Saturday, July 30, 2016

Walking in Sunlight

Good morning, precious friends. I just love waking to the awareness of God's presence and Feeling His Loving arms securing me to His side. Fixed in His presence, I know that wherever I go and whatever I encounter, Nothing will arise that God is not already aware of and has already prepared everything I need to make it through as more than a conqueror. I love being His hands extended, His Word spoken, His Comforting arms enfolding; sharing Hope to a lost and hurting World; reflecting Jesus in me, the hope of glory!
So with "Each step I take, my Savior goes before me, and with His loving hand He leads the way; and with each breath I whisper, "I adore Thee", O' what joy to walk with Him each day. I trust in God, no matter come what may, For life eternal is in His hand; He holds the key that opens up the way,That will lead me to the promised land. Each step I take, I know that He will guide me, To higher ground, He ever leads me on; Until some day the last step will be taken; Each step I take, just leads me closer Home."
And as I go this morning, I'm "Walking in sunlight, all of my journey; Over the mountains, through the deep vale; Jesus has said, “I’ll never forsake thee,” Promise Divine That Never Can Fail. Heavenly sunlight, Heavenly sunlight, Flooding my soul with glory divine, Hallelujah, I am rejoicing, Singing His praises, Jesus is mine."
I pray you will allow joy to arise in your spirit as you realize you are never alone. Holy Spirit is within you, guiding you every step along your way. So have a wonderful Son-shiny day and may the glory of the Lord shine upon you; leading and guiding you along your way. Let's Be His hands extended, touching and blessing others along our way, and make this day the best it can be for His glory sake. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

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