Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Just something about enjoying the beauty of birds with all their skillfully placed strokes of color, the ease with which they fly or just rest upon branches, that brings a peace over my being as to the awesome magnificence of our God. Each bird so gracefully adorned with colors placed in just the right place and not a one exactly the same, much like us. We are all so wonderfully and skillfully made, not to look like someone else, but to be unique in our own creative body. God lovingly created each of us to be His prized possession and to enjoy His creations that surround us. 
I think about the eagle and its unusual large eyes compared to the size of its head allowing it to have extremely keen eyesight. Eagles are admired the world over as living symbols of power, of freedom, and transcendence. Such grace displayed as they fly high into the heavens overriding storms that may arise, bringing Psalm 91:1,4 to mind: "He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." v.4 "He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust; His truth shall be thy strength and buckler."
God has created such an awesome world for us to enjoy, but in our busy lifestyle we forget to stop and smell the roses, to lie under the moonlight and watch the stars and for a fleeting moment maybe catch the glimpse of a falling star; yet with all He has created there is peace to be found in taking time to just lay aside the cares of this life and enjoy the awesomeness of our Creator and all He has created for our good pleasure. 
I encourage you today to lay aside time to enjoy the life you have been given because none of us are promised tomorrow or even the next moment in time. So let's learn to fly free like the birds. Let's allow our wings to soar high when conditions seem less favorable. Let's learn to dance as if no one is watching and enjoy the beauty of nature that surrounds us while bringing honor to our mighty Creator, and let's have a wonderfully blessed day. God loves you and so do I~

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