Sunday, December 4, 2022

God Walks With Us

 Feeling such a depth of gratitude for all God has done in the lives of my family and What a Mighty God He Is. Always with us! Working within us through it all! That's the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit!

What a blessing to know He is near at all times, working within us; walking with us in the midst of darkness; when circumstances unfold that are less than desirable, God is still there. No matter the situation, He wants to handle all that seem impossible to human eyes and bring forth His light in the midst of our darkness.
From the very beginning, God sprang forth light in the darkness, changing our world forevermore. No longer do we look through dark colored glasses and worry about the what if's and the might be's because Jesus brings forth light in His blessed assurance that whatever we have need of, He is ready and able to bring it to pass as we place our trust in Him.
Throughout His Word He continually reminds us not to fear because He is with us; He will never leave us or forsake us, but will be with us forevermore (Joshua 1:9). He reminds us that He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6), and whatever He promises in His Word, He will do and that's a lifetime guarantee (Jeremiah 1:12).
It's impossible to see and think like He does, because we only see with our human eyes and with our human perception; but He sees the whole picture, the entire scope of things ahead and if we will only trust and listen to Him, He will shield us from dangers and harm to come as we learn to follow His guidance.
He is not a God that cannot be touched by our weaknesses and infirmities {Hebrews 4:15}. He knows our every fear, sees our every tear, and feels our every heartbreak; and He longs to comfort and bring peace in the midst of our storms. He just waits for us to call upon Him so He can handle each care and let us rest in Him as we trust in Him; in His will, His perfect way, and His perfect time.
So today, I pray you too will rest in His assurance and feel His peace soothing away your fears and worries as He brings those things that need to be come to pass, because God loves you and so do I~~~

Monday, November 28, 2022

The Lord is my Shepherd

 "The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to His name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid for You are close beside me. Your rod and Your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life and I will live in the house of the Lord forever." Psalm 23 NLT

I will bless the Lord at all times, His Praise shall continually be in my mouth. The Lord is great and greatly to be praised. Forever O' Lord, Thy Word is settled in Heaven. May the words of my mouth and the meditation upon my heart, be acceptable unto Thee O' Lord; my God and my Salvation.
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and Wisdom to know the difference. May each choice I make today bring glory and honor to Your Holy Name, Jesus; and may the words of my mouth and the actions I take reflect You Jesus in all I say and do. Amen and Amen.
So thankful to know beyond a doubt that God loves me and is forever with me guiding my steps and bringing peace to my mind without fail. God loves you and so do I~~~

Meditating on God's goodness

 Meditating on the goodness of God with thanks giving and I find myself abundantly blessed by His presence in my life. He brings a warm feeling of being loved unconditionally and leaves me with His sweet anointing saturating within. I love to find a hiding place where I can just sit back and enjoy the awesomeness of His sweet anointing; doesn't matter if I'm gathered together with others in worship or in my alone time with Him; God always brings peace of mind as Holy Spirit saturates my inner being with that Sweet Anointing only He delivers.

God continues to do new things in the lives of all who choose to seek His face; who listen attentively to His voice; and who without reservation, choose to submit to His calling upon their life. Lives forever changed; looking not to the left nor to the right to see what others think; but who through freedom in the power of Christ Jesus, choose to lay aside all weights that once hindered, throwing off all chains that once bound, step into their brand new life recreated in Christ Jesus. Lives now filled with undeniable Power from on High, hearts now filled with His love, and minds now recreated by God unto good works. Lives Forever changed, Forever delivered, Forever grateful, Forever determined to be all they can be for the glory of God and His kingdom sake!
His sweet Anointing brings about utmost praise as we realize where we once were in life is not where we are today; and it's all by the Grace of God. It is not about you or me, but it's ALL about JESUS! It's about the Amazing Grace of God through Christ Jesus and His Unconditional Love that cleanses us and brings us into this newness in Him.
It's about realizing the power of God dwelling within us as we are reborn in Him. It's about realizing the third person of the Godhead, Holy Spirit (John 14:17), enabling us to do what we could not do on our own, but now through HIM we can do ALL things (Philippians 4:13). It's about coming to know the person of Holy Spirit and His desire to build us into that full stature of man God predestined us to be before we were even born (Ephesians 4:13).
Knowing the love of Christ Jesus and the power His Spirit instills within brings about an empowering force needed to be victorious over struggles of life; day by day and moment by moment. We should not let the worries of life defeat us when God is living within us. We just have to Know who we are in Him and Whose we are; as we call upon that mighty name of Jesus, that empowers us to become more than conquerors in all things (Romans 8:37.
Jesus knew we needed Holy Spirit to live within us; not to lie dormant within, but to empower and guide us in all our ways. So on this season of Thanksgiving, let's be thankful for who we are in Him and allow His sweet anointing to flow within as our strength, our provider, our comforter, our peace; all that we ever need; He is!
Claim your victory today and relax in the Sweet Anointing of His fullness within, and enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~❤️

Gobble Gobble


Make a joyful noise unto the Lord for He is good, His mercy is everlasting: and His truth reigns forever. Praise the Lord forevermore!
I am overjoyed at the miracles that have taken place in our family's lives this year and the miraculous works He continues to do in our lives. We give thanks for each and every one and for His continuous Healing Power and miraculous interventions in ouir precious Janet's life.
We are so blessed to be able to have her with us today and we get to celebrate with her for a short while at our home and enjoy family time together once again. Family encircled around Christ Jesus is what an abundant life is all about and we are forever grateful and abundantly blessed. Thank You Jesus!!!
May your Thanksgiving Day be more than just about turkey and delicious food; and shopping deals; but rather in enjoying and being thankful for your loved ones close by we can hug and touch and enjoy along with warm precious memories of those awaiting us in Heaven to which that reunion day will be so dear; but until then let's enjoy the life here on earth God has given and be thankful unto Him for His mighty works and continuous faithfulness that never fails.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, God loves you and so do I~~~


 Thanksgiving, 12 letters bound together used to describe the gratitude within our hearts for the many blessings God has placed within in our lives, and yet, count them as we may, there is no way we can name them all.

What a treasure chest filled with His mercies is ours to enjoy day by day with still a multitude of blessings we receive along the way that help to shape and mold us into the person we are today; along with seasons we are given to share love with family and friends and in giving of thanks for all God has gracefully shown.
I am bountifully blessed with a loving, caring, and giving family that floods my heart with joyful thanks giving every day throughout the year. So Spirit boasts aloud,"I will praise Thee, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all Thy marvellous works. I will be glad and rejoice in Thee: I will sing praise to Thy name, O Thou Most High." Psalms 9:1-2
I pray God blesses each of you during this holiday season and that His love saturates your heart in such a heartwarming way that it causes you to smile and rejoice in Him. May you be blessed, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~

Enjoy Today

 Today is the first day of the rest of our life. God gave us today, the air we breathe, the ability to move about, and the mental capacity to function. What we do with today is our choice. We can choose to waste this day or choose to make it the best we can.

Let's not put off 'til tomorrow what should be said or done today because tomorrow may never come. We just celebrated Thanksgiving and many tables had an empty chair where a loved one filled not long ago, so let's enjoy the blessings of having loved ones in our life.
Let's live well, laugh often and love much. This is the day the Lord has made, so let's be glad and rejoice in it! Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Don't Hurry, Be Happy

 Dear friends, As you begin your day, I hope you take time to invite Holy Spirit to guide you along your way? I almost got in a hurry getting up this morning and forget to listen for His response to my "good morning Lord" as I proclaim when I awaken each morning; until I was reminded of my rush so then I settled back down and spent a little earnest time with my precious Lord.

So before you rush off on your daily routines, be sure your ears are open so you can hear Him because He is always with us, dwelling within us, talking with us, caring and protecting us even though we may not acknowledge His voice or His presence and is eager to talk with us each morning and throughout our day.
We often become so busy scampering along with our daily chores and rushing off to fulfill our work duties that we forget to take that much needed time each morning to just be still and know that He is God - to feel His love, to hear His voice, and to acknowledge that without Him life would be hopeless; but with Him leading our way we acquire the power through Him to conquer the most difficult of times.
I treasure my family and friends in my life but even those dearest to my heart cannot compare with the love of my precious Lord. Ya see, before I stumble He's already there to pick me up; before I fail at mankind's test He's right there encouraging me; before I shed those tears when my heart feels broken, He's right there to wipe them away and comfort me; and when I begin to feel alone and think no one could possibly understand what I'm going through, He's right there putting His loving arms around me and assuring me He never leaves me. Forever and ever He is there for me, without fail, through it all.
There is nothing we have ever done or will ever do, to cause Him to love us any less or to love us any more than He does right now. Ya see, He loves me and He loves you with an everlasting love that is totally unconditional. A love far beyond anything we could ever comprehend, but is forever binding, none the less.
So I pray that as you begin your day, you will take time to talk with Him and allow His love to engulf you and bring you peace and guidance throughout this day and every day hereafter. You will find He is positively the dearest friend you will ever have. Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~~

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

ALL Because of God's Amazing Grace

 IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF GOD'S AMAZING GRACE!!! What an amazing, graceful and loving Father we have in our Lord Jesus!

All we will ever need and all we dare to be is all wrapped up in God's Amazing Grace! There will never be a need He does not see, a prayer He does not hear, a tear that falls without His attention, or a whispered cry for help He can not meet. God is forever faithful and forever near to those who trust in Him and call upon His Holy Name of Jesus!
Jesus opened the door to Heavenly blessings freely given from the Father's hands so you and I could enter into a realm of Peace far above anything we could ever imagine and far above all the precious elements this world will ever have to offer. His ways are surely not like ours, His timing is not according to ours, and because His Word is Forever True, whatsoever He says, He will do, in the time that is perfectly aligned to His perfect design for our life.
He wants ONLY the Best for you and me and although we may feel He isn't listening because our answer hasn't arrived; could be that those precious 'unanswered prayers' are not answered because God sees what's up ahead; not just what's going on right now; so He answers in ways that are for our good and often times those unanswered prayers are His arms wrapped securely around us protecting and preventing us from entering utter chaos and a battle too great for us to bear at that moment.
So today, trust His guidance and listen to His voice deep within your heart of hearts and allow Him to walk with you throughout this day He created just for you with the greatest of love for His little child. He loves you unconditionally and desires to guard and protect you along your way, every step of your way, if you only allow Him to. If you will trust Him and follow His leading, you will have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends; God loves you and so do I~~~

Monday, September 19, 2022

Peace To Calm The Soul

 "I need Thee every hour, Most Gracious Lord; No tender voice like Thine can Peace afford; I need Thee, Lord, I need Thee; Every hour I need Thee; Oh, bless me now, My Savior, I come to Thee!"

"There's within my heart a melody; Jesus whispers sweet and low; Fear not, I am with thee; Peace, be still, in all of life's ebb and flow. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Sweetest name I know; fills my every longing, keeps me singing as I go."

These precious old hyms continue to warm hearts of all who allow Holy Spirit to rise up within, reminding us that He is always with us, working to restore, to revive, and to renew us with His Peace that passes all understanding.
Many of us face struggles as we set out on our day; but the Peace of God sustains us. Peace like a river working within us to conquer those fiery darts satan will attempt to throw our way; But God..... God in all His Glory has already prepared us for this day and every day hereafter, as He walks beside us, working within us, leading us on, empowering us to overcome each struggle, one step at a time.

As we allow His Spirit to refresh our inner man early in the morning, we can rest assured that as we've acknowledged Him, He is sure to be with us through it all. We will come out victorious over every battle with Him leading our way!
"When Peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, It is well with my soul."
No matter what comes our way; our minds rest in the Peace of God; and now we can enjoy a wonderfully blessed, victorious day....... knowing God loves you and so do I~~~

Saturday, September 17, 2022

First Things First

 Dear friends, As you begin your day, I hope you take time to invite Holy Spirit to guide you along your way? I almost got in a hurry getting up this morning and forget to listen for His response to my "good morning Lord" as I proclaim when I awaken each morning; until I was reminded of my rush so then I settled back down and spent a little earnest time with my precious Lord.

So before you rush off on your daily routines, be sure your ears are open so you can hear Him because He is always with us, dwelling within us, talking with us, caring and protecting us even though we may not acknowledge His voice or His presence and is eager to talk with us each morning and throughout our day.
We often become so busy scampering along with our daily chores and rushing off to fulfill our work duties that we forget to take that much needed time each morning to just be still and know that He is God - to feel His love, to hear His voice, and to acknowledge that without Him life would be hopeless; but with Him leading our way we acquire the power through Him to conquer the most difficult of times.
I treasure my family and friends in my life but even those dearest to my heart cannot compare with the love of my precious Lord. Ya see, before I stumble He's already there to pick me up; before I fail at mankind's test He's right there encouraging me; before I shed those tears when my heart feels broken, He's right there to wipe them away and comfort me; and when I begin to feel alone and think no one could possibly understand what I'm going through, He's right there putting His loving arms around me and assuring me He never leaves me. Forever and ever He is there for me, without fail, through it all.
There is nothing we have ever done or will ever do, to cause Him to love us any less or to love us any more than He does right now. Ya see, He loves me and He loves you with an everlasting love that is totally unconditional. A love far beyond anything we could ever comprehend, but is forever binding, none the less.
So I pray that as you begin your day, you will take time to talk with Him and allow His love to engulf you and bring you peace and guidance throughout this day and every day hereafter. You will find He is positively the dearest friend you will ever have. Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, because God loves you and so do I~~~

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

God Is Our Peace

 "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:4-9.
Paul teaches that God's peace is ours as we think on the good instead of bad. He states in Ephesian 3:16-19, "I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God"
I pray these glorious truths declared in God's Word fills your mind with peace for this season in life; and His peace brings Hope in the reality He desires for your life as noted in Jeremiah. 29:11, "I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
No matter what you may be going through, just keep your mind stayed on Jesus and His plan for your life,and you will over come it all. Be anxious for nothing, but "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you"(1 Peter 5:7). He loves you beyond measure and unconditionally, so blow out the negative and breathe in the positive energy of His Word and enjoy a wonderfully blessed life. God loves you and so do I~~~