Monday, August 15, 2016


A new day has arisen and the wonders of God's divine love enfolds! What will you allow Him to do within your life today? He desires to grant each of us fresh mercies each morning and to shower us with blessings too wonderful for words; if only we can look beyond our present surroundings and refocus our attention off ourself and onto Him, His will, and His way in our life. So, what are you focusing on today? How far is your vision? What do you see unfolding in your life today? Can you see the awesomeness of God; or do you have tunnel vision? Are you only seeing what's familiar in your surroundings, that prevent you from seeing His greatness; His Awesomeness?
Our God is a God of More than Enough! He is Greater than Great! And He has a plan for each of us far greater than anything we can ever imagine! But we must get our focus adjusted, so we can see His blessings as they come our way. God has a plan for each of our lives that include blessings beyond measure; If only we can look beyond what we see with our natural eyes and dare to look through eyes of faith. It's through those eyes of faith that we know God desires to bless and prosper us because His Word declares it in Jeremiah 29:11; and in faith we have proved Him to be Forever Faithful to fulfill His Word as He has promised! And it's by faith, we can begin basking in those blessings today; if only we can dare to believe and focus our faith to receive; knowing that He keeps us all covered in the palms of His hands.
As you begin this work week I pray you will allow your vision to focus more clearly and look unto the author and finisher of your faith. Look beyond what you see naturally and begin to see His plans for your life unfolding as your faith begins to arise within you. God loves you unconditionally and even tho' you may have fallen along the wayside, He is quick to pick you up in His loving arms and set you back onto His predesigned pathway for your life that will lead you to life eternal with Him; while guiding you along each step of the way.
So don't be defeated today with living below your worth. You are child of the Most High God and there is Nothing He won't do to help you be ALL you can be for His kingdom sake. So rise up and shake off those chains of doubt and despair; pull up those boot strings and tighten those laces; God has a work for you to do and He has nothing but good things planned for your life. So keep your eyes focused on Him, be filled with His Divine Love, enjoy the blessings of His Amazing Grace, and allow Holy Spirit to guide you into all truths as He leads you along your way. This is the day the Lord has made; Let's rejoice and be glad in it!!!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~

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