Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Wading Out A Little Bit Deeper

The rains have certainly been falling over the past couple days and sitting on my patio listening to it fall, reminds me of childhood days when me and my brothers and sisters would sit on our big front porch, bare feet hanging over the banisters. and the rain falling against our feet. We chose how much or how little we wanted our feet or toes or legs to get wet; and then memories of times we would go out to play in the rain; taking off across the road to an old dirt road where we would run thru mud puddles and squish the mud between our toes; we knew the deeper the mud holes the better. It didn't matter that we were getting covered in mud until we heard Momma calling us home. Then we'd run to the back of the house and use the water hose to wash each other off, while some would just stand under the eaves of the house giggling, while the rain water helped to rinse us off. So much fun enjoying the rain.
Such wonderful memories of childhood, just playing and having fun, didn't matter what the weather was. and it shows me that I can still enjoy life at my age, in my physical condition, regardless of what's going on around me. Good times are found by learning to dance in the rain and not being afraid to get wet.
That it's okay to get muddy while enjoying life in those squishy mud puddles. or to wade out a little bit deeper to obtain the fullness of God's blessings! Just as we accepted what came our way and made the most of it as children, it's time we do the same in our adult life as we seek to fulfill God's will in our lives. God is looking for people who will lift up His standards as workers in His field and lead others to Christ Jesus as their Savior! He needs people who will not only step into the waters, but who will trust Him Fully and wade out a little bit deeper; as noted in this song:
"It's time we the people stand up for what is right; It's time we squared our shoulders back and raised our swords to fight; for the Bible is my weapon and the Spirit is my shield; The church needs more of its members to be workers in the field. Step into the water; wade out a little bit deeper; wet your feet in the waters of His love; step into the water; wade out a little bit deeper; come join angels singing praises to the Lamb of God. There is victory for the Christian who walks the narrow way; There has been a prize appointed for the soul that does not stray; Oh I want to live for Jesus and be all that I should be So that I can rest with Him forever to live eternally. Step into the water; wade out a little bit deeper; wet your feet in the waters of His love; step into the water; wade out a little bit deeper; come join angels singing praises to the Lamb of God." 
Although many groups sang and recorded Talley's words, I loved to hear the "Benson Family" sing this in church years ago as altars would be filled and souls would be forever changed as they dared to step out into the water and wade out a little bit deeper, spiritually. I am so thankful God allows us to maintain and cherish warm and loving memories from our past, as they serve to be reminders of God's Amazing Grace and Faithfulness throughout the years. 
Today is a new day filled with His fresh mercies and the heavenly rain continues to fall. The waters are rising and becoming deeper than ever before. God is looking for workers in His fields who aren't afraid to wade out a little bit deeper to rescue that soul going under for their final time. Will you be His vessel and help to rescue them in their time of need? Just something to think about as you Have a wonderfully blessed day. God loves you and so do I~~~

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