Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Overcoming Uncertainty

 Many of us are facing uncertain changes in our life; but we must not be discouraged by what seem like dead ends or closed doors. Doctors may give negative reports but God's report is positive in every way, and that is the Word of Truth we must take and apply to our life, not man's words; because nothing is impossible or too big for God.

Every moment in our life carries infinite possibilities just waiting for God to unfold for our good. He wants us to have a good life and have it more abundantly, not just getting by day to day sick and afflicted, bound or oppressed; and we can achieve that abundant life if we just look up. Look up and trust God to break thru any obstacle in your way; to open doors that would otherwise be closed and to close doors that would otherwise be open to keep us going on the path He has designed for us; "to prosper us and give us hope and a future"(Jeremiah 29:11).

Dear friend, don't allow a report the doctor speaks over your life to weigh you down; but search the Word of God and speak God's Word over whatever you may be going thru and allow His Word to overtake those negative reports and bring you through stronger and better than ever before. Continue to speak God's Word of Life, the Word of Truth over it all and keep on replacing the negative with His positive Words and watch God take the bad and turn it around for your good and His glory.

Remember that God's plans are for our good and He will take all satan throws at us and turn it around for our good if we just hold on to His nail scarred Hand and don't give up, but continue to praise Him and trust Him thru it all. God is forever faithful and loves us unconditionally, thru our good, thru our bad, and thru our ugly. He loves us beyond measure so don't give up but Hold on, dear friend, God's got this! 🙌
Blessings to you, my precious friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

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