryside as was His custom to rest and He felt the need to talk with His Father so He went on alone a little farther and began to pray at great lengths for all His followers.(please take time to read His prayer in John 17). Jesus had come unto His own and His own received Him not(John 1:11).  He had walked along side man, teaching and healing and delivering from demons and all manner of bondages; living in Love as an example before them, but His very own knew Him not as their Creator and Lord. Knowing His own disciple, Judas, was on his way to betray Him, He still chose to submit to God's divine plan for you and me as He prayed, 'Not my will but thine be done'. Knowing He would soon face public humiliation, ridicule and persecutions, suffer cruel torture beyond human measure, having his flesh ripped from His back by the stripes He was to bear for our healing; and surrender His life's blood as ransom for our sins with crucifixion upon that old rugged cross; He still chose to endure it all, for you and for me!
O' What a Savior! O' Hallelujah! but even now as they were on their way to take Him; the air is filled with wonder as the best is yet to come! Salvation's Plan is about to unfold.....Oh How He loves you and me!