Monday, January 2, 2017

You Are Never Alone When You Walk With God

As we continue our walk through another year, it's easy to feel we walk alone when we lose our special loved one we once shared life with; that shoulder we loved to lean onto, that companion we once shared our daily what-evers with; and it's really easy to feel we walk alone until we recognize that One Person that remains constant through it all, that One Person who has never left us or forsaken us, that One Person who waits for us to know He is there.
However many of us fail to recognize His presence or the opportunity given to just reach over and take His hand and begin sharing with Him our tears, our sorrows, our heartbreak, our cares and concerns about walking alone through life. None of us choose to walk alone but as life deals its blows, whether by death or circumstances beyond our control, allowing God to become our constant companion and turning to Him in those darkest hours allow us to draw strength we never thought possible.
At the early age of 48 I had to begin walking alone without the love of my life and I began struggling to keep my head above water. I struggled to find strength to put one foot in front of the other, to breathe without smothering, to find a smile where tears wanted to flood down, to find motivation to get out of bed instead of pulling the covers over my head and forgetting reasons to continue living.
But in the midst of it all, God was there! In the midst of it all, He kept reminding me of His love! In the midst of those darkest nights, God seemed to scoop me up and carry me in His arms, constantly whispering reassurances that I would never walk alone if I would allow Him to walk with me through life... And somewhere in all the darkness, there was a calm peace that overshadowed my grief... A calm reassurance of His divine love... A calm reminder that through it all, God had a better plan for me than allowing me to just remain lost in my darkness.
Oftentimes we must walk through darkness before we can clearly see the Light... The Light that shines within us to guide us along the pathway He predestined for our lives. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans for good and not for evil, plans to give you hope and a future." God created each of us to be His child and to enjoy an abundant life filled with hope and joy in Christ Jesus but as we continue our walk through life, we must be aware that many changes will cross our paths that could leave us devastated if our mind is not stayed on Him.
When we allow Holy Spirit to walk alongside us and begin to hear His voice, we find a strength that overshadows loneliness, a strength that enables us to be greater than we ever imagined possible, a power that arises from deep within through the presence of Holy Spirit that empowers us to be more than conquerors through Him Who dwells within us. As we walk through this life, we are never never alone when we walk with God!
I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day as you realize how very much God loves you... and so do I~~~

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