Monday, January 6, 2020

Delivered from Widowhood

Today I celebrate my 52nd wedding anniversary with my childhood sweetheart, my soulmate, and the love of my life. Although Larry finished his journey on earth ahead of me, the love we shared remains embedded deep within my heart, and I won't kid you; it's been extremely difficult "getting on with life" as so many friends told me in their attempt to help, but until you go through coping with the death of the love of your life and you suffer true heartbreak, you can never understand a widow's grief.
For way too many years after Larry passed I was lost in a sea of despair and hated to see holidays, our anniversary, and his birthday come, until out of desperation, I had a 'come to Jesus meeting' when I seemed to curl up in the Lord's loving arms and let my tears spill out as He comforted and soothed away my heartbreak while helping me realize that because Jesus lives within both Larry and me, we have the hope of uniting again when my time on earth ends and we will be together with our Lord and Savior forevermore.
I was finally delivered from the debilitating sorrows of my past and introduced to a new life and future created in Christ Jesus just for me.
Knowing God has a plan designed for each of us as declared in Jeremiah 29:11, I try to acknowledge Him as encouraged in Proverbs 3:5-6 so He directs my path; and as I walk with Him day by day, I am never alone. So I keep the love Larry and I shared deeply embedded within my heart as warm memories replace the tears and I keep the promises of our Lord in front of my eyes, knowing that He makes all things work together for my good and no matter what life throws at me, Jesus has it covered already in the palm of His hands.
So today I celebrate our anniversary and the fullness and joys in life it has brought; and I am thankful for all the family and friends God has bestowed unto me with the knowing that "I Am Loved" and so dearly blessed; so I pray blessings to all of you dear friends. Never forget that God loves you and so do I~~~

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