Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Strength of a Simple Rose

Good morning precious friends. Since ancient times, roses have symbolized God at work in whatever situation they would appear. The intricate and elegant rose offers a glimpse of a masterful Creator's active presence in creation. As this popular flower blossoms, its buds gradually open to reveal blossoms with lovely layers -- an illustration of how spiritual wisdom unfolds in people's lives. The strong, sweet scent of a rose brings to mind the powerful sweetness of divine Love, the essence of God. There is no greater strength than the love of God and no sweeter symbol than a simple Rose.
I find it's not surprising that many miracles and encounters with angels spoken of have involved roses during prayer, healings, and meditation. Roses are used in their vast variety of colors to symbolize different spiritual concepts; The White Rose, best known for Beauty, Holiness, and Sanctity; Red for Immortal Love, Sacrificial Love and Passion; Yellow for Joy, Wisdom, and Friendship; Pink for Peace, Innocence, and Gratitude; and the Purple best know for Wonder, Awe, and Amazement.
Just as each rose has its own unique beauty and quality, even so, we are much like a beautiful rose. Each of us designed by God's own hand, to bring beauty to His garden of life to inspire one another with our own special sweet smelling fragrance, all our own. Each of us, similar in design, yet uniquely designed by the Master's hand to express love, friendship, joy, hope, and bring beauty into someone else's life. One simple Rose can change the course of one's life; one rose at a time.

As you go through your day, remember that you have been uniquely and wonderfully designed. You are a beautiful Rose, Created by God above to be who you are, just as you are; and that no matter what may come your way, He is with you through it all, and will work all things out for your good.
Have a wonderfully blessed day. God loves you and so do I~~~

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