Monday, January 30, 2017

Beautiful Mosaic Masterpieces from the Potter's Hands

"Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Saviour; I know for sure all of my days are held in Your hands; Crafted into Your perfect plan; You gently call me into Your presence, Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit; Teach me dear Lord, To live all of my life through Your eyes; I'm captured by Your Holy calling, Set me apart, I know You're drawing me to Yourself; Lead me Lord I pray; Take me, Mold me, Use me, Fill me; I give my life to the Potter's hands; Hold me, Guide me, Lead me, Walk beside me; I give my life to the Potter's hand."
We tend to think that once something is broken it should be cast aside or thrown away, but when we bring our brokenness to Jesus, He can take those broken pieces of life and recreate us into a new incredible work of art, skillfully crafted by the Potter's Hands. The results are always phenomenal, mind blowing, beyond all we could humanly think possible....But that's our God!!! Above and Beyond All We Can Ever Imagine!!!
So today my heart cries out; "Holy, Holy, Holy, Is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come, With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings, You are my Everything and I will adore You! Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder, at the mention of Your name. Jesus, Your name is Power, Breath and Living Water, Such a marvelous mystery!" 
Hear the Spirit crying out today, "Bring your brokenness and lay it down before me and I will make You Whole, Recreated in Christ Jesus!" He wants to receive our brokenness so He can give us Wholeness; Molded into a Beautiful Mosaic Masterpiece, gently redesigned by God's Own Hands!
No longer a broken display filled with despair and hopelessness, but every piece strategically molded together by the Potter's tender Mercies and Divine Love..... And He Smiles at His New Creation and says, "You are Mine and I am Yours! And I Love You More Than You Can Ever Possibly Know!"
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Melodies of Peace and Love Deep Within

"There's within my heart a melody, Jesus whispers sweet and low, Fear not, I am with thee, Peace, be still, In all of life's ebb and flow. Soon He's coming back to welcome me, far beyond the starry sky, I shall wing my flight to worlds unknown; I shall reign with Him on high. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know; fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go." 
Awesome to have this loving melody ringing in my ears and feel the warmth of His love securely within. It's a feeling of Peace that passes all understanding; just one of many precious gifts Jesus has given as He declared in John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
So why in this world, would anyone not want to feel the love of God or His peace warm the very depths of their soul? What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace, buried deep in the heart of my soul, So secure that no power can mine it away, while the years of eternity roll.
Dear friends, I pray you feel the warmth of God's love and the joy of His peace as you go through this day and in all things seek to bring Him glory and be all He predestined you to be. Enjoy this wonderfully blessed day He has given, because God loves you and so do I~~~

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Hope Springs Forth: A New Dawn Is Rising

I'm drawn today to the passage in Isaiah 43:19(NIV) as God is saying, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness!" 
Truly God is doing a new thing all around us today: in our families, in our churches, in our government, in our daily lives, and within each of us, His children. 
Blinders are coming off so our eyes can see more clearly. Ears are opening to hear more clearly the Shepherd's voice. Pathways are being redirected as unfruitful doors are closing so more prosperous doors can be opened. Holy Spirit stirs within us, motivating and redirecting us to be all God has planned for our lives.
Can you not see it? Can you not feel it? Can you not hear Him? Can you not feel the dawning of a new day rising? Can't you feel the move of Holy Spirit hovering over the earth calling us all to repentance and to a newness in Christ Jesus! 
You can feel it in the atmosphere; You can feel it as we gather to worship; You can feel it as we lie down to rest; You can feel it in the wee hours of the night and You can feel it as you awaken every morning; this newness calling us to a higher level of worship in Christ Jesus!
Naturally we are currently going through our winter season, but spiritually the feeling of Springtime is filling the atmosphere. Visions He inspired are coming to fruition. Barren twigs in our lives are beginning to bud, hope is springing forth, and the new dawn is fast approaching! Soon and very soon we shall behold Him and all of His glory! We have the Hope that makes it all possible in Christ Jesus!
I pray you can see and hear His voice whispering Hope into your soul... That you can feel His springtime as new beginnings are fast approaching. God created you in His likeness and desires to give you the very Best in Christ Jesus!  Instead of looking down because of life's changes, look up and feel His love shining upon your face! Then reach out and receive His Love as He grants you wisdom and peace along your way. Hope is springing forth and a new dawn is rising! God desires to give you His very Best in all your ways as you trust in Him! 
I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~

Friday, January 27, 2017

Without a Doubt His Name Has Life Altering Power

JESUS! There is life altering power in His name! No greater name in all the earth!
"Lost are saved, find their way, at the sound of Your great name; All condemned feel no shame, at the sound of Your great name; Every fear has no place, at the sound of Your great name; The enemy, he has to leave at the sound of Your great name. Jesus, worthy is the lamb that was slain for us, son of God and man, You are high and lifted up that all the world will praise Your great name. All the weak find their strength at the sound of Your great name; Hungry souls receive grace at the sound of Your great name; The fatherless, they find their rest at the sound of Your great name; Sick are healed and the dead are raised at the sound of Your great name. Jesus, worthy is the lamb that was slain for us, son of God and man, You are high and lifted up that all the world will praise Your great name..... Redeemer, My Healer, Lord Almighty, My Savior, Defender, You are my King, Redeemer, My Healer, Lord Almighty, Defender, You are my King, Redeemer, My Healer, Lord Almighty. Jesus worthy is the lamb that was slain for us, son of God and man, You are high and lifted up that all the world will praise Your great name.....JESUS."
No greater name, No greater sound than Jesus! Worthy of ALL honor and All praise! May we never forget nor fail to lift up His precious name.....JESUS! Have a wonderfully blessed day dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Thursday, January 26, 2017

So What's In Your Bucket List?

"If I can help somebody as I pass along; If I can cheer somebody with a word or song; If I can show somebody he is traveling wrong, then my living shall not be in vain."  Each day given is a gift from God and what we do with that gift determines the true value hidden within this God-given gift.
Just as Love isn't Love until it's given away, Blessings becomes Blessings as we give them away. So I wonder, what good deed can I do today that will help someone along their way? Who can I smile at today that will warm their heart making their hurt go away? Who can I find that needs a hug to comfort instead of a shrug? With this blessed gift of day, what can I do to share this blessing along my way?
Many deeds within my daily bucket list can only be fulfilled if I allow Him to lead my way. So I will determine to stick close to Him and listen attentively while keeping my eyes and ears open to those around me. There is no greater blessing than to lovingly help others throughout the day.
Hopes and dreams and visions untold become so real when He becomes alive within the depths of your soul. More of Thee and less of me, until it's All of Thee and none of me! I am His and He is mine, together forever throughout all eternity! Freedom is ours because of Calvary where Jesus completed everything needed to set us free!
Now there lies within my very soul, a Peace beyond measure and unspeakable joy. There is a knowing that surpasses all doubt and fear while lifting praises to our Lord Jesus. Such wonderful peace that comes from knowing Whose I am and Who He is! All that I am and ever hope to be is Christ in me the hope of glory!
Whatever your bucket list may hold, I pray you enjoy this wonderfully blessed day knowing that God loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Keeping An Open Door For A Closer Relationship

I laid in bed this morning a little longer than usual and found myself just communicating with the Lord and discussing things in a very casual way. Not out of need or want, not out of desperation, but just enjoying a close relationship with Him, my soul-mate, Lover of my soul; who never leaves or forsakes me and has me engraved in the palm of His hands. What a joy to feel His presence so early in the morning, taking time to just be with Him before the cares of the day move in. I never want to be in such a hurry that I can't enjoy Him; my strength, my shield, my joy, my peace; my all in all. 
I wonder how often prayers are hindered for lack of a relationship with Him. How often do we kneel in prayer, offer up our needs or requests, and then close out our prayer with a simple Amen before allowing Him time to communicate back with us. Do we not understand God longs for a close relationship with us; to walk and talk with us as well as listen to us, as we unload our burdens before Him Who already knows them before we ask. He wants to spend time with us; to comfort us and to reassure us that He is always with us, working within us and all we have to do is trust Him to perform the work necessary to meet those needs for our good.
Remember the time you went to God in prayer and afterwards felt no better than before but in your hurried pace, you got up and left anyway! Could it be you didn't leave time for Him to talk back to you?

I certainly do, but thank God, perseverance drove me to realize that although I was praying to God about my needs, I wasn't taking time to listen to Him. Why do we cheat ourselves and deny ourselves the privilege of forming a close relationship with God? What is life without God in it? 
Relationships are built on open communication one to another; not just one person doing all the talking but where two people take time to truly listen to one another. We choose how we address situations in our lives and whether to open doors of communication or close them. So, if an open door with true communication forms closer relationships, what kind of relationship do you want in your life with God? A closed relationship with you doing all the talking in prayer- or an open door where you can go to God in prayer and He meets you there? Why not take time to form that close relationship with your Heavenly Father who desires a close relationship with you, His loving child, that He loves so very much and so unconditionally! 
I pray as you think on these things, you choose wisely and enjoy this wonderfully blessed day He created! God loves you and so do I~~

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


    For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known."1 Cor. 13:12. So many questions and so few answers flood our minds and our world. Yet being fully persuaded that God reigns omnipotent over all things and in Him all things are become clear, we rest our frustrations and our hope.
    Hope fastens to future happiness and waits for it; but soon and very soon we will arrive at our eternal home in Heaven, where faith and hope will be needed no more! Soon, We shall behold Him face to face! What a glorious day that will be! I can only imagine what they moment will be when I behold my Savior and Lord Jesus face to face:
    "I can only imagine What it will be like When I walk By your side; I can only imagine What my eyes will see When your face Is before me; I can only imagine! Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still? Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine, I can only imagine!"
     And truly we can only imagine; knowing that what we now see through a glass darkly, we shall see then face to face; now we know in part, but then shall we know even as also we are known. Seeing our Blessed Redeemer Who made it all possible! Glad reunions with family and friends! What a glorious day that will be!
    But until then we must keep our hope fixed on Christ Jesus and the fullness of the Godhead:Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except through Him as noted in John 14:6. Jesus did not leave us on earth alone but sent Holy Spirit(Jn 14:8) to walk and talk with us guiding us along our way, bringing comfort and peace! 
    So I pray that today your hopes are fixed on Christ Jesus and in Him you draw strength day by day. He is right there within you helping you through every battle you might encounter. He is Lord of lords, King of kings, and God of all creation! I pray you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~~

Monday, January 23, 2017

And It Only Takes One Little Match

Good morning, dear friends. Just want to send you a smile and a ray of Son-shine on this wet and rainy Monday. Looking outside it's dark and gloomy, wet and rainy, and there's just something about Monday, and greater yet that it's a rainy Monday. But ya know, Monday is just one of those seven day weeks God created and since He saw each day as "good' then we should seek out the 'good' and determine to make this day the best it can be as we shine light in the midst of the darkness.
Jesus taught us in Matthew 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." He encourages us not to hide our light, but to let it shine forth in the darkness, giving hope and guidance to those lost in darkness. The time is now to be a light in a vast world filled with darkness and to be a conductor of His Light to help usher in the very presence of God's love in word and deed. All it takes is one little light! 
I remember a little song from childhood, "This little light of mine", and sometimes just hearing those words brings a smile to my face with warm memories of us singing this little song with all its little hand motions: 'This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine'- and we were 'not gonna let satan blow it out'- and 'gonna let it shine til Jesus comes'.  What precious memories as we stood in front of congregations and by the end of the song, happiness flooded everyone there; even our little hearts were all warm and giggly. It's amazing how that one little song could usher in God's love and continues to be one of the greatest conditioning songs for people of all ages. 
From early childhood we sang cute little songs, but now it's time to put those songs into action. Now it's time to walk the walk and let His light shine within us, radiating out to those lost and alone in this dark and dismal world. People are searching to find their way out of dark and hopeless situations and unless they can see a light they could be lost forever. It's time to shine our light no matter how big or how little we feel it may be. It only takes one tiny little match lit in total darkness to give enough light to find one's way out of darkness. And Lord knows, we are much more than just one!
So come on! Let's light up this world and make today the best day yet! Let your light shine for Jesus today and be blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Saturday, January 21, 2017


Isn't it assuring to know God watches over you and me, every second of every day along our way, and that there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Isaiah 41:10 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." I love how our Heavenly Father promises to comfort us, to strengthen us, to help us, and to never let us fall. Of a surety, He is our protector, our provider, supplier of all our needs, and lover of our soul. "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean of Jesus' name. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand, All other ground is sinking sand." 
Day by day He watches over us to sustain us in all our ways, and knowing who God is and believing upon Jesus brings comfort and peace as noted in John 14:1 "Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in Me." Many are the promises of hope enclosed within the Word of God and yet we will become discouraged for lack of knowledge if we don't take time to hear His Word "so then Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God"(Romans 10:17). The more we adhere to His Word, the more our faith builds and we begin to apply His promises to our life.
God sent His Word(Jesus) to bring Light into our darkness, Hope into our despair, and Freedom from all sins, hangups, hurts and everything that once held us in bondage. Jesus came that we would have life and have it more abundantly in Him(John 10:10). As followers of Christ Jesus(Christians) we are no longer tossed about but as God's children, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb(Jesus), we are recreated through Christ Jesus into a new person. No longer are we dwelling on our past, but looking ahead with spiritual eyes enlightened to a brighter future filled with love, joy and peace He purchased for us with His own blood. Our victory lies in keeping our focus on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, and in knowing that He holds our today, tomorrow and everyday hereafter in the palm of His Hands. 
It's in knowing Whose we are, that we can relax and enjoy the life predestined for us. Just as the lilies of the fields and all the little sparrows are kept by our Heavenly Father, we too have the assurance of His provision and can sing, "Why should I feel discouraged? why should the shadows come? Why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven and home? When Jesus is my portion, My constant friend is He, His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me!  
Dear friend, I pray that you realize He does watch over each of us and will provide our every need as we learn to fully trust in Him. There are no greater promises than those enclosed in His Holy Word, No greater Love than He gives from His Heart, and No greater place I would ever want to be than right smack dab in the center of His perfect Will. 
I pray you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, safe and secure in knowing that God loves you and so do I~~~

Friday, January 20, 2017

President Trump, God's Elect For Times Like These

"This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" as our newly elected President Trump is sworn in today. Make sure you include him, his family, and all his staff in your prayers today. Pray that God will protect and guide them in their attempts to turn America back to God. Pray for God to keep their ears open to hear Holy Spirit directing their path in ALL things needed to make America strong again! 
Let's be faithful Americans and pray for all those elected officials over us, and when we notice things going opposite to the Word, be quick to fall on our knees in prayer instead of verbally lashing out at them. Officials are elected to work for our good and having diligent prayer warriors can keep their ears open to the leading of the Spirit and their mind stayed on God's will for America, where criticizing and bashing them will do no good for any of us!
I am proud to be a Christian and proud to be an American and when you put those two together mountains can be moved because It only takes faith of a mustard seed. So to believe in America and believe change is possible, we must speak positive words as the Word declares and keep a positive mindset, and with a multitude of Christian Americans praying for those attempting to turn America back to God, the results can be more than Amazing!
I am overly excited to see this change and to see what God can do in all of us praying for our nation returned to the one and only Most High God Jehovah, upon which our great nation was founded. So today, I will be watching as President Trump takes his oath with feelings of pride swelling up within me (I may even need tissues close by) as anticipation of change floods the air for the good of all America. I pray God will keep His hand upon President Trump and Vice President Pence and lead them in the path of righteousness in all their ways! Your prayers are needed for them, as well.
So, Enjoy this awesome day God has created and be wonderfully blessed! God loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Making America Strong: One Nation Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty And Justice For All

From early childhood I was taught this solemn pledge with right hand over heart, while facing the American flag: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands: One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for ALL." It seems over the past decades this pledge and our flag has been demoralized by those in authority over us who have attempted to rob rights from a majority while demanding rights for some others who were determined to see a change.
Now changes can be good, but changes can also be bad and to demoralize what our country was founded on is BAD!!! in every sense of the word.
To deny one's right to speak of our Living God Jehovah or to pray to our God, while others are shouting profanities and chanting to their god without dispute, is totally unfair to the American people as a whole, for which our great nation was founded. So who allowed this to happen and what caused our rights to be violated? 
It came from lack of prayer for those in authority over us and from us, as born Americans, not standing up for what is good and fair and right for Americans everywhere. It came from allowing rules to be made that were opposing to the standards of the United States of America and to our once blessed Nation Under God! It came from sitting idly by as rules were made and allowed to stand because we Americans literally stood by and watched our nation deny the one true living God it was founded upon!
Now we have a president elect who believes in the power of prayer and chooses to return America back to our living God upon Whom this great nation was founded and since this believer won the election, many of those in opposition to the founding standards of America are shouting once again profanities, indiscretions and obscenities, while spreading reminders of his past and causing division in our country. Not one of us are perfect and we all have a past with things we are not proud to make known, but I know for a fact that God can take our past and turn it around for His good; and I know for a fact that this nation can be strong once again, if governed by God Almighty and the diligence of Americans praying for our leaders instead of stoning them. 
Where is our respect for one another, and where is the respect for those in authority over us? I remind every American who has been bickering, condemning and criticizing those who ran for this office and are now in authority over you to take a good look at your own past and remember Jesus' statement regarding the prostitute in John 8:7 "He that is without sin, let him throw the first stone." Where would you be today had it not been for prayer and for God moving in your life? 2 Chronicles 7:14 declares,"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."  
America can be strong once again if we return to the God upon which this great nation was founded but changes must begin in all of us. We must stop this bickering and begin praying for others' weaknesses and allow God's will to be done in decisions being made. We must be quick to pray for those in authority over us instead of being quick to condemn. We must show the same forgiveness God showed us when He forgave us our sins and allowed us to be pardoned from our past. I urge you to pray for our newly elected President Trump and Vice President Pence that God will direct their paths and give them Godly wisdom as they attempt to turn America back on the path of righteousness and I urge you to pray for their protection from all harm.
Let's be a true nation under God that is founded on Christ Jesus and guard our tongues from speaking evil of those in authority over us and begin prayerfully speaking life and good into America. Let's be respectful Americans as we prayerfully defend our country against spiritual principalities and powers contrary to the Word of God. Let's make our Heavenly Father smile on America once again as we prayerfully return to the God upon which we stand, and let's stand bold with hand over heart, and proudly pledge to the American flag once again, that we are One Nation, Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all~~~

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Overwhelming Peace Like None Other

"Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight, Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm; In celestial strains it unceasingly falls, O’er my soul like an infinite calm. What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace, Buried deep in the heart of my soul, So secure that no power can mine it away, While the years of eternity roll! I am resting tonight in this wonderful peace, Resting sweetly in Jesus’ control; For I’m kept from all danger by night and by day, And His glory is flooding my soul! Peace, peace, wonderful peace, Coming down from the Father above! Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray. In fathomless billows of love!"
I love this old hymn. What a blessing to know the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Peace that floods over your soul bringing calm assurance all is well; knowing beyond a shadow of doubt that God is in control; that with our minds totally surrendered to His plan in our lives, whatever may come our way, God already has it covered in His nail-scarred hands; already conquered everything necessary for our peace of mind through His loving grace. The Love of God is truly greater than any tongue or pen can ever tell; goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell. When we become all bowed down with cares of this life, all we have to do is call upon God and He is right there; instilling peace and love as He cradles us in His comforting arms. There is no peace like the peace of God; no love like the love of God; and with outstretched arms He readily welcomes us to come and rest in Him. May you feel His love and relax in His peace, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~

Monday, January 16, 2017


Well, good morning everyone. Hope today finds you all blessed and ready to enjoy this beautiful day God has given. The meteorologist said for us to 'get out and enjoy today cause rain is on the way tomorrow' but I'm here to tell you we can enjoy the day whether sunshine or rain when we acknowledge the blessings given moment by moment.
What makes us look at only what our natural eyes can see instead of beholding life the way He wants us to see! Why do we look at tomorrow when we haven't even lived today yet? Why do we look at what tomorrow brings instead of what God has given us right now?
Well I think it's because we are man and He is God?
Ecclesiastes 3 tells us,"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."
We are often too quick to just read the first couple verses and stop, but each verse connected to this segment holds wise advise and good learning for each season of our own personal life: times for birth--but also death, times for sadness--but also times to rejoice, times of war--but also times to make peace, times to be broken--but praise the Lord also times to restore what was broken; seasons for every thing God has created!
I love Springtime because it seems to hold new life springing forth; bringing a new hope that in due time, things that once caused us dismay shall pass away, and there will spring forth a brighter day. God promises in His Word that He will walk with us through EVERY season of our life: to lead and guide, to advise and instruct, to comfort and give peace, and to turn our sorrow into joy. Seasons may come and seasons may go, but God's plan for our lives will surely spring forth, because His Word remains the same forever, regardless of seasons.
I pray that you enjoy today and every season in your life and that you can learn to dance in the rain, rejoice in good times and bad, and choose to be happy and enjoy life; one day at a time, one season at a time! God loves you and so do I~~

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Daily Showers of Blessings

What a blessing to open my eyes this morning and hear songs of praise from the depths of my soul and then to realize I have received yet another birthday gift, 'the gift of today', specially wrapped in spiritual blessings from my Heavenly Father who wants me to enjoy all it contains one moment at a time. What a precious gift to breathe in a new day, to rise up and be able to move about and have my being, to lift my voice and offer up songs of praise from the depths of my being to the God of all gods, the Lord of all lords, and the King of all Savior and Lord, Jesus!
"Oh How beautiful are you Lord; It's Your Words, It's Your Love; Oh, how glorious are You, Lord; It's Your power, It was Your cross; That saved me, And rescued me; Just a moment there, Set me free! I give You glory, glory; I give You glory, glory; I give You glory, glory, Jesus; I give You glory, glory; I give You glory, glory; I give You glory, glory, Jesus!"
My heart rejoices as I feel the love of Jesus engulfing me, showering me with spiritual blessings from His Heavenly throne and it's just too marvelous for words, more than amazing, more than wonderful; just to know I am part of a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that are set apart to declare the praises of him who called us out of darkness into his wonderful light as noted in I Peter 2:9 and this realization goes far beyond all we could ever define as Wonderful!
We are blessed to serve a risen Savior, a God Who is very much alive, Who dwells inside each one of us, Who hears us when we call, and Who delights in our company as we walk and talk with Him along our way. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last and He loves showering us with His love, and I for one love to be showered with His Love; How about you?
I pray that as you go about your day, you can feel God's love showering you with spiritual blessings and that you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, simply because God loves you and so do I~~~

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Today I'm reminded of just how special we are in our Father's eyes. As humans, we tend to look in the mirror and see our reflection to determine if our outer appearance is good or bad and if we fit man's standards, but in the process of checking our selves over, I wonder if we looked inwardly to assess our spiritual standards as well? Our eyes only see what man sees, but oh how our hearts would swell if we could only see our self through the eyes of our Heavenly Father.  
God sees us as His precious child, created by His loving Hands, the apple of His eye; and oh how He smiles upon us with a pride unlike anything we can ever imagine as we toddle about and grow in Him. Think about your child and how very proud you are of them, good or bad. Remember the first time you held them... when you caught sight of that tiny little baby all wrapped up in your arms and you promised to protect and love them forever.... Oh, the joy you felt when they first began to make eye contact with you- when they would look at you and smile.... no words to accurately describe how it made your heart feel.... and then they began to grow and sit up by themselves, to walk, to feed themselves, to talk, to read, to accomplish goals that seemed impossible and there you were with arms outstretched cheering them on, picking them up when they fell, and encouraging them to try again when they failed. 
This is only a sample of what your Heavenly Father feels toward you. He is always there to quickly pick you up during your struggles of life and even carries you when you're unable to walk. He is eager to help us through all our tough times and wants only the very Best for each of us. His way and timing is exactly the right way and at the right time to accomplish His perfect plan for our lives. Each of us has a specific future He designed just for us before we were born and His desire is to walk and talk with us as we journey through this world. We often miss out on bountiful blessings simply because we continue to look at life through our eyes instead of through His. His plans are to give us a future filled with wondrous blessings, more wonderful than we could ever imagine! 
My precious friends, As you walk through this day, I encourage you to visualize how you look, not through your own eyes, but through your Father's eyes!  As you look in that mirror, don't just see what is reflected back but see what HE sees and speak His Words over you and also to your circumstances: "You are Child of the Most High God, Blessed and highly favored! You are blessed in the city and blessed in the field! You are above and not beneath, the head and not the tail! You are strong! You are victorious! You are more than an overcomer through Christ Who dwells within you! There shall no evil befall you nor any harm come near your dwelling because Christ dwells in you! You can do all things through Christ Who strengthens You!" 
Declare these words daily and every time you begin to feel less than the norms, and watch your self worth begin to build as you realize and believe that every word He has spoken about you is True because He cannot lie!  Feel His power begin to fill you with a new strength, a new self worth, a new hope as you grow in the nurture and admonition of our Lord Jesus continually day by day. Remind yourself continually that He watches over you, His Child, with love and admiration, eagerly awaiting some alone time so you can walk and talk together and share your concerns and cares with Him. He longs to comfort you and to encourage you along your way each and every day! 
My precious friends, I pray that each of you will find some alone time each day to spend with your Heavenly Father so Holy Spirit can guide you along your way. He is truly the dearest friend you will ever have and He is ALL you will ever need. Have a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~

Friday, January 13, 2017

Vain Superstions or God's Divine Plans

Walking under ladders, black cats crossing your path, breaking of a mirror, opening an umbrella inside, throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder, crossing your fingers, knocking on wood, picking up a pin so all day long you'll have good luck... well today is Friday the 13th; So how superstitious are you?
Will today bring you misfortune per superstitions or will today be blessed and prosperous? The choice is not from old wives tales or vain superstitions; the choice is clearly yours and how you perceive God's intentions! So now you get to choose; Will you follow man's superstitions or follow after God?
I find it amazing how we will quickly avoid walking under a ladder, get all anxious and fearful at breaking a mirror, dread Friday the 13th, and God forbid if a black cat crosses our paths. How quickly we attempt to counteract these freaky occurrences....Really? Are we as Christians really going to allow vain superstitions to guide our thinking and bring on misfortune instead of trusting God to watch over us, His Children, as we go about our day? Have we forgotten Whose we are?
God is God 24 hrs a day seven days a week, regardless of any given calendar day or any given superstition and He changes not! What we make of each day is clearly up to what and who we choose to follow and what we allow to cloud our minds. Jesus warns us in John 10:10, " The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."  So why would we allow satan to rob us of one single moment of peace when we belong to God through Christ Jesus!
Paul reminds us in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind" and again in Philippians 4:7,"and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus" and Proverbs 4:23 encourages us to "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life."
So dear friends, let's lay aside those vain superstitions and adhere to the Word of God that surpasses all our thinking and let's look forward to each moment God has given in peace and harmony as we guard our hearts with all diligence, knowing whose we are in Christ Jesus! Let's live each moment God has given in peace, and let's enjoy life to the fullest in Christ Jesus and all He supplies!
May each of you enjoy this wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Good morning, dear friends, I would like to share a short little story and a few thoughts with you today that I hope will bless and encourage you along your way:
"A store owner was tacking a sign in his store window, which read PUPPIES FOR SALE, when a little boy appeared. “How much are you selling the puppies for?” he asked. The man told the lad he didn’t expect to let any of them go for less than $50. The boy reached in his pocket, pulled out some change, looked up at the store owner and said, “I have two dollars and thirty-seven cents. Can I look at them?” The store owner smiled and whistled. From the kennel, a dog named Lady came running down the aisle, followed by five tiny balls of fur. One puppy lagged behind. Immediately, the little boy asked about the limping puppy. “What’s wrong with that doggie?” “The veterinarian told us the dog is missing a hip socket,” said the store owner. “He’ll always limp like that.” “That’s the one I want to buy,” the lad said quickly. The store owner replied, “No, you don’t want to buy that dog. If you really want him, I’ll just give him to you.” The boy came close to the store owner’s face and said angrily, “I don’t want you to just give him to me. That doggie is worth just as much as all the other puppies and I’ll pay the full price. In fact, I’ll give you $2.37 now and 50 cents a month until I have him paid for!” The store owner replied, “No, no, no. You don’t want that dog. He’s never going to be able to run and jump and play like the other dogs.” In response, the little boy pulled up his pant leg to reveal a badly twisted left leg, supported by two steel braces. “Well, sir,” he said, “I don’t run so well myself and that puppy will need someone who understands.” 
 While reading this story, I began to understand that when God allows us to go through troubles and afflictions, He is preparing us to be a comfort to others because you really can't empathize with someone in distress unless you've walked in their shoes. You can try to comfort them with words and be there for them, but unless you've 'been there-done that' you have no idea what they're really going through and feeling inside. It takes someone who has endured that physical pain, who has suffered that devastating loss of a loved one, who has lost it all and been homeless, who has been abused and lost all self worth, who has tried to get over additions without success; just to name a few and unless you've gone through these trying times, you cannot truly understand how to empathize with them and bring them hope. This little boy knew he could care for this lame doggie because he too had endured and continued to deal with these same struggles.
Once we have overcome specific struggles through life, we are able to help others struggling with the same by sharing hope and expressing love as God directs us along the way. Psalm 34:19 tells us, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivereth him out of them all." and Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5,“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God." God has certainly delivered us all from so many different circumstances and given peace and comfort like none other, but He does not comfort us simply to make us comfortable. God comforts us so we can comfort others. 'To everything there is a season' and Lord knows we've all been through lots of 'seasons' in our life, but God didn't leave us there. He was right there to deliver and set us free so we could comfort others and share the hope in Christ Jesus with them as well.  
Dear friend, God may very well send someone along your way today who may seem to be less than mans standards indicate but who needs the love of God extended in their life. Will you allow God to use you to be His hand extended in word or deed as He directs? We don't have to understand the reasons why, He just needs us to be that willing vessel He can use to touch a life. He will give the words to say and the wisdom needed at that time if you will be open to His guidance. Think about it--you can change a life today by a simple task of love and understanding.. Have a blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wherever God Leads Us, He Most Assuredly Won't Leave Us

Today I'm reminded that Wherever God leads us, He will never leave us!  Wherever He takes us, He will lead us through! He will never forsake us but be with us every step of the way. He will be Everything we need Him to be at that appointed time, working within us to bring sweet victory as only He does best. My soul is reminded of the lyrics to this precious song: 
"Wherever You lead me, I know You won't leave me; Wherever You call me, You will make a way; Wherever we're going, I will be holding; To the promise You have made, You will make a way. You brought me to the desert so You could be my water; You brought me to the fire so You could be my shield; You brought me to the darkness so You could be my morning light; If You brought me this far, if You brought me this far.... And when I’m in the valley, You will be my comfort; And when I’m at the end of me, I find You there; When I’m in the battle, You will be my present peace; 'Cause You brought me this far, You brought me this far. Wherever You lead me, I know You won't leave me; Wherever You call me, You will make a way; Wherever we're going, I will be holding to the promise You have made, You will make a way."
And truly He has never forsaken or failed me throughout life. What blessed assurance rests in knowing God is with us through thick or thin, through good or bad, In the darkest of nights, or stormiest of days. He is there continually working whatever is needed to grow us into that victorious person in Christ Jesus; overcoming every battle with Him by our side. He's Our Watchman, Our High Tower, Our Strong Shield, Our Deliver; leading and guiding, protecting and providing, He is ALL we need. Rest assured you are never alone in any given situation that you may be battling in life, no matter how rough it may seem. God is right there with you; fighting for you and working within you to turn the bad into good in all things.
In Christ Jesus, you are a Victor and not a victim! You are a Child of the Most High God, designed by God's own hand. You are Strong in Christ Jesus! You are Invincible; No weapon formed against you shall prosper(Isaiah 54:17). Just as Moses( 
as a messenger from God seeking freedom for his people in slavery) told Pharoah  "I AM sent me"; even so, God sends us forth in Jesus' name, knowing that All we will ever need, He is! He is the Great I AM, our Healer, our Deliverer, our Shield and Defense, and with God on our side, we will not be defeated, in Jesus' name!  There is nothing He will ever lead us to, that He won't see us through! He gives us power to do ALL things in Jesus' name! 
So Let's Be Strong in the Power of His Might and Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

To Know It Is Well With Our Soul

When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, "It is well, it is well, with my soul." It is well(it is well) With my soul(with my soul; It is well, it is well with my soul. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul. It is well (it is well) With my soul (with my soul) It is well, it is well with my soul. My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought; My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more, Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, o my soul; It is well (it is well); With my soul (with my soul); It is well, it is well with my soul"
I cannot begin to explain how wonderful it is to lie down to rest and awaken with calm assurance that whatever may come my way, it is well with my soul! Even as my body rests, my soul quietly rejoices as this song floods my mind bringing a calm assurance He is with me! Just to rest in His protective arms and feel Holy Spirit whispering from deep within brings such peace, such comfort, and such Love like nothing this world has to offer! There is no greater peace than the Love of God saturating your entire being!
I pray that whatever may come your way today, You can feel His calm assurance that all is well with your soul as you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day. God truly loves you and so do I~~~

Monday, January 9, 2017

Embracing His Hope Reaps Bountiful Blessings

"There's nothing worth more that could ever come close;  No thing can compare, You're our living hope; Your presence, Lord. I've tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves; Where my heart becomes free and my shame is undone; Your presence, Lord.... Holy Spirit, You are welcome here, Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere; Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for, to be overcome by Your presence, Lord...." over and over these lyrics offer praises ushering in Holy Spirit and then, "Oh the glory of His presence, we your people give You reverence; so arise from Your rest and be blessed by our praise as we glory in Your embrace, as Your presence now fills this place."
Embracing the hope in Christ Jesus ushers in the presence of God as praises are offered up from a yielded heart reaching His holy throne and bountiful blessings are received as Holy Spirit renews our inner self springing forth that new man recreated in Christ Jesus! There is truly nothing worth more; nothing that can ever come close; nothing that can ever compare to Jesus, our One and Only Living Hope. Once we have tasted and seen of the sweetest of Loves; once we have felt His Freedom from all shame; there springs forth a yielding of our spirit like nothing this world has to offer and we are overcome by His presence, the presence of the Holy Spirit of our Living God in Christ Jesus!
As you embrace this Hope, I pray that the Power that raised Jesus from the dead becomes alive in you as you allow His presence to fill you with a new found freedom that brings forth golden opportunities to be all you can be in Christ Jesus! Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend, because God loves you and so do I~~~

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Even In Stormy Weather, He Is There

Thank You, Lord, for Your unfailing love. I praise You that Your mercies are new every morning. No matter what may come our way, we can be assured You will never leave us or forsake us. When the storms of life overwhelm us, You are there to keep us safe until the storm has passed. Even during the fiercest storms of our life the comfort of God remains faithful and strong. Our Heavenly Father is Forever Faithful. 
The words of the psalmist are filled with confidence and hope when he prophetically writes, “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed” (Psalm 107:29). and then we see where Jesus calms the sea (Matthew 8:23-27) Think about that for a minute. Jesus stilled the storm to a whisper and the waves of the sea were hushed. Can you fathom that moment?... Jesus calming the storm.... Such Peace, Such Calm, WOW....That had to be awesome to witness first hand............
Many of us experience life's storms that have tried to pull us under as the waves continued to bash upon us mentally, physically and spiritually until we cried out to God.....And Then GOD! 
God was right there to deliver us and pick us up with His victorious right hand. God, in all His glory, Who Loves us so much, always there in stormy weather to speak peace to our troubled souls.The calm assurance of His peace overtakes the doubt and fear and brings peace like nothing we could ever imagine possible.... "Peace, Be Still" and all is calm when the Master speaks! 
We can trust God to bring that calming peace and reduce the worst storm in our lives to a mere whisper when we call upon His name. Don't hesitate to call on Him, anytime-anywhere-in any given situation, because It's His desire to Father us and protect us as only He does best. The storms of life may surround us but we have His assurance, that when storms rage around us, He is there. So when the storms roll in and the tides are tugging under, just reach up and hold on, dear friend, HOLD ON to God's unchanging hand. He won't let go! 
Trust God, rest in Him, and stand back and watch as He calms that troubled storm and speaks forth His remarkable peace. Be blessed today, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Standing Still in the Snow

Well, dear friends, no snow ball fights today, no building a snow man, but certainly a need to bundle up and be safe as the temps have dropped to single digits and whatever moisture fell has turned to ice so please be safe with any and all outdoor activities this weekend since no temp increases expected for couple days now.
Even tho it can be a little treacherous around here, I was looking forward to some snow, not the ice, just the snow, but that's the way most of us are. We want the better of things, but realizing that our Father has a plan in all He does reminds me of a song by The Isaacs "Stand Still" that my daughter sings that has touched many lives including mine and it goes:
"The Father has a plan. Though it's hard to see it now, You feel you're walking all alone. But He is there no doubt, When the storm around you rages, And you're tossed to and fro, When you're faced with life's decisions, Not sure which way to go; Stand still and let God move, Standing still is hard to do, When you feel you have reached the end, He'll make a way for you, Stand still and let God move.
When the enemy surrounds you, And the walls are closing in. When the tide is swiftly rising, And you wonder where He's been; Friend there never was a moment, That His arms weren't reaching out, You can rest assured and be secure, God is moving right now; Stand still and let God move, Standing still is hard to do, When you feel you have reached the end, He'll make a way for you, Stand still and let God move; The answer will come, But only in His time; Stand still and let God move, Stand still and let God move."
Knowing when to stand still when there's no snow and when things are not going as we expect; is one the hardest things to do and yet the only Sure thing to do if we truly want God to lead and direct our pathway. So even tho things may not be as we feel it should be today, learning to trust God's perfect plan and His perfect timing for our life will lead to pure happiness along the way.
So go ahead and pour your self a cup of hot coffee or hot cocoa, wrap up snuggly in that warm blanket, and smile as you relax in Him today, Feel His warmth saturating your inner man and Smile, God loves you and so do I~~~

Friday, January 6, 2017

Freedom in being REDEEMED

Awakened early this morning with this song 'Redeemed', by 'Big Daddy Weave' running over and over in my mind bringing such reassuring warmth to my soul that I want to share with you this morning in hopes that it may also bring you to the awareness that only in Christ Jesus can we find the power that sets us free from our past and break those bonds that hold us captive!
"Seems like all I could see was the struggle, Haunted by ghosts that lived in my past; Bound up in shackles of all my failures; Wondering how long is this gonna last; Then YOU look at this prisoner and say to me "son, stop fighting a fight that's already been won! " I am redeemed, You set me free, So I'll shake off these heavy chains, Wipe away every stain; now I'm not who I used to be, I am redeemed, I'm redeemed! All my life I have been called unworthy; Named by the voice of my shame and regret; but when I hear You whisper, "Child lift up your head"; I remember oh God, You're not done with me yet; I am redeemed, you set me free, so I'll shake off these heavy chains, wipe away every stain, now I'm not who I use to be, because I don't have to be the old man inside of me; 'Cause his day is long dead and gone; because I've got a new name, a new life, I'm not the same, And a hope that will carry me home; I am redeemed, You set me free, So I'll shake off these heavy chains, Wipe away every stain; cause I'm not who I used to be, I am redeemed, You set me free; so I'll shake off these heavy chains, wipe away every stain, now I'm not who I use to be, Oh God I'm not who I used to be; Jesus I'm not who I used to be 'Cause I am redeemed, Thank God, redeemed!"
Being Redeemed is more than knowing we have been forgiven! It's the knowing within our heart, soul and mind that we have been called out of darkness into His Light; in to a new found Freedom! No longer bound by past habits or addictions, no longer shackled by grief and despair, no longer bound by past hurts or abuse, but in Christ Jesus, able to shake off those chains once and for all time sake; and feeling that new found freedom burning deep within able to share that Hope with others so they can find freedom and be redeemed as well.
I pray that as you go through your day, you will be reminded of the power in Jesus' name and in His freedom be all you can be in this present world as you stand, Redeemed!
Be blessed dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Such a Precious Kinship

In the midst of every trial, Jesus is there... With arms open wide, to comfort and bring you peace. 
We just celebrated the season of Christmas and God sending His Son Jesus, but it isn't just about a season to celebrate or a story to be told. It is however, about the most important gift of kinship ever given... Jesus walked this earth and seeing our need for companionship, He sent Holy Spirit back to abide with us to enable us in life's challenges. Holy Spirit actually abides within us bringing hope and reassurance as He encourages and empowers us along our way.
He cares about everything that happens in our lives. Nothing is too great or too small that He can't take care of and If it's matters to us, then it matters to Him. What a unique and precious treasure we have been given in the Trinity of the Godhead(Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Good morning, dear friends, Are you ready to make this day the best it can be? Psalms 37:23 tells us, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way." 
Everything that comes your way today can be a God-opportunity if you will acknowledge Him in all your ways as instructed in Proverbs 3:5-7, "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." 
 Instead of going blind-sighted throughout your day; keep your eyes open for God's move in the midst of your encounters. You never know when any given opportunity will produce a mighty work of God, and that closed door will open for that brighter and more prosperous future He has planned for your life.
With man it may seem impossible, but with God ALL things are possible. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Monday, January 2, 2017

You Are Never Alone When You Walk With God

As we continue our walk through another year, it's easy to feel we walk alone when we lose our special loved one we once shared life with; that shoulder we loved to lean onto, that companion we once shared our daily what-evers with; and it's really easy to feel we walk alone until we recognize that One Person that remains constant through it all, that One Person who has never left us or forsaken us, that One Person who waits for us to know He is there.
However many of us fail to recognize His presence or the opportunity given to just reach over and take His hand and begin sharing with Him our tears, our sorrows, our heartbreak, our cares and concerns about walking alone through life. None of us choose to walk alone but as life deals its blows, whether by death or circumstances beyond our control, allowing God to become our constant companion and turning to Him in those darkest hours allow us to draw strength we never thought possible.
At the early age of 48 I had to begin walking alone without the love of my life and I began struggling to keep my head above water. I struggled to find strength to put one foot in front of the other, to breathe without smothering, to find a smile where tears wanted to flood down, to find motivation to get out of bed instead of pulling the covers over my head and forgetting reasons to continue living.
But in the midst of it all, God was there! In the midst of it all, He kept reminding me of His love! In the midst of those darkest nights, God seemed to scoop me up and carry me in His arms, constantly whispering reassurances that I would never walk alone if I would allow Him to walk with me through life... And somewhere in all the darkness, there was a calm peace that overshadowed my grief... A calm reassurance of His divine love... A calm reminder that through it all, God had a better plan for me than allowing me to just remain lost in my darkness.
Oftentimes we must walk through darkness before we can clearly see the Light... The Light that shines within us to guide us along the pathway He predestined for our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans for good and not for evil, plans to give you hope and a future." God created each of us to be His child and to enjoy an abundant life filled with hope and joy in Christ Jesus but as we continue our walk through life, we must be aware that many changes will cross our paths that could leave us devastated if our mind is not stayed on Him.
When we allow Holy Spirit to walk alongside us and begin to hear His voice, we find a strength that overshadows loneliness, a strength that enables us to be greater than we ever imagined possible, a power that arises from deep within through the presence of Holy Spirit that empowers us to be more than conquerors through Him Who dwells within us. As we walk through this life, we are never never alone when we walk with God!
I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day as you realize how very much God loves you... and so do I~~~

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you've had a restful night after celebrating and are now ready for a new start to a new year given! Just as the ball dropped, closing out the old year and ringing in the new, we've been given the opportunity to close out our past and pick up a new start to being all God created us to be.
As we sing Auld Lang Syne at midnight, it's okay to remember our past and days gone by that helped mold us into where we are today, but we must not linger in our past because it can bind us and keep us from enjoying the beautiful future and day-to-day life God has designed for us.
God created us to enjoy each new day from beginning to end and not worry about yesterday because we can't change what was done, and He doesn't want us wasting today worrying about the future(Luke 12:22-34) but in each moment given He asks us entrust our future into His care.  Every moment in time brings about a new opportunity to begin afresh!.... To shake off the old and to adorn this new He has given with a sense of Freedom from all our past; a sense of Boldness to be all He intended us to be, feeling Confident to try new things in His power and in His might; having full assurance that with Him on our side we will not be defeated and can be all He intended us to Be.
So as we begin this new day of this new year God has given, let's take on a new outlook! Let's take in a new breath and blow out the old.... letting go of everything that would otherwise keep us hesitant about moving forward and let's remember to offer Him praise as His light flows through us leading and guiding us along the path He has prepared. Let's allow Him to adorn our New Day filled with New Hope in Jesus Christ and let's be all He intended in this New Year! God has good things awaiting each one of us if we allow Him to lead us along our way! In this new year the best is yet to come!
Have a wonderfully blessed New Year, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~~