Friday, January 5, 2018

A Golden Life

This morning I awoke feeling so much better after a long battle with this flu going around and as I logged onto my computer I saw the date and realized it was my anniversary! WOW,50 yrs and then I saw where my daughter had wished me Happy Anniversary and it brought such a reality that God is so much more than we could ever realize! For way too many years after Larry's passing I grieved secretly and couldn't escape my despair and even tho I tried to "get on with life" this despair was binding and prevented me from enjoying the life I had and the many gifts God had given in the form of family and friends!
I was lost in a sea of despair until finally year and year until a couple years ago, I had a "come to Jesus talk" as we call it around our home when the air really needs to be cleared; and it was then that I was finally able to unload all my grief and cares as I cried in my Heavenly Fathers' lap as He listened patiently, tenderly comforting, and eventually delivered me from my past grief and sorrow,
I developed a divine relationship with God as He began to show me A New Way, A New Path and His Predestined Plan for my life, little by little, day by day. He only shared what was needed for that short time period as there was No need to worry about the past, nor the tomorrows, but just to rely on Him to show me the way I needed to walk one day at a time and all things would work together for my good; because He knew the plans He had for me and they were plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future with Holy Spirit working within me every step of the way! Jeremiah 29:11 became my verse as I realized the more I trusted Him, the more He wanted to show me; the more He wanted to provide and give me the desires of my heart!
As a mother, I desired that all my children would come to know Him and this new found divine relationship I was discovering day by day! But I knew this had to be a personal journey for each of us! Seeing the work God was performing within my family, one member at a time, the multitude of miracles He had performed, His Forever Faithfulness and Amazing Grace, began to fill my heart with a Joy beyond measure as I clung to the God of my Salvation in Christ Jesus, my Lord and Savior!
So Yes, today is Golden indeed! Golden in the Fact that no matter what life throws at me, God has it covered already in the palm of His hands and I am safely and securely engraved by the stripes ripping open Jesus' back, within the crown of thorns pierced upon His head, with the torture and cruelty He willingly endured so I could be Free from ALL Sins, ALL Depression, ALL Sickness, ALL Dis-Ease, and I know that Forevermore I am His and He is Mine throughout Eternity!
So throughout my life, I will continue to praise Him for His Loving Kindness and Amazing Grace and Abide Under The Shelter Of His Wings;Tucked in tightly, Safe and Secure! And To God Be ALL GLORY, HONOR, AND PRAISE!
I pray you have a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~

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