Saturday, August 13, 2016


Ya know, I've been going through Celebrate Recovery with my daughter and I realize just how delicate our mind is and how it can be so easily manipulated and damaged as we face uncertainties in life; and how very important it is to learn how to guard our minds on a continuous basis. So many people are being stricken down with dementia and alzheimers, mental breakdowns and anxiety; and there are those seeking freedom in all the wrong ways in attempts to escape the voices in their mind and feeling of self worthlessness they are made to believe; as satan runs to and fro over the earth seeking who he may to destroy and to kill, filling minds with all sorts of deceit and lies. It's time we Christians wake up and realize there is much need for prayer warriors, true prayer warriors; Prayer Warriors who will put on the whole armor of God and prepare for battle so we can help to break down the walls and stop the fiery darts satan uses to destroy the minds of our children and those we hold dear.
God, in His infinite wisdom, is fully aware of the sneaky attacks of satan and the many evil devices he uses to tear down and break our spirit, while continually bringing on attacks of anxiety, causing undue stress and mental disturbances. But God knows how deceptive satan is, so God gave us His WORD (JESUS); and He warns us to armor up and be on guard, so we will have the power to be more than conquerors in ALL things through Christ Jesus! Knowing Whose we are and what we are in Christ Jesus gives us authority over satan.... gives us boldness to speak the Word aloud.... Boldness to proclaim that "in Christ we can do all things"(Phil 4:13).... Boldness to proclaim "that we are more than conquerors in Him that loves us"(Rom 8:37).... Boldness to proclaim that "no weapon formed against us shall prosper" (Isaiah 54:17).... Boldnes to proclaim that "God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2Tim 1:7).... Boldness to proclaim that "no evil shall befall us nor any harm come near our dwelling"(Psa 91:10) Boldness to proclaim that in Christ Jesus we are FREE from Every bondage, Free from Every Dis-Ease, Free from Every Sin, Free to be ALL God meant us to be in Christ Jesus!!! 
But we have to get the Word in Us! We have to get the source of our Power deep within! The more we put the Word into the very depths of our soul; the more power we have to conquer anything satan attempts to bring against our mind, so we won't be caught off guard. As we waken from sleep, We must armor up early because satan comes against us by those things we are most vulnerable to: our loved ones, our livelihood, our health, and even the moral standards we were raised on. Anything he can find that grips our heart, he will use in an attempt to break our minds down; So putting on the whole armor of God prepares us to battle the evil forces satan brings against us. When those voices of doubt come into your mind; just remember Whose you Are! You have been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ and He has given you authority over every evil thing and that Nothing can cross the blood line of Jesus Christ. 
Allow yourself to feel the power begin to rise up within you and then boldly proclaim the WORD out loud.... Speak the Word to whatever satan has whispered; and Speak It Boldly! .... because "Greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world"(1Jn 4:4). 
Armed with the Word of God and covered by His precious blood, It's time we rare our shoulders back and take back what the devil has stolen. It's time we stop him dead center in his tracks! It's time we begin proclaiming who we are in Christ Jesus! It's time we proclaim aloud that We are Children of the Most High God! We are the head and not the tail! We are blessed and highly favored! We are Victors, not victims! We are Not just conquerors; but we are More than Conquerors in Christ Jesus! Be quick to speak the Word right back into satan's words; and just as Jesus defeated him in the wilderness by speaking the WORD back to his lying and deceitful tongue; God's Word will defeat him in every circumstance; in every situation of our life! 
So let's armor up! With God on our side We Can Not Be Defeated!
Have a Wonderful, Victorious, and Blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

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