Saturday, July 23, 2016


    What's in a name? Where does it get its meaning? What's in a name that gives power to become whatever it says we are? From the very beginning of creation, names given represented how one was birthed and what they became. In this day and age, there isn't much emphasis regarding meanings given to the naming of a newborn; but still remains true that what we hear our self called by a given name, represents the character often gained. Just as words have a tendency to bless or demean another; Names can make one grow to be successful or to fail in life; depending on the way that name is used.  
    I am eternally grateful for One Name that characterizes that person, as well as brings hope and deliverance to others who use that Name. One Name that represents the Greatest Gift to mankind! One Name that Delivers Freedom from oppression and sets captives free! One Name that brings Eternal Life to a dying world. One Name that Cleanses Souls from all past, present, and future sins! One Name that Delivers Power beyond measure. One Name that Supplies Healing beyond measure and That Name is JESUS, Son of Almighty God. JESUS, who came to earth to redeem mankind and set free all who are sick and afflicted, in bondage and diseased!  JESUS, who after finishing ALL that was needed for our redemption, ascended back to Heaven where He sits at the right hand of The Father making intercession for us. JESUS gave us authority to use His Name over every sickness, over every disease, and over every demon on earth; and at the name of Jesus, every thing under heaven has to obey; soon and very soon every knee will bow and declare Him Lord!(Phil.2:10,11). 
    What a precious name, the name of JESUS!  Savior, Lord, Redeemer, Deliverer, Jesus! Who declares me "child of the most High God" recreated in Him; cleansed from all past and given power to use His name at any time, in any situation, to accomplish God's Will on this earth. As we lay every struggle of life at the feet of Jesus, He reaches out in His great Love and brings Peace like a river flooding throughout our soul. He does nothing small: His Love, His Forgiveness, His Power, His Peace, His Comfort, His Works; are all great and powerful beyond measure. His Word is Everlasting and His Truth Endures to all generations! We are seeing mighty moves of Holy Spirit as people are yielding to Him and lifting High the Holy name of JESUS!  All that we need, He is and All we will ever need, He is! Redeemer, Deliverer, Healer, Provider, Protector, Comforter, Teacher, and so much more. His name is God; "Immanuel, God with us" and There is Great and Mighty Power in the Name of JESUS!  
    There is no greater time than Now to be sharing the Name of JESUS... to our families, our friends, our neighbors, and to all who will listen!!! Why would we deny anyone the privilege of knowing Jesus? Why would anyone not want to be part of God's great plan of salvation; empowering them in all things, as partakers of JESUS and all His Holy Name Empowers! We have to share this glorious news with others. We cannot deny others the privilege of knowing our Lord Jesus!  People need the Lord! Truly they do; as Time is closer now than ever before for our Lord's return.
    Look around you; Do you have friends and neighbors who need Jesus? Please, Don't let them struggle through this world alone feeling hopeless. Reach out to them while there is still time. Stop lagging around thinking you have plenty time; Seriously??? No one knows the day or the hour they have left on earth and no one knows the day or hour Jesus will return for His believers; so let's get out there and share the name of JESUS to all who will listen. Let's be what the name Christian(follower of Jesus Christ) characterizes. Let's be a true follower and share the Name of JESUS to the lost, the hurting, and all in need. Let's lift HIGH the Name of JESUS to the world around us!
    Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~

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