Saturday, May 26, 2018

Choosing Wisely

So you awoke to a new day, drew in a breath and opened your eyes to a fresh day filled with fresh mercies God has given; and right off without even realizing, you began to choose how you will look at this new day. Because ultimately, the choice is yours! So you choose to get out of bed-or-maybe you just choose to lie there a little bit longer; the choice is entirely yours. Knowing you have somewhere to be at a certain time, the choice is still yours if you keep that appointment or not. It looks like it may rain today so do I go prepared, or do I just chance it?; the choice is yours. Passing others along your way, someone cuts you off and someone is driving crazy-hopefully it's not you, lol- so do you react with positive thoughts or negative thoughts? the choice is yours; it's up to you. You reach your destination and encounter someone having a 'bad day', so you speak positive words or negative words; the choice is yours....... or is it?
Choices come in everything we do throughout our day; from the smallest choice of what to eat, to the greatest life-altering decision needing to be made; from the time we awake to the time we rest; and the choice to react with a positive or negative responses is totally up to each one of us- It truly is our choice! But I wonder if we could see how our choice would affect the lives of all those involved; how we might choose more wisely.
I have learned that the choices I've made affect not only my life but all those around me, and how my choices even affect those watching my reaction to certain situations that arise. Having lost precious loved ones along my journey in life, it warms my heart to hear others share memories of how my loved one had affected their life and how they regretted not ever telling them; but they had watched our reactions to stressful situations; had listened to our responses as others had demeaned or chosen to be cruel to others, while my loved one had been kind and caring instead, and how their kindness had touched their lives in such a way that it caused them to want to pattern their own life with that same care they knew my loved one had.
I believe the effects our choice of character has on others is why Paul encourages us in Galatians 5:22-23 to allow the fruits of the Spirit to shine forth in our lives and to choose to show God's Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control to those we encounter along life's way in all we do and all we say. Our choices do make a difference in our life as well as in the lives of others around us. So as you go through today, I ask you to join me and let's choose to be mindful of one another and choose to be positive role models that lead others to Jesus Christ. Let's choose to Love others because He Chose to Love us and sacrifice His life for us so we could life free from all sin and shame. Let's Choose to be examples of His Great Love in word and deed, and bless others as He has blessed us. Have a wonderfully blessed and safe weekend, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~

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