Saturday, December 23, 2017


You Shout it out to the first person who calls you on the phone today!
Just another cherished memory from years ago when early in the morning every Christmas Eve my Momma and Grandpa Raines would race to the phone and hurriedly holler into the phone "Christmas Eve Gift" and oh, how they would chuckle and laugh over the phone and fill the house with such a joyful laughter that thrilled us so! You could hear them laughing and going on at each other all thru the house. Such a fun time with awesome memories to this day!
No matter how old we were or what we were doing, when that phone rang early on Christmas Eve morning, no one answered that phone except Momma....and then years later when Grandpa ascended into Heaven, Momma and Grandma Raines continued the tradition in memory of Grandpa. Such warm and loving memories I hold dear every Christmas Eve and yet it is so bittersweet! Nothing is ever the same once your loved ones have completed their journey on earth and are celebrating with our Lord Jesus face to face with rejoicing beyond compare!
It doesn't matter what memories or traditions you may have passed down year after year, as long as that memory sparks a smile that warms the heart. So don't you want to build a memory with those you are blessed with to love and to enjoy while they are here? I want my loved ones to be able to remember special moments filled with laughter, lots of love, and good times when they think of me after I'm gone! God went to such length to show us His great Love in an effort to fill our life with His unconditional love, of laughter, of joy beyond measure, of peace, of giving, of sharing and caring so shouldn't we do the same?
On this Christmas Eve, I'd like to encourage you to build a memory with your loved ones as you gather to celebrate Christ Jesus and enjoy the time you have been given this year! Time is a precious gift that cannot be regained once it's gone. None of us are promised the next moment, so let's truly enjoy the time we have with those dear to our hearts; then you can recall precious memories once they are no longer present to warm your heart, Memories are a good thing that no one can steal and a way to honor those who filled your life with such joy!
Let's make this blessed season the best time of the year because of Christ Jesus who dwells within us! After all Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
Let's Embrace life and Enjoy each moment and build memories along the way! May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and may you always, always, always remember that God loves you and so do I~~~MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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