Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Person to PERSON?

   Lately I find myself just wanting to build a closer relationship with Holy Spirit and to know Him person to Person. Not out of need or want, not out of desperation, but just wanting to enjoy that special closeness with the Lover of my soul; the Person who never leaves nor forsakes me, but Who is with me always, deep within my soul; leading and guiding me through every trial, through every burden, and Who comforts and brings peace during every loss of a precious loved one. What a blessing it is to feel His presence when I deliberately make time to be with Him, person to Person, before the cares of the day move in. I have learned that I don't ever want to be in such a hurry that I can't take time to acknowledge Him; to feel His presence; to hear His whisper; to enjoy Him and the fullness of His Person as my strength, my shield, my joy, my peace, my comforter, my guide, my all in all. All that I need and all I will ever need, He is!
   We seem to have grown so accustomed to going to God in prayer; and as we kneel in prayer, we offer up our needs and requests, then close with amen; and then we're up and leaving before allowing Holy Spirit time to talk with us. We say, 'we believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit' and really, that's good. Most of us have been taught about Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Our Lord and Savior most of our life; but how much have we really been taught about Holy Spirit; other than being the third person of the Godhead, our comforter and guide? And seriously, would that help you to know Who He Really is... Really??? Do You Really know Whom You Believe?
   Holy Spirit is a Person... a Real Person! Just as Real as Our Heavenly Father and Our Lord Jesus! Our Holy Spirit is just as real a Person as when Jesus walked the earth as a Person; and Jesus, having been crucified and resurrected from the dead, promised to send us Holy Spirit to lead and guide us because Holy Spirit would never have to leave or forsake us because He would be within us!  In John's writings from chapters14-17, Jesus tries to tell us how very important it was for Him to go away and Holy Spirit to come to us because His Spirit working within us would make us more than over-comers in all things pertaining to Godliness in this world!  But before He can make us an over-comer, we must come to know Holy Spirit as a Real Person. A Real Person Who has feelings just like you and me and Who loves and cares for you and me more than we could ever imagine.
   Having grown up in a Loving Christian Family, I spent many years teaching and leading others to Christ, before I 'Really' came to KNOW Jesus for myself as more than Lord and Savior. I knew He was God's Son Who came as a gift from God; born of the virgin Mary to redeem mankind and give His life a ransom for our sins; and having accepted His works I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but even though I had studied years and years in deep bible studies and prayed diligently and did all things as 'a Christian', I never knew the difference a personal relationship could make until a few years ago. 
   Now I probably lost some of you there and if I did then I pray you will come to find your own personal relationship as well and then you will understand that knowing and believing is a lot different than having a personal relationship with Him.  And yes, If I had died in that earlier state I believe I would have gone to heaven since my name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life and I was living my life for Him; but having a personal relationship is something you have to really desire and seek with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, as declared in Jeremiah 29:13; and when I really sought him I found Him and came to Really Know Him, Praise the Lord; and I believe the same holds true for seeking Holy Spirit. 
   Do we really know "Holy Spirit, the Person" or do we know "the Holy Spirit" a force, known for bringing miracles to pass? Do we know Holy Spirit only as what we've been taught about Him or do we know Him personally? While it is true Holy Spirit does bring miracles to pass; could it be we've been merely using Him for what we want to happen? Have we been neglecting Him by not knowing Who He Really Is? I want to believe that none of us chose to neglect Him deliberately; I believe we just never realized Who He Really Is. Many of us grew up with a type of fear related to His name being 'Holy Ghost' or 'Holy Spirit' and we all know that spirits and ghosts bring fear to many who don't understand and I would dare to say many preachers and teachers years ago didn't understand enough back then to explain Holy Spirit in such a way to help us understand how valuable He really is in our lives, so they taught on more familiar passages instead. Not demeaning the preachers and teachers back then, because as students we should have sought the Word on His behalf as well.
   We just didn't Know Holy Spirit was a Real Person Who longs for a close relationship with all of us; that He longs to spend time with us; not just to hear our petitions and then watch as we walk away; but that He actually wants us to stay and converse with Him, on a one-to-one basis; since He already knows what we have need of before we ask. He desires to spend time together strengthening us with His mighty power and unfailing grace. It is Holy Spirit that enables us to become more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. He holds the spiritual gifts and distributes them accordingly as needed. Why would we not want to know Him better?... and why would we not want to form a closer relationship with Him? Person to Person ... I in Him and He in me!  
   We go to college, to trade schools, take extra training and even make time to be re-certified in order to understand and become better acquainted with our career and business; but where is our commitment to our own spiritual journey with God?  Are we satisfied to just go to church when scheduled, have devotion and prayer, display all the characteristics of being a 'Christian' and let things fall as they fall?  Shouldn't we become better acquainted with God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit? and shouldn't we be making sure we have that one on one relationship that is personal and ongoing 24/7. Shouldn't we have a greater desire and determination to know Him and the Power that recreated us and made us new creatures in Christ Jesus; empowering us to become more than conquerors through His anointing within us? Shouldn't we be seeking Him with all our heart, all our soul, and all our mind? 
   Yes, Indeed, I say we should!  Since relationships are built on communication between two individuals; my question for you is, "What kind of relationship do you want with Holy Spirit?"... and Since Holy Spirit is here on earth to lead and guide you into all truths, don't you think it's time you get to know Him Person to Person, so you will be able to follow His guidance?  While you think on these things, I pray that you will begin to seek that personal relationship with Holy Spirit and allow Him to show you all He desires to fulfill in your life, Person to Person!  Don't miss out by not knowing Him!  Be Blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~

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