Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Learning To Trust The Father's Plan

"When you're up against a wall and your mountain seems so tall, and you realize life's not always fair; you can run away and hide, let the old man decide, or you can change your circumstances with a prayer; When everything falls apart, praise His Name; when you have a broken heart, just raise your hands and say, "Lord, You're all I need, You're everything to me," and He'll take the pain away; When it seems you're all alone, Praise His Name, When you feel you can't go on, Just raise your hands and say, "Greater is He that is within me," You can praise the hurt away If you'll just praise His Name! Oh, you can overcome by the blood of the lamb, by the words of your testimony; you'll see the darkness go as your faith begins to grow; you're not alone, so how can you be lonely; When everything falls apart, praise His Name; when you have a broken heart, just raise your hands and say, "Lord, you're all I need, You're everything to me," and He'll take the pain away. When it seems you're all alone, Praise His Name, When you feel you can't go on, just raise your hands and say, "Greater is He that is within me", You can praise the hurt away If you'll just praise His Name!"
Truth is that "The Father has a plan, though it's hard to see it now; You feel you're walking all alone but He is there no doubt; when the storm around you rages, and you're tossed to and fro; when you're faced with life's decisions, not sure which way to go; Stand still, and let God move; standing still is hard to do; when you feel you have reached the end, He'll make a way for you, stand still and let God move, stand still and let God move. When the enemy surrounds you and the walls are closing in, when the tide is swiftly rising, and you wonder where He's been; Friend, there never was a moment that His arms weren't reaching out, you can rest assured and be secure, God is moving right now; Stand still and let God move, Standing still is hard to do, When you feel you have reached the end, He'll make a way for you; Stand still and let God move; just stand still and let God move! The answer will come, but only in His time, Stand still and let God move; Stand Still and let God move."
Time and time again, I have proven God to be Forever Faithful! No matter the need or circumstance, as I surrender my will to His, I can always see Him move; and I have come to know that whatever the need, I know of a surety that He has my best interest on His heart because He has me engraved in the palm of His hands!
Dear friend, When you go through deep waters, and the waves come crashing in, know that God is forever faithful and He will be with you. All you have to do is trust wholeheartedly in Him as you stand still and let Him move and you too will come out victoriously. Have a wonderfully blessed day knowing that God loves you and so do I~~~

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