Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Such a beautiful day... Loving the hint of cooler days around the corner as fall approaches and the leaves bring forth their innermost beauty in full display across the mountaintops. Always brings a smile to my face and intense joy to my heart; acts as a reminder of all God's beauty that surrounds us and the multitude of blessings God has granted me and my family throughout dry seasons. No matter the season, There is always something to be grateful for, if only we take time to look.
If you are down and depressed today, take a minute to really look around you and see all the wonders God has given just today. Think back on your past and look at where you were and where you are today- you didn't get here by accident. You may not be where you want to be but thank God, you're not where you were. Life is a process of time and if you look deep within, you will find blessings within your life that may surprise you. Our past makes us stronger and can shape us into a mighty witness of God's tender mercy and unconditional love, if only we see beyond our past and look forward to our future. God has a good plan for your life, so get excited about your future.
Get out of bed each morning, expecting to see as He sees. Look for the good in all that surrounds you. Choose to see beyond what is visible to the natural eye, and see the light of His glory ushering in a new day filled with fresh mercies as His hand reaches out to walk hand in hand with you throughout your day. And then Smile-go ahead, it's not painful- just smile; smile again as you begin to feel His love swelling up within and you enjoy all the beauty of your surroundings. Life is good... and God is Greater!
Enjoy the fullness of this day, dear friends, and be blessed as you bless others. God loves you and so do I~~~~

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