Thursday, January 26, 2017

So What's In Your Bucket List?

"If I can help somebody as I pass along; If I can cheer somebody with a word or song; If I can show somebody he is traveling wrong, then my living shall not be in vain."  Each day given is a gift from God and what we do with that gift determines the true value hidden within this God-given gift.
Just as Love isn't Love until it's given away, Blessings becomes Blessings as we give them away. So I wonder, what good deed can I do today that will help someone along their way? Who can I smile at today that will warm their heart making their hurt go away? Who can I find that needs a hug to comfort instead of a shrug? With this blessed gift of day, what can I do to share this blessing along my way?
Many deeds within my daily bucket list can only be fulfilled if I allow Him to lead my way. So I will determine to stick close to Him and listen attentively while keeping my eyes and ears open to those around me. There is no greater blessing than to lovingly help others throughout the day.
Hopes and dreams and visions untold become so real when He becomes alive within the depths of your soul. More of Thee and less of me, until it's All of Thee and none of me! I am His and He is mine, together forever throughout all eternity! Freedom is ours because of Calvary where Jesus completed everything needed to set us free!
Now there lies within my very soul, a Peace beyond measure and unspeakable joy. There is a knowing that surpasses all doubt and fear while lifting praises to our Lord Jesus. Such wonderful peace that comes from knowing Whose I am and Who He is! All that I am and ever hope to be is Christ in me the hope of glory!
Whatever your bucket list may hold, I pray you enjoy this wonderfully blessed day knowing that God loves you and so do I~~~

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