Monday, November 6, 2017

How We Influence Others Really Matters

As we begin another week, I can only wonder what it will hold. So many consequences come from different influences made on people's lives that I wonder what influence my life has on others. Will my influence today be good or bad? Will others see me as inspiring or demeaning, loving or condemning? Will I make them feel encouraged by my actions and words, or will I leave them feeling discouraged? Will the life I live toward others today offer them hope; or will it leave them feeling hopeless? How can I assure a positive influence on others in all my ways?
Serious questions for serious minds. Check out your own feelings! Try it out and think of one person you encounter frequently; can be at home, a neighbor, or at work; how do they make you feel? Do this person bring a smile, a sense of happiness, a sense of hope? Usually the first person that comes to mind is a caring person; someone who influences you in a positive way; someone you are very fond of; someone who makes it easy to enjoy life around.
Now on the other hand, think of one person who is less positive; someone that makes you roll your eyes when you catch sight of them; someone you may even try and dodge having to talk with; someone who is negative in their words and deeds. Without realizing it, they have already influenced you in one way or the other. What you do with those influences will tend to make a difference, not only in your future, but in theirs as well. The influence we hold on others can build them up or tear them down.
Each person has been dealt a past and many have not been good experiences. The influence one's peers or authoritative figure had over them caused great harm and formed how they perceive life and circumstances around them. Many have never had anyone truly love them just the way they are! Many have never been shown the Love of God in deed, and only browbeaten harshly with the Word of God from those who have forgotten where Jesus brought them from and His teachings regarding the lost and hurting.
Jesus taught us to Love, not hate(Mt. 22:39, Eph. 4:15); He taught us not to judge(Mt. 7:1-3), and He taught us not to condemn(Lk. 6:37). He taught us to forgive as He has forgiven and to love others as He loved us and gave His life a ransom for us! While we were still sinners He sacrificed His life and forgave our every sin! So maybe we need to take another look at where He has brought us from. Look at all He has forgiven us and remember that to those much is given, much is required!
So where is Christ Jesus' influence in our lives?  Where do we begin allowing His influence the control needed today and every day hereafter? We begin by living the golden rule Jesus spoke of in Matthew 7:12, and doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. We love beyond measure! We forgive beyond measure! We judge not that we be not judged! And we condemn not that we be not condemned! We remember God's greatest gift of Love in Christ Jesus and we live our life to Influence others of the Hope that is in us through our Lord and Savior! We remember always that is not because of who we are, but because of Who He is in us! And with this, We Influence Others in His Love!
Enjoy a wonderfully blessed week dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

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