Thursday, July 14, 2016


The sun is rising; a new day is dawning; all things are possible, to those who believe. We walk hand in hand, not knowing what the day holds; but fully trusting God's plan for each of our lives. This day holds new beginnings for each of us but rest assured, forever and always God's divine hand protects and guides along our way. 
Early this morning, I was reminded of a song my daughter, Tammie, loved to sing years ago after she was healed from a crippling disease that had ravished her body when she was only 8 yrs old; and after several days being in traction and in horrible pain at the slightest movement, we woke up one morning to her testifying to all those around her that Jesus visited her through the night and gave her complete healing; that she could walk now without any pain! As she told the very skeptical doctor she was healed and to take the traction off so she could walk, he voiced his doubts and expert reasoning; But she began to cry and told him if he would just take her out of traction, she would show him she could walk! Against his advice and dreading the pain he felt it would cause; because of her persistent tears he slowly removed the traction, little by little, while monitoring her expressions (which only left bigger smiles across her face) as she began to move her little body across the bed, without any pain; and as her feet finally touched the floor she began to laugh and shout, "I told you so, I told you so, Jesus healed me in the night!" Declaring the goodness of Jesus, she began to walk across the room, pain free, as everyone looked on in amazement at this little girl who had been in such horrible pain at the smallest movement, now walking and then running down the hallway, laughing and declaring that Jesus had healed her. And today as tears fall in remembrance, I know He will deliver her yet again from this horrible disease that has ravished her mind and body and set her free; totally free, once and for all; and we all shall sing and shout again, O' Victory in Jesus! 
"O' Victory in Jesus, my Savior forever; He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood! He loved me ere, I knew Him and all my love is due Him, He plunged me to Victory beneath the cleansing flood! I heard an old, old story How a Savior came from glory; How He gave His life on Calvary To save a wretch like me; I heard about His groaning Of His precious blood's atoning; Then I repented of my sins And won the victory! I heard about His healing; Of His cleansing power revealing; How He made the lame to walk again, And caused the blind to see; And then I cried, "Dear Jesus, Come and heal my broken spirit," And somehow Jesus came and brought To me the Victory! O' Victory in Jesus My Savior forever; He sought me and bought me With His redeeming blood; He loved me ere I knew Him And all my love is due Him, He plunged me to victory Beneath the cleansing flood! I heard about a mansion He has built for me in glory; And I heard about the streets of gold Beyond the crystal sea; About the angels singing And the old redemption story; And some sweet day I'll sing up there The song of Victory!" 
With determination and perseverance; we aim for the high calling in Christ Jesus, Who has already conquered; making us more than conquerors in ALL things! Overcoming darkness and evils of this world, Overcoming sickness and disease, we are more than conquerors because He Overcame and Victory is Won! Man may try to defeat us, But GOD!!! If He said it, IT IS SO! Now and Forevermore! "Greater is He that is within us than He that is in the World!" As He Overcame, So shall We! As He is Free, So are We! As He is Complete, So are We, nothing lacking! So with chosen conviction we walk day by day, one step at a time along God's pathway and in His divine will. We charge straight ahead to that sweet VICTORY in JESUS! "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He hath chosen for His inheritance"(Psalm 33:12). A family that prays together stays together and in all things, WE DECLARE AND MAGNIFY THE NAME OF JESUS! AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSEHOLD, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD! WORTHY IS THE LORD, AND GREATLY TO BE PRAISED! 

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