Friday, October 30, 2020

Choosing Wisely

 Oh that man would choose wisely in these latter days.

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, sent down from our Heavenly Father to bring Salvation and Healing to a world full of lost sinners; and we beheld His glory, full of grace and truth. He walked and talked among us; teaching and healing the sick, the blind, and the deaf, casting out demons, raising the dead, turning water into wine; and still we did not know who He really was. His very own disciple, Judas, betrayed Him for a mere 30 pieces of silver and when he led the soldiers to the garden to arrest Him, he greeted Him with a kiss on the cheek and turned Him over to be abused and persecuted, tortured above all men, and die a horrible death on the cross.
The Son of God suffered horribly at the hands of the soldiers and when they mockingly paraded Him before us; bleeding and horribly defaced, clad in a robe with a crown of thorns upon His bleeding head; we were given the choice between 'He who had done no wrong', or the murdering thief to be set free; and we chose the murdering thief to go free. We, the people, chose a vile cruel sinner who repeatedly robbed and killed and did nothing but evil to mankind to be set free, rather than the man sent from God 'Who knew no sin', but only Loved mankind with all His heart.
Today, the choice is still ours. Will we choose the man who admits he is not perfect in all his ways, but who has chosen to put God back into the lives of our schools and governing offices and who proclaims Jesus as Lord and Savior; or will we choose to stand with the man who murders innocent babies and chose a running mate who denies God and the righteousness of mankind in Christ Jesus.
In less than 2 weeks America goes to the polls to make our choice known on election day so we must be in prayer and supplication towards those running for office and search our hearts and minds so we hear what God says. His Word does Not change for any one or any group of people but is forevermore true, infallible and stands firm! We must not be deceived by those who speak lies and allow evil works to continue while attempting to guide others falsely, so we must pray and obtain wisdom in all our ways!
Allow God's Word to guide you in all your ways! As Holy Spirit leads you, choose wisely and place your vote knowing that You are held accountable for your actions; so vote your conscience as would be pleasing unto God the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and place those in office as would be pleasing unto Him. Your choice does make a difference; and with each choice you make, you choose to proudly lift high the name of Jesus or reject Him and suffer the consequences. I pray you will choose wisely dear friend because God loves you and so do I~~~

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