Friday, April 30, 2021

Freedom Empowered

 Just meditating on God's Amazing Grace and how blessed to feel it bring so many life changing experiences by the blood of the Lamb. No longer bound by sin and despair; no longer bound by gloom and agony; no longer bound by sickness and disease; but Free to walk in the Liberty of His Amazing Grace; having been Redeemed by the precious Blood of our Lord Jesus!

What Freedom He empowers! What Boldness He instills; enabling us to stand up and declare, I'M FREE! and to feel Him smiling upon us because we are His and He is ours, forever and ever throughout eternity! What Love, what boundless Love! As He reaches down to you and me. We run to Him and He wraps us securely in His arms, encouraging us to cast all our cares upon Him and allow Him to handle them as only He does best! What Love He bestows!
As you go through your day, don't carry your worry and fears alone, but bring them to Jesus, and allow Him to guide you and to provide what is needed for today; and then tomorrow do the same! This world holds too many obstacles that can be so devastating when we worry in advance; so He encourages us to only care about today because tomorrow will have worries of its own (Matthew 6:34).
By taking things like this pandemic virus and all the mandates associated with it one day at a time, one phase at a time, while listening to God's guidance as noted in Proverbs 3:5-6, He will surely guide our steps and lead us safely thru it all. We just have to be still and listen to His voice directing and advising us of the right steps to take along our pathway of life.
Our God is Forever Faithful and wants only the Best in all our ways!
So let's allow time early in the morning to be still in His presence and know that He is our God who goes before us, preparing our way so we can enjoy each day given, secure in the Peace that He is with us leading our way. God loves you, dear friend, and so do I~~~

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