Thursday, December 5, 2019

Survival in the Valley of Decision

"So many times I've questioned certain circumstances and things I could not understand. Many times in trials, weakness blurs my vision, and my frustrations get so out of hand. It's then I am reminded, I've never been forsaken; I've never had to stand one test alone; As I look at all the victories, the Spirit rises up in me; And It's through the fire, my weakness is made strong. He never promised that the cross would not get heavy, and the hill would not be hard to climb; He never offered, our victories without fighting, But He said help would always come in time; Just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision, and the adversary says give in; Just hold on, our Lord will show up, and He will take you through the fire again. I know within myself that I would surely perish, but if I trust the hand of God, He'll shield the flames again, again; He never promised that the cross would not get heavy and the hill would not be hard to climb; He never offered our victories without fighting, But He said help would always come in time; Just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision, and the adversary says give in; Just hold on, our Lord will show up, and He will take you through the fire again."
These lyrics by the Crabb family pretty much sums up circumstances I've been facing and I say,"Thank You Jesus" for allowing me to see and to feel you working on our behalf. Just knowing that when the fiery trials of life come upon us, all we have to do is Hold On, and God will take us through the fire time and time again; gives an assurance that we can't lose. No matter what comes against us, when all hope seems gone; if we just hold on to God's unchanging hand, He will bring us through victoriously every time. I find that there is nothing too difficult for Him to handle; no storm too great He cannot calm! The words of the psalmist filled with confidence writes, “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed” (Psalm 107:29), then in Mark 4:39 we find Jesus being awakened by the disciples, fearing they would drown as the stormy waters were overtaking their boat; so Jesus simply arises and rebukes the storm,"Peace, Be Still" and the winds ceased and the waves became calm, stilling the storm to a mere whisper!
Wow! Our God is always on time, supplying the perfect answer to our need, as we see Him on the scene, in His time and in His way, and we are made stronger through it all. So as life's storms arise in our life, we don't have to fear but simply learn from them. Allow each storm to become a lesson that helps us grow our faith as we call on God for help any time, any where, and in any given situation. We will find He is ever present and ready to calm the storm and bring peace with a calm assurance. Psalm 46:1 reminds us "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble." As God's children, it is His desire to 'Father us'; to watch over us, and to pour out His love upon us as only He does best as we trust in Him. Jesus reassures us in John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
So when your standing in your valley of decision and the storms attempt to take you under, just reach up and take hold of God's unchanging hand. I assure you that He will latch on to you and never let you go. You can rest assured, be secure, in the safety of His hands. He will keep you safe, even if He has to scoop you up in His arms and carry you until that storm passes by! It's in those valleys of decision that we learn to trust God and to rest in Him as He restores our soul, refreshes our spirit, and revives us from deep within. Trust Him to calm the storms of your life because God loves you and so do I~~

Monday, October 21, 2019

Beyond the Natural

Ever dream of being greater than you are now? Ever see yourself stronger and wiser than ever before? Are you someone who dares to believe in things beyond the natural as a little child whose hope is alive and well; or have you allowed the
cares of life to dampen your spirit and die out the hope that lies deep within?
Are you able to see beyond the natural and reach for the unobtainable by faith?
Prophecy has it that if we can just dare to believe it, we can have it! So can you see it within your grasp.
Jesus tells us in Mark 9:23, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Even our salvation is obtained through faith, not by sight nor by works, but simply by having a child like faith that allows us to see beyond the natural and grasp hold to life everlasting and free in Christ Jesus, Son of the Living God! 
Our God is a God of More than Enough! He is Greater than Great and He truly has a plan for each of us far beyond anything we can ever imagine, but we have to be able to look beyond what we see with our natural eyes and dare to look through eyes of faith. It's through those eyes of faith that we see God's desire to bless and prosper us as His Word declares in Jeremiah 29:11,"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future;"and it's by this same child like faith that we have proved Him to be Forever Faithful and we rejoice in the promise of His Word noted also in Matthew 19:26, "With man it may seem impossible, but with God ALL things are possible."
May you find His promises encouraging today because God loves you and so do I~~~

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

He is Life

"In Him was LIFE and that Life is the Light of men." 
John tells us that, "In the Beginning the Word Already Existed. The Word was with God and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God and God created everything through Him and nothing was created except through Him." The Word gave Life to Every Thing that was created and brought Life to Every One; and The Light shined forth in the darkness and darkness can Never Extinguish the Light.
Who is your Life? Jesus! What is your Light? Jesus! Who is your Word?  JESUS! Jesus is the Light of this World! He is the Word made flesh Who came to walk and talk in our midst and Who gave His Life a ransom for the sins of All mankind! He is Our Redeemer! He is Our Deliverer! He is Our Savior and Lord over ALL!  In Him is Life and His life is the Light of all mankind.
So may each of us let our light so shine before others that they may see our good works and glorify our Lord Jesus and our Father which is in Heaven.
May you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day in Jesus; The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6). He is the Light that shines in your darkness and can never be extinguished!  God loves you and so do I~~~

Friday, September 27, 2019

Call To Him and He Will Answer

"Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3). God urges us to call upon Him because He is with us wherever we go and can show us things and do things beyond our wildest imagination. Most of time they are things that are necessary for our growth and development of character; things that boggle our minds or cause us to be stressed. 
He is the God of all creation who holds all wisdom and our answer when we ask, and Who desires to walk and talk with us, instead of just being that God who hears our wants! He created us for a relationship that allows Him to walk and talk with us any time of day. 
Have you ever stop to consider how wonderful it would be to walk and talk with Him and be called a "friend of God throughout life? Consider your relationship with God; do you just go to Him in prayer, say Amen and get up and leave? Or do you go to Him eager to talk to Him and sit down and listen to Him in response like friends? Do you go in prayer as a servant to your King, or have you built a relationship with Him that allows you to go to Him as your Best Friend and Father, as Abba Father?
Even though Jesus is our Lord and Savior, Our King, He told His followers in John 15:15 NIV, "I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn't confide in his slaves; now you are my friends since I have told you everything the Father told me." Jesus wants His followers to know Him as their Friend. He has confided in us His deepest secrets and Holy Spirit continues to make all things known to us as we call upon Him. He is the dearest Friend we will ever have or ever need, Who is always accessible 24/7, never out of range, never too busy to hear us when we call. He is Always with us as we call out to Him; and that's His promise to us with His Lifetime Guarantee written in blood! 
So whatever you may be encountering in your life today, give it to God and allow Him to work things out in His timing, in His will, and in His perfect way. Call upon Him while He is near because He is just waiting to hear you call. Doesn't matter what your need is, God cares. No matter how big or how small the need may be; if it matters to you, it matters to Him. As you surrender it all to Him; you can step back from the situation knowing that it's in His hands and you can trust Him to meet your need in His time and in His perfect way. Have a wonderfully blessed day knowing God loves you and so do I~~

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Off To A Good Start

"There's within my heart a melody; Jesus whispers sweet and low: Fear not, I am with thee, Peace be still, in all of life's ebb and flow. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know, fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go."
The words to this old song continue to warm hearts of all who allow their inner spirit to soar to new heights; right up there with Amazing Grace and the Old Rugged Cross connecting us with utmost praise to the Lord Most High in word and song.
Doesn't matter which song is within your spirit, acknowledging Him early in the morning awakens your senses and brings forth a refreshing and overwhelming love for God that assures you a wonderfully blessed day filled with positive energy! So let's be off to a good start and enjoy a great day in the Lord, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Prepare The Way For Your Day

 As you begin this day, I hope you take time to invite Holy Spirit to walk with you and guide you along the way? Make sure your ears are open to hear Him today; because He is always with us, dwelling within us, talking with us, caring and protecting us even though we may not acknowledge His voice or His presence.
We often become so busy scampering along with our daily chores and rushing off to fulfill our work duties that we forget to take that much needed time each morning to just be still and know that He is God; to feel His love, to hear His voice and to acknowledge that without Him life would be hopeless - but with Him leading the way we acquire the power through Him to conquer the most difficult of times.
I treasure family and friends in my life but even those dearest to my heart cannot compare with the love of my precious Lord. Before I stumble, He's already there to pick me up; before I fail at mankind's test, He is right there encouraging me; before I shed those tears when my heart feels broken, He is right there to wipe them away and comfort me; and when I begin to feel alone and think no one can possibly understand what I'm going through, He is right there putting His loving arms around me and assuring me He never leaves me. Forever and ever He is there for me, without fail, through it all.
There is nothing I have ever done, or will ever do, to cause Him to love me any less, or to love me any more than He does right now. Ya see, He loves me and He also loves you with an everlasting love that is totally unconditional. A love far beyond anything we can ever comprehend, but is forever binding, none the less.

So I pray that as you continue your day, you will take time to allow His love to engulf you and bring you peace and guidance throughout this day and every day hereafter. He is positively the dearest friend you will ever have. Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~~

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Dare To Look Beyond

A new day has arisen and the wonders of God's divine love unfolds! What will we allow Him to do within our life today? He grants each of us fresh mercies each morning and showers us with blessings too wonderful for words; if only we can look beyond our present surroundings and refocus our attention off our self and on to Him, His will, and His way in our life.
So, what are you focusing on today? How clear is your vision? What do you see unfolding in your life today? Can you see the awesomeness of God; or do you have tunnel vision? Are you only seeing what's familiar in your surroundings, preventing you from seeing His greatness; His Awesomeness?
Our God is a God of More than Enough! He is Greater than Great! He has a plan for each of us far greater than anything we can ever imagine, but we must readjust our focus to look beyond what we see with our natural eyes and dare to look through eyes of faith. It's through those eyes of faith that we see God's desire to bless and prosper us as His Word declares in Jeremiah 29:11; and it's by faith we have proved Him to be Forever Faithful to fulfill His Word as He has promised and begin basking in those blessings today.
I pray you will allow your vision to focus more clearly and look unto the author and finisher of your faith. Look beyond what you see naturally and begin to see His plans for your life unfolding as your faith begins to arise within you. God loves you unconditionally and even tho' you may have fallen along the wayside, He is quick to pick you up in His loving arms and set you back on His predestined pathway, while guiding you along each step of the way.
So don't be defeated today with living below your worth. You are child of the Most High God and there is Nothing He won't do to help you be ALL you can be for His kingdom sake. So rise up and shake off those chains of doubt and despair; pull up those boot strings and tighten those laces; God has a work for you to do and He has nothing but good things planned for your life.
Dare to believe His Word and keep your eyes focused on Him. Enjoy the blessings of His Amazing Grace and allow Holy Spirit to guide you into all truths as He leads you along your way. This is the day the Lord has made; Let's rejoice and be glad in it! Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Hope Brings Forth Light

In the still of darkness, God is there! When all else has failed, God is there! When no one is present, God is there! Such peace comes over me as I feel His presence, regardless of night or day, regardless if during good or bad circumstances, God is right there beside me, working within me, bringing such peace that comforts and brings Hope through it all.
Hope springs forth eternal knowing GOD is ALL I need to turn around those things that seem impossible to human eyes! Our Lord God is the God who is Alive and Well; Who shows up when all mortal hope is gone, showing forth such miraculous deeds that all we can say is," It was nothing less than a miracle at the mighty hand of our God."
From the beginning of creation, God's Word has brought forth Light that has changed the world forever more. His Word brings forth assurance that whatsoever we have need of, He is more than able to bring to pass as we look to Him. Trusting in Him enables us to look beyond what our human eyes can see, what our human minds can comprehend, and begin to see His glory shining forth in such miraculous ways that are mind boggling. Every thing in God's perfect time and in His perfect way, Jesus shines forth in the darkness bringing Light into whatever need there may be.
He continually reminds us throughout His Word that He is always with us; that He will never leave or forsake us, but will faithfully remain within us forever and ever more. All He has declared in His Word, He will do just as He told Jeremiah 1:12, He watches over His Word to perform It quickly. Whatsoever is written in His Word is His Promise that can never be broken; and if He did it for that one person, He will do it for you because He is no respecter of persons(Romans 2:11, Acts 10:34)!
Our God is an Awesome God who loves us beyond measure and unconditionally! He is not a god that can't be touched by our infirmities(Hebrews 4:15); but Who stands ready and willing to meet our every need as we put our trust in Him. All we have to do is call upon Him to feel His Spirit stirring within us as we whisper His name, Jesus! Feel Him stirring even as you acknowledge His name; Feel Him urging you to come a little closer and allow Him to comfort you and bring you peace! Feel His Peace! Feel His Hope! Jesus is the Truth, the Way, and The Light, and He is the One and Only Way to the Father(John 14:6) and Life Eternal!
So today, I pray you rest in the Light of His Glory and enjoy a wonderfully blessed day; because God loves you and so do I~~~

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Becoming Empowered From Within

While reading in Paul's writings to 'God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi', I was drawn to how Paul continually encouraged them to dress their mind with good things and to meditate on the best instead of the worst; to think on things that are honest and pure, instead of false and negative reports; things that were worthwhile to be praised and not cursed. He encouraged them to put into practice the things they had learned, whether by sight or speech, as the Spirit had enlightened them! 
He summed it up by saying, "Finally brethren; whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things which ye have both learned and received and heard and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.Philippians 4:8-9. The same holds true today as we prepare for our day.
Just as a warm shower refreshes and revives us, coming into God's presence allows His Spirit to wash over us and flow through us, refreshing and reviving our mind. It not only gives us a good start to our day; it instills the assurance of being loved by our Heavenly Father and there's nothing better than knowing we are loved. Filling our minds with positive vibes instead of negative aspects, brings a peace beyond measure while instilling the positive notion that we can do all things through Christ Jesus which empowers us for whatever may lie ahead of us in this day.
God continually blesses and empowers us day by day with different gifts and talents, not to store up for our own use, but to share with others; to reach out and touch others lives as we acknowledge Him in our everyday living in thought and deed, Proverbs 4:5-6. He is our proud Papa, our Daddy God, our Abba Father, who desires a personal relationship with us continually day in and day out; and as we think on positive attributes, His love radiates within us and shines forth to those we meet.
As you go through this day, feel the freedom His love brings. Think on the many blessings He has already given you and look for good things to happen instead of the bad. Remember that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7). Think about who you are in Christ Jesus and whose you are; and have a great day, dear friend.
God loves you and so do I~~~

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Salvation's Plan Unfolding

Having made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem upon a donkey's back as palm leaves were laid and waved before Him, and having cleared the temple of those disrespecting His Father's house, Jesus continued to teach in the temple to those present at great lengths of His Father's Love; and just as today, many refused to believe and heed His warnings, and they feared and hated Him so much they began to devise plans to get rid of this Jesus that was turning hearts toward God. This gave Satan open doors to stir within minds and even within Jesus' own disciple, Judas, who stole away to bargain with those in authority how he could deliver Jesus to them; and so they plotted to betray his own Lord for thirty pieces of silver. 
As the disciples gathered with Jesus for dinner and Jesus had communion with them, He knowing what was to come, began trying to prepare them of what was about to happen; of His betrayal and what He must suffer for our good; but they could not conceive the notion of this and proclaimed they would defend Him at all cost; they felt within their hearts they would be with Him through it all. Little did they know that as the shepherd (Jesus) was taken, the sheep of His flock (His followers) would scatter in fear. At the close of communion, knowing time was at time, as Judas dipped into the bowl with Jesus, Jesus told him to go do what he had to do quickly; so Judas departed to betray our Lord. 
Then Jesus and His followers departed into the countryside as was His custom to rest and He felt the need to talk with His Father so He went on alone a little farther and began to pray at great lengths for all His followers.(please take time to read His prayer in John 17). Jesus had come unto His own and His own received Him not(John 1:11).  He had walked along side man, teaching and healing and delivering from demons and all manner of bondages; living in Love as an example before them, but His very own knew Him not as their Creator and Lord. Knowing His own disciple, Judas, was on his way to betray Him, He still chose to submit to God's divine plan for you and me as He prayed, 'Not my will but thine be done'. Knowing He would soon face public humiliation, ridicule and persecutions, suffer cruel torture beyond human measure, having his flesh ripped from His back by the stripes He was to bear for our healing; and surrender His life's blood as ransom for our sins with crucifixion upon that old rugged cross; He still chose to endure it all, for you and for me!
O' What a Savior! O' Hallelujah! but even now as they were on their way to take Him; the air is filled with wonder as the best is yet to come! Salvation's Plan is about to unfold.....Oh How He loves you and me!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

More Than Enough

 How wonderful to wake up with praise ringing in my ears and a song rising from the depths of my soul, "Every praise is to our God, Every word of worship with one accord, Every praise, every praise is to our God. Sing Hallelujah to our God, Glory Hallelujah to our God, Every praise, Every praise is to our God. God my Savior, God my Healer, God my Deliverer, Yes He is, yes He is! God my Savior, God my Healer, God my Deliverer, Yes He is, yes He is!" And oh my goodness, He is all that and so much more! 
I love how Holy Spirit revives, refreshes, and restores me with praises ringing to the God of all gods, Lord of all lords, and King of all kings! Glory Hallelujah! Every praise with one accord; over and over with joyful thanksgiving and praise! Truly the love of God satisfies souls like nothing else this world can ever offer. Nothing creates the loving splendor of His grace upon our life! Nothing saturates our entire body; mind, soul, and spirit; while bringing the sweetest spirit of satiety deep within like my Jesus! I am so thankful to be alive and in His keeping; just knowing He has today in His hands. He has proven Himself lovingly faithful over and over again throughout the years; so I know that if He brings me to it, He will surely bring me through it!
It seems to have taken me quite a while to truly learn how to seek the Lord while He may be found and call upon Him while He is near as declared in Isaiah 55:6; but I am so thankful that He is so patient with me, His creation, His child; and is so tolerant of my shortcomings, my uprisings and downfalls, my failures and insecurities; and that His great big arms are always wide open for me to run into as a refuge from all the storms of life that rage around me. He patiently teaches, lovingly encourages, and repeatedly tells me I am His own; and there is nothing I will ever do to make Him love me any less, or any more, than He always has and always will; and that's my Daddy God, Abba Father; and it was all made possible through my Lord and Savior, God's beloved Son, Jesus Christ; Thank You, Lord Jesus!
Well, the sun is shining outside and the Son is surely shining inside, so I pray you find yourself enjoying this beautiful day God has created for you and me; and I pray that if you don't know the Lord as your personal Savior, you will take the opportunity to seek Him while He may be found and just talk to Him as you would your best friend. After all, you will never find another who sticks closer to your side; One who doesn't criticize, but loves you just the way you are and longs to be your BestFriendForever, your Savior, your Redeemer, and your Lord; and truly He is the best friend you will ever have.  So enjoy this life you've been given today, dear friend, and always remember that God loves you and so do I~~~

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Having Faith In God

No matter what comes our way, great or small, God has a plan for each of our lives as noted in Jeremiah in 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to prosper you and not for harm you; plans to give you hope and a future." So if God said it and He did, He will do it! God will work all things out for our good, if only we Have Faith in Him as the words to this old song:
“Have faith in God, believe on Jesus, He’ll answer every earnest prayer; Of all our care, He will relieve us, Come to the Cross, He’ll meet you there. Have faith in God, and doubting never, His precious Blood still has its power; The bonds of sin, He’ll quickly sever, and send a Pentecostal shower. Have faith in God, and none can hinder, He heals the crippled, deaf and blind; If true benevolence you’ll render, You’ll for each prayer an answer find. Have faith in God, hold to His hand, You're every care, He understands, When clouds of doubt begin to gather, Have Faith In God, He answers prayer."
Faith has forever been and always will be the most demanding requirement for Christian living. Without faith, how can we even begin to comprehend who God is and believe on the fact that He sent His only Son Jesus, to die in our place, as the ultimate sacrifice for all our sins; And without faith, how can we believe in the works of Jesus and receive His free gift of salvation?
Paul notes in Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." Then all through Hebrews 11 (known as the Faith Chapter) we're reminded of a wide variety of people just like you and me who received God's promises, simply by Having Faith In God and Believing that what HE says He will do. So whatever you may be going through, Have faith in God; He answers prayer!
I pray you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Let's Dance In The Rain

What a glorious gift the Lord has given today! It's a brand new day filled with fresh mercies and His marvelous Grace all around! The weathermen are calling for chance of rain off and on today but whether it's sunshine or rain, hot or cold, sleet or snow; each day is a gift from God filled with His glory. Regardless of rain or shine, we need to let our light shine in this world that surrounds us. We need to be grateful for each new day and just learn to dance in the rain! And if we're gonna dance, then we need to sing forth His praises!  
"Oh how beautiful are you Lord, it's your Words, it's your Love; Oh how glorious are You Lord, It's Your power, It was Your cross, That saved me, and rescued me, Just a moment there, set me free! I give You glory, glory! I give You glory, glory! I give You glory, glory, Jesus! I give You glory, glory! I give You glory, glory! I give You glory, glory, Jesus!  And With a crown of thorns, You became my King Forever, And With a crown of thorns, You became my King Forever, And with a crown of thorns, You became my King Forever! I give You glory, glory! I give You glory, glory! I give you glory, glory, Jesus! I give You glory, glory! I give You glory, glory! I give You glory, glory! Jesus!" 
And over and over the spirit rises from deep within causing my soul to spring forth with songs of praise. Could you feel the joy? Did you begin to sing along? I just have to sing when I begin to think of the goodness of our Lord! So good to feel the Love of Jesus: the Lord of lords, King of all kings, God of all gods, The Great I Am, The Prince of Peace, and Lover of my soul refreshing my heart with such contentment like nothing the world has to compare! What joy to know that I am His and He is mine; forever and ever; Praise the Holy Name of Jesus!  
So today let's learn to dance in the rain; refusing to let one more moment pass us by. Come on; let's not just rush through today, but enjoy every moment God has given and make today the best it can possibly be! Let's learn to let go and sing as if no one was listening and to dance in the rain as if no one was watching; not just during good times, but  through those rough cloudy times as well. Let's be like children again because we are children of the most high God who showers us with continuous blessings as He watches over us to lead and to guide, to protect and provide, with the best of everything simply because it pleases Him to give us His very best. 
How about it? Ya wanna join me in having fun today? He allows us to choose how we spend each moment of time He gives. We can mope around because it's rainy and gloomy outside or we can choose to shine through it all; but no matter the weather or circumstances around us, we can learn to dance in the rain. So come on, let's choose to be happy; to enjoy this new day He has given and enjoy life to its fullest! Let's choose to dance in the rain and bring glory to the Kingdom of God as our Father smiles down upon us enjoying His blessings of this day. Let's be all we can be for His Glory sake; how about it? Let's enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, just singing and dancing in the rain! God loves you and so do I~~~

Saturday, January 12, 2019

His Unconditional Love

What an awesome Savior we have in our Lord Jesus Christ! While hanging on the cross in the final seconds of His earthly life; knowing He had completed all things necessary for mankind's eternal salvation, Jesus cried out, "It Is Finished!"(John 19:28-30). He had fulfilled everything required for us to be redeemed through His own sacrifice, lovingly surrendered upon that old rugged cross. When we repent and ask Jesus into our heart to be our Lord and Savior, our sin debt is "Paid In Full" once and forevermore, because of Him, Praise The Lord! There is nothing else for us to do; nothing we need to clean up; no words left to be spoken; we need only to believe upon Him and in His works as we receive the righteousness given by God through the Savior of all mankind, Jesus!
So let's stop trying to make our self and others good enough to be His child and learn to just relax in Him and in His works that brought about His amazing grace. God loves each one of us with an unconditional love that goes far beyond our human comprehension. No matter how far we have fallen, No matter what we have done, No matter where we are in life, young or old, no matter the circumstances that surround us; when we repent of our sins and call upon the name of JESUS, He is right there to wash away EVERY sin and to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness. As Paul taught in Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast;" that's God's Unconditional Love.
When we become children of the Most High God we have His assurance that He will be with us always and nothing we do or any thing can ever separate us from His love as noted in Romans 8:38-39, "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any created thing, shall be able to separate us form the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  NOTHING will ever be able to separate us from the Love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when He died for us!"
What blessed assurance of His Amazing Grace and Unconditional Love where we can of a surety proclaim, "I am His and He is mine forevermore. " Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Time To Take A Stand

With all the calamity in this world, it's time to stop talking and start doing! It's time to pray for our country and for our families; but first we must examine our heart and see what is really hidden inside. It's time we come clean before God Almighty and ask forgiveness from everything that we condone in our lives that does not line up with His Word. It's time to take a stand on Who we choose to follow; God or man!
If we say we follow God, then let's follow God! Not by violent actions, not by shouting and demeaning others, not by destroying lives and property; but by the love we show one toward another as Jesus taught us in John 13:35,"By this shall ALL men know you are my disciples, if you have love one to another." Notice He said ALL MEN, not just other believers, but All men! People are best known by how they act in situations far beyond their control such as what our country seems to be displaying lately. It's a shame that grown men and women are acting out in ways that demean others with hatred and violence, while shouting out words that once spoken can never be retrieved again.They fight for gun control, yet kill with their lying deadly tongues!
Life is such a precious gift from God and each moment given was intended to bring joy and good pleasure in His divine plan for each of us to enjoy fully; yet so many are finding their own pleasure in demeaning others with such violence that I wonder, "How long will God allow this to go on?" They have taken such a precious gift God has given; and instead of being grateful for individuality, they want to change everyone in ways that won't even matter when our lives are ended on earth. God intended for us to live in peace and harmony, being kind and thoughtful of one another; enjoying one another and the differences we share. He intended us to help our fellowman when they are down, instead of beating them on down until there is no more life left in them by evil words we have spoken and with evil deeds. Where is the liberty whereby Jesus set us all free? Or in the heat of our anger, have we forgotten?
Satan is truly running rampant throughout our world seeking those he may devour, and by the way things are going, he's not having to search very hard to find his followers. It's time we wake up, people; Wake Up! Snap out of this blind stupor satan has placed over our eyes and placed in our minds with his evil schemes and cunning devices. It's time we get the Word implanted deep within our mind, so when evil darts are thrown they meet the Word of God head on; Full steam ahead! It's time we know who our real enemies are and we deal with them quickly as Godly warriors, armed with the whole armor of God. This madness and violence in our country has to stop; and just as it started with a handful of unguarded minds satan invaded, it can be stopped with a handful of Christians having their minds guarded with the Word of God and being fully armed as Paul noted in Ephesians 6:10-18, "Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put of the breastplate of righteousness and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all taking the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one; and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit; being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints."
Today is the day we must take a Stand! A Stand for Truth and Justice for All! Being led by Holy Spirit with the full gospel of peace, in love and harmony, respecting others rights to be different from us, peacefully! God created all men equal, even tho we are different in color, race, and creed; and He placed us within our families of origin as it pleased Him! So who are we really fighting against? It's time to Wise up everyone! We are under attack, but not really man to man, but from wicked powers in high places; with satan and his evil schemes attacking our minds! It's past time to Armor up and Guard our minds with all Diligence! God has already given us everything we need to be more than overcomers and to come out Victorious, but we must wise up and be on guard!
Let's enjoy a victorious day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Learning to Trust in the Valley of Decision

"So many times I've questioned certain circumstances and things I could not understand. Many times in trials, weakness blurs my vision, and my frustrations get so out of hand. It's then I am reminded, I've never been forsaken; I've never had to stand one test alone; As I look at all the victories, the Spirit rises up in me; And It's through the fire, my weakness is made strong. He never promised that the cross would not get heavy, and the hill would not be hard to climb; He never offered, our victories without fighting, But He said help would always come in time; Just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision, and the adversary says give in; Just hold on, our Lord will show up, and He will take you through the fire again. I know within myself that I would surely perish, but if I trust the hand of God, He'll shield the flames again, again; He never promised that the cross would not get heavy and the hill would not be hard to climb; He never offered our victories without fighting, But He said help would always come in time; Just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision, and the adversary says give in; Just hold on, our Lord will show up, and He will take you through the fire again." 
This song by The Crabb Family reminds us that when the fiery trials of life come upon us, all we have to do is Hold On, and God will take us through the fire time and time again! No matter what comes against us, when all hope seems gone; if we just hold on to God's unchanging hand, He will bring us through victoriously, without fail! There is nothing too difficult for Him to handle; no storm too great He cannot calm! The words of the psalmist, filled with confidence writes, “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed” (Psalm 107:29), then in Mark 4:39 we find Jesus being awakened by the disciples, fearing they would drown as the stormy waters were overtaking their boat; so Jesus arises and rebukes the storm, telling it to be quiet; and the winds subsided and the waves became calm, stilling the storm to a mere whisper! Wow!
Our God is always on time, supplying the perfect answer to our need, and as we really see the way He answered, in His time and in His way, we find that we were made stronger through it all. So don't be afraid of life's storms that arise in your life, but simply learn from them. Allow your storm to become a lesson that helps to grow your faith! Call on God for help in your time of trouble; anytime - anywhere, and in any given situation. You will find He is ever present and ready to calm every storm and bring you peace with calm assurance. Psalm 46:1 reminds us "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble." As God's children, it is His desire to 'Father us'; to watch over us, and to pour out His love upon us as only He does best, as we trust in Him. Jesus reassures us in John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." 
So when your standing in your valley of decision and the storms attempt to take you under, just reach up and take hold of God's unchanging hand. I assure you that He will latch on to you and never let you go. You can rest assured, be secure, in the safety of His hands. He will keep you safe, even if He has to scoop you up in His arms and carry you until that storm passes by! It's in those valleys of decision that we learn to trust God and to rest in Him as He restores our soul, refreshes our spirit, and revives us from deep within. Trust God to calm the storms of your life and enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Making Our Day Prosperous

Psalms 37:23 tells us, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and He delighteth in his way." Remember this as you go your way today and enjoy as you "Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6.
Instead of going blind-sighted throughout your day; keep your eyes open for God's move in the midst of your encounters. You never know when an opportunity will produce a mighty work of God. Many times that closed door will open up one that leads us into a brighter and more prosperous future He planned for our life. "With man it may seem impossible, but with God ALL things are possible."Matthew 19:26.
Everything in God's time and in His perfect plan. "As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my Word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:10-11.  
Today, let's delight in the Lord and in the goodness of His mercy. Let's Acknowledge Him, Trust in Him, Believe in Him, and Rest Securely in Him who is Forever Faithful. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Running Our Race

Well the New Year has arrived and 'auld lang syne' has been sung, the festivities from Thanksgiving to Christmas, and welcoming the new year are over so we say goodbye to those things behind us as we prepare goals for a prosperous and happy new year. What will your goals be?.. to loose a few extra pounds, to stress a little less, to work less so you can enjoy life more, to be more accepting of others and less judgmental?... whatever you resolve to do, may you run your race in the name of our Lord Jesus so the words of your mouth and the meditation upon your heart is acceptable to Him in all things.
The Spirit impressed upon Paul in Hebrews 12:1, the necessity to lay aside all weights that bind or distract him [to strip off all those things that tend to slow him down], along with the sins [whatever it is that easily trips him up and causes him to stumble] so he could run with endurance the race God has set before him; and today He encourages you and I to do the same; to lay aside those things from our past that try to bind us and keep us from moving forward [we learn from our past but refuse to allow it to weigh us down] as we persevere running our race.
Jesus knew the course He had to run for our deliverance and never lost sight of where He was headed. By keeping His eyes fixed on the prize awaiting His finish, He was determined to put up with anything along His way: the lies, the scandal, the persecutions, the shame, the torture, the Cross; what ever came His way He never lost sight of the goal set before Him. Day by day He drew strength from His early morning talks with His Father, just as you and I are encouraged to continue today.
Each new day we are given fresh mercies to run our race; we don't have to save from yesterday or borrow from tomorrow, old things are passed away and all things are new as He gives fresh mercies day by day. He encourages us that when we begin to feel our journey is too rough, to keep our eyes fixed on Him and look at every little thing He endured along His way to declare from His cross, "It Is Finished!" By keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus as our example, and staying focused so we can see where we are headed, we will finish our course and oh, what a prized welcome it will be when we hear Him say,"Well done, good and faithful servant."
He finished His course and now sits in the place of honor at the right hand of the Father, cheering you and me on through our daily race, and He knows we can make it if we just don't quit! So whatever baggage we must lay down to finish our race, let's throw it off and stay focused on that finish line; Jesus will be there to award our prize-Eternal life with Him forevermore!
Have a wonderfully blessed new year, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~.