Saturday, February 15, 2020

How Wonderful To Be Chosen

Chosen: What a precious thing to be chosen; not by accident or by circumstance, but to be specially hand picked and chosen to be that 'special someone' in life. We just demonstrated our love to our 'chosen someone' who fills that special place deep within our hearts and it made me think of how awesome it is to know we are a 'chosen someone' to our Heavenly Father.
Chosen in Him before the creation of the world to be His children; sons and daughters by adoption into the family of God through the redemption of Jesus' blood covering all our sins(Ephesians 1:4-6); making us holy and accepted in the Beloved. Through Christ Jesus, we are made joint-heirs (Romans 8:17) and having our eyes enlightened and minds renewed with wisdom and understanding, He makes known to us the mysteries of His will (Eph 1:9) according to His good pleasure, for times like these.
God is certainly doing a new thing in our world and as times reach their fulfillment, the glory of God is being revealed and realized more now than ever before. As His chosen children, our differences must be set aside as we purpose to show love one to another in truth and sincerity, bringing unity to all things in Heaven and on earth; and therefore bringing glory and honor to the holy name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
So whenever you begin to feel discouraged and stressed,unloved and alone, just lift up your head and look toward the heavens and allow the reality of God Who has chosen you to be His child and allow His love fill your heart and soul. You have been Chosen by the most High God Who loves you beyond measure; Who loves you unconditionally; loves you enough to give you His very best; and Who works diligently to make all things work together for your good. You are not an accident! You are His Child and He loves you beyond measure!
In all things, both great and small, you can trust God! Take time to get to know Him and allow His Love to saturate your soul. He loves you like none other! You are His Chosen, God's special possession (1 Peter 2:9) called out of darkness into His marvelous Light to enjoy a wonderfully blessed life created by Him in Christ Jesus! Be blessed dear friend, God loves you and so do I~~~

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